Motel Cum Dump

By ten.tsacmoc@elohatosennim

Published on Jan 21, 2012



The following story is true. Fantasy can be very hot, but reality literally can blow your mind, especially if you are lucky enough to be right in the middle of it. I occasionally write about my experiences not only to to tell the story about 'what' happened but more importantly it gets me to think about 'why' I do the things I do. I like to read about a guy getting fucked just like the next guy but what gets me really thinking, and turned on, is trying to understand 'why' did that guy get fucked and what was he thinking. How does he explain the urges that he has, if he even understands those urges at all. That's what I try to get at when I write down my various escapades. It forces me to really look inward and think about the person I am, and try to understand how I have become the person I am. That's the intrigue as many times it forces me think through some of the deepest and at times hidden motivations and urges. At the end of the day I want to understand why I do the things I do, and hopefully if anyone reads this or other stories by me they may get insight into who they are as well. This is a story about a trip I took to Florida a few years ago.

I travel a lot for work and pleasure. On these trips I've found that there are certain cities where finding sex is easier than others. The ingredients needed for some good old fashioned hotel sex is fairly simple - get a hotel that is close to the 'gay' part of town and make sure the hotel has convenient parking. That's it. May sound a little odd for those who do not fuck around that much, but you have to make it easy for guys to connect with you. Nail down some of the basics and after that all you need to do is get on line, have a profile that catches some attention, and I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll be fucking in no time.

A couple of years ago I flew to Fort Lauderdale to spend three days relaxing before taking off on a cruise with family and friends. I had never been to Fort Lauderdale and I learned years ago that it never hurts to check with the locals to get their advice as to where to stay. I only do bareback sex, so I signed on to a popular bareback site and started chatting. After a couple of days I heard back from several guys and two of them suggested a Days Inn. I was told that it's best not to get a hotel by the beach as parking was difficult. The Days Inn was away from the beach but apparently close to the gay area. So I got online and booked the hotel and then waited for my vacation.

That day finally came and I flew down to Fort Lauderdale and took a taxi to the hotel. When I got there I was a little concerned at first. It wasn't a hotel, but a motel. One of those older motels that they just don't build anymore where there is no lobby, and the entrance to your rooms are directly from the outside. As I looked at the motel I knew right away why the room was so cheap. I didn't have any other options though so I checked in at the little building a few feet from the motel and then headed to my room which was on the second floor. I took the elevator with my luggage and luckily the room was practically right across from the elevator. I was still hesitant about my arrangements as I walked to my room's door. No interior hallway. I just walked right up to the door. I was thinking to myself, "This is one of those places where guys probably bring hookers, do drugs, etc." and it probably was. But the parking lot was right there, so I knew that if anyone did come over all they would need to do was park and either take the elevator or stairs and they would be right at my room.

I unlocked my motel room door and walked in. It was like going back in time to the 70's. It had a dark green carpet, an older TV on the dresser, and two beds. The bathrooms was about as minimal as you could get, and the room was devoid of any decorations. The only light in the room came from the windows and two desk lamps, one of which was between the beds on the nightstand and another at a small desk next to the door. To Days Inn credit it was clean. There was a smell in the room, but it wasn't a bad smell, but more like the smell of older furniture and linens. Thankfully both beds had these old fashioned comforters on top. It's the rage nowadays in higher end hotels to have bright white comforters and if you are a cum whore like me you hate them. These thankfully were darker comforters with a flower pattern and I knew I wouldn't have to worry about every lube or cum stain that I hoped I would be leaking onto them in the next few days.

The first thing I needed to do was check to make sure they had wifi as they advertised on their website. Looking at the place I wasn't so sure and if there wasn't any wifi and if I couldn't get online then I was out of there. These days no internet means no cum dump advertising that I was whoring out my hole. It was that simple - no internet no fucking. Thankfully as soon as I turned on my Mac I quickly found the signal and got right online. Not the fastest connection, but it would work.

