Mr Black Sings a Sad Song

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Jan 3, 2005


This story is purely fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. This story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song. Please tell me what you think. Email me

I would like to thank George Z for editing this story.

Mr Black Sings A Sad Song By: Green

Chapter Three

What would I do? What could I do? My mind was telling me to go back to Tim's truck. My fists were telling me to do something completely different. I chose the latter and I began to walk towards him. I stood directly behind the guy Brady was kissing until Brady recognized me. The anger in my face could melt rocks, but the tears betrayed me and told the world I was hurt. He pushed the other guy away.

"Brian I...I" he mumbled.

"Who's this pretty boy?" asked the guy.

I grabbed Brady and punched him right across the face. "That's the last time you see me. I thought you cared about me," I yelled as I walked back to the truck.

"Brian wait," Brady yelled. I saw Tim get out of the car. I waved him back in. What could Brady say to me now? "Brian I'm sorry I never thought you would be back."

"And you replaced me so quickly," I said with tears in my eyes. "Brady I'm not coming back. Have a good life." I stepped into Tim's truck. He held the door. I tried to pull it away from him. "Brian I want to talk about this."

"Then Talk about it with that guy you were with. I don't want to hear it."

"I never thought you'd be back," Brady said with a quivering voice.

"I never thought you'd do that to me. I told you I was coming back!" I yelled. He let go of the door. He looked startled. I pulled the door and closed it. "Tim Drive."

The snow got worst as we reached the house. Tim parked the truck in the garage and asked Connor to do the same because he wasn't going anywhere tonight. Connor ran over to his car and parked it in the spare spot.

I looked over to the car my father had bought me. I could have gone to visit him in that car. I could go and make sure he was alright. I could be there for him. "Come on let's go inside. We can make hot chocolate and talk," Said Lisa. I nodded as she guided me through the door.

"Oh thank god you guys are home. I take it Connor is staying here?" My mother asked

"Yeah," Said Tim as he closed the garage door.

"Ok I'll set up the guest room for you Connor. Tim let him borrow a pair of your pajamas," She said and then she noticed me. "Brian what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said. I broke free of Lisa and I ran upstairs. I ran to my bed and cried. My mother came up after me.

"Brian," She said as she sat next to me. She handed me a cup of hot chocolate. "Here drink this. It'll make you feel better. Tim told me what happened." I let the tears come from my eyes as she got closer. "Brian Tell me what's wrong please."

"I can't mom. Not now," I said. She laid next to me. I woke the next morning. I found my mother was still there. She was holding me. "Mom?" I said waking her.

"Oh Brian I'm sorry I fell asleep with you. I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

"I'm OK mom."

I stood up and walked over to the window. The snow had piled up high. There were plows outside clearing the snow from the driveway. My father was clearing a path in the snow with the snow blower.

"It snowed all night," said Lisa coming in from the bathroom. "We have a snow day."

"Cool," I said.

"Oh Brian that means I can't take you shopping. I was hoping I could get you that cell phone," said my mother.

"I can take you guys," said Tim walking in. "My truck will make it. Plus they are already clearing the streets and the mall never closes in Christmas season."

"OK Tim. I'm going to make breakfast then we can go."

I made my way downstairs after I took a shower. My mother was making pancakes. Connor sat at the counter with Kim and Kelly.

"He's my boyfriend," Said Kim grabbing Connor's hand.

"No he's mine," Replied Kelly.

"No he's mine," Said Tim from behind. Connor smiled as Tim gave him a kiss.

It hurt to see other people happy like Tim and Connor were. Connor blushed as he saw me looking. I sat down In front of him and my mother placed a plate of pancakes before me.

"Eat up I made your favorite," said my mother. I looked down at the pancakes. I couldn't remember the last time I ate pancakes. Blue berry pancakes were my favorite, but these pancakes looked like they were still batter.

"These look delicious Mrs Black," said Connor. I looked over to Tim who looked like he was gagging as she placed the pancakes before her.

"Butt Kisser," Tim coughed. I laughed.

"Good Morning all," said Grandma as she entered the room. "Honey let me make those," She said to my mother after noticing the ones on my plate. I smiled.

My grandmother made a new batch of pancakes that were delicious. She made us throw away the ones my mother had made. My mother frowned when she saw how quickly we did it.

Tim drove us to the mall. Connor and Lisa came along with my mother and I. Lisa needed some art supplies and Connor was going to go shopping with Tim. We walked through the front doors and split up. "We meet here in about two hours. Call me if you need more time," said my mother as everybody left. "Ok Brian let's go to the cell phone store first." I nodded and followed her as she walked to it.

