Moving Forward

By Francis O'Ratigan

Published on Feb 17, 2000


I would like to thank the people who sent me e-mails in support of my new story. I am going to continue with it. As before this is complete Fiction and In no way reflects the sexual orientation of the BSB. If you are a minor than scat!! Come back when you are legal. And if you are looking for the sex well you are not going to find it here. At least not yet. Although that is not to say that I wont tease you a bit. Now on with the Story!

Remember your comments help set the stage for the story. So e-mail me your comments or ideas.

Moving Forward Chapter 7 & 8

I looked in the direction of the voice. It was AJ, he came running over to me and grabbed my shoulders and shook them hard. "God Chris what were you thinking?" he asked concerned. I wrenched myself free of him and sat down on the couch.

"I was thinking that I needed a drink!" I hurled at him. He sat down beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. I tried to get away from him but he pulled me tighter.

"Why do you need the drink?" he asked. Now that he said it I realized how foolish I had been. If I had taken that drink than I would've taken another one. I would be in no shape to help Nick out. I heard some yelling and shouting upstairs. I got up to help but AJ pulled me back down. "Leave them be Chris, they need to figure this out for themselves." I reluctantly sat back down. "Now back to my original question. Why do you think you need a drink?"

"Because every thing is so fucked up!" I yelled at him. He cringed at my yelling. "Sorry for yelling," I mumbled. "I mean first I meet this great guy and fall head over heels over him. Than I find out he has a lot of baggage. Than thugs from my past come and beat the crap out of him, shoot him and than stab me. I find that Kevin is an abuser and has been beating up on Nick. Nick is an alcoholic and no one trying to help him. I finally get him the help he needs and he takes that first step and than that asshole Kevin steps in to ruin it all!" I sobbed out. "There does that answer your question?" He nodded and than got up and went to the bar and poured a drink and handed it to me. I looked up at him shocked. "Take it away!" I hurled at him.

"Here drink it Chris!" he shouted at me. "If you think this is going to help than drink the fucking drink!" He shoved the drink in my hand and I threw it against the wall. I would have to buy Brian some new glasses. I glared at him and slumped down in the couch. "So what are you feeling right now?" he asked.

"How I would love to beat the crap out of you right now!" I hurled at him. He busted up laughing. Which of course made me even more mad. "What the hell are you laughing at?"

"Sorry man," he giggled. "Just thought that would be the last thing you would say to me." I thought about it for a moment and started laughing too. We heard a door slam and Kevin came charging down stairs and into the living room.

"Well I hope you are happy now!" he shouted at me. "Nick hates my guts and wants nothing to do with me!" He sat down in a chair and glared daggers at me.

"This is not my fault Kevin!" I yelled back. "You're the one who likes beating up on him!" I knew I was hitting below the belt but I didn't care. "Nick needs your love and support right now. And all you've been giving him is bruises." AJ shot me a warning look as if to say "STOP!" but I kept right on going. "If Nick kicked you out of his life than you have no one to blame but yourself," I hurled at him and stormed out of the room and upstairs. I knocked on the guest room.

"Go away Kevin!" Nick shouted. I opened the door and looked in. He was laying on the bed with a pillow over his head. I crept in and sat next to him. He tried to push me off the bed with his foot. I started laughing. He sat up shocked. "Oh hi Chris," he mumbled laying on his back staring up at he ceiling. I could tell he had been crying.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked softly.

"I hate him!" he blurted out. I tried not to laugh and managed to disguise it as a cough. "He thinks that being an alcoholic is fake!"

"Do you really hate him?" I aksed. He glared at me for a few seconds. "Well Nick it is a fair question. Do you really hate him?" He shook his head no. "Than you love him," I stated. He nodded yes. I got up and headed out of the room. When I got downstairs I walked into the living room. "Hey Kevin!" I shouted at him. He looked up at me. "Get your ass back upstairs, your boyfriend needs you!" He headed back upstairs. I went to the bar and picked up a bottle of water and drank the whole thing in on swallow. I heard the phone ring and I pounced on it. "Hello?" I asked.

