Milo and Other Grains

By Ben Joseph

Published on Mar 11, 2011


All disclaimers apply: If you shouldn't be reading this go ahead and do yourself a favor and don't.

A big thank you for all those that wanted this story to be written, feel free to contact.

Milo and Other Grains Chapter 5

As soon as I get to work I rush to the bathroom and scrub the whiskers off of my face. Its Friday, one more day I tell myself, then the weekend and hanging out with Glen on Saturday. I feel weird, I slowly stock the cereal aisle and wonder if Glen really is gay. He is so hot and if that rumor Stacy told me is true things could get a little interesting. And then I wonder what Atticus is up to, I love fucking around with him, what we did last night keeps playing through my mind. The feeling of him on top of me slowly grinding into me. The way he looked at me is making me blush right now, I'm starting to get hard.

"Hey Milo," Stacy states while standing behind me.

"Hey what's up?" I respond.

"Do you want to go outside, Rick is gone."

"Okay, I'll be out in a second." Stacy walks away and I try to will my blood flow so as not to make an ass out of myself. My body finally cooperates and I join Tim and Stacy outside by the loading dock. Stacy is pissed, she is yelling like crazy.

"Fucking Rick thinks that all us little peons are going to continue to work for minimum wage because we can't get any other jobs, well I say fuck you Rick. This store doesn't own me and guess what I know about my protected rights, I have the freedom of assembly, and I know about my right to form a union and all I need is a few volunteers, a couple brave workers who will stand in solidarity against oppression."

Tim rushes up and gets on one knee, "I volunteer to fight oppression, send me."

Stacy laughs, "get up and stop being dramatic."

Tim looks shocked, "me dramatic, you just went on a socialist rant for five minutes."

"Oh come on, this isn't radical, this is basic collective bargaining, or doesn't anyone have the balls for shaking up the system."

Crystal another cashier steps up to Stacy, "You know what, Stacy, gimme that shit, I'll sign it. I don't give a fuck about this job and this job doesn't give a fuck about me. I'm pregnant, again, and if I don't get medical insurance in six months I'm having a home birth."

"Thank you Crystal, thank you Crystal, finally someone is willing to step up."

I look around and sigh, "Alright, I'll sign up for this shit, might as well do something subversive in my lifetime."

Stacy is jumping around cheering, "finally, I've talked some sense into you guys."

Crystal laughs, "or maybe it's because you've been bugging us about this for the past five months."

"Well whatever the reason I don't care, I finally get to do something productive." Stacy is giving us this huge smile nodding at us with approval.

Work passes slowly and I get a text from Atticus asking me what I'm doing tonight. We decide to meet up after work and I'm hoping he shows up on time tonight. Instead he is ten minutes late but I guess I can't complain, at least he is improving.

I jump in the cab of the truck and Atticus greets me. "Hey Milo, how was work?"

"It was fine," I state smiling. "A lot better now," I lean in to kiss Atticus.

"What the fuck Milo!" Atticus shouts while pushing me hard into the door. My head hits a sharp metal object. And Atticus peels out of the parking lot and begins racing out of town.

"Fuck you Atticus!" I respond. "Fucking let me out of this truck!" I feel the back of my head and find warm blood matting my hair and it slowly begins to trickle down to my neck. "You fucking asshole!"

"Sorry, Milo, I didn't mean to do that, it was a reflex." He hands me some tissues out of the glove box and I grab them dramatically, trying to make some kind of point.

"Oh really, it seems like you meant to do it to me, I don't think that was just a reflex,"

"It's just that if someone saw me. . . with you . . . it just wouldn't be good"

Atticus continues to drive out to the country. "Well then why the fuck did you start hanging out with me in the first place if you didn't want to be seen with me." He slams on the brakes.

"Because I love you Milo!"

"Well that is sure an odd way to show it Atticus." I don't know what to think right now, My bleeding seems to have stopped. He puts the truck in park and looks at me and he starts to cry. I tell him, "Atticus stop, this is just ridiculous," he continues crying, "Atticus, stop before I don't have any respect left for you." This is completely psychotic. Is he bipolar? I did not sign on for this. Atticus gathers himself some and looks at me with red swollen eyes.

"I'm so sorry Milo, I would never hurt you on purpose." He pulls off the road near a soybean field. "Come here Milo," He shifts closer to me and I sort of flinch reflexively. "Come on, don't be like that, let me take a look at it."

"No thanks, but you could take me home right now." I look at him with a cold stare.

"Milo, just calm down." Atticus grabs me by my wrist. "Come on now," Atticus leans forward and presses his lips hard against mine, "see, I still like you." I really don't know what to think, what is he planning on accomplishing out here, I'm thinking about what I should do next, should I go along with this, should I run. Atticus takes his shirt off. "Come on Milo, I'm sorry really, I can make this better,"

I wish I could tell you that I said to Atticus, "How about you fucking take me home right now, and I promise not to tell my shotgun wielding grandpa about what you just did to me, because he really wouldn't take kindly to what you just did." But I didn't. I'm young and stupid and the pain in my head was dulled by the look in his eyes, he looked like he was sorry, and fuck, he looked so hot.

