Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Aug 3, 2003


Title: Mom Knows Best Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nsync Main Pairings: Nick/Justin, Kevin/Lance, Lance/JC, Kevin/OMC Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction and is does not imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned herein. Once again, this story is fiction, i.e. not true. Just call it a product of an overactive imagination. Status: WIP Rating: NC-17 Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself.

Last Time:

Ben discovered Lance was in love with JC not Kevin as he had suspected. Howie resolved to try and get to know Justin and try to accept Nick's sexuality. Leon Golding made plans to go to Orlando and make Ben see how much he loved him. Part 20

Looking over the ten singers Fatima smiled, "I'm glad you are all looking healthy. We decided to change your schedule. We will have rehearsal every day starting at noon until about six."

"Great, how come they changed the schedule?" Lance asked annoyed that no one had told them.

Wade smirked, "After the Harry McNeil interview Jive decided to limit the interviews to radio and TRL. Anyway the more time we have practising your dancing the better. I want all of you to run six laps around the room."

Knowing arguing wouldn't help their case the ten singers started jogging around the room. each one wondered just what Fatima and Wade had in store for them. Each one was a torment on their own, when they were together they made their performer's lives hell.

"Lance, we got the change of song you gave us. Are you sure that's the song you want to do?"

"Yeah, I like it." Lance said seriously not willing to back down.

"What song did you pick, Lance?" JC asked in confusion.

"A Savage Garden song called This Side Of Me."

Fatima said with a grin, "Now we've looked at the songs you are all performing and have decided that there isn't much room for chorography apart from Lance, JC, Kevin and Howie."

"Lucky us." Lance commented causing JC to giggle slightly at the disgust in the man's tone. Lance had always hated having to learn new steps.

With that Wade took the four off to another part of the building to work on their steps while their groups practised their own moves and vocals. The rehearsal mainly concentrated on the new solo performances as they gave each other tips on how to improve.

Four hours later Justin placed one arm around his lover's waist as they walked over to where their towels and water bottles waited. Nick didn't look too happy at the prospect of rehearsals every day.

"You having okay with this, babe?" Justin asked concerned.

"I guess. At least we have rehearsals together. What's up with Lance and JC?" Nick said seriously as he picked up his water bottle.

Justin said watching them out the corner of his eye as the pair danced together, "No idea but, they seem a little more relaxed around each other."

Lance grinned at Wade as the man walked over to him and JC watching their moves critically. His grin only widened when Wade gestured for JC to stop moving while giving him a bottle of water. The dance they had devised for Lance involved him dancing slowly at first but gaining speed while a couple of dancers copied his moves. For the time being he had to learn the steps himself before the dancers could be taught the routine.

"Lance, the song is about someone you love. It should be passionate. Now I want you to follow my moves." Wade said as he took his T-shirt off, moving slowly at first he waited for the blonde to copy him.

The pair danced together Lance watching to make sure he was following the steps correctly as he messed up the same move for the seventh time he let out a sigh of frustration. Wade rolled his eyes saying, "Lance, its okay. You are getting there but you are too stiff. I'll help you just follow my moves."

"It is a song of passion, love, seduction. You are telling the person you love most in the whole world exactly what you want." Wade said quickly before starting up the music, placing his hands on Lance's waist he guided the blonde in his moves. Showing just how seductive dance could be, their eyes remained glued to each other in the mirrors.

The pair didn't notice that they had attracted the attention of their friends as they danced seductively using their bodies as a weapon. There wasn't any space between the pair as they danced slowly at first but then with increasing speed. When the track stopped Wade grinned whispering into Lance's ear before moving away.

Picking up his water Lance drank greedily before picking up his bag and heading out the door with a shouted farewell to the others. That was the signal to leave so slowly each of them packed up their things looking forward to a relaxing soak in the bath.

The Next Day

"What do you mean he doesn't love me?" Kevin shouted in shock wondering how they could have been so wrong.

Ben said nervously, "Er...he was talking about someone else in his emails."

"Who? He hasn't been seen in public with anyone."

"I'll tell you if you swear not to tell anyone else." Ben said knowing he couldn't say anything if Kevin wasn't going to keep it secret.

"I promise, Ben! Just tell me." Kevin said impatiently.

"He's in love with JC. It just didn't click in my mind that his middle name is Scott, too. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, its not like you did it on purpose or anything."

Ben said unhappily, "Yeah but it doesn't help you feel any better. Whenever I feel down in the dumps I always go out and gorge myself on ice cream, do you want to do that?"

Kevin said cheerfully, "Sounds like a good idea. There's an ice cream parlour nearby do you feel like going now?"

Ben nodded not reacting when the man took his hand leading the way, it was familiar now for Kevin to direct him that way. Most people just placed a hand on his arm or shoulder Kevin was one of the few who had actually taken his hand when they walked anywhere and to be honest Ben liked it. It was comforting and made his heart beat increase. Not that he was going to do anything about it, Kevin was his friend and he couldn't allow anything to threaten that.

Once the pair had ordered a Summer Fruits Sundae for Ben and a Banana Split for Kevin they sat down facing each other. Kevin played with his food for a view seconds wondering just what he should say. Should he act the pair of a broken hearted man or admit that he wasn't truly in love with Lance?

