Moving to a New Town

By Stephen

Published on Dec 28, 2023


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Moving to a New Town Part 3

Summer was coming to an end and fall was setting in nicely. The mornings were cool, the days were pleasant and sunny, and the evenings were chilly. Some would call it sweater weather. I had settled into a comfortable routine meaning and was adjusting to life independent of my family and living in a smaller town than I had moved from.

I'll never forget that day as long as I live. It was November and cold outside. The cold, humid air seemed to permeate even the most layered of outfits. I had gotten home from work and showered, changed into my pajamas, and was preparing dinner. It was about 7pm when my phone rang. It was Jay. It was not unusual for him to call at this hour, especially when he worked late, in fact on those days, we talked on the phone most nights until he got home from work.

I answered: "Hello?"

"What up bossy man?"

"Oh nothing. Fixing supper. What are you up to?" I had him on speaker phone as I continued to prepare my meal.

"Headed back into town. I been down to Churchville working on storm damage. I am ready to be home and get these boots off."

"I bet you are," I replied not really paying much attention to the conversation. Normally he talked and I listened. He got lonely being in a company truck all day and night.

"What you fixin' me for supper?" he queried.

"What do you want?"

"What you got?"

"My ass."

"You'd like that wouldn't ya? He laughed. "Bbboooyyy by the time I got done with you, you'd be poopin' pancakes. I'd stretch you out gggooooodddd."

"I bet you would." By this time, I had gotten used to his banter. "Seriously though if you're hungry stop by. I'm making hamburger steak and rice."

"Naw," he said exaggerating his southern drawl, "I'm good. The wife done fixed something. I'll eat there. But I might stop by and see you for a minute. I hadn't seen my little fag and I miss him." It was true. He had been too busy to stop by the store. I hadn't seen him in person in a couple of weeks, though we did talk on the phone almost every day. Still the thought of seeing him gave me butterflies in my stomach and made my cock twitch. About that time, I heard the sound of a vehicle outside, so I went to the front door. My neighborhood was full of older people. No one was usually out past 7pm. I peeked through the blinds hanging on the door. It was Jay! I immediately flung open the door.

"That was quick!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. I was in the neighborhood," he said as he made his way up the walkway, his heavy boots alerting the neighbor's cat who came over to inspect. Jay knelt down, "Come here kitty kitty. I like some pussy," he said with a chuckle.

"You can stay out here and play with pussy if you want to," I scolded. "I'm going back in where it's warm."

"Good," he followed closely behind. "I'd rather play with yours anyway." He grabbed my pajama clad butt and slapped both cheeks with one hand as we made our way inside.

"You better stop that. The neighbors will see. The store staff already think you're my boyfriend."

"So? What if I am?" he paused thinking about what he had just said then continued: "Naw, I ain't your boyfriend. You're my fag," he said as we made our way into my kitchen. I walked over to the counter where I had been preparing my meal. He followed close behind, never more than a few inches from me. When I took my place at my counter, he closed the distance, and I could feel his breath on my ear. His chest was pressed firmly against my back. I could feel his belt buckle press into my lower back, and I felt the unmistakable tube of his cock expand as he pressed his jean clad manhood into my ass. He positioned his feet beside mine allowing him more leverage. My cock was rock hard. A shiver ran through my body causing goosebumps to spring up everywhere.

"I think somebody likes that," he jeered. "Does that make you hard bossy man? Do you like my attention?" I was shaking. I couldn't speak as he took me by my shoulders and turned me around to face him. He was so close to me our lips and noses were almost touching. He whispered, "What if I kissed you? Would you like that? You'd probably nut right here, wouldn't you?" He was teasing me. It was excruciating. "You know what I like about you? I have a place to play because of you. You know what else? When you blow me, I last longer with my wife. What do you think about that fag? You make sex with my wife better. Your slobber, your DNA is in her pussy. The last time you blew me I went home and fucked her for two hours. My cock was still wet from your mouth."

Images of him fucking his wife flooded my mind. I whimpered at the thought, wishing I was her. Just then he reached down and flicked the head of my cock. Pain shot through me as I was pushed closer to the edge of cumming.

"Yeah, you like that don'tcha fag?" he continued to whisper as he flicked my cock again. I moaned this time. The pain was bearable. The pleasure was unbearable. My knees buckled a little. He leaned in closer as I was simultaneously trying to stave off blowing my load, recover from the painful flick, and calculate what he was going to do next. He drew closer to my face and suddenly flicked his tongue across my lips. I opened my mouth to say something, but he cut me off, whispering, "Yeah, you'd want me to kiss you, wouldn't ya? Just remember you belong to me. You're my fag. What's yours is mine. I own you."

He took a few steps back and I could see the outline of his hard cock. He clearly enjoyed this as much as I did. "You got me all worked up," he said. "Ima go fuck my wife's pussy now." He turned and strode through my home slamming the door as he left. I heard his truck sling gravel as he accelerated down my street.

I locked the front door and straightened the picture of my grandparents that his violent exit had knocked off kilter. Gently I pulled down my pajama bottoms to look at my still swollen dick. The hooded head was purple, a reminder of who I belonged to. I tenderly pulled my foreskin back. As I did, the feel of cool air on my now exposed cock head was too much and I came violently. My orgasm rocked my body as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. I tried to count the ropes that shot from my cock, but I surrendered to the pure bliss as I saw flashes of white and stars. I moaned and whimpered uncontrollably not caring how loud I was or if my neighbors might hear.

After my orgasm ended but I felt tingly all over. I could still feel Jay's tongue on my lips, and I thought I could catch a faint taste. He tasted manly. As I recovered reality set in. I still had to finish dinner and now had a mess to clean up.

Next: Chapter 4

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