Mr Black Sings a Sad Song

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Nov 14, 2004


This story is purely fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. Also this story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission arenot allowed.

Hi this is my story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song. Please tell me what you think. Email me

I would like to thank George Z for editing this story.

Mr Black Sings A Sad Song By: Green


To my family I was somewhat of an after thought. Being the middle child in a house of five children you were the one they always forgot. I mean I never really complained before. I guess I thought it wasn't worth the fight. I couldn't help noticing that fact as I sat here in the cold waiting. "Shit!" I yelled to myself.

We all went out to dinner. My parents had a big announcement. My father had been promoted. We had reservations at one of the fancy restaurants in the mall. My two older siblings took off at some point and my mother had asked me to go and pick up her ring she was having cleaned. I did as she asked and walked over to the jewelry store. When I returned my parents were gone.

Here I was in the cold waiting for them to realize they had left me. "Sir you cant stay here, the mall is about to close," said the mall security officer. I looked at him and began to walk. I didn't know where I was going. I just walked. At some point I had made it out of the mall's parking lot. It was getting colder or at least I thought. My house was three miles down.

I knew I could make it but I wasn't going home. I was going to my friend Jake's house. It was only about half a mile from the mall. I figured I could stay there for the night. When I was halfway to his house a car pulled up next to me. It was one of those old Ford cars that old men drove.

"Hey son you need a ride?" said the man driving. I couldn't really see him in the dark.

"No, I'm OK," I replied and sped up my walking.

He sped up also. "Now come on son. It's cold outside I ain't going to do anything."

I began to run. That man scared me. I was only thirteen afterall.

I was getting closer to Jake's house when he tackled me from behind and pulled me into his car. I fought and tried to hit him but he overpowered me. "Now you be a good little boy and behave. I have tons of fun planned for us," he said as I tried to open the door from inside.

I wouldn't see my family for two years.

Chapter One

I stepped out of the black suburban. "Are you ready for this?" said Officer Grant. I nodded and looked up to that house. I hadn't seen them in two years. "If you feel like you need to leave at any moment just call us." He said shaking my hand.

"I will," I said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

They found me in the streets. I was a completely different person. I had dyed my hair black because being blond on the street is not a good Idea. I used drugs because it helped me deal with the total mess my life had become. I slept in the street because I couldn't afford to stay anywhere. Sometimes I would find an empty garage or house. I came across one of the cops that was assigned to my missing persons case. I was arrested one day for Stealing a car. The charges were dropped when they saw that I was only fifteen.

Did I want to go back? Now that's a good question. I did but I didn't. I hated living on the streets but at least I had people that actually cared about me. When you are on the streets it helps to have someone to look after you. Trust me. I wanted to come back to my family because I'm some way I was really curious about them. Okay so maybe I missed them a little. I mean I spent thirteen years around these people, But I wanted to stay where I was. I knew where they lived and I knew their number. If I wanted to come back all I had to do was call them.

The officer walked me up to the front door and rang the doorbell. It was either here or juvenile hall. I heard stories about that place from the other street kids and really that was the last place I wanted to be. My father answered the door. He looked at me and pulled me to him. "Oh Brian," he said as he held me tight.

My mother then pulled me to her. "Oh my baby," She said. "I'm Here. Right here."

I didn't say anything. I had nothing to say. It was all their fault. How could I forgive that? They forgot and left me and looked what happened. To tell you the truth when I was on the street I had more attention than they could give me. I made friends with the street kids we were like a family. We looked after each other when we could. I didn't want to leave them behind.

"Hi," said one of my younger sisters. She hugged my mid section. She had grown.

"I missed you Brian," said my other little sister. They were twins. I always had a connection to them. "We both missed you," they said together.

"I missed you too," I said. they weren't to blame They were only eight years old.

"Yeah you missed our birthday party," said Kelly.

"Yeah we're this old now," Kim added holding eight fingers up.

"Yeah then I owe you a present. As soon as I can I will get you one."

My older brother Tim walked up behind me. "Hey Bro," he said pulling my body over to him with his big hands. "I thought we lost you for sure. It's good to have you back."

"Thanks," I said noticing that he had also grown. He was at least a foot taller than I remember.

"Oh my god. Brian," yelled my older sister Lisa. She pulled me away from Tim. She didn't hug mebut held my hands. I had an understanding with her. We were always close considering she was just eleven months older than me. "You and I have lot's to talk about." I nodded.

"Come on Brian I cooked a huge dinner for the family, Would you like to stay, Officer Grant?" asked my mother. I knew deep down she didn't expect him to stay. It was just courteous to ask.