It was early afternoon and already I was getting horned up. I didn't waste any time and quickly unpacked and headed to the shower to clean out my hole. I've long ago given up on packing small little douche bottles, or water bottles, and instead just pack my shower shot water hose. Along with the shower shot, I always pack a pair of pliers as you have to take off the shower head, screw on the base of the shower shot, and then put the shower head back on top of the base. It's a little more work up front, but once it's set up you can clean out your hole deep. I knew I'd be looking for cock into the early morning hours so I knew it was best to just go for a really deep cleaning session which usually takes me about an hour. Everyone has their own 'cleaning' regimen but what works for me is to clean out, wait 10 minutes, clean out again, and repeat for 4-5 times. I've gotten it down to almost a science where I never have to worry about having an accident when getting fucked.

Once clean I sat down on the computer and logged into several sites where I have set up profiles. I also put an ad on craigslist. Craigslist is hit and miss, but I've found that there are guys you will connect with from there that for whatever reason can't or won't get on any of the gay sites. On my path to learning how to be a complete whore I knew the best practices was to log onto as many different gay hook up sites as possible. Depending on what city you are in you will get action on some sites and not on others, and it could be completely different sites depending on the city. Lucky for me the bareback site was busy right out of the gate. Another benefit of connecting with guys from the bareback site is that it just cuts through all the bullshit. You knew they wanted to go bare and you didn't have to pussyfoot around the subject of condoms. I hate condoms and 9 times out of 10 even when you hook up with a guy who indicates in his profile he plays 'safe only' they usually want to go bareback anyway.

Within the first few minutes I received a message on the bareback hookup site from a guy who lived in Hollywood, FL. I didn't realize there was a Hollywood in FL, but since then I learned it's a community south of Fort Lauderdale and north of Miami. He did not have a picture in his profile but he described himself as latino, mid 30's, top, with a big uncut dick. Better yet the message he sent me was short and included the three most important words a cum dump like me loves to read. His message simply said, "Looking for now."

Most guys who cruise online know what an annoyance it is to chat with a guys who do not cut to the chase. It's legitimate to have a few back and forth messages to exchange information on what type of sex each of you are looking for (fucking, fisting, oral, top or bottom, etc.,) how the guy coming over wants to find you (door unlocked, total anon, blindfolded, etc.) and then directions or address. That's it... that's all you need to get the ball rolling. Nothing annoys me more than a guy who chats me up and asks, "So how are you doing?" or "What's up?" I'll respond back but I'll let them know I'm looking to get fucked, get bred, and prefer it anonymous. If a guy continues to ask silly questions I don't mean to be rude but I just ignore them. Most times these guys are not really looking and probably just jacking off 'thinking' about wanting to do something but for whatever reason they can't or won't. In the odd situation where you actually do hook up I've noticed a direct correlation between these hesitant and non-direct guys and the lame sex they usually provide. There's are exceptions but guys who are direct and cut through the bullshit out of the gate are usually more confident in themselves and know what they want.

This latino guy got me hard just reading his profile and if he was 'looking for now' then all the better. I shot him the address of the hotel and I always send my cell number so they can text or call once he parks. He responded almost immediately telling me, "I'll be there in 30 minutes. Have the door open and be on your knees." That was it and that's all I needed to know. I was hoping that Fort Lauderdale would show me some good times, and so far finding a guy within the first few minutes of getting online was definitely a good sign.

The "have the door open" instruction has become much more popular over the past several years. I never would have agreed to such arrangements when I was younger. I would always meet someone at the door at a minimum. But nowadays having a guy come over who you've never met, and many times don't even have any idea what they look like, has turned into an almost mind fuck for me. The physical sex is not really any different than if you knew the guy but wrapping your head around the idea that you are not only letting a total stranger fuck you, but many times you don't even have any idea what they look like turns on a switch in my head where if I was a slut before then I am a super slut cum whore now. And once again here I was in a position where all I knew is that there was middle aged latino guy who said he has a big dick who wanted me waiting on my knees naked when he walks in the door. I know it's not for everyone, but the anticipation of an anonymous fuck literally gives me goose bumps.

