
By Brad Wiley

Published on May 18, 2004


Mitch sighed and found a seat in the back of the classroom. Being the new kid in town wasn't a new concept for him, and he knew what to expect. At least he thought he did. He was mildly surprised to see a boy gazing at him as he walked closer. Mitch tried to blend into the chair, away from the boy.

"Hey, you're new here, aren't you?" the boy asked. Mitch just nodded. The boy held out a hand and continued. "I'm Ryan Chase, and you are...?"

"Mitch Russell." He replied, gripping the offered hand briefly.

"Nice to meet you, Mitch. Mind if I sit back here with you? I normally sleep through this class."

Mitch shrugged and motioned toward the empty seat. He caught himself staring at Ryan, blushed, and turned away. Ryan seemed not to notice, so Mitch quickly relaxed. Fighting the urge and losing, Mitch watched Ryan from the corner of his eye.

Ryan had light blond hair, cut in a bowl style. His eyes were the color of a bright, cloudless day. His nose sloped gently, then rounded off at the end. Mitch realized that the longer he stared at Ryan, the hornier he was getting. Mitch was startled out of his thoughts when Ryan leaned over to him.

"Dude, I'm not on the quiz today. That's not until tomorrow." Ryan grinned as Mitch turned several shades of red.

Mitch felt the tears well up and tried desperately to prevent them from flowing. Having very little luck, he whispered, "I'm sorry. Please don't hate me." Then he stood and ran from the room just as the bell rang. He ran down the long hall, not caring where he was going.

Mitch heard his name being called, but he didn't stop. He tried to round a corner, but his shoes slid, and he crashed to the floor. As he tried to heave himself up, he heard footsteps running his way. Like a mouse being chased by a cat, he looked around quickly and darted through the first door he saw.

Only when he was in the room did he realize his mistake. She looked up at him in surprise, then anger. Just as she opened her mouth to scream, her face turned puzzled. The boy who just burst in looked funny. Seconds later, she realized why.

Mitch heaved and the breakfast his mother made ended up on the floor. When he was done, he felt arms gently encircle him and draw him backwards. Out in the hallway again, the arms maneuvered him to the ground, all while he kept his eyes closed. He opened them and groaned.

Ryan was standing a few feet away, concern clearly plastering his face. He glanced behind Mitch as the girl returned. She knelt and dabbed a moist towel around his forehead and face. Mitch managed a weak smile at her, then looked over at Ryan.

"Go ahead, I'm down. You get one free shot, though." Mitch said.

The girl looked up at Ryan. "What's he talking about, Ry?" She asked.

"I haven't the foggiest." he replied. He looked down at Mitch. "What are you jabbering about?"

"Everyone knows the new kid is fair game." Mitch answered. "Only this time, the new kid fights back."

"Jan, did he hit his head in there?" Ryan asked the girl.

"Not that I saw. I'll go find the janitor. This boy is in your class, isn't he?"

Ryan nodded, and Jan walked away. Ryan stared at Mitch for another moment, then offered his hand. Mitch looked confused, then grabbed Ryan's hand and let Ryan help him up. Once on his feet, he took a step back, and felt even more confused when Ryan frowned.

"Look, man, I don't know anything about you, but things are definitely different here compared to where you are from." Ryan said. "Here, nobody is an outsider, and everyone helps everyone else. Now let's get back to class before Mrs. Cody misses you."

Mitch gazed at Ryan for another moment, then smiled. He and Ryan returned to the classroom amid snickers. Mrs. Cody glared at the boys and called them to the front. They glanced at each other, and their smiles got bigger.

"Would either of you mind telling me where the emergency was?" Mrs. Cody began.

"I followed Mitch when he ran into the girl's bathroom." Ryan said with a shrug.

"Have you calmed your hormones, then?"

Mitch glared at the elderly woman before speaking. "Forgive me for being new, nervous, and unfamiliar with the halls, fraulein."

Mrs. Cody gasped indignantly. "For that remark, you get detention."

