Mr Black Sings a Sad Song

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Jan 20, 2005


This story is purely fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. This story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song. Please tell me what you think. Email me

I would like to thank George Z for editing this story.

Mr Black Sings A Sad Song By: Green

Chapter 5

Fists flew back and forth. Before we could pull them apart, Brady had a black eye, it didn't look like it just happened, it looked old. Tyler had a cut underneath his eye, it didn't look that bad.

"Get off me you psycho," Yelled Tyler. "Uncle Steve, you know this guy?"

"Yeah, he's staying with me," said the man Brady was with. He held Brady by his shoulder.

I was so confused, why would Brady hit somebody he didn't know? Why was he with that man? "Brian, can I talk to you?" asked Brady.

"What's going on Tyler?" I asked.

"This guy just punched me, I don't know why, I don't even know him. I punched him back to defend myself," Said Tyler.

"I hit you because Brian is mine. He's my boyfriend." There it was, the jealousy.

"Tyler this is my ex. Brady." I said. Brady looked at me with sad eyes.

"Brian we can't be over, I won't do it again, I'm sorry," said Brady as he got loose from Steve.

"You wanted it this way Brady, now deal with it without me," I said. He tried to get closer but I backed away. "Brady, We're over, I can't get back with you, not when I know what you did to me ... to US."

"Brian who are all these people?" asked Uncle George.

"That's Tyler and that's Brady my ex, I don't know who he is."

"This is my uncle Steve," Said Tyler.

"Hi Steve, nice to meet you." He nodded, shaking my hand before he grabbed Brady and pulled him away. "Come on we have a lot to do at the house today." I heard the man say as they got into a car across the street. Brady looked at me from the car window, he was crying.

"Tyler what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to give you a birthday present," he said picking up the box from the snow. "Here Brian, I hope you like it," he said, handing me the wet box.

"Thanks, you really didn't have to do this." I said, opening the box. Inside there was a whole bunch of choir CD's.

"I figured you'd like these, I picked them up at the mall today."

"Thank you, I do like these. I had this one," I said, picking one up. "I used to listen to it on the street."

"Brian why don't you bring Tyler inside." Said Uncle George. "There's a first aid in the bathroom, I'll call your mother and let her know you'll be late."

"Thanks uncle George. Come on Tyler, let's fix you up."

I showed him inside to the bathroom. Uncle George walked over to Christine. She was folding napkins, she smiled at us as we passed by her.

"There you go," I said as I put the bandage under his eye.

"Thanks Brian."

"I'm sorry about Brady, he can get real jealous," I said. I Just hope he can deal without me for a while."

"I wonder why he's with my uncle Steve?"

"Your uncle looks real familiar to me. I think I've seen him before or something." I said.

"He works with street kids. Maybe you've seen him when you were on the street."

"Maybe, come on let's go, I have to go home. Are you cool to drive?"

"Yeah, why don't I give you a ride.?"

"Sure, let me ask my uncle George."

Tyler's phone rang as he drove me home. "It's Uncle Steve," He said to Brian he listened on the phone. "He says that he's sorry he let Brady do that, Brady just wanted to talk to you."

"It's OK," I said. "Ask him why Brady's with him." I waited as Steve filled Tyler in on what was happening.

Tyler closed the cell phone and looked at me. "He's staying with my uncle Steve and my sister Jenny. He found Brady on the street this morning. He says some guy beat him up really bad and left them there to die." I suddenly wanted to be near Brady, I fought my urges. "Yeah so he took him in and he's going to go to my uncles school."

"Wow, Brady is lucky your uncle cared enough to help, he doesn't even know Brady. Wait you have a sister?"

"Yeah, my dad and uncle Steve aren't our real dad's. My mother died when I was two and Jenny was One. She was real good friends with uncle Steve and dad, so she asked them if they could adopt us after she died. Steve took Jenny, and dad took me."

"Steve and Pastor Shaw sound like really good guys."

"Well My uncle does this all the time. My grandparents adopted uncle Steve when his father threw him out of their house. Ever since then he's been working with street kids. My grandfather was a social worker, Steve followed in his foot steps," Said Tyler as we pulled up to my house.

"Wow!" I said before getting out of his car. "Would you like to come in? I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind if you stayed for dinner."

He nodded and I told him where to park. We came into the house through the garage. Kelly and Kim where mixing something with Grandma in the kitchen.

