Mr Black Sings a Sad Song

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Jan 28, 2005


This story is purely fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. This story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song. Please tell me what you think. Email me

I would like to thank George Z for editing this story.

Mr Black Sings A Sad Song By: Green

Chapter 6

It had been a couple of weeks since Tyler and I had begun dating. I had gained so much in those two weeks. Tyler and I were getting closer, I was falling for him. Yet I was so conflicted over Brady and Tyler. Every time I saw Brady I wanted to get closer to him. All the feelings would come back. When I was with Tyler all those feelings left me.

I waited for Brady to speak but nothing came from him. "If you aren't going to speak I am not going to waste my time," I said. He just looked at me. "I'll see you later Brady."

I walked into Steve's office. He was sitting on his desk. He smiled at me and handed me some papers. "Brian, you are doing great," said Steve as I looked over my test scores. "These should qualify you to get in at Sophomore year. I spoke with the principal, he thinks you should be alright at a sophomore level as long as you take extra classes after school."

"I think I'm ready too."

"Good, now what about your choir practice, how's that going?"

"It's going great. I can't wait to sing."

"I heard you sing the other day, you are phenomenal."

"Thanks, I wouldn't say phenomenal."

"Brian don't sell yourself short, you have a beautiful voice you should know that."


"You know your mother used to sing in a choir when we were younger."


"Yeah I used to love her singing," Steve said, looking out of the window. He was thinking about something. I didn't want to interrupt his thoughts. "Oh I'm going to be late for my class. Why don't you head on home," he said, breaking away from his thoughts.

I left Steve's office, Brady was studying with some kids in a corner outside of Steve's office. I smiled at him, he looked so cute as he studied from his book. God what was I thinking. He never noticed me so I walked out of the building and headed for home.

The guy I met at the record store in the mall, Tommy was waiting on the front step of my house. "Hi Tommy," I said.

"Hey Mr. Black," he said as I got out of my car.

"Why are you waiting for me in the cold?"

"Nobody's home," he said. "Plus I want you to come with me. I want you to get a feel for my band. If you like us, you can join us."

"Sure, but can I bring my car?"

"Yeah just follow me, we're going to my friend Kevin's house."

I followed him for ten minutes into another neighborhood. The houses here weren't as big as the houses in my neighborhood but it felt comfortable. Tommy led me inside the house, to the living room. He invited me to sit on the couch as he grabbed a guitar. There were two other boys there. They started to play a tune as Tommy picked it up. He tuned it for a second and then joined them. I listened to them play, they were good.

"What do you think?" Tommy asked.

"You guys are awesome," I said.

"Do you know this song?"he asked, playing a familiar riff, but I didn't know the song.

"I don't know the song," I said.

"Grab that piece of paper over there on that table," he said, pointing at a table. I did as he asked. "Those are the lyrics for it, sing as we play, just follow our lead."

The began to play, enticing me to sing and I did just that, I sang. I really got into the song. Tommy gave me other lyrics, I knew some of them, the rest I learned as I sang.

"I think we might just have a new lead singer and we can finally name the band," Said Tommy."That's if your interested, of course."

"I'm definitely interested," I said.

"Let me introduce you to the guys. This is Kevin, our bassist and that's Jason, our drummer," He said.

"I've never seen someone sing like that, you have an awesome voice dude," Said Kevin as I shook his hand.

"Yeah man, where'd you learn to sing like that, It's so passionate," Jason added.

"I used to sing in a choir when I was younger," I replied.

"He still sings in a choir, in fact he's singing next week at Christmas mass," Said Tommy, handing me another paper. "We need to find a name for our band."

"Why don't we call ourselves sad song," Said Kevin. "Most of the covers we play are sad songs."

"Yeah that sounds good,"I said.

"What about your last name?" Tommy asked me.

"His last name is black." said Kevin

"Really?" asked Jason.

"I have an Idea," Said Kevin. "Mr. Black sings a sad song. That should be the name."

"Mr. Black sings a sad song," Jason repeated. "I like that."