While waiting I continued to chat with some guys and one guy in particular quickly jumped out at me. He described himself as white, mid 30s, average build, and a top with a huge dick. Of course it was the 'huge dick' that caught my attention, but in addition he indicated that what he liked was to fuck a guy after that guy had been fucked and loaded up. He gave me his cell number and told me to text him, no matter how late, when I was done fucking as he wanted to be the last guy to use my hole. It wasn't only that he wanted a sloppy hole which is fairly common nowadays, but he wanted to be the last and he was willing to wait. I didn't run into guys like that very often, so I told him I would shoot him a text but it could be very late. He responded back that was fine and that hopefully he'd hear from me later. I honestly didn't expect anything to come out of it, but I had his number and depending on how the night went it certainly couldn't hurt if when I was 'done' for the night to shoot this guy a message. Throughout the night he would send me the occasional message online asking me how I was doing and I would respond accordingly when I had a free minute. As fate would have it I would eventually meet this guy, and it would be an incredible experience. But it was getting close to 30 minutes and the first fuck was going to be showing up any minute.

As I waited and continued to chat with guys I let them know that if I didn't respond all of a sudden that it was most likely because I was getting fucked. I didn't want anyone thinking I was blowing them off and as a consequence losing out on the opportunity of getting more cock. It also kept the flow of guys primed so that if I was being fucked that once done I could hop on line and hopefully have some guys who were ready to come over and not have to start over from scratch. It's the little things like this that can make the difference when you are in the mood to truly whore out your hole to as many guys as possible.

My phone vibrated and sure enough when I checked my messages there was one saying, "Parking now." It was time. I started to strip off the few clothes I had one when it occurred to me that I had not propped open the door. Every good cum dump knows how to prop open the door, either by inserting the 'do not disturb sign' to hold open the lock or if the door is really fancy putting something small between the door and the frame to keep it open. In this case I opened the door slightly and as expected I found that due to it's age if I just held the door handle I could let the door close slowly and it wouldn't close completely. All the guy would need to do was push the door open and he could walk in. I yanked off my shorts and socks and then quickly got between the two beds on the floor and sat waiting on my knees. I had left only the light in the bathroom on so it was darker. It wasn't even 10 seconds before the door slowly started to open and my first fuck of the day walked in the door.

He didn't say a word at first which is normal. He looked in my direction when he first came in, and then he began undressing by the door, getting completely naked and putting his clothes on the bed closest do the door. As he undressed I could see that he was a little older than what his profile had said. He most likely was at least 40, maybe a few years older. He took off his shirt and he wasn't overweight, but he didn't have a solid build either, which is fine by me. He was fairly smooth with just a little hair on his chest and a patch on his stomach that grew when it connected with his pubes. He also had several tattoos although I couldn't make out what they were. I couldn't be certain but I could tell that he was most likely a blue collar type of guy. He was just scruffy enough that I had a hard time seeing him in any office type of setting. The expression on his unshaven face was serious, unsmiling, as if he was trying to give the impression that he was there to fuck - to use - and that was it. If that was hit intent I was more than happy to oblige. I said nothing as he walked across the short distance to where I was on my knees between the two beds.

He grabbed the back of my head and said, "Open your mouth." I obliged and got my first up close glimpse of his cock which was still soft, but hanging down very nicely, and indeed it was uncut. I knew that until it got hard I wouldn't know what kind of cock I would be dealing with but so far so good. He pushed closer to my face and his clock slipped into my mouth at which point my natural instincts kicked in and I began to suck it. As it was still soft I didn't suck in a back and forth motion, but instead just applied pressure with my lips, sucked, and ran my tongue around his cock. Because it was initially soft I was able to easily go to the base of his cock so his entire cock was in my mouth. After about 30 seconds I could tell that his cock was starting to grow and become more stiff and as it did he started to pull away a bit and then push it back in. It's at this time when I start to wonder how big it will get as I knew that if big enough I most likely would not be able to easily keep the entire cock in my mouth when he pushed forward. After about a minute his cock was definitely starting to get hard, and it was getting more difficult to take it all.