"Hi grandma," I said as we approached them. "What are you making?"

"Oh we are making brownies." Said grandma, pulling away the whisk from Kim who was about about to lick it. "No honey not until we are done with the batter." Kim Pouted as Kelly walked over to me.

"Grandma Is making this many Brownies," Said Kelly as she extended her arms.

"And what are you boys up to?" asked grandma.

"Well Tyler is staying for dinner, and I guess we are just going to hang out in my room till then." I said.

"Oh that's Great. I'll make sure to make enough Brownies so you can take some to your dad Tyler."

"Thank you, he''ll love them," Said Tyler.

"Tyler what happened to your eye?" Asked Kim.

"Oh this, nothing happened." Said Tyler, gently rubbing his eye. Grandma gave me a look. I Smiled.

"Come on Tyler, let's go to my room," I said, pulling him away from the kitchen, to the stairs.

"Your sisters are so cute," Tyler said as we climbed the stairs.

"You should see them fight over Connor," I said. Tyler laughed as we made it to my room.

"This is an awesome room," he said, walking over to the window. "Hey you can see my house from here. You see that white one over by the end of the lake? I live there."

Just then he bathroom door slammed open. "You bring boys into your room and you don't tell me?" Yelled Lisa. Tyler's face turned a bright shade of red.

"Hi Lisa," We both said in unison.

"I have something to show you, come on." We followed her through the bathroom and into her room, to where her painting was displayed. "I just finished, what do you think Tyler?"

"I didn't know you painted, this is beautiful," said Tyler as he admired the painting.

Lisa had added scenery behind her. She had painted in our house and the lake, the red tears, even more vibrant than before. Tyler took in the rest of her paintings. "Is that painting Brian?" He asked, pointing at the painting above her bed.

"Yeah I painted that when he was twelve," She said handing him a card. "Come to my show next week."

"Sure, I wont miss it."

"You are having a show?" I asked.

"Yeah I found out today, I'm so excited.."

"That's awesome."

"Hey guys," Said Tim as he walked into the room. "Tyler I didn't know you were here."

"Brian asked me to stay for dinner."

"Oh good thing grandmas cooking," Said Tim as Tyler's phone began to ring.

"It's uncle Steve," Said Tyler looking at the number before he answered. "Yeah actually he is here."

Tyler handed me the phone, I spoke to him for a few minutes. "He wants to meet with me," I said.

"I didn't know you had an uncle," Lisa said to Tyler. Tyler told them the story he had told me. I noticed That my mother was listening from my room, she was crying.

"Tyler may I speak with you." she asked from the bathroom.

"Sure Mrs Black," Said Tyler. Tim, Lisa and I looked at each other with confused expressions.

"Wonder what's that all about?" I asked, Lisa shrugged. Tim just shook his head.

"Hello Steven," I heard my mother say from the bathroom. "This is Sharon. No Steven Please don't hang up, I want to see you." We listened intently as she spoke to Steve. "Steven please things are different now. Mother misses you terribly and so do I. No he's not in our lives anymore. Steve join us for dinner."

"Apparently my uncle Steve is your uncle too." Said Tyler.

"I didn't know mom had a brother." Said Lisa.

"I remember dad saying something about her brother when I was young," I said.

"Yeah I remember a picture of mom standing with a boy, I saw it at grandma and grandpas old house," Said Tim.

"Tim can you tell grandma to set three extra places for dinner. Brian can I speak with you?" said my mother, I nodded and followed her to her room. "I need you to tell me about Brady. Can you do that?" She asked.

I looked at her for a while, wondering if I was ready. Maybe It was time. I sat next to her and I told her everything. She listened, allowing me to speak until I was done.

"Brady is coming to dinner along with you cousin and uncle. Steven told me what happened earlier. I see that you and Tyler have gotten close," said my mother. I already knew what was coming.

"Mom I am not dating either of them. I broke up with Brady and I don't know what I feel about Tyler."

"I just wanted to make sure that you were alright."

"Are you alright?" I asked, remembering her mood at the mall.

I think I hit something with my question. She looked at the floor for a minute. "I'm Ok. I just got an early Christmas this year." She left me with that. I understood all too well.

"What just happened?" Asked Lisa as she entered my room from the bathroom."I am so confused."

"Well you just gained an uncle a couple of cousins," I said as Tyler Walked in.