"Now there is a voice I could get used to," laughed Brian. I closed my eyes savoring the sound of his voice. "Helloo!! Any one there?" he asked.

"Yea I'm here," I giggled. AJ rolled his eyes and I stuck out my tongue. He flipped me off and left the house. "I miss you," I whined at him. I could've swore I heard him sniffle.

"I miss you too," he said sadly. "You want to come over to the hospital?" he asked hopefully.

"Try and keep me away babe," I said grinning.

"OHHH YEAAA Kevin!" shouted Nick. I busted up laughing.

"EWWWWW was that what I think it was?" asked a horrified Brian.

"Yep," I said laughing until I had tears streaming down my face. "That is Kevin and Nick making up." We talked for a few moments before hanging up. I ran upstairs and pounded on the door.

"Yea?" said a muffled voice. I couldn't tell if it was Kevin's or Nick's.

"I'm going to the hospital to spend some time with Brian," I said. I heard silence so I shrugged my shoulders and headed out the door.

Back in the house.

"Do you think he heard us?" asked a worried Nick. Kevin started laughing. Nick looked hurt.

"Well Babe let's see. OHHH YEAAA Kevin!" shouted Kevin imitating Nick. "The answer would be yes! He heard you!" He reached between Nick's legs and latched onto Nick's growing member. Nick let out a groan but Kevin silenced him with a kiss. He than lowered himself to Nick cock and expertly engulfed the entire thing. Nick let out another groan.

"Oh yea Kevin, give it to me good," rasped out Nick pumping his cock in and out of Kevin's mouth. Kevin just hung on for the ride. Enjoying giving Nick as much pleasure as he could. He always enjoyed sucking cock. He enjoyed Nick's the best. It was just the right size long and narrow. It wasn't long before Nick gave up his load into Kevin's hungry mouth. He eagerly swallowed it all. Nick gently pulled Kevin off of his sensitive cock. Kevin made his way back up to Nick. He planted a kiss on Nick's forehead and snuggled up to him to go too sleep. Than he realized that it was Valentines Day and he had forgotten to get Nick anything. He slid out of bed and threw on his clothes. In another minute he as on his way to the jewlry store. He as going to make this relationship official. Once inside he asked the sales person. "Do you have any diamonds for men?" The salesman looked at him strange. "Hey I'm gay and looking to buy diamond for my man. You want to do business with me or not?" The salesman quickly produced two trays of rings.

"Ok I'll take this one," said a familiar voice beside him. He looked up to see Chris standing there holding up a neck chain with a cross on it with diamonds on it. I had seen Brian looking at one just like it.

"I know he'll like that one," I whispered in Chris's ear. He jumped when I whispered in his ear.

"Oh hi Kevin," he said blushing. "You and Nick make up," He asked blushing again. I nodded. He looked over my shoulder and pointed at a very simple men's ring. "Get that one. Nick likes things simple," he said.

"How do you know?" I asked shocked.

"I'm a good judge of people when it comes to buying jewlery. And that ring screams out Nick. Trust me on this one," I said patting him on the back.

"I'll take that one," Kevin said pointing at the ring. We soon parted ways. I headed back to the house to get things ready for Nick's return. Chris headed to the hospital to be with Brian.

(From Chris's point of view)

I crept into Brian's room trying to juggle all of the things. The vase with the roses the life size teddy bear and the candy. Brian busted up laughing when he saw me. I made my way over to him and plopped the teddy bear in his lap. I set the flowers on his bedside table and set the candy beside the flowers.

"Hi!" I said smiling at him.

"Hi yourself sweetie," he said leaning in for a kiss. "I missed you something terrible," he sniffled at me.

"Well you will be out of here tomorrow and than we can be together the whole day," I said excited about spending the whole day with him. He started sticking his hands in my pockets. I of course swatted his hands away.

"Where is it?" he demanded grinning.

"Where is what?" I asked innocently. He stuck out his bottom lip to pout. I took pity on him and Pulled out the box and handed it to him. "Happy Valentines Day Babe," I said grinning. He looked the box over and shook it and than smelled it. "Oh will you open it already!" I demanded. He busted up laughing and carefully opened the lid. His eyes welled up with tears as he held up the neck chain.