The guy, possibly sensing I was having a more difficult time taking in his cock grabbed the back of my head harder and starting pushing his cock into my mouth with more force. He followed this up with the instructions to, "Open your throat." And it's at times like this when the reality that you are connecting with a complete stranger hits home. I knew from fucking around with so many guys in my life that this guy had an edge to him, and that he most likely was going to be more on the rough side, and that was fine by me. I hadn't thought about rougher oral with this guy and we didn't message about it, but just the way he was gripping my head, by the tone of his voice, by the somewhat stern expression on his face, and definitely by the increased force he was applying to the back of my throat with his cock, I could tell he wanted to assert himself as the dominant one before we even got to fucking. All of that as fine by me, and in fact it's like a bonus when a guy can be more rough and have the 'machismo' to pull it off, and this guy had it.

I was looking up at him as I opened my mouth and tried to relax the back of my mouth and throat so that he could continue to push deep. By this time his cock was almost completely hard and that little whore voice inside my head was silently thinking to myself, "fuck yeah" as this guy had a nice 8 inch cock that was fairly thick. You never know when you start sucking a guy how big his cock will eventually get and indeed this guy had a fucking nice, smooth, big cock. And once again there is just a switch that goes off in my head that just eases my inhibitions and begins to give into whatever this guy is going to want to do to me. Unfortunately I will be the first one to admit that I am not a natural deep throat cock sucker. I know some guys who are and I've seen how they can deep throat the biggest cocks with ease. That's just not me though, and most likely never will be. However I don't look at is as a disadvantage because there is a primal urge in most guys, including myself, that kicks in. When I'm faced with something that is physically more challenging it forces me just give in and let the other guy just push my limits. So when he pushed in and his cock was hitting the back of my throat leaving a couple of inches to go I pushed my face hard on his cock.

Although it's extremely uncomfortable and unnatural I learned years ago that I can push a cock past the back of my throat where the head of the cock is no longer even in my mouth, but actually pushing down my throat. It's an odd sensation, and I can't say there is any true physical pleasure associated with it because you are literally being gagged by a cock. However, once that cock 'pops' through that unknown barrier in the back of my throat it then just slides all the way home. The next thing I know my nose is buried in his pubes, I'm turning red, and my eyes are almost popping out of my head. This guy evidently liked the look of that.

I had established that I could take his cock down my throat, albeit with a lot of effort, and I could just instinctively tell that this guy knew that he could take it up a notch. Surprisingly some guys do not like to see a guy choking and gagging on a cock. I think it freaks some guys out, but there is a difference between a blow job and getting skull fucked. Anyone can give a blow job and 'suck' dick and I've found that most guys usually like to keep it at that level which is fine if that's what they want. But if they are a little more twisted and they want to see a guy struggling to breath while a cock is brutally being shoved down one's throat then that is more than OK in my book.

This guy had a rough side. He had done this before and he was enjoying watching me gag. Just as I was reading him, he no doubt was reading me, and there is an unspoken understanding when two pigs connect. You can see it in their eyes and he no doubt could see it in my eyes as we stared at each other. It's primal and I think it's even part of our evolution that has been genetically bred into many of us. There are those of us who need to be used, even to the point where at times it borders on abuse, and there are those who have a need to not only be in control, but to be overtly aggressive. And when the two meet it can be explosive.

Your body produces copious amounts of saliva when you are choking and gagging on cock. I've never researched the reason why there is so much spit but I'm assuming it's the body's way of lubricating the throat for food or other objects. In my case it was definitely 'other objects' and my mouth was pooling with thick, ropy, spit. I did my best to keep swallowing the fluid and the latino fucker was definitely enjoying seeing me choking, gagging, and dry heaving on his cock. There were tears coming down my face which again is some type of bodily reaction to being choked, although I have no idea of why one's eyes start to water so much. He was pulling his cock out every few thrusts which allowed me to keep swallowing all of the fluid that was gathering in my mouth, but I knew it was only a matter of time before I wouldn't be able to hold all of that spit and slime in my mouth any longer.