"Me too," said Tommy.

"Brian what about you, do you like it?" Kevin asked me.

"Are you guys really alright, with that name?" They all nodded. "Then I like it."

"Ok guys, we are now Mr. Black sings a sad song," said Tommy. "Come on guys let's go to jimmies and celebrate."

Jimmie's was very busy, it took us an hour to get seated. Kevin's girlfriend Gina, met us there. "I know you," She said. "You were that kid that was living on the street, right?" I nodded.

"Really," asked Jason.

"Hey guy's why don't we change the subject?" Tommy said, noticing my discomfort. "Why don't we play here tonight, it's Open Mic night and we can use the equipment on stage."

"You think we're ready?" asked Kevin.

"I know a couple of those songs by heart," I said.

"Let's do it," said Jason.

Half hour later we were on stage, I wasn't really nervous, but adrenaline was surging through me and I wanted to sing. "You sure you're ready," Tommy asked me before he began to play, I nodded.

Jason started on the drums, Kevin then joined him, I was next. As they played I sang. Everyone started to listen. I noticed Mary beth Stevenson was standing next to Connor, he yelled out my name as we played. Some of the people in the restaurant began to sing along with me.

When we finished, the first song they all cheered. "Encore," yelled Connor. I smiled. Tommy began playing one of the songs I learned, Jason joined and so did Kevin. I let them play for a second and then I joined. They cheered as I poured my voice into the microphone.

"That was awesome dude," said Jason as we stepped off stage. "I can't believe how good you sound."

"Yeah, where was that voice earlier?" Kevin asked. "You got better, and that's like impossible."

"I don't know guys, when I sing it's like a release. I don't think about anyone or anything around me, I just sing."

We all headed back to our table, Gina was all smiles as we sat, "You guys are great," She said.

"Thanks," Kevin, said giving her a kiss.

We sat and chatted for a while. I found out a little more about my new band-mates or should I say friends. Kevin, Tommy and Gina have been best friends since they were five. Kevin and Gina have been dating for a year. Jason had just met them after summer break when school started. They all went to the same high school, except for Gina, she goes to a private school somewhere north.

Then it came time for me to speak. "So now that you know about us, tell us about you," said Jason. I told them everything.

"Whoa," Said Kevin when I was finished. "That is crazy."

"Yeah, your life should be like a TV movie, starring Mariel Hemingway as your mother, or something," said Gina.

"Who's Mariel Hemingway," Jason and I asked in unison. We all laughed.

"Well Mr. Black now you can join our circle," Said Tommy.

"Thank you, I'd like that."

"You sure?" Jason asked, I nodded. "Because when I joined they had a habit of picking on me."

"Who said it was over?" Gina said, slapping the back of his head, we all laughed again.

Connor walked over to us with Mary beth. "Hi guys, Whats up," I said.

"Hey, Brian. You guys are awesome," Connor said. "Your voice is so powerful Brian."

"Thanks, I couldn't do it if these guys weren't playing as good as they did." I said, getting a smile from Jason and Kevin , not from Tommy though. He was uncomfortable about some thing and Gina looked like she was going to burst out laughing.

"Hi Tommy," said Mary Beth. He smiled at her and then quickly turned away.

"Well we have to go, I just wanted to congratulate you guys," he said, pulling Mary Beth away.

As soon as they left Mary Beth let out a loud laugh, causing Kevin and Jason to join in. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Tommy's got a crush," Gina barely said through her laughing.

"On Mary Beth?" I asked, causing them to laugh even harder.

"No on Connor," Said Kevin, between laughs.

"Shut up," Tommy said, leaving the table, Kevin chased after him. It never occurred to me that Tommy could be gay, sometimes you never know. I hoped this wouldn't be a problem, considering that my brother was dating Connor.

"He's had that crush since he met Connor freshman year. It gets worst every time he sees him," Said Gina as Kevin came back.

"I think it's time we went home," Said Kevin.

"Yeah I have a test in algebra tomorrow," Jason said.