"Oh Chris," he breathed. "I love it!" I helped him put it on. Than I stood in front of him to get a good look at him. He looked real good in it. The cross rested against his bare tanned chest. I just stood there gawking at him. He waved his hand in front of me. I shook myself out of my trance.

"Where were you babe?" he asked grinning.

"Right where I want to be," I said sitting next to him. At once two arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. I bent down and captured his lips in a intense kiss. I drove my tongue down his throat. He immediately responded too. We heard a knock on the door. Brian growled in frusturation as we broke apart.

"Come in!" he shouted. The door crept open and in walked two people that I never in a million years would've expected to walk in. Justin Timberlake and JC of Nsync. I started to get up but Brian held me down. "It's alright Babe," he whispered. "We are in good company."

"Hi Brian," said Justin. "We heard you was here and came by to see how you were doing." He leaned down and gave Brian a hug. He glared at me on the way up. JC came over and stuck out his hand.

"Name is JC and you are?" he asked grinning at me. Justin rolled his eyes and sat down in a chair.

"Chris Ramsey," I answered him.

"You in the Military or something?" asked Justin in a snotty voice. JC glared at him.

"Was in the Marines," I answered politely. He just nodded. "So how did you get shot?" he asked Brian.

"By a Marine who had a beef with Chris," he answered.

"So you had to bring your problems with you didn't you Jarhead?" he sneered. I was boiling mad but bit my tongue. I was not liking this Justin kid.

"That is enough Justin!" shouted Brian. He looked like he was going to bolt out of the bed and attack him. Justin calmed down.

"So you two a couple?" asked JC. Brian nodded laying his head on my shoulder. JC caught sight of the cross and empty box. He took a hold of the cross and looked at it close. "Nice, did you get it for him?" he asked me. I nodded, "Good taste dude," he said approvingly. Justin made a huffing noise. I had enough. I walked over to him.

"Alright Justin what is your problem?" I demanded. He just glared at me not saying anything. "Fine don't answer me," I said going back to Brian's arms.

"You know what makes me sick?" he asked me.

"No but I am sure you are going to tell me," I sneered back. Brian started to say something but I stopped him. "No Brian let's see what the little boy has to say. JC choked back a laugh.

"People like you sponging off of us stars only looking for one thing," he retorted. "All you want is money and sex from Brian. You don't love him." I just sat back calmly nodding at him.

"Are you done little Boy?" I asked deadly calm in the softest voice possible. He looked at me shocked. He nodded. I looked at Brian. "May I Babe?" I asked. He nodded.

"Oh oh Justin, you've had it now," warned JC.

"You have no fucking idea who you are messing with do you BOY?" I asked shouting at him. He jumped at my outburst. "Have you heard of the Ramsey's?" he shook his head no. "Well prepare to shove that fucking foot down your throat. I happen to be the soul heir of the Ramsey fortune in the tune of 20 million dollars. You think I am in this for the money? You're nuts. Sex! Ask Brian how many times we've done it BOY!" I shouted at him. Brian held up his hand with his fingers in the form of a zero. Justin's eyes got real large when he saw that. "I am in this for love Justin!"

"Yea well you may believe that but I sure the hell don't!" he hurled at me shoving past me. There was a silence in the room when Justin stormed out of the room.

"Well I handled that real well!" I said wiping tears from my face. Brian pulled me into a hug.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Justin cares deeply about his friends," consoled Brian. I got up and looked up at kissed Brian on the lips. He moaned softly and slid his tongue down my throat. We heard a coughing noise and we were forced to break apart.

"I'm going to find him and see if I can't patch things up," I said. "I'll let you and JC catch up on old times." I slipped outside and found Justin standing outside the door. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the waiting room. He shoved me out of the way.

"Get your hands off of me!" he shouted at me.

"You and I are going to have a little talk," I told him forcing him back into the room. He took a swing at me and I easily blocked it. "Don't mess with me boy. I can mop the floor up with you!" Justin glared at me and sat down. "Now tell me what the fuck is your problem!" I demanded.