The mall was packed. It was the holiday season and everybody had to buy something. My mother asked me to pick a phone. I picked one that could play Mp3's and had a camera.

"Oh that's a nice one," said mom as they handed me the phone.

"Thanks for the phone."

"Your welcome Brian. Come on let's get you some new shoes."

We shopped for about an hour. I had gotten three pairs of shoes that I really wish she wouldn't have gotten me because they were so expensive. She also bought me some clothes and helped me pick out a new suit for Christmas mass.

"I'm a go buy some Christmas stuff. Here is some money go buy yourself some things." I nodded as she left. I wanted to go check out the record store. I wanted to get some new music.

On my way to the record store I spotted Connor and Tim. They were talking to Tyler. I approached them but I stopped when I heard my name. "Yeah the guy Brian was dating is such a sleaze," Said Tim.

"I feel bad for him you know. He seemed to really like this guy," added Tyler. "I was surprised to find out he's gay too. I didn't say anything about you guys I didn't know if he knew yet."

"That's OK my parent's know now. I told them. They met Connor."

"Oh that's awesome. I'm actually looking forward to tutoring Brian and working with him on the choir."

"Do I sense a little attraction?" Connor asked. I walked behind one of the fake trees. I wanted to hear a little more before they saw me. I noticed Tyler was blushing.

"Well I, well we just met," Tyler mumbled.

"He likes him," said Tim smugly

"I know maybe we should hook them up," Added Connor.

I walked away from them. I was lost once again. I had just ended my first real relationship with someone I loved and thought loved me. Now somebody new could enter my life. Was I ready? Was this right? So many questions that I didn't have the answers to. I was so distracted with my thoughts that I didn't notice that was walking directly into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't look where I was going," I said as I helped the girl up from the floor.

"Oh that's OK," she said. "I know you. I've seen you before at Jimmies." I took in her face. It was that girl that was with Connor that night.

"Hi my name is Mary Beth."

"I'm Brian."

"You are Tim's Brother right?"


"You look so much like him. Except for the hair." The word herpes came to mind as she talked. "Are you going to be going to Eastern High?"

"I don't know. I have to get in first."

"I hope you do. You'll love it there."

She talked to me for about twenty minutes when to my relief Lisa rescued me. I excused myself as Lisa literally dragged me away from her. "I told you not to talk to her," She said as we made our way to our preset meeting place. We had another half hour.

"I couldn't help it."

Tim was already there with Connor and Tyler. I smiled shyly as we approached them. "Seems like mom went all out?" Tim asked.

"Yeah," I said lifting the bag. I showed them my new cellphone. Everybody programmed their cellphone numbers in it. Tyler did too. Lisa made sure mom and dads numbers were in it including the house number.

"This is a cool cell phone," said Lisa as she took a picture of me with it.

"let me see it." Said Tim Lisa handed it to him. He punched in something a few seconds later Tyler's cell phone rang. Tyler opened it. Tim and Connor began to laugh as Tyler turned beet red.

"Did Tim just send that picture to your cell phone?" asked Lisa. Tim laughed even harder. I began to blush. I grabbed my cellphone from Tim and stormed away from them. There was bathroom a few yards away. I made my way to it.

I didn't find it funny. I was angry. I walked over to the last sink and splashed some water of my face. Why did they have to do that? I hated being made into a joke. Tyler came in a moment later.

"Are you OK?" asked Tyler.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said a little coldly.

"You're crying," he said as he approached me.

"Oh no I just splashed water on my face."

He wiped the water from my cheeks. I liked that. He stopped when he noticed what he was doing. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to, you know." I didn't want him to stop, but deep down I felt like I was betraying Brady. I wanted to get closer to Tyler I just couldn't let myself do it.

"Come on let's go they are waiting for us," I said. He just shook his head.

The first time I told Brady that I loved him wasn't nearly as hard. Maybe because I knew that I did love him. This was different and it was harder for me. On the street I knew that Brady would always be there. He needed me and I needed him. Here With Tyler I knew the attraction was there. I knew he liked me, but was I ready to give up everything I had shared with Brady for the past two years?

"Stop being so stupid. It's Over with Brady. He never loved you," I thought to my self as we made it to the others. They all tried to look innocent but I knew they had been planning this.

Tyler said goodbye to everybody and walked away quietly. I wanted to go with him. He looked so lost. I ran over to him. "Tyler!" I yelled. He turned around as I got closer. He had tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Brian I didn't mean to cross that line with you."

"Tyler I don't want you to feel bad I'm just not ready right now. I am attracted to you, but I just need to fix things in my head."