My latino fuck pulled his cock out for a second and I felt him readjusting his hands on the back of my head. He still had only spoke twice. I gasped for air, but not in a panic. I had been here before and so had he. The warm up was over and it was time for the real thing. Even with tears streaking down my face, my eyes starting to get bloodshot, and my face red from straining to breath as I allowed his cock to jam down my throat I knew he was going to push it further. In these situations I've learned to keep my mouth open with my head tilted back, even when the cock has been withdrawn. I was cramping a little in my knees, but that was nothing compared to rush I was getting in my head. He took one hand off my head and brought it down to his cock, which was now covered in slimy spit. He then pushed forward, slowly, but persistently, and once again I felt that odd sensation as the head of his cock pushed past where anything really should go and his cock slid the last 3 inches down my throat once again. And then he held it there.

I sensed this was coming. Again it was a look in his eyes and the expression on his face where I knew he had a need, sadistic or otherwise, to push my limits. I was looking up at him as he held his cock firmly down my throat. And he continued to just hold it there… and I couldn't breath. There was no fear though because each of us clearly had been here before. When gagging and choking on cock it is very difficult, if not impossible to breath, even through your nose. You get so congested and full of slimy spit that unless that cock comes out you just can't breath. And I loved it.

I'm looking up at him and the need to breath is growing by the second. On top of that my stomach is heaving and convulsing uncontrollably which makes the need for oxygen even more critical. He knew, and I knew that the battle taking place was not necessarily just to breath but also how much I was mentally and physically going to be able to take. He was looking to break me, and I so wanted to be broken. Giving up control is very difficult for most people, whether it be in the bedroom or out. I am a control freak by nature. I'm rarely put in the position where I didn't plan and implement actions that didn't produce the outcome that I desired. And here I was with a cock buried deep in my throat, with a hand forcefully holding my head in place, and my body was screaming to be released, and yet I just stared up at him and tried my hardest to let him continue.

He held his cock in my mouth for probably no more than 20 seconds, but it might as well have been an eternity, and although I had stayed calm my body's natural defenses were getting very close to kicking in and overriding any innate and psychological need I had to give up control and be used. To his credit he must have sensed that my body was getting close to pushing back, and pushing back hard, and he abruptly yanked his cock out of my mouth. I gasped for air but at the same time I felt parts of my body relax. I felt my shoulders become less tight, I felt my fists unclench, and although I was gasping for air the rest of my body became extremely relaxed and calm. There is a release that I personally think can only kick in once you give your body and mind over to someone else. I may control 99.9% of the world around me, but at this moment my body and my mind just turned off that need to control things and an incredible amount of calmness set in. I had built up a mouthful of spit in my mouth and I just let it flow out and it dripped down my chin and onto my chest. If he was a true pig, and I was sure he was, he would like it.

I looked back up at him after taking some very deep breaths and saw his cock was also dripping with bubbly spit. He saw me look up and said, "Fuck yeah pig" and then proceeded to push his cock into my mouth, past the back of my mouth and down my throat, once again burying his cock as deep as possible. And so it went for the next 10 minutes. My latino throat fucker literally choking me with his cock and me just taking it. I can't say that every second it was enjoyable. Sex is rarely like that, if you want to even call getting skull fucked sex, but if nothing else it was getting me in the frame of mind that I needed to get if I was going to whore out my body for the next three days. I certainly didn't expect or even know this guy wanted some really rough oral yet here I was with my face a mess and literally a puddle of slimy spit pooled up on the floor between my legs. To an outsider it no doubt would look disgusting and depraved and it probably was, but each of us was getting what we wanted, in our own way. I found myself moaning when he would pull out - partly in ecstasy and partly in anguish. A sublime combination when you can find it.