"I am going to go and clean up my room. It will help me clear my mind," She said before leaving.

"Crazy day huh?" Tyler asked, sitting next to me.

"Yeah," I replied.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, I felt him staring at me. I liked that he was doing that, maybe a little too much. Tyler placed his hands on my face and kissed me. I have to admit I let him do it and as it was happening and I enjoyed it. Somehow he got me to lay on my back, as we kissed he held my left hand. I grabbed the back of his head, pulling him closer and I forgot all about Brady.

The door bell rang. "That must be them," I said, breaking our embrace. "Come on let's go downstairs."

My mom and Steve were hugging and crying when we made it downstairs. "Oh My God Steven," She said as they hugged. Brady glared at me, I could tell his jealousy was getting the better of him.

"Steven, Is that you?" said Grandma. She ran over to him and gave him a huge hug.

"Hello mother." Steve said as she held him tight.

"Brian what's going on?" asked Dad. I filled him in, he seemed as confused as Lisa. "So this all happened this afternoon?" I nodded. "Right, Ok." He walked over and introduced himself.

"Brian This is my sister Jenny," Said Tyler.

"Hello," I said.

It all had a surreal quality to it. Twelve people seated at a table, Grandma couldn't stop crying. Mom and uncle Steve couldn't stop talking, Lisa and Jenny were talking about something or other and Brady just glared at Tyler and me. I could see the jealousy full blown in his eyes, the guilt washed over me. I felt lousy as Tyler held my hand underneath the table.

The tension between us was getting to me, I couldn't take it anymore. I excused myself and headed towards my room,. I jumped into my bed and curled up into a ball. Why did I let myself go? "Hey," Said Tyler from the door. I smiled. "I'm going to go home."

I got out of bed and I walked over to him. "Call me tomorrow."

"I want you to come with me," he said, pulling me close. "Come sleep over at my house."

"Tyler I cant," I said. "Honestly I want to, It's just...."

"It's alright, Brian." He said before planting a big wet kiss.

How could this happen so fast? I Just met this guy yesterday and here we are kissing, and every time he kissed me, Brady became a distant memory. Who am I? A week ago I would never have done this. Then again a week ago Brady would still be my boy friend.

"Come on I'll walk you out," I said, leading him downstairs. We walked by Brady, he was talking to Tim. Brady's eyes never hide what he's feeling. When he saw Tyler's hand holding mine, his eye's showed the sadness behind the jealousy.

I waited as Tyler pulled out of the driveway. What had I done?

"Nice boy isn't he?" asked Steve from behind me. "I always said he would make someone really happy some day."

"You know he's gay?" I asked.

"Yeah I've known for awhile now, he told me himself. Too bad he's too afraid to tell his father. His father knows, of course."

"Really? Why don't you tell him that?"

"Because it's not my place to do that. My brother is waiting for Tyler to come to him," He said as he pulled out a cigarette.

"Can I have one of those?" I asked, he gave me a menacing stare. "Sorry."

"It's alright," he said before he lit his cigarette. "So what's going to happen between you and Brady?"

"I don't know. I just ... I feel like I'm betraying him, but I just can't deny what I feel for Tyler. I think I'm falling for him too."

"You remind me of myself when I was your age. I used to think that I was falling in love all the time, trust me when real love comes around it will hit you hard. Brady is really in love with you, you know that?" I nodded. "Come on, let's go inside it's cold." He held the door and led me inside. "I hear Tyler is tutoring you."

"Yeah my father wants me to be a sophomore when I start school."

"That's going to take a lot of work. I can help you with that too, I am a teacher," He said as we made it to the family room.

"Really? Thanks, I 'm probably going to need all the help I can get."

"I'll sort it out with your parents, I'm sure they will let me help you." He said and headed towards the kitchen where my parents were. I walked into the family room where every body else was.

I sat down next to Lisa who was talking to Jenny. Brady was still glaring, I looked back. He was searching for something, a sign. Something that told him it was alright for him to talk, I never gave him one.

"I like your house, it's so big," Jenny said.

"Thanks Jenny," my mother said as she walked in with cups of hot cocoa. Jenny smiled and returned to her conversation with Lisa. I watched as mom handed everyone a cup and Grandma, Dad and Steve joined us. It's funny how people always find each other again.

I excused myself and headed towards my room. I walked over to the big bay window, I looked out past the lake to Tyler's house. Downstairs Brady, my first love waited for me, across the lake Tyler thought of me, up here in my room I am torn between both loves.