"That's OK Brian I'll see you later." he walked away slowly. I walked back. I was still angry with Tim. I think he knew it because he turned away from me as I approached them.

"Why did you do that for?" I yelled. He turned around with an apologetic look on his face.

"I'm sorry Brian I didn't mean to."

"Save it," I said cutting him off. "I'll be back I want to go to the record store." I walked away from them. The record store was only a few stores down. I needed to be away from them. I walked over to one of the kiosks on the walls that had listening stations. I punched in the band I wanted to hear.

Music for me was like an escape. I remember listening to a CD single I found in the ally behind a record store. I listened to it on a CD player we had stolen. I was happy to see that they had the song in the play-list. I began to sing to myself as the song progressed. I lost myself in it until somebody tapped me on the back. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sing that loud," I said to the store clerk.

"You sir have a very good voice," said the store clerk. He was a young guy about Tim's age. "Do you sing for a band?"

"Um no I just sing for myself and I am singing in a choir."

"Would you want to be in a band? I'm looking for a lead singer for a band. I think you might be perfect."

"Uh I don't know if."

"Hey I'll tell you what I'll give you my phone number why don't you come by my house and we can jam. If you like my band, then we can go on from there," He said handing me a piece of paper with his number on it. "My name is Tommy Stevenson by the way. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Brian Black."

"Ooh nice name. I like it. Perfect name."

"Thanks," I said. "I always wanted to join a band."

"Well Mr. Black here is your chance."

We talked for a few minutes and he helped me pick out some Cd's. I said goodbye to him as I left the store. I had so much in my mind. Maybe joining his band would be good for me. My mother was already there when I got back. She had also gained a couple of bags of stuff.

"Hi mom," I said she seemed lost in her thought's. "Mom you OK?" I asked again.

"Oh Brian hi. Did you get everything you needed?" She asked, breaking her away from her thoughts. I nodded. "Good we are going out to lunch at uncle George's. He wants to see you. Dad's going to meet us there with Grandma, Kim and Kelly."

Tim drove us across town to a restaurant my uncle owned. "I love eating at uncle George's restaurant," said Lisa as we pulled up to it. "His pasta is so good. You should have him make you lasagna."

Uncle George was the head chef at his restaurant. It was called The Olivero. Uncle George was my father's only brother. He was about ten years younger. I think he was twelve when I was born. He went to culinary school he excelled in Italian cooking. My grandmother on my father's side taught him how to cook at an early age when he started to show interest.

My father was already waiting for us at the restaurant. "Brian!" yelled uncle George as we walked into the restaurant. He gave me a huge hug. "I love the hair keep it."


"So how have you been?"

"Fine," I answered he paused as if he wanted to hear more.

"Two years and that's it? Why don't you stay here tonight I want you to meet someone and we can talk. You know how we used to." I nodded.

When I was younger uncle George and I used to have long conversations. He was the first to know I was gay. I told him how I felt about my parents. He was always there for me.

"Come on I made you something special." He led me to a table. The restaurant wasn't open yet so it was just us here. "Sit here I'll be back." everyone sat around me.

He made a feast. The food was really good as usual. "Mama Lorraine taught me how to make these. She called them her birthday raviolis," Said Uncle George as he placed a plate of them before me. "I only made them for you so enjoy."

We all ate happily. Everyone shared stories and anecdotes. We were all stuffed. Uncle George whispered something into my mothers ear and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Happy birthday to you!" Everybody began to sing. "Happy birthday to you." Uncle George Came out with a big cake. It looked like a present that was decorated with a big blue bow. He had placed a candle in the shape of a sixteen on top of the bow.

"Make a wish!" yelled Kelly. I blew the candle but I didn't make a wish. I knew what I wanted I wouldn't get. Everyone cheered. George cut the cake and handed it out. It was really good. He made it with strawberry filling and the frosting tasted like white chocolate.

"What did you wish for?" Asked Lisa.

"I can't tell you that," I answered she sneered.

"Can we give him his present now?" asked Kim.

"Yes honey why don't you go get it," said Grandma. Kim ran over to the front of the restaurant and grabbed a small black bag.

"Open it Brian," said Kelly as Kim handed me the bag. There was a black box inside. I pulled it out of the bag. The box was made of wood and it had a leather square in the top with My name embroidered on it. I opened the box. In side the box there was a pocket watch. It looked to be platinum. Instead of numbers there was sapphires. The twelve o-clock sapphire was slightly bigger and cut differently.

"Look at the back Brian," said Grandma. I turned it over and there was a quote on it.