Eventually he had enough and told me to get on the bed, specifically, "Get your fucking ass on the bed" at which point I slowly crawled up on the bed, my legs extremely cramped from sitting back on my knees for so long. I was sore, but he had accomplished what I'm sure he had wanted to establish which is that he had broken me. If he had come in and just told me to get on the bed it would have been all good, but he didn't. He wanted someone who had already been used up before his cock even got near my ass and as I crawled up on the bed he advised me how he wanted me, telling me "face down, ass up" at which point I quickly assumed the position with my ass facing the side of the bed. He was still standing and told me to scoot up on the bed which I did. I don't know if he just wanted to get up on the bed with me, or whether he didn't want to stand in a puddle of my spit

He climbed up on the bed behind me and with one of his hands he reached down to my balls which were practically dripping with slimy spit, as was my chest and stomach. He rubbed his fingers on my balls but I could tell he wasn't doing this for my pleasure, but instead was doing it to lube up his fingers. Sure enough I felt him pressing two fingers against my hole. Not one, but two. This guy knew what he was doing and I loved it. I'm not against a guy who likes to play with my hole and 'warm it up' for a cock but let's not kid ourselves. I'm no virgin and he knew it having no doubt fucked tons of guys, and so he just jammed two fingers up my ass and started to roughly finger fuck my hole. Even with spit it hurt, but if he had suddenly turned all gentle when he started using my hole I wouldn't have liked it. He already had me broken so he might as well take advantage of it. In hindsight I'm surprised he even wasted any time with his fingers, but he did.

It was less than a minute of finger fucking my hole when I felt him repositioning himself behind me and grabbing my hips with one of his hands. And then there was the hottest, most anticipatory feeling I think a bottom whore like myself can feel which is when you first feel the head of a guy's cock start to push into your hole. His cock was still wet with my spit, but he hadn't put on any lube. In my haste to get online I hadn't put out any lube or poppers which I normally do but at this point it was too late. I've gone 'lubeless' many times so I braced myself for some pain until my insides started to get used to a quasi dry fuck.

His cock was thick and when the head popped in I clenched down with my teeth while at the same time trying to keep my hole relaxed. I know there are plenty of guys out there who get fucked and it involves being slowly opened up, either with fingers or the cock heavily lubricated, at a nice slow pace, always making sure that any pain is minimized. There is nothing wrong with that and most of the time that's exactly how I get it, but there are times when you want to 'make love' and there are times when you want your hole wrecked. This was the latter.

He didn't wait for me to 'get used to it' but as expected he just kept pushing and within 5 seconds he had buried his cock to the hilt. Not able to control myself I moaned real loud and quickly reached over and grabbed a pillow and pulled it over to my face. We were in a motel room and I couldn't yell out, so I just moaned into the pillow as he pulled almost out and the pushed back in to his balls. I jerked a little bit forward as he hit a really deep spot and I was quickly rewarded with a hard slap against my ass. "Don't move," he said as he continued to push and pull his cock out of my hole. I was still moaning and exclaiming the occasional, "oh fuck" as he started to pick up his pace.

I found myself actually biting into the pillow. When I was younger and fairly vanilla I used to think people biting on something when in pain was a cliche, but when getting fucked practically dry I have to admit that biting down on something, anything, including a pillow just seems to help. He had a cock that even when adequately lubed would have been a hard fuck, but my spit was quickly drying off his cock and the only lubrication was what little I had on my insides which wasn't much. I don't think an ass can really lubricate itself, but somehow when getting fucked like this I've found that your body finds a way. Where that extra moisture comes from I'm not sure, but my hole was being pushed and pulled by the friction of his cock. I had no complaints though and with every thrust my mind exploded as I closed my eyes and my brain literally was going off like fireworks.