"But Mrs. Cody..." Ryan began.

"Zip it, Chase, or you will join him." Ryan opened his mouth, but she beat him to the punch. "Detention!"

Suddenly, loud clicks filled the air. Mitch looked around Mrs. Cody to see a pen-sized device in all the student's hands. He looked over to see Ryan holding a similar device. It could easily be mistaken for an ink pen if not for the blinking red light on one end.

Mitch noticed that Ryan and the other students had a furious, yet determined look. Nobody moved or said a word until the classroom door burst open. Three men entered, all wearing floor-length black robes. Hoods covered their heads so that their faces were hidden.

One man stepped toward Mitch and Ryan and lowered his hood. "Please take your seats and we will begin." The man said.

Ryan pulled Mitch to the back row and both boys sat quietly. The other two men stood on opposite sides of the room, keeping their hoods raised. A full minute passed silently. Finally, the man who lowered his hood spoke.

"Student complaint has been announced. This hearing shall begin and be recorded. Student 3C will stand and recount the events leading to this conjuration."

A girl sitting two seats in front of Mitch stood and cleared her throat. "Student 3C, Rebekah Polder. Students 5C and 5D were quietly talking before order bell. Student 5C stood and ran from the room as order bell rang. Student 5D followed. Several minutes later, both students returned. Mrs. Cody called those students to the front.

"After insulting the students with sexual innuendos, Mrs. Cody refused to hear an explanation and charged Student 5C with detention. Student 5D tried to defend Student 5C, but got charged with detention as well."

Rebekah made a slight bow to the man, then returned to her seat. Mitch noticed that the teacher looked a little pale. He was still trying to figure out what exactly was happening when Ryan nudged him. He looked over and Ryan mouthed, "Stand up."

Mitch realized that he had been called and shot to his feet. Trying to remember what Rebekah had called him, he spoke. "Student 5C, Mitch Russell. Please forgive my hesitation, I am a new student."

The man looked surprised, then glared at Mrs. Cody. "Leniency granted. Please just tell us your opinion of the events."

Mitch took a deep breath. "I am never comfortable with being a new student, and it always makes me extremely nervous. I was trying to overcome that by talking with Ry- Student 5D. I was unsuccessful, and my nerves got the better of me.

"I felt I was going to get sick, so I ran from the room to find the bathroom. Apparently, I had stumbled into a girl's bathroom. Student 5D had followed me, made certain I was well, then escorted me back to this class. Mrs. Cody called the two of us up front and asked us what the trouble was.

"Student 5D replied that I hadn't been feeling well. When it was mentioned that I stumbled into the girl's bathroom, Mrs. Cody suggested that Student 5D and I had calmed our hormones. I admit sassing in a return reply, but tried to explain that I am new and don't know my way around the school.

"Mrs. Cody ...charged me with detention, which I would not have argued with. Student 5D attempted to defend me and received detention as well." Mitch slowly sat in his seat, still not sure what was happening.

The man paused a moment before speaking. "Student 5D, do you have anything to add or subtract?"

Ryan stood and said, "Student 5D, Ryan Chase. No, your honor."

"Mrs. Cody, what is your defense?"

"I gave Student 5C the detention because I deserve more respect." She replied in a small voice.

"Agreed." said the judge. "But is it true that Student 5C attempted to explain that he is new here?"

"I don't recall hearing anything like that."

"Judgment call. Students, did Student 5C mention he is new?"

One by one, each of the students held up their device and clicked once. After Ryan clicked, he handed his device to Mitch. In his nervousness, he clicked the device twice. He looked over to see Ryan's face contorted, trying to hold back a laugh.

After all students had clicked, the judge spoke again. "Student 5C, please stand." He waited until Mitch stood to continue. "Even though you are new here, you obviously learn quickly. After these proceedings, please report to the princepal's office." He motioned for Mitch to sit, then turned to Mrs. Cody.