I woke the next morning to find that everyone was gone. My parents were at work and my siblings had already left for school. I thought it was a good time to explore the house. I made my way down to the basement, they had it finished. There was a jacuzzi at the far end and a bar next to it.

I made my way up to the second floor, to the twins room. It's an experience in bright pink, Tim's room was your typical teenage boys room. You know? Dirty clothes thrown all over the place. My parents room was huge and meticulous, with a view of the lake.

"You know, you could scare someone walking around like that," Said grandma.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here."

"Come on, I'll make you breakfast," She said a motioning for me to follow her. "Do you like waffles?"

"Yeah I love waffles," I said. When I was on the street Brady and I used to always eat waffles at a small diner. The waitresses always gave us free food.

"Good because your going to mix the batter, my wrists aren't what they used to be."

When we made it to the kitchen she pulled out the batter mix. Then she handed me a big glass bowl.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"What's that?" She asked as she poured the waffle mix and milk into the bowl. She handed me the electric mixer as she looked for the waffle iron.

"Why is he the way he is?"

"Who Grandpa?"

I nodded.

"Well I guess he's always been that way. Mix it well you don't want any lumps."

"How can someone be that awful?" I asked.

"Your grandfather comes from a tough background. Did you know his father didn't want us to marry because my father was Jewish?" she said as she turned the waffle iron on. "He was much like you when he was younger, very rebellious. After we married he began to change, almost as if I married his father."

"Why didn't you leave him sooner?" I asked as she took the bowl from me and began to pour the batter into the iron.

"Well at first it didn't bother me as much, then I got pregnant with your mother and uncle. They are twins you know? I couldn't raise twins by myself. In those times it was looked down upon to be a single mother. Can you hand me a plate." I did as she asked then she began to speak again. "It took me a long long time time to realize what I was doing. When he kicked Steven out I searched for him, I couldn't find him. If your grandfather ever found out he would have been furious, so I couldn't do much. Then I received a phone call from a peter shaw, he wanted to adopt your uncle Steve. I signed the papers and I never saw him again until last night. Well anyway, it wasnt long before I got pregnant again, with your aunt Selene."

"Wow, I never knew all of this?"

"It's something your grandfather prided in keeping a secret, everything for an image. I swear that man..." She began but stopped as she placed a waffle before me. "Here tell me what you think."

"They are greeeeaaaat," I said imitating tony the tiger, she smiled.

"That used to be your favorite cereal when you were younger. I hate that your parents left you and I've never forgiven them for that. Between your sister and I we've brought upon them a serious wave of guilt."

"Good," I said. "I never thought you would be this cool."

"I just couldn't bear the loss of another one of my boys," She said as she grabbed a napkin and wiped tears from her eyes. "I'm just so glad I have you both back in my life." I gave her a big hug, crying with her.

It never occurred to me that apart from my parents that the rest of my family could be missing me as much as they did. That night when that guy kidnapped me I lost a lot. I just didn't appreciate what I had until now.

As the days got closer to Christmas, I poured myself into the books and homework Tyler brought home for me. Steve began to tutor me, I met him at his school in the mornings and with Tyler in the afternoons. I practiced my singing for Christmas Mass every night, I was extremely busy.

I had gotten my license and I got to drive my new car. I drove it over to Tyler's house everyday. Speaking of him, we were now officially together. It might be too fast but I am falling for him already. I knew it isn't the same as with Brady but it was something new all together. With Brady I think our relationship was a matter of necessity, we needed to love and to trust in each other to survive. Tyler was somebody special who is willing to be there for me.

Maybe things would be different with Brady had he not cheated on me. I can't forgive him for that. He broke our trust when I needed it most, in my eyes he was weak. Deep down I knew I still felt something for him. I saw him every day at Steve's school, I gave him a small smile, to say that I recognized him, but never anything more.

Today as I walked passed him he called out to me. "Brian. Can you please talk to me?" I kept on walking. "Brian come on you can at least speak to me."

"What do you want Brady? I can't do this with you, I can't pretend that you didn't do what you did."

"I am only asking you to talk to me," He said as his eyes searched mine for a sign

"Then talk, I don't have long. Steve's waiting and I have to go study with him before his class starts," I said. Something in me began to spark, I suddenly wanted to be closer to Brady...

Next: Chapter 6

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