He declined but pulled me aside before he left. "Remember what I told you. I mean it."

"I will Officer Grant."

I watched his suburban pull out of the driveway. Officer grant and I had an understanding. He really understood. He knew this was probably a bad place for me to be, but deep down he knew it was better than juvenile hall and he knew the streets would eventually kill me. "At least you know you can leave when you are eighteen. Till then just make the best of a bad situation." He said before heleft.

"Hey Brian come on dinner is ready," said Kim. I fought the urge to run. I wanted to just leave this place and never come back. I didn't fit in here anymore. They were all blond with bright smiles. With my black hair I stood out like a sore thumb Kim grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

The house was a different house than we used to live in. They must have bought it after my father's promotion. It was a huge house. The kind of houses the other street kids only dreamt about. I had grown up in these kinds of houses. I remembered living in at least three houses this big.

"Mom bought you a lot of stuff it's in your room."

"I have a room?"

"Yeah silly why wouldn't you. This house is huge," She said spreading her arms towards the ceiling.

She led me to the dining room. My father smiled at me as I walked in. My older siblings were already seated and my mom brought in a big plate of pasta. "Honey sit down." I sat down next to Lisa. My mother sat down next to me as Kelly came running in.

"Let's pray." my mother grabbed my left hand and Lisa grabbed the other.

My father Began. I watched as he prayed for having me back. It made me sick. Lisa looked at me and winked. When my father was done, my mother handed me a plate of her pasta. "Here honey eat all you want."

"Thanks." I said looking at the food. It didn't look particularly appealing.

"I bet you haven't had a home cooked meal in a while, huh?" Said Tim. My father glared at him. My mother just shook her head.

"To tell you the truth I haven't had a good meal since that time we ate at that restaurant inside the mall," I said. My father looked at me with sad eyes. My mother just looked down at her plate.

"Can we eat now?" asked Kelly.

"Yeah honey," My mom said. The sadness was evident in her voice but what did I care.

"Can I be excused please?"

"Yes Brian."

"I'll show him to his room,"Said Lisa. "Come on Brian." she said guiding me out of the dining room."That was awesome!"

"Huh?" I asked as we made it to the stairs.

"I said that was awesome. They deserve it. Come on your room is in what used to be the attic. They remodeled this whole house."

Great they put my room the furthest away so they could forget about me again. I followed her up three flights of stairs. "Your room is right next to mine. So we have the whole attic to ourselves." she opened the door to my room. The room was painted blue. There was a desk with some of my old stuff on it. There was also a brand new computer set up.

"Wow this is nice." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah mom bought you a whole bunch of stuff when the cops told her they found you. She went crazy. Dad made sure you had a tutor. I think he's coming by tomorrow. Dad wants you to be a sophomore when the school year starts."

"And I am supposed to forgive them? Because they did all this?"

"I sure hope not. They are assholes I know trust me. That night they blamed us. They said that if we were there we would had remembered you."

"Mom sent me to get her wedding ring that was getting cleaned. When I came back they were gone."

"They didn't even notice you were gone until late. Then they called us and made us look for you."

"You know I'm just across the hall when you want to talk."

I nodded and walked over to the big bay window. The house was on a lake and had a terrific view of it. "You know something?"

"What's that?"

"When I was out there I had something that I never had when I was here. I had a family."

She looked away for a second. "You know your right about that but when you were gone, I felt like I lost a part of myself. I missed you more than any of them did. I stopped talking to our parents. I still don't talk to them like I used to. I need you, Brian. You're my brother."

"I'm sorry Lisa I didn't mean it in that way. I missed you guys too. I cried myself to sleep sometimes thinking that I would never see Kim and Kelly again. I missed you because you understood me and I missed Tim because I idolized him."

She walked over to me and gave me a hug. "So who's this family you talk about?"

"You know maybe someday I will tell you the whole story. Right now I can't. It's still a little raw."

"It's OK Brian. I'm going to go eat before mom comes up here."


"Hey you know what? Let's go get something to eat somewhere else. My treat."

"OK," I said.

"I'll tell mom and dad."

I waited by the front door and noticed five cars in the driveway. "OK let's go. They weren't thrilled but I told them you need it. Come on I know this great place." we walked over to the garage and she opened the doors.

"Wow do they really need five cars?"

"Well those two are mom and dads'. That one is mine. The blue truck is Tim's."

"And that yellow one is yours." said Tim from behind. I turned to look at him. "Your birthday is next week right?"


"Well they want you to be able to drive."

"I already know. I learned a while back when we were stealing cars." That seemed to bother Tim a little. If it bothered Lisa, she wasn't showing it.