"So what made you decide to tell me today?"

"I wanted to get it over with to be honest with you. The guilt was eating me alive, I couldn't let you think there was a chance of a reunion between you and Lance." Ben said honestly before picking up his spoon and eating slowly.

"Well thanks anyway. Have you heard from Johnny yet?"

Ben nodded nervously, "Yeah, he called this morning."

"What did he say then?" Kevin said eager to find out just what Ben would be doing with his life.

With a shrug Ben said, "He's offered me a contract as a performer. Erm...he kinda wants to take advantage of the fact that you offered to let me come on tour with you guys. He said I could be one of the opening acts. It should be a good tour. You know with O-Town and Britney joining then Christina and 98 Degrees coming in a couple of weeks later."

"Yeah. It should be fun, four boybands and two pop female artists. I wonder how much they are charging for the tickets. So have you signed the contract?"

"Not yet. I need someone to read it through for me who knows the business. I'll have to see into getting an agent, I guess."

"I'll read it through for you and get my lawyer Jason to read it through for you." Kevin said wanting to help out in any way he could.

"Thanks, Kev. So what's happening with the rehearsals?"

Kevin sighed, "They're hard work as always but I like them. It gives me something to think about besides my divorce. She's trying to say I have been cheating on her with you. She thinks we have been seeing each other since you came to the US."

"Well we kind of expected that. Do you think she knows that you are bi?"

"No, I'm pretty sure she's just after anything she can get from me." Kevin said honestly.

"Oh. To change the subject how are you going to cope with seeing Jamie on tour?"

"I'll be fine Ben. I think I was in love with the Lance in my mind, you know?" Kevin said before eating the last spoonful of his dessert.

Ben nodded knowing what it was like to want someone to love you, "Yeah. Sometimes I wish I had someone who loves me. I haven't really got a lot of people I'm close to just my sister, you, Jamie, Nicky and the rest of the guys."

"If you ever need someone to talk to about anything or even someone to just sit and mope with I'm here for you, Ben."

"Thanks so much for saying that Kev." Ben said thickly, squeezing Kevin's hand when the older man held his.

"Its okay, remember we are friends through everything." Kevin said seriously smiling softly at the joy on the Irishman's face.

"Yeah friends through everything." Ben said shortly before the pair stood up to leave.

They walked back to the hotel in silence, Kevin's arm around Ben's shoulders. As they walked Kevin couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched. Hearing the sound of footsteps walking behind them he stopped and turned only to be hit across the head with a baseball bat.

Kevin fell to the floor with Ben falling next to him, shaking off his dizziness he looked at the man who had hit him.

"You shouldn't have touched something that doesn't belong to you, Kevin. Ben belongs to me!" The man spat out as he watched the blood fall from Kevin's head.

"LEON! What have you done to Kevin?" Ben shouted in a fix of dread and confusion.

The man hit him again on the head, grabbing Ben and he could hear Ben calling for help as he was pulled away from Kevin who was finally overcome by darkness. ******* "Kev...Kevin, can you hear me?" Brian said anxiously as he held his cousin's hand.

Brian had received the phone call over seven hours ago telling him that Kevin had been taken into hospital after being attacked. He couldn't believe Kevin could be so stupid as to leave the bodyguards behind.

"Water?" Kevin asked his throat dry and sore. He sucked the provided ice cubes hungrily once he could speak he focused on his cousin and said, "Ben's been taken."

"Benny's been kidnapped! The cops just said you where attacked." Nicky said in a panic.

"Call the police and tell them to come here. It was Leon, Ben recognised his voice."

Nick walked outside and asked to use the phone, calling to the police he explained the situation. After the police agreed to come down as quickly as possible Nick ended the call phoning the Nsync knowing they had all become close to Ben and Kevin. ******* "This is MTV News with a shocking story: last night a man called Leon Golding kidnapped the new model and singer Benjamin O'Keefe yesterday. Ben was kidnapped while walking back to his hotel with Kevin Richardson after the pair had been to a nearby ice cream parlour. The man currently lives in Boston and was Ben's friend until the singer cut all ties with the man after Leon stalked and tried to control him."

Kevin turned off the TV angrily turning to look at Howie when the man coughed pointedly trying to get his attention. He said tiredly, "What's wrong D?"

Howie didn't want to reveal the painful secret from his past but he had no choice if they wanted to get Ben back. Swallowing loudly he said, "Kevin...there's something you need to know about Leon. I knew him when I was at Uni. I've only ever told one person about this...Leon r...raped me. He drugged me and got some of his friends to help. I was raped by at least six men that night."

Kevin gasped fighting to repel the fear that coursed through him, "God I never knew, D. If I can help you, I will. do you think he could do this to Ben?"

Howie nodded, "He's capable of anything. I'll tell the police later, do you know anyone who could help?"

"No but I hate just waiting around." Kevin admitted sadly.

Howie hugged his friend, "Don't worry Kev. We will find Ben!"

"I hope so, I really do." Kevin said seriously praying Ben would soon be found safe.

End Part 20

"You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that literature is indispensable to the world... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way ... people look at reality, then you can change it." -- James Arthur Baldwin (1924-87), American writer, critic

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