
By Brad Wiley

Published on May 24, 2004


Thanks to my personal proofreader for catching my mistakes. Whatever would I do without you, TR?

Mitch was spared answering the question by three tones ringing from the classroom speaker. Then the principal's voice was heard. "All students will attend assembly after second period. Repeat, all students will attend assembly after second period. Carry on."

Ryan sighed and sat back in his seat. "Great, study hall is compromised." Then he brightened. "But so is Life Skills. Hey, Mitch, what's the rest of your schedule look like?"

Mitch gladly pulled out his schedule again, since it meant the unanswered question seemed to be forgotten. He handed the paper to Ryan, who glanced at it and nearly choked. Mitch pounded Ryan on the back until the boy was breathing normally again. Then Ryan turned to Mitch with a grin.

"Do you realize that we have every single class together?" Ryan asked.

"That could be interesting." Mitch said carefully. "Mathematics and Biology are self-explanatory, but what is Life Skills?"

"In a nutshell, it's a class that teaches you how to live on your own. Money, cooking, cleaning. Nothing is left out."

"Cake walk. I had this class at my old school."

"Cake walk?"

"Nodder. Snooze-fest. Easy class."

"Oh, I thought you were talking about the cooking part." Ryan flashed his grin, making Mitch blush.

"So what normally happens this period?"

"That's a stupid question. Study Hall. You study. Or sleep, if Mr. Gaston is in a good mood." Both boys looked toward the teacher, who looked like he drank a gallon of sour milk. "We're in luck." Ryan continued. "He's in a good mood."

Mitch looked surprised, which set Ryan to laughing. Mitch was mesmerized. Never before had he heard angels laugh, but he imagined that this must be what it sounded like. He had sense enough to turn away before Ryan caught him and pulled out the handbook he was given earlier.

"You read up on that. It tells you just about everything you will need to know. Especially if you will be living in the dorms." Ryan said.

"There are dorms here?" Mitch was slightly confused, headed for fully confused at top speed.

"You sound surprised."

"I am, a little. And while I'm at it, what's with this school's name? I thought we were in High School, not Middle School."

"Don't let the name fool you. It's all explained in the handbook. Go on, read. In an hour, we go to assembly."

Ryan pulled out a few textbooks and dove into his work. Mitch shrugged and pulled out the handbook. Opening the book to the Table of Contents, he shook his head and grinned. There was a whole section on dorm living. He first turned to the Student Council part and forgot the real world.

"Student Council was started in 1995 when a strike started by students got out of hand. In a moment of confusion, one student had grabbed a microphone and got everyone's attention. She admonished the students to keep in mind why the strike was started: to correct the unfair punishments handed out to innocent students.

"She was quickly named voice of the student body. Meetings with the principal and School Board hacked out a fair punishment system. The students would be given a louder voice and slightly more control of punishments. To decide the outcome of a reasonable argument, a trial-like situation would convene in the space the argument began.

"With the success of the first mock trials, guidelines were quickly laid out. Approval by students and School Board introduced the first known judicial system within a school environment. To date, no known problems have arisen. This system will be reviewed annually to prevent major problems.

"The Council Collectors (CC) are pen-like devices which have multiple functions. Upon a perceived injustice, all students present are to activate their devices. During Council, the CC can be used for several functions.

"The main function is to answer Judgment Call. Normally, this is a yes/no question posed to further reveal facts. One click answers positively, two clicks answers negatively.

"The other, less used function is to interrupt proceedings for Point of Protocol. If a student believes that proceedings are being dealt in an unfair manor, three clicks will halt the Council until rectification is achieved."

Before Mitch could continue, Ryan nudged him. "Come back to Earth, dude. It's assembly time."

Mitch collected his things and followed Ryan to the auditorium. They quickly found a seat, and Ryan answered Mitch's questions until Mr. Winters called the group to order.

"I would like to start this assembly by welcoming a new student. Mitch Russell, if you could please come forward."

Mitch froze for a moment, then descended the rows. Along the way, he felt everyone's eyes follow him. It made him nervous, and he thought he would never get used to that feeling. Something else bothered him, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

Once he was finally standing next to Mr. Winters, the principal continued. "This is our new student, Mitch Russell. I'm sure everyone here will make him feel welcome."

Mr. Winters turned to Mitch, holding out a few objects. One was the CC device. The other could have been used in a Star Trek series. It was a small, gold square with a silver circle set in the middle. Mitch took the objects as Mr. Winters continued.

"Mitch, here is your CC pen and communicator. You already have the handbook, so after today, I don't expect any misuse of either device."

Mitch placed the communicator on his shirt about where it would go in the Star Trek shows. Then he pocketed the CC pen and looked back at the principal. At his nod, Mitch returned to his seat beside Ryan. On his way back, he started to notice the communicator on all the other students.