"Your family and their love will always be there for you. Happy birthday Brian from Kim, Kelly and Grandma." It read. I hugged all three of them.

"Thank you this is awesome," I said as I placed the watch back into the box.

"Here is my present," said Lisa handing me a white bag. Inside there was a black wool Jacket. "I hope it fits."

I put it on it fit perfectly. "I like this a lot. Thanks Lisa."

"Your welcome," She said.

"Open mine now," said Tim as he handed me a badly wrapped box. I opened it. Inside there was two tickets. "Those are for your favorite band. I got two so you could take a friend. I was hoping it would be Brady but you know." Lisa hit his arm and gave him a nasty look. "What?" he asked.

"It's OK Lisa. Thank you Tim I really appreciate this."

"Your welcome. Maybe you should ask Tyler to go with you." This time Lisa Kicked him. I burst out laughing.

"Are you talking about Pastor Shaw's son?" Asked Grandma. I nodded. "Oh he'd be perfect for you Brian. Is he?" She asked but I didn't think it was a good idea to out him like that.

"I don't know Grandma," I said.

Everyone finished eating their Cake. My parents left with Kim, Kelly and grandma. Tim, Connor and Lisa Left a few minutes later. I stayed as Uncle George had asked me to.

"So? Are you going to tell me about him?" Uncle George asked.

"Um I don't know what you mean?" I said Shyly.

"That boy that's got you so smitten. I know when a person is in love. You can see it clearly on their face. The desperation when you want to see them. The way things don't seem as interesting when they aren't around. Come on Brian, I know there is somebody."

I told him everything. I told him how I met him when that guy had left me on the street. How I knew he was special from the first time I saw him. How I stayed on the street because I knew I loved him. How he broke my heart.

"Kid I will give it to ya. You have guts. If I was you I would have run back to mama as soon as I found a phone, but then again this is love your speaking of. What about this kid Tyler? I overheard Tim say something about you asking him out somewhere."

"Well that is kinda difficult. I like him but I feel like I'm betraying Brady if I go ahead with anything," I said. I looked down at the tickets.

"Well I'll tell you this. You follow whatever your heart tells you. It is almost always right. But and this is a big but, you are young and sometimes your emotions can play tricks on you. So think about what you are doing before you do something that you might regret. Tyler might just be the boy for you or he might not."

I liked Tyler a lot. Was it just a physical attraction? I needed to know. "I know I like him. I know he likes me but there is so much confusion."

"Hey just give it time. Anyways from what I hear of Brady I don't like him," he said as an attractive red haired woman walked into the restaurant. "Ah she arrives." Uncle George walked over to her and Gave her kiss. "Honey I would like you to meet my nephew Brian."

"Hi I said extending my hand."

"Hi I am Catherine," She said as we shook hands. "So I hear that you pulled quite a disappearing act?"

I smiled. I liked her. She was a very good conversationalist. We started to converse almost instantly. "So let me get this straight. You were dating this guy until you saw him kissing another guy and his excuse was that he thought you were never coming back?" She asked.

"Yup," I answered.

"So today you find out this new guy likes you, and you might like this new guy but you feel that you are betraying the other guy because you love him. Man you are in one hell of a predicament. I guess if it was me I wouldn't know what to do."

"I already told him to follow his heart," Uncle George added.

"When I was younger before I met your uncle I was so afraid of guys that I wouldn't talk to them."

"You? But your so pretty."

"Stop your going to make me blush and that's not a good thing. My face blends with my hair. Anyways one day your uncle saw me here and he sent me a pink heart shaped plate with a piece of cheese-cake on it. On the side he had placed a card with his name and number on it. It took me three days to muster up the courage to call him. I asked myself what did I have to lose. I called him and he asked me out. The rest is history."

"How long have you guys been dating?"

"You mean how long have we been married?" She said showing me her ring.

"Oh wow Congratulations," I said and I hugged them both.

"We've been married for three months now. And Call me aunt Cat," she said as she handed me a box. "This is from me and George." I opened the box and found a silver bracelet. I put it on and admired it under the light.

"Oh wow thank you," I said.

"I knew you would," replied Uncle George. "Ooh it's getting late. Come on I'll take you home."

"Aw you have to leave so early. I like talking to you," Said Catherine.

"I like talking to you too."

"Hey no hitting on my wife. Plus she's not your sex type. Come on I want to get you home I have to open the restaurant in an hour," Said uncle George.

I said Goodbye to Catherine and headed out of the restaurant. "What the hell was going on?" I yelled, when I saw Tyler punch Brady across the face.

Next: Chapter 4

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