Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Jul 19, 2000


Well, here's chapter 7...I hope those of you who are reading this are enjoying it as much as I am. Please e-mail me with comments or suggestions.

This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of anyone or anything. It is fictitious, which means that it isn't real (unfortunately).

If you are underage, then you shouldn't be here, but there isn't much I can do about that :)


Mile High Meeting-Chapter 7

I was sitting on the couch, looking out the window when I was reminded of why Nick was staying at my condo tonight. It hadn't been hurting too badly, but I moved my leg the wrong way. I winced, but tried not to make a noise that would get Nick's attention. I assumed that he would try to convince me to see a doctor, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. I have never been terribly fond of doctors, and I didn't want them to have any more of my money than was absolutely necessary.

Nick returned a moment later with a drink, and apparently there was some alcohol in the refrigerator that he discovered. I wasn't going to argue, and I graciously took the glass from him. He also had a drink, and he sat it down on the table as he sat down next to me, putting his hand on my leg.

"Is there anything else I can get you, Cam?"

"I'm fine, Nick. Thank you. When is Brian coming over?" I asked.

"He should be here shortly. When he gets here, I am going to ask him to hang out with you while I go to the store to get something to eat."

"I don't need to be babysat, Nick. I really am fine," I said, sounding a bit exasperated.

"I'm sorry. I was just trying to help," Nick said, looking down.

I turned toward Nick, and placed my hand on his. "I know that. I didn't mean to sound that way toward you. I am just pissed off at myself for being so stupid. It has nothing to do with you."

Nick nodded, apparently accepting my apology. "I figured as much. I just don't like seeing you in pain...and don't think I didn't notice how much it hurt when you moved a minute ago."

I smiled, and shook my head. He was more observant than I gave him credit for. I would have to remember that for future occasions. I turned my torso so I was facing forward again, resting my head on Nick's shoulder. After a few minutes, I decided to lie down, and I swung my legs over onto the other side of the couch, putting my head down on Nick's lap. I looked up at him to see him smiling at me. I returned the gesture, and then closed my eyes. He began running his fingers through my hair. It was very soothing, and soon I was asleep.

I awoke as Nick was trying to place a pillow under my head as he was getting up. I didn't know why he was leaving until I heard him open the door. I immediately sat up to see Brian looking over at me.

"Is Nick abusing you already?" Brian asked with a laugh, pointing to my ankle.

"Yeah. He's a lot tougher than he looks. Of course, that's not saying much."

"Excuse me?" Nick said. "Who carried you up two flights of stairs a while ago?"

"Oh yeah, it was that one guy. Man, he was hot. I would have asked him in, but I didn't want to upset Nick too much," I said as Brian laughed.

"Oh, this is just great. Poor Nick is getting ganged up on again," Nick said, pretending to pout.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Brian asked, grinning.

"Very funny," Nick said.

"Aw, I'm just kidding Nicky. You know we love you," Brian said as he put his arm around Nick's shoulder. "If we didn't care, we wouldn't bother to give you a hard time."

"I suppose that's true. So, did you bring my suitcase like I asked?"

"Yep. It's sitting out in the hallway," Brian answered as he walked out to pick it up. "Here you go."

"Thanks," Nick said as he picked up the suitcase, not knowing where to put it. He put it near the hallway to the bedrooms, and then walked back over to Brian.

"Bri, could you stay here with Cam for a little while so I can go to the store to pick up some food for dinner?"

"Sure. I have nothing else to do, and I would like to get to know Cameron a bit better. You can take the rental car if you want to," Brian said, offering Nick the keys.

"You can take the Navigator if you want, Nick," I mentioned. "I won't be going anywhere tonight."

"I think I'd rather take the Navigator, but thanks anyway Bri," Nick said as he picked the keys up off the table. "I will be back shortly," he said as he walked over to me, kissing me briefly. "Be good."

"Yes, sir," I replied as I saluted him.