Just as Mitch sat down, his communicator beeped. He looked over at Ryan, and Ryan reached over and tapped the circle. Instantly, Mitch heard a voice inside his head.

"Don't worry about it." Ryan said with a smile. "Only you can hear it. Think of what you want to say, and the other person will hear you the same way."

Mitch shrugged and concentrated on the voice. It was a female, and she sounded slightly confused. Since he didn't pay attention at first, Mitch asked the voice to repeat her message.

"Welcome to Miller Middle, Mitch. Although this is highly unusual, your mother left a message for you. Some unspecified people found you and are coming to pick you up."

Mitch paled when he heard the news. "How long ago did my mom call?"

"About ten minutes ago. Is there trouble?"

"Yes, I'm being hunted by the government, and they don't want to give me a car for my birthday."

"You may not understand this, but I believe you. I'll inform Mr. Winters. You just get going."

Mitch turned to Ryan, who was watching with interest. Mitch paused, then gave Ryan a quick hug. With that, Mitch descended the rows again and bolted for the door.

Out in the hallway, Mitch turned left and started running. He skidded to a halt when three men in gray suits turned the corner at the far end. Mitch spun and ran the opposite way. Again, he had to stop, because more gray suits were coming the other way.

Turning again, Mitch ran into Ryan. "Hey, man, what's going on?" Ryan asked.

"No time, Ryan. You have to get back to assembly. Now!" Mitch looked past Ryan and saw the gray suits were closing in fast. He growled, then looked at Ryan for a moment.

"Ok, Plan B. You're coming with me." Mitch picked up Ryan and flung him over his shoulder. "Hyperactive." Mitch said, then started running toward the gray suits.

Mr. Winters walked out of the auditorium in time to see a blur run past. He turned and faced the men in gray suits. "Here now, what's the meaning of this?"

One of the men raised a gun and fired. Mr. Winters dropped slowly, fading from consciousness. As one, the men in gray suits calmly walked back through the halls and to their cars.

Meanwhile, Mitch came to a halt and set Ryan on the ground. Looking around, Mitch decided that they were far enough into the woods to avoid detection. He looked at Ryan and said, "Disengage."

Ryan looked terrified. He stuttered a bit, then finally said, "What.. How.. Who are you?"

Mitch felt bad for Ryan. He knew the next few minutes were critical, especially if he wanted to keep Ryan's friendship. Mitch sighed and answered. "My name is M.I.T.C.H. It stands for Mechanically Intelligent and Troubleshooting Calculation Humanoid."

Ryan's mouth fell open. "You're not human?"

"No, Ryan. I am human. I'm just mechanically enhanced is all."

"How MUCH of you is mechanically enhanced?"

It was Mitch's turn to be surprised. He couldn't be sure, but he thought he had seen Ryan's eyes flicker downward with that question. He shrugged it off as being an overactive imagination. Suddenly, Mitch realized that he hadn't answered the question yet.

"As my name implies, I can be a supergenius when activated. Plus, you've seen first hand how fast I can move. But that's only when it's activated. When dormant, I'm just a regular 14 year old kid."

"You didn't completely answer my question."

"So ask it a different way, and I may be able to."

"Are you like that Bionic movie with Sandra Bullock?"

"I guess you could say that. But my 'tronics aren't active all the time. Only when I use the codeword."

"Will it work if I say the word?"

"No, it is calibrated to work only by my voice. There is an override, but I'm not about to tell you what it is."

Ryan paused and started to turn red. He tried asking something, but his mouth refused to work right. Finally, he asked, "Are specific parts of your body enhanced, or is it just everything together?"

Mitch grinned and sat down beside Ryan. "Why, Ryan Chase, I do believe you're blushing. Any particular reason?"

Mitch reached over and brushed Ryan's blond hair out of his eyes. Ryan looked up at Mitch and was entranced. His piercing green eyes showed compassion beyond measure. Without realizing it, Ryan leaned forward toward those eyes.

Mitch was surprised and pleased. His lips touched Ryan's, and all coherent thought was gone. All that was left was feelings. The wind gently blowing, Ryan's hand rubbing Mitch's back. Mitch's legs twining around Ryan's legs. After what seemed like an eternity, they pulled back.

Ryan and Mitch locked eyes, grinning. Suddenly, they were startled by a growling voice. "Either of you faggots move, you're neutered."

I know, I know. Another cliff-hangar. Sorry, Haggis and everyone else, I am a HUGE fan of cliff-hangars. It's the only way I know to keep people interested in coming back. ;-) And before I'm lynched, keep in mind this has all taken place in my mind. Therefore, the communicators can actually work the way I have mentioned. Give me a break, it's my twisted mind. Once again, flames will be read, but not necessarily heeded.

Due to the response I have received from the first chapter alone, it has been suggested that I start a mailing list. I like the idea. If you wish to be put on the M.I.T.C.H. mailing list, please put that in the subject line of the e-mail I know you are typing to me right now. :)

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