He continued to fuck me for several minutes before putting one of his hands on my upper back, the sign that he wanted me to go flat down on my stomach, and I complied. Now I was being pumped with latino cock with his body pushing down on top of me. My hands and arms were above my head and I felt his hand, specifically his fingers, reach around my face until they found my mouth. He hooked a couple of fingers in my mouth, like a hook, as he continued to pump my hole. With his fingers now in my mouth, my jaw being pulled open, I just found myself grunting and growling. It was guttural and primitive. There has always been dominance and submission in all parts of life, but in sex it's rarely this personal. He was beginning to sweat and I could feel his body becoming more slippery. I was even sweating due to the exertion it took giving up my hole. I felt some of the sweat drip down the crack of my ass and soon felt the familiar subtle sting as it dripped onto my raw hole and his cock pushed it in and in it's own way it became a natural lube, albeit not a good one.

He kept pumping away and even though we had been playing for some time it was the first time he engaged in anything that would come close to a conversation.

He pulled his fingers out of my mouth and asked, "Are you a fucking pig?" and at the same time jammed his cock really hard up my hole making me yell out.

"Oh fuck yeah I'm a pig," I mumbled while turning my head to the side so I could look back at him. He was still pressed completely down on me and kept pumping away.

"You fucking like this, don't ya?"

"Oh yeah, oh yeah" was the most intelligent thing that would come out of my mouth.

"Open your mouth," he demanded. I did, and even stuck out my tongue knowing what he wanted to do. Sure enough I watched as he sucked his lips together and then quickly spit into my mouth and onto my face. He continued to pound me and I kept my mouth open as he reached up with one of his hands and rubbed the spit all over my face and lightly started slapping my face. I was grunting uncontrollably but I pushed my neck out further, opened my mouth further, begging for more which he thankfully gave me. More spit, more and rougher slapping of my spit covered face, all while his cock went balls deep back and forth in my hole.

He shoved my head with his hand back down into the pillow and then he began to take his weight off my body, only to turn sideways at a 90 degree angle. I tried to pull up one leg as it's so painful to be fucked at such an odd angle, but he wouldn't have anything of it, snapping at me to, "Stay there." Along with my grunts, moans, and growling noises I was already whimpering but as soon as he started to piston my hole sideways I just grabbed the pillow and moaned into it. He was hitting the sides of my hole and it fucking hurt. Again though I found myself battling that feeling of wanting to push him off me, while at the same time having beautiful flashes of pain as my mind overcame the physical and exploded with pure mental lust.

He was soon moving again and getting into a position that is incredibly uncomfortable for any bottom. He continued to turn his body all the way around so that he was fucking me backwards. As I lay face down I reached up and and grabbed his ankles as he continued to pound my hole. In my early years of getting fucked I didn't think this position was even possible, but he was not the first to pull this stunt, and I do think of this as a sexual stunt, and as before it was hurting me to no end. But I was already so mentally gone, and physically exhausted, that all I could do was try to hang in there and arch my back and hips upwards to relieve some of the pain from the completely backwards thrust of his cock into my guts. I continued to grunt and at times yell out right when he pushed his cock into my hole which was now pushing into the front of my guts.

Although I would have let him continue fucking me backwards, and just put up with the pain, I think it was too hard on him as his cock had to bend quasi backwards as well. I could feel his cock start to lose some of it's stiffness which actually took away some of the pain, but he pulled out fairly soon after that. He turned around and told me to get back up on my hands and knees which I did. As soon as I pushed myself up on my elbow he once again shoved his cock in and just started to pound away, grabbing my hips in both his hands and just started to jack hammer my hole. We had been fucking for about 20 minutes which may not sound like much to some, but there was no break, no lube, and my hole was literally throbbing by this point. I could tell that he was past that stage of getting off on just punishing my hole and was starting to move towards wanting to shoot his load. Although I loved the physical and mind fuck he had been giving me I couldn't deny that I was ready for him to just finish me off and breed me.