"Hey would you guys Mind if I joined ya?" Tim asked. "I rather not be around mom and dad. They are depressing me."

"I don't mind. Do you?" asked Lisa. I nodded.

"OK let's take my car then," Tim said and we walked over to his car.

"Sit in the front. I can't stand the way he drives," said Lisa as we reached his truck.

I was never really close to Tim but I always wanted to be like him. When I was younger I always tried to be around him and his friends. They were so cool to me.

"Do you know where `Jimmie's' is?" Lisa asked Tim.

"No. I don't think I've ever been there," He answered and Lisa gave him directions. The place looked to be a local hang out for teenagers. There was music playing loud and kids all over the place. Lisaled me inside. Some of the kids looked at me not recognizing who I was.

"We would like a booth. Please," Lisa said to the hostess. We followed her as she led us to one of the red booths that lined the far wall. She handed us menus as we sat.

"Your waitress will be with you in a minute," she said before leaving.

The people here weren't the types of kids I was friends with before. Some stared at me. I figured it was because of my black hair. Some girl said something to a boy that was sitting next to him and giggled. The boy looked at me and quickly turned away.

"So what do you want to eat?" Lisa asked.

I looked at the menu. I wasn't really that hungry. "I just want something to drink," I said.

"You need to eat," She said. "I'll get you a burger." I nodded in defeat.

"So you seem to be the topic of discussion tonight huh?" said Tim.

"Yeah I don't know what their problem is."

"Hey man calm down. I think they like you." He said nodding in that girls direction. I turned to look at her and she giggled.

"That's Mary Beth Stevenson. Stay away from her. She's such a slut you'll probably get herpes or something if you got near her." I laughed at that.

"See I knew we would get you to smile sooner or later." Tim said as the waitress walked over to us.

I looked away as Lisa and Tim ordered. "You know Gran and Grandpa are coming by tomorrow. Good luck," said Lisa as the waitress left with our orders. "They are going to smother you and I know by the end of the day your hair won't be black anymore if Grandpa has anything to say about it."

My mother's parents were the picture of properness. They were tough on all of us. We had to be perfect Christians. We had to be a part of a sport. We had to do everything they said. We had to get good grades. I was ready for them though. If they fucked with my hair I was going to fuck with them right back. I wasn't back by choice and they weren't going to make me do something I didn't want to do.I looked at them with a hard expression.

"Yeah he's already on my ass over football," Tim added.

When I was younger I was never good enough for them. I never really excelled in sports and I was never a straight A student. Every time they saw me they would fuss over it until we just walked away. I'm not thirteen anymore and I wouldn't hesitate to fight back.

"Let's change the subject," Lisa said and Tim nodded.

Our food came and I just picked at it. Tim ate vigorously and Lisa watched as I picked. "Can I ask you a question?" I nodded. "Does food scare you?"

"Oh no I'm just not really hungry," I answered a little embarrassed.

"You were always like that. I remember you never wanted to eat when we were younger," added Tim. I smiled.

"I just really never liked her cooking," I said. Tim laughed and so did Lisa.

"See? I thought I was the only one," said Tim.

As we left I saw those kids outside. The boy was staring at me intently now. "What?" I yelled and he turned away quickly.

"Whoa buddy settle down a little," said Tim.

"I just hate when people stare at me. I have black hair. It's not like I'm the only person in the world," I said as I got in Tim's truck. He looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry it's just a reflex I got from living on the street."

"It's OK besides I think that kid likes you," added Lisa.

I looked over to that kid as we pulled away. He looked vaguely familiar. "Do any of you know that kids name?" They both shook their heads. He kept looking at us as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"I'll see you guys later. Tell mom I won't be too late," Said Tim when he pulled into the drive way.

"Where is he going?" I asked Lisa.

"I don't know he's been really secretive lately. I'm surprised that he went out with us."

I looked back as he turned out of the drive way. He was talking to someone on his cell phone. It looked like he was yelling. He caught my eye before he pulled away.

"Come on Let's go to my room. I want to show you my new painting," said Lisa grabbing my arm. She pulled me past my parents. They looked like they wanted to say something to me. "Tim said he would be back before too late," Yelled Lisa as we made it up the stairs. Kim and Kelly followed us.

She led me into her side of the attic. Lisa had always been a good artist. When we were younger myparents were made aware of her talent early. Her room was just as big as mine. She had a lot of paintings set up all over the place. I saw one she painted of me when we were younger. Kelly and Kim sat down on her bed. I sat in between them as Lisa pulled the tarp of her new painting.

"Do you like it?" Lisa asked.

It was a painting of her crying. The tears were red. It was beautiful in a solemn way. "I love it," I said.