Nick just shook his head, and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

"Thanks for spoiling him, Cam. Now he will think he is too good to drive the rental car," Brian joked.

I just smiled, and motioned for Brian to sit down. He came over to the chair and sat as I reached for the remote to turn on the big screen. "Let's see what's happening in the world of sports today," I said as I flipped through the channels until I found a baseball game.

"This okay with you?" I asked.

"Of course. I wouldn't want to deny you the chance to see your team, since you plan on being in the booth someday calling these games," Brian said with a smile.

"You remembered that? I am impressed."

"Of course I remembered. I always remember what my friends tell me," Brian responded, looking at me.

"That means a lot to me, Brian."

"Well, you mean a lot to Nick, and you are fun to be around, so what's not to like?"

"I'm sure I could think of something," I joked.

"So could everyone on the planet. No one's perfect."

We sat and talked for quite a while, and I finally got up the nerve to ask Brian something that I had been wondering about for a while.

"Brian, you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I want to know how you took the news about Nick being gay," I said, hoping that I hadn't overstepped my bounds.

He just looked at me for a moment before answering. "I'll be honest. It was very difficult. It went against everything that I have been taught about what is right and wrong. However, I realized that Nick had been taught the same things, and I knew how hard it was for him to deal with it every day of his life. He told me that he wished every day that he wasn't gay, but that he couldn't do anything about it. Although it still took some getting used to, I couldn't hate Nick for something that he couldn't help.

"I love Nick, and the other guys do too. I was a bit shocked when no one in the group was upset, but I was also very happy that everyone accepted it so easily. How about you? How did everyone take the news from you?"

"Some better than others. Most of my family didn't get too upset, mainly because they know I wouldn't have told them if I wasn't absolutely sure that I was gay. I battled with it for years, and just couldn't hide it anymore. My parents knew that I had been struggling with something for a long time, so they weren't all that surprised. I told them that I had tried everything I could think of to not be gay, but I couldn't change the way I felt.

"They knew that there was nothing they could do to change things, and they realized that loving me was more important to them than my sexual orientation. Of course, some other family members were not so understanding, but we just don't talk about it much."

Brian nodded and smiled at me. I felt surprisingly comfortable talking to him too, more comfortable than I felt around most people. Perhaps it just felt good getting everything out in the open right away, so there weren't any misunderstandings. My friends always thought of me in a certain way, and it was difficult for them when they found out that I wasn't straight. I was lucky though; coming out was a relatively painless experience for me, unlike so many that go through the ordeal.

We talked about sports for a while, watching the game intermittently, and Nick arrived a short while later with some bags filled with various food items.

"Did you buy out the store?" Brian asked, rushing over to help Nick sit everything down.

"Just about. They don't exactly have any large supermarkets around here, but I managed to find a few things," Nick said, still out of breath.

I was impressed that Nick seemed to be so responsible. It certainly didn't fit with all the things I had heard about him. Of course, he had grown up since I started following the group, and he certainly was acting quite mature.

Nick asked me how I was doing, and I told him that I was doing okay. He told me that he had bought some steak since he saw that there was a grill on the deck. I told him that that sounded good, and he went out there to start the grill. I really wanted to help out with dinner, but my ankle was telling me otherwise, so I was forced to just sit and watch.

I could tell that Brian was feeling a bit uncomfortable around us, and although Nick asked him to stay for dinner, he said that he didn't want to.

"Brian, you are certainly welcome to stay for dinner. I would like the chance to talk with you some more," I said to him, as he started for the front door.

"I appreciate that Cam, but I am tired, so I think I am just going to go back to the condo. Thanks anyway, though."

He walked closer to the door, but I motioned for him to come over to me. When he got close, I reached up and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for everything," I said to him.

"Just take good care of Nick," Brian responded, smiling as he stood back up.

"I will," I said. "See you soon!"