I started to grind my ass back on his cock and he didn't seem to mind. I also started clenching down on his cock as he pulled out after each thrust. I didn't have a lot of energy to expend but I knew that if I toyed with his cock with the muscles of my ass I'd probably stand a good chance that he'd cum sooner. Sure enough I could tell by his movements that he was getting close to coming. He also started mumbling and saying little short exclamations like, "yeah, take it... you fucking bitch... you want my cum bitch..." I just kept pushing back on his cock and tried to keep up my clenching on his cock, sending him the signals that fuck yeah I wanted his load.

Taking a guys load in my ass is an honor. It's a privilege... for me. Even though this guy had come in and pretty much treated me like a trashy whore, I was still honored that he would choose me to be his cum dump. In fact because he did treat me like a whore it turned me on even more because I knew he was playing on the same field as I did when it came to fucking a guy's hole. Here is a guy who had barely spoken to me since he walked in the door but I was 100% certain there was a complete understanding between the two of us. I have friends who I have known for years who didn't know me as well as this latino fucker did. When you are giving up your body, your mouth, your hole... giving up your dignity to someone, your are getting fucked bare in more ways than one. It's not just your ass that is bare, it's your whole fucking soul and spirit that you are exposing. I had nothing to hide from this guy and as he picked up his pace and I sensed that he was getting close to depositing his cum in my hole I relished the experience more than any other pleasure in my life. This is what I live for and my mind just explodes every time… every single time.

I knew he was coming by the pace of his thrust and by his breathing. He didn't pull out, and he certainly didn't ask permission if he could cum in my hole. It was a given before he even showed up at the motel. He just began to grunt really loud and I could tell he was beginning to unload in my ass. I'm not sure I can explain it but when a guy is getting close to loading in my hole any pain that I have evaporates. A minute beforehand my hole was burning in pain, but when I felt him getting close to unloading my mind forgot everything except for the anticipation of getting his cum in my hole. And even though I have had countless men cum in my hole, each time I am thinking to myself over and over, "Fuck he's cumming in my ass. This fucker is cumming on my ass. I'm such a fucking whore. I'm a fucking cum dump whore." And it's all true. I am.

His thrusting slowed down and I could tell that he had nutted in my hole. After he came he collapsed on me, once again forcing me flat down on the bed. He didn't rest long though and quickly dismounted me, rolled off the bed, and started to get dressed. Some guys clean up a bit at the sink, others like this fucker just start to get dressed. Regardless I just lay there and tried to get my senses back to some type of norm. Some guys like to talk, others don't, but I always let them instigate any type of conversation if they are so inclined. Just as they like to have the door unlocked and me ready to be used when they walk in, many time they want the same treatment when they leave, which is just lay there, don't ruin the mood, and just keep your fucking mouth shut. Although I could tell the guy probably had a mean streak in him, his edge was gone, no doubt due to the fact that he just shot his load. Cumming calms guys down, makes them sleepy even, and this hot latino fuck had chilled completely, so I lay there in silence watching him get dressed.

As he walked out he said, "See ya" without looking my way and out the door he went. Once left alone I thought about what had just happened. It was intense and the fucking this guy gave me was much better than the average fuck session. There is a sense of bewilderment after getting dicked down like that. I kept thinking, "Wow' over and over until I finally started to get up off the bed. After standing up I reached back and felt my hole, which is a common practice and habit that I've gotten into for the past several years. Sure enough it was wet and with my middle finger I rubbed around my hole and then brought my finger up to my nose. I love the smell of cum. Nothing smells quite like cum and it's close to hypnotic as I just continued to smell the cum on my finger. I snapped out of it and pulled on my shorts. It was still early, barely past 6:00 PM, and the night had just begun. So as I had done many times before I shook off what had just happened, went and sat down at the little desk, and started hunting for the next guy.

Over the next 3 nights I would have over 25 guys come to the motel. It was a record breaking 3-day trip for me. I know how many men fucked me because I kept count on a piece of paper next to the bed. Each load, another notch on the piece of paper. I still have that little piece of paper to remind me of how much of whore I have become.

There were other memorable fucks on this trip and I hope to get those down on paper as well. If I do I'll post them here and also on my blog at

As always if you have any feedback feel free to send me a note at

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