"Is that Kool-aid coming from her eyes," Asked Kim. I laughed.

"Dummy that's not Kool-aid It's fruit punch," yelled Kelly. I laughed even harder. Lisa joined in and sat next to me.

"I painted that last week when I heard that they had found you. I like it a lot."

There was a knock on the door and my mother peered her head in. "Kim. Kelly it's time for bed."

"Aw do we have to?" Asked Kim.

"Yes you do. You have school tomorrow," she said walking into the room. "Is that your new painting?" She asked but Lisa had already thrown the tarp over it.

"Yes," she answered a little coldly.

"Brian honey come on I'll show you where the towels and pajamas are. You probably want a hot shower." I nodded and looked over to Lisa who was now really pissed. I followed her out to the hallway. Kim and Kelly where already at the bottom of the stairs. "This closet is where I keep the towels. Your pajamas are in the top drawer of your dresser. I hope that I got everything you need. I put some cash for you by the table in case you needed anything."

"Thanks," I said noticing the money. Tears were streaming down her face.

"I missed you so much. My little boy. I Love you Brian," She said trying to smother me as she embraced me.

"I missed you too," I said more out of courtesy than actual feeling.

She broke the embrace and led me to the bathroom I shared with Lisa. "I got you some toiletries there in that bag. I also got you a robe I'll put it on the door for you. OK good night I'll see you tomorrow." I locked the door as she left. Lisa came in from the other door.

"Did she leave?" asked Lisa.

"Yeah," I answered.

"I hate it when she tries to look at my work. She criticizes it every time. There is always something that could be better."

"I think this is going to be a problem," I said completely ignoring what she said. My attention was on the doors to our shared bathroom.

"Oh don't worry about that. All you have to do is lock my side when you are in and I wont bother you," She said. "Hey I want to show you something." She grabbed my hand and led me out to the hallway and to a door at the far end. On the other side of the door here was stairs that led to the roof of the house. "Isn't it awesome?" I looked over the edge. There was an awesome view of the lake from the roof. The moon was reflecting on the water.

"Wow," I said. I noticed Tim pull in. "Hey there is Tim. Who's that with him?" I asked as another car pulled up next to him.

"I don't know. I haven't seen, wait isn't that the kid from the restaurant? The one that was looking at you?"

"Yeah I think so." I was caught of guard when they kissed.

"Oh my god," she said pulling me inside. "I knew it. I knew it." I was so confused at this point. I mean wow Tim is gay. "That's why he's been so secretive. That kid wasn't looking at you but at Tim. Come on let's go in before he notices that we were up there."

The shower was awesome. It poured like a rain shower. I was in there for about forty five minutes. I put on the ugly pajamas mom had gotten me and walked into my room. Tim was sitting on the bed. "Um hi." I said to him.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah sure," I said walking over to the bed.

"I want to tell you something that I hope you can understand. Do you remember that guy you saw In the restaurant? The one that kept looking over to you? Well you see he is my boy friend. His name is Connor."

"I know." He looked at me.

"I just saw you kiss him."

"I--I just wanted to tell you because..."

"Because you think that maybe I will understand," I finished the sentence for him. "I'll tell you what. Look at this picture," I said as I handed him a picture from my wallet. "That's my boyfriend Brady"

"Both of you?" Said Lisa who apparently was listening from the bathroom door. Tim looked like a dear caught in the headlights. I smiled.

"Yeah me too," I said she walked over to Tim and grabbed the picture.

"He's cute. Tell me about them boys. I would like to know my brothers-in-law before I meet them."

I let Tim go first. I listened intently as he described his boyfriend Connor. He talked for about an hour. He spilled everything from how they met to how they started dating. Lisa asked a few questions and so did I. He answered them with a glow in his eyes.

We started to doze off at some point. I never got to tell them about Brady. I wasn't ready to share that with them. Tim and Lisa fell asleep on my bed next to me. I was glad my mother had bought me a king size bed.

It reminded me of my friends on the street. When it was cold we'd always huddle together in the alley or where ever we could find a dry spot.

I woke earlier than they did and skipped to the bathroom to take a leak. When I was finished Tim was waking up. "Hey I'm sorry I fell asleep in your bed."

"It's okay," I said as I looked around for something to wear. The closet was filled with clothes. I picked out a pair of black cargo's and a black t-shirt. I walked over to the bathroom I took a shower and changed into the clothes.

I heard car doors closing. I walked over to the window. Sure enough there was my Grandparents. My grandfather looked up to my window. I could already smell the disapproval coming my way. It was going to be a long day.

Next: Chapter 2

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