"I don't like you!" he shouted at me.

"Why Justin?" I asked. "You don't even know me!"

"I know your type, and your type is going to hurt Brian!" he sobbed out. It dawned on me he was in love with Brian.

"You love him don't you?" I asked. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," I said softly. "So you want to tell me about it?" I asked hoping this kid would open up.

"Just stay away from him!" he glared at me. "You are no good for him!"

"And you think you are?" I asked back getting hot under the collar again. "Well I have news for you boy! You are not all that. And Brian and I have fallen in love already so you get lost!" I shouted at him and stormed out. I wondered outside to clear my head. A car pulled up and Nick and Kevin climbed out. I looked at Nick's hand and saw the ring. He caught me looking and he grinned.

"What are you doing out here?" asked Kevin. "Shouldn't you be up there taking care of him?"

"Don't care for the company right now," I grumbled. The door open and Justin came out. I glared at him and he flipped me off.

"Oh well don't worry about him. I can take care of him if you want," joked Nick assuming a fighting stance. I laughed at him and lightly punched him in the shoulder.

"Thanks Nick you are the greatest," We all headed back into the hospital and into Brian's room. JC got up shook hands with Kevin and Nick. I of course made my way over to Brian and sat next to him. He laid his head on my shoulder. I bent down and kissed the top of his head.

"AWWWW!" cooed Nick. "Aren't they cute." I threw a pillow at him and swatted it away. The light hit his ring finger and his new diamond shown brightly. JC grabbed and looked at it.

"UH Kevin," he stuttered. "Something you want to tell us." The door opened and Justin came back in. He walked up to Brian and bent down and kissed right on the lips!

Brian's eyes got real big and shoved Justin off of him. I went to hit him but was pulled back by Kevin. "Get away from me!" shouted Brian wiping his mouth off. "Don't ever touch me gain!" Tears were running down his face and I went to him to pull him in a hug. But Justin shoved me back. I fell back and hit my head on the corner of the head board.

"Stay away from him!" he shouted at me kicking me in the side. I felt one of my ribs crack. I groaned in pain and blacked out.

Chapter 8

(From Brian's point of view)

I watched in horror as Justin was beating up my Baby. I heard him cry out in pain. I tried to get up but Kevin was holding me down. Nick stepped in and grabbed Justin and threw him against he wall. JC went over to Chris's side to check on him. I heard him groan in pain.

"He coming around," reported JC. "Come on Chris talk to me." Chris tried to get up fast so he could go after Justin. But he grabbed his side and screamed in pain. JC helped him to a chair and carefully sat him down.

"I think I have a cracked rib," he gasped out. JC glared at Justin who was still being restrained by Nick. Kevin slipped out to get a doctor. I climbed out of bed and hobbled over to him and sat next to him and pulled him close.

"Get out!" I shouted at Justin. Nick roughly threw him out the door. I turned back to Chris. I could tell he was having a hard time breathing. "Let me help you?" I pleaded with him. He looked up and smiled and took my hand. By this time the doctor had arrived. They sat him up on the other bed and removed his shirt. My eyes gapped at the size of the dressing that covered his knife cut. The doctor started gently pushing on his chest and ribs. When he got the area that was kick Chris let out a muffled groan. Tears of pain came to his eyes.

"I think he has cracked ribb. We'll have to take xrays to make sure," said the Doctor. Kevin helped Chris get into a wheel chair and they wheeled him out of the room.

"Where is that ass hole Justin?" I demanded. Nick shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll go find him," offered JC as he left the room.

JC found Justin in the waiting room sitting by himself. "What did you think you were doing in there?" JC demanded. Justin just glared at him remaining silent. "Brian belongs to Chris, not you!"

"Chris is trash and doesn't deserve Brian!" Justin screamed at JC.

"Who says?" asked JC. Justin just clamed up not talking any more. So JC grabbed his arm and pulled him into my room. He than grabbed Nick and pulled him out so Justin and I could talk in private. Justin sat down in a chair and looked at his feet.

"I still love you Brian," he mumbled.