Atticus lifts the shirt off of me. "See, I'm not so bad," he states with this mischievous grin that creeps me out. He starts kissing my neck and down my chest and then back to my lips and forehead. I just sit there, my breathing increases and my heart pumps with more pressure in my chest. I can feel myself getting an erection. His hands grab me hard, he squeezes my arms and chest and begins licking me and then he rests his tongue at my nipple swirling it and then lightly biting. I gasp a little and Atticus chuckles. "If you liked that just wait for what's next." He unbuckles my jeans and grabs both sides of my waist and first pulls me forwards and then strips me causing my spring loaded dick to slap him in the face. I laugh to myself. Atticus takes my cock in his hand lightly jerking it. His tongue finds my testicles and they immediately retreat from him and I again gasp at the new sensation. I relax and he begins licking me more now finding the base of my dick, his hand leaves and is replaced by his tongue licking the shaft. I hold my breath in anticipation of him finding my head. Then bliss, He twirls his tongue around my head before taking it into his mouth. I take my right hand and slowly hold his head and with my left hand I begin to hold his hair away from his face, giving me a better view of my first blowjob. He begins bobbing his mouth on me in earnest and I'm loving it. He applies just the right amount of suction and just the right amount of tongue action each time my head almost slips out of his mouth. I'm surprised I am lasting this long. My hips start to thrust on their own accord and I increase my pace while moaning uncontrollably.

"Oh . . .fuck Atticus, keep going, I'm almost there." I am panting and thrusting harder. Atticus keeps working, stopping every so often to take my dick out of his mouth and gently lick my head. He keeps on repeating this action, bobbing then licking, he can take about half of me and it feels so good. He takes me into his mouth and we are both trying to get my dick in and out of his mouth faster and faster. I am past the point of no return. "Atticus, I'm coming," He doubles his speed and my legs start to get shaky, "now Atticus, I'm coming," I guess I just assumed he would pull off me but he keeps going. "Fuck! Here it is," I begin shooting and shooting, I have never came this much, Atticus tries to take all of it but a lot escapes his mouth with my fifth and sixth shot. He jumps up and I meet his stare, his face is flush and my cum is dripping down his neck. I kiss him and taste my saltiness. He then hugs me tight, "Milo, I love you." I don't respond with words, instead I just tighten my grip. I really don't think I'm in love with Atticus, maybe in lust but not love, especially after his outburst. I guide Atticus to sit back and I fumble with his jeans. I finally unbuckle them and pull them down. I try to repeat what Atticus had done earlier, I begin to lick and kiss up and down his muscles kissing each of his abs and then finding his uncut dick. This is my first time sucking a cock but I used to practice on various vegetables when I was younger so I think I will be alright. I pull back his foreskin and lick his head and he shutters, I lick down his shaft to his nuts and detect the slightest musk and soapy smell. I continue up to his head again and take his organ as deep as I can go, at first it is only half way down and then three quarters, after awhile my practice pays off as I feel his dick slide into my throat. Without any warning Atticus cums. I only went down on him for thirty seconds. I feel him pulse in my throat and then I slowly retract tasting his last spurts. Atticus' face is pale white like he just saw a ghost and he is apologizing for cumming without any kind of warning. "Milo, I'm sorry, I just didn't know you could do that, that was amazing, you were like a professional, what the fuck man, where did you learn how to do that."

"Well it didn't seem like that was your first time sucking cock either." I respond laughing. I don't know why I answered that to make him think it wasn't my first time but I am feeling vulnerable and I want to have the upper hand for now on.

Atticus looks to me and states, "I'm sorry I came so soon, but I couldn't help it, it felt amazing, like really, really amazing." At first I think he might be bullshitting me but he looks sincere.

"Well I should be getting back to my house I have to help Grandpa in the morning."

"Yeah sure," He states. Atticus drives me home and when we pull into the drive I reach for the door. Atticus grabs me and kisses me deeply. "Milo, I've been thinking, we need to get together more often."

I laugh, "were you thinking about that before or after I blew you,"

He laughs, "hey come on, you know I like you, I can't stand being away from you." I really don't entirely believe him but it feels great to hear. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Just a couple of chores in the morning but I'm hanging out with Glen all tomorrow,"

"What, really, Glen." Atticus is shocked and looks a little pissed. "You don't want to hang out with him, he is a total loser, you want to hang out with me Milo." He states that last part while flexing his bicep like a jackass.

"Shut up Atticus, Glen is nice and he is my co-worker, and I promised him I'd hang out tomorrow." I kiss him and state. "How about Sunday."

"I guess I can wait that long." He states a little dejectedly. I smile and feel giddy at the fact that someone wants to be with me. I go inside and its only after I lay in my bed that I review what has happened tonight. I begin to realize that Atticus is not so perfect after all. In fact he might be the worst thing for me and yet I have this intense attraction that seems to trump all of it. I can't fall asleep, Atticus fucking hit me pretty much. I was bleeding yet I just gave into him. I begin to get angry, not so much at Atticus but more at myself. For a brief moment I think that it wasn't a good idea to kiss him like that, but fuck that, there was no one else around, besides he really pushed me. I can't believe that I didn't just jump out of that truck. What am I? I think of my mom and how pissed she would be if she knew what just happened, what I did with Atticus after he made me bleed.

When I told her I was gay her reaction was unexpected, I always thought she would be okay with it, especially having Cindy as a sister and all, but I remember she made an odd comment. She sighed and said, great, now you have to deal with men in relationships too, I thought you'd be lucky enough to dodge that bullet. She kissed my forehead and looked me in the eyes and said never let them get too close darling. Then she laughed and hugged me and took me out for ice cream. I thought she said it because she had just gotten out of a yearlong fling but now I think I am beginning to understand that comment.

What's wrong with me? I thought with my dick and I made an ass out of myself. If Atticus feels like he can shove me around now I am pretty sure it will continue on in one form or another for the rest of whatever relationship we seem to be heading into. But the most fucked up thing is that when I think of him sucking my dick I start to get so hard and I can't help it. I think of him licking me and me licking him and in a rush I bring myself to an orgasm. After I cum my mind starts to clear and I begin to feel guilty and fucked up like I have no control over myself.

Hope you enjoyed, more to come.

Next: Chapter 6

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