"Looking forward to it." Brian then went out on the deck to tell Nick he was leaving. I could see them talking from the window, and Nick was nodding as Brian was telling him something. He then gave Nick a quick hug before leaving. He said goodbye one more time to me as he closed the door behind him.

After another minute, I started to get restless, so I stood up to head to my room. I wanted to get more comfortable, so I decided to change. Walking was difficult, but I managed to get into my room when Nick noticed what I was doing. He ran inside, and over to me to help me sit down on my bed.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked.

"I just came in here to find something more comfortable to put on."

"Oh. Well, you could have asked for help getting in here."

"I know that, but I don't like asking for help. I like to do things on my own."

"In other words, you're too damn stubborn to ask for help."

"Something like that," I said, laughing.

I reached over from my bed to the dresser, finding a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, pulling them out, and sitting them on the bed next to me.

"Do you need some help changing, Cam?" Nick asked.

"I don't think so, but we'll see." I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off. Nick wasn't too sure what to do. I know that he wanted to look, but at the same time, he wanted to respect my privacy. I put the other shirt on while still sitting, and then I reached down to my belt, unfastening it. Nick decided to go back onto the deck to check on the food as I stood up, unbuttoning my shorts, and letting them fall. I then grabbed the other shorts, sitting back down to pull them on. I saw that Nick had been watching, but he was trying not to look too obvious. I wasn't going to let him know that I saw him, so I just started back toward the kitchen to see if there was anything I could do to get things ready to eat.

Nick came back in a moment later, and all but ordered me to sit back down. I wasn't in a position to argue, so I sat back down. I got engrossed in the game on TV, and soon Nick was telling me that dinner was ready. I didn't realize that I had been watching that long, and when I looked over at the table I noticed that he had everything ready. I headed for the table just as Nick set two candles on the table, lighting them with a match.

"This is wonderful, Nick," I said as I walked behind him, putting my arms around him. I could feel his abs as my hands reached around to his stomach. I put my chin on his shoulder, and thanked him for everything.

"Don't thank me until you've tasted it," Nick said with a smile.

He helped me over to the table, and pulled out the chair for me. I sat down, and soon we started eating. I discovered that Nick was quite the cook as well, as everything tasted quite good.

"Wow. This is really good. I didn't know that you could cook."

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me," he said, raising his eyebrows.

"I am looking forward to finding some of those things out," I said, causing Nick to smile.

We talked quite a bit over dinner, and Nick jumped up to clear the table when we were both finished. I tried to help, but he wouldn't allow it, and soon he had cleaned everything up.

I got up, and walked (limped) toward the kitchen. I went over to him, and before he had a chance to say anything, I pulled him into a kiss. We kissed for a few minutes before we broke apart.

"You're welcome," Nick said.

I smiled, glad that he understood what I was kissing him for.

"What would you like to do now?" Nick asked.

"I don't you like getting wet?"

Nick looked a bit shocked, so I pointed toward the Jacuzzi. "I think the Jacuzzi would feel really good on my ankle, and you would feel good on the rest of me."

"Sounds good. We would need to change, though." I nodded, and he helped me walk into my room. He then went back out to the living room to get his suitcase, carrying it into the other bedroom.

I closed the door to my room, and found something to put on, stripping down before putting the shorts on. I grabbed a towel from the bathroom, and went out to the living room, turning on the jets before I climbed the steps to get in. Nick walked out a minute later, and his body mesmerized me as he approached. I stared at him as he got into the hot tub, sitting next to me.

"This feels nice," he said.

"Oh, yeah. Very nice," was all I could say.

"Is this helping your ankle any?" Nick asked.

"A little. It is still quite sore, though."

As if on cue, Nick reached for my leg, pulling it up onto his lap. He then reached down to my ankle, massaging it gently.

"Does this feel better?"