"It is over Justin!" I shouted at him. "Hell it was over before it even got started!" I was ashamed of myself from that one night. You see Justin was one of my long line of one night stands. Only for Justin it was love at first sight. He had never quite gotten over it. Now it was bordering on obsession. And I was getting tired of it. "I love Chris, not you, all you were was a one night fling. I have no feelings for you. Now leave me alone Justin!" I pleaded with him.

"But we are so good together," he sobbed out. I rolled my eyes and looked away. I felt his hand on my leg. "Please?" he pleaded. I looked at him with his innocent looking eyes. He started to lean forward to press his lips against mine. I turned away and I heard him sob. I than heard the door slam shut. I looked around and he was no where to be seen.

"God Justin!" I shouted out into the empty air. "Why can't you just move on?"

(From Chris's point of view)

"If you touch me again I will break your hand!" I shouted at the nurse. She was trying to tape up my chest to relieve the pain. Kevin put his hand on my shoulder.

"Now Chris, you know that she has to do that," he admonished me.

"It hurts," I whined at him. She rolled her eyes. "Well it does!" I glared at her. Kevin busted up laughing and I glared at him. The nurse went ahead and taped up my rib cage. I had to admit that it was easier to breathe. When the doctor said he was done I headed back up to Brian's room. We passed a crying Justin on the way. I went to hit him but Kevin held me back. I glared at him.

"That is enough Rocky," Kevin warned in a voice that said no. I shrugged him off and continued on my way to Brian's room. When we got there Brian was in tears. I rushed to his side.

"What's wrong Babe?" I asked wiping his tears away.

"It's Justin, I hurt him so much," he whimpered.

"I'm confused Brian," I said slowly.

"He was one of them," he mumbled looking away. My face went pale. "I used him and tossed him aside like he was trash. Only thing is he didn't go away. He keeps on pushing. He thinks he is in love with me." I got up and went to the window. "Please say something?" he pleaded.

"You're a different person now Brian," I consoled him. He shrugged me off angry.

"That still doesn't make it right!" he hurled at me.

"Well Brian, these are mistakes you have made and you are going to have figure out a way to fix them," I yelled back at him. He cringed when I yelled at him.

"You probably hate me right now," he mumbled.

"No Brian I don't hate you," I said going to his side and rubbing his shoulder. "I love you silly," I said kissing him.

"I could get used to this," he moaned returning my kiss. I heard some coughing behind me and I turned to see JC standing there. He looked angry.

"What did you do to Justin!" he shouted at me. Brian came to my rescue.

"Chris didn't do anything to Justin," explained Brian.

"Well someone had to do something to him because I can't find him," he said. He than walked over to me and grabbed me. "I swear if he gets hurt I am going to come hunt you down Marine!" I shoved him away from him.

"Lay off!" I shouted getting really mad. "I didn't do anything but fall in love. I can see now that was a mistake!" I cried out running out of the room. I kept running until I came to an alley. I stopped to catch my breath. The cracked rib was starting to bother me again. That was when I heard it.

"Well well looks like we have one of those faggot boy band members," said a chilling voice. I immediately crouched down behind some dumpsters. I saw four guys surrounding Justin. Justin looked scared. One of the guys was holding a gun on Justin. The other three were holding knives. I looked around for a weapon and found one. A bottle which I picked up and broke it. One of the guys took a swipe at Justin. Thank God Justin knew how to move because he easily dodged the swipe.

"Why don't you guys just leave him alone," I said calmly stepping out into the alley. They all looked up at me. The one with the gun turned the gun on Justin.

"You would be wise to leave us alone," he warned me.

"Can't do that sir," I said advancing towards them. "You see I know this jerk and now I am a witness." The one holding the gun gestured to the ones holding the knives.

"Take him out," he ordered. The three headed towards me. I knew that I was in trouble. I slowly backed up so that I had room to move. One of the men yelled and ran towards me. I made my move and lunged towards him swinging the broken bottle at him I felt the bottle dig into his flesh. He let out a scream of pain. I heard Justin yell for me to look out than I heard the gun shot. That was when everything went black.

Next: Chapter 5: Moving Forward 9 10

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