"By lenient unanimous vote, you have been caught in a lie. Do you have any more evidence to present?" Mrs. Cody just hung her head silently.

"Let it be now that Students 5C and 5D are released of detention. Sub-teacher Griffen will arrive shortly to continue class. Council adjourned." With that, he replaced his hood and stood. He and the other two men silently exited, and Mitch stood to follow.

Before he could move, the judge returned. "Ryan, please escort Mitch to my office."

Ryan and Mitch left the room quietly, neither speaking as Ryan led Mitch to the princepal's office. Mitch was surprised when Ryan gave him a hug, then turned and walked away. Mitch took a deep breath and opened the door. He was surprised again when he saw that the princepal was the judge.

"Ah, Mitch. Please, have a seat." Mitch closed the door and sat in front of the princepal's desk. He noticed the nameplate instantly. He sat staring at the man patiently. He didn't have long to wait, though. Mr. Winters grinned before speaking.

"Welcome to Miller Middle, Mitch. I apologize for your first day here, though. I want you to know that this is highly irregular."

"Sir, I have just one question."

"Only one?" Mr. Winters asked with a twinkle in his eye.

Mitch blushed, but continued. "What just happened?"

"Simply put, that was Student Council. As you hopefully have noticed, I am the judge. The jury consists of witnesses to the event. You would be surprised at just how well this works out for everyone."

"What are those clicky things?"

"They are the Council Collectors. I can only assume you realize what they are used for." Mr. Winters winked at Mitch.

"Well, I can think of two things. One to call the council, and another to answer questions."

"That is the basics, yes. Here, read this handbook. It explains everything you need to know about this system." Mr. Winters passed Mitch a small booklet. Mitch started to open it, then changed his mind and looked at Mr. Winters.

"Manners, I like that." Mr. Winters said, beaming. "Your parents must be very proud of you, son."

"You have no idea, sir."

"I look forward to learning. In the meantime, here is your CC pen, and you should get back to class."

Mitch wandered the halls, trying to remember where his class was. Soon enough, he found it. Walking in, he saw Ryan fidgeting. When he sat down next to him, Ryan looked up and smiled. The rest of the class passed uneventfully.

When the bell rang to change classes, Ryan grabbed Mitch's hand and dragged him into the hall. Finding a relatively safe spot, Ryan turned to Mitch with hands on hips. Mitch just stared back, wondering what he should do.

"Well?" Ryan asked. "What happened?"

Mitch grinned. "Are you always this pushy?"

"Only to my friends, and especially the ones I really like." Ryan blushed as he realized what he just said. Mitch seemed not to notice, though.

"Mr. Winters welcomed me to this school and made sure I understood the basics of what happened in class. No big. I have to read the handbook, though."

"Ah, well what class do you have next?"

Mitch rummaged through his backpack and pulled out his schedule. "This says I have study hall this period."

"Perfect!" Ryan nearly shouted. Then in a normal voice, "I have Hall this period, too. Follow me, and keep up."

Mitch followed Ryan through the crowds. As they rounded one corner, a student pushed a cart of TVs past them. Turning the corner, the top-heavy cart started to tip. Mitch turned to see a TV falling straight toward him.

"Hyperactive." Mitch mumbled. In the blink of an eye, Mitch took two steps backward, then jumped as the TV landed on the ground. Glass and plastic exploded outward, passing mere inches below Mitch's feet. When he landed, he noticed Ryan was staring hard.

"Disengage." Mitch mumbled, then spoke to Ryan. "Close call, no?"

"Something like that." Ryan stated. Still staring at Mitch, he led the boy to study hall. Once they were seated, Ryan turned to Mitch.

"Ok, so what was that all about?"

"What was what all about?"

"You know what I mean. Hyperactive."

Keep in mind this is only my second time writing publicly. That said, let me know how I'm doing. Comments and suggestions widely accepted, especially in these early chapters. Flames will be read, but not necessarily heeded. ;-)

Next: Chapter 2

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