"Mmmm..." was all I could seem to get out.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said. He rubbed on my ankle for a few more moments before he started to move up my leg. He moved up around the knee, and above it before stopping. He gently put my leg back down, and then got down onto his knees in front of me. He leaned in to me, and our lips touched. My mouth opened slightly, and his tongue found its way inside my mouth.

We began to kiss more passionately, and he came closer to me, until his chest was up against mine and I could feel his hard nipples as they brushed against mine. I put my arms around him, trying to pull him even closer. When there was no more room between us, I reached up to put my hand on his neck before running my hand through his hair, getting it wet.

We made out for a while longer, and then Nick's lips began downward, from my chin toward my neck. He ran his tongue down my neck, stopping at my Adams apple, sucking on it, causing me to moan slightly. He then began kissing my neck gently as he approached my right ear. He nibbled on my earlobe for a moment before resting his head on my shoulder, his mouth still touching my neck.

Nick stayed in that position for a moment, with me running my hands across his back. He then lifted his head up, backing up so he could look me right in the eyes as he spoke.

"I think I am falling in love with you," he said, his eyes starting to water up.

I looked at him for a moment, and he looked very vulnerable. I think he may have regretted saying it, but I certainly was glad that he did.

"You too, eh?" I said, as a smile began spreading across his face.

"Do you mean?"

"Yeah, Nick. I think I am falling in love with you too," I said, not breaking eye contact.

He closed his eyes and sighed, obviously relieved that he wasn't the only one who felt that way. I smiled, and sat up to kiss him, before pulling him into a hug. It felt so good to have him in my arms, and I didn't want to let go. However, my ankle started bothering me, and the jets on the hot tub turned off, so I took that as a cue.

"We should probably get out of here. We don't want to shrivel up," I said.

"No, we definitely don't want that," Nick said, laughing.

Nick helped me out of the Jacuzzi, and wrapped a towel around me as we headed for the bedrooms. He led me to my bedroom, and then went down the hall to his to change back into warm clothes.

I went into my bathroom, removing my bathing suit and toweling off. I left the towel in there, and went back out to find some clothes. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before walking back out into the kitchen to get a drink. Just then, Nick walked out wearing some lounge pants and a Broncos t-shirt.

"You've got good taste," I said, putting my hand on his chest.

"I thought you might like this," he said, smiling. "I bought it tonight when I was out."

Nick was also apparently thirsty, as he also got a drink of water.

"Well, I am pretty tired," I said as I filled up my glass again. "I think I am going to go to bed now."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. You need to get that ankle elevated."

I started for my bedroom, Nick following me. He turned off all the lights, and made sure I made it into my bedroom. Once I sat down on the bed, he started to leave for his room.

"Nick?" I said to get his attention.

"Yeah?" Nick said, turning around.

"Would you stay in here with me?" I asked. Nick smiled.

"Are you sure you want me to?"

"I'm quite sure. We're just going to be sleeping," I responded.

"I'd love to," was his answer.

Nick then closed the door to the bedroom, and then he walked over to the other side of the bed. I removed my shirt, and stood up to pull back the covers. Nick then took off his shirt, and pulled down his lounge pants to reveal a pair of black boxer-briefs. I had to use every ounce of self-control not to jump him right there, but I held back. We both laid down at the same time, and Nick moved on top of me, kissing me gently. He then rolled off to my right, placing his head on my chest as I put my arm around him.

With my free hand, I pulled the blanket over us, and I turned out the light on the nightstand. I then kissed him on the top of his head.

"I love you, Nick."

"I love you too, Cam."

I smiled as I closed my eyes. It felt so right having Nick next to me, and I knew that I wanted him next to me from now on. I knew that we wouldn't always be able to be together, but I didn't want to think about that. I wanted to stay awake all night so I could feel and watch Nick, but I was quite tired, and I fell asleep shortly thereafter.

That's it for chapter 7...this one was more difficult to write, so I hope it made sense...please let me know what you think! (

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 8

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