"Brian can you give Jason a ride," Kevin asked. "I have to take Gina home, I can't fit them both."

"Sure, where do you live?"

"I live at lakeside park," he said.

"Cool so do I."

Tommy was sitting outside smoking a cigarette. "Can I bum one?" I asked. He handed me one, lighting it as I put it in my mouth.

"I'm sorry about that back there. I know Connor is dating your brother, I don't want you to think that I want to break them up."

"You know my brother?"

"Yeah I kinda placed two and two together when you told me your last name at the mall," He said, taking a drag of the cigarette. "Your brother is one of my good friends. That's why I stay away from Connor."

"Do they know about you?"

"No, no-one knows about them either. I kinda figured it out during class one day when they were looking at each other. I only told Kevin, Gina and Jason figured it out."

"You guys ready?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, come on," I said.

"That's an awesome car," said Jason.

"My parents gave it to me for my birthday." I opened the door with the remote starter."Get in."

Jason got in and I headed to Lakeside. "How long have you known that you are gay?" Jason asked.

"Since I was eleven," I said.

"I've known since I was around thirteen," He said, I slammed on the brakes.

"What you too? Do they know?"

"No I can't tell them. You're the first person I've told."

"Jason but you barely know me. I'm a stranger."

"Yeah that's why, it's easier with you than with them. You don't hide it from anyone and that makes me want to tell you." He said. "My father would kill me if he knew and my mother, well let's just say she's less than understanding."

"Well Jason I'm here when ever you need to talk. I mean we're friends now and I want to be there for you."

"Thanks Brian," he said, sadly turning away his face to the window.

"So where in Lakeside do you live?"

"I live by that big house at the edge of the lake."

"That's where I live, your my neighbor."

I drove in the direction of my house. His house was a small town house a quarter mile away from my house. It was set back from the lake with a cobble stone driveway. There were two cars one had a black suburban I recognized as officer Grant's. I wonder if he knew my parents before he found me.

"Is your last name Grant?" I asked.

"Yeah," He replied.

"I know your dad," I said. "I think you should talk to him, he might understand more than you think."

He smiled and left my car. "I'll see ya later Brian, thanks," he yelled from his front door.

What a busy day, I thought as I reached my house. I parked my truck in the garage, noticing Connor's car was parked in the spare space as I got out of my car. In the kitchen mom was cooking something, Dad sat at the counter with a weird look on his face as he watched her cook.

"Hi Brian," Said dad. "Come sit with me."

I did as he asked, grimacing at the smell coming from the stove. "Mom what are you cooking?"

"I'm cooking cabbage" I felt my stomach churn.

"I heard you put on quite a show tonight," Said my father.

"Connor told you that?" I asked, blushing.

"Yes Brian he did," Mom said.

"It was so much fun."

"I bet, I used to be in a band when I was younger, you know," Said dad. "I was a Drummer."

"That's how I fell in love with him," Mom added.


"Yes, he was really good at it too."

"I'm still good," he said, tapping on the counter with a pair of wooden spoons.

"Mom did you know officer Grant lives next door?"

"Yeah he moved in a year ago," she said as she picked out the cabbage.

"I think you're about his sons age," Dad said.

"Jason is in the band," I said.

"I think it's good you are making friends. Jason is a very polite young man," mom said.

"Tyler called for you earlier, I told him I'd tell you," Dad added.

I called Tyler back from my cell phone, sharing the good news. "That's awesome Brian, I can't wait to hear you guys," he said, bringing a smile to my face.

"I'm so excited, I can't wait till our first gig."

"What are you doing right now?"

"I'm at home."

"Why don't you come over for dinner, I have something important to do and I want you there with me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's time dad knew and I want my boyfriend there."

"Cool, I'll be there in a bit." It was an important point In Tyler's life. I wanted to be there for him. He's such a great person and he most definitely deserves to be happy.

I drove to his house, my heart was pumping fast. I was nervous for him, so much so that my palms were sweaty as I reached his house. I parked next to Tyler's car and headed towards the front door. He greeted me with a kiss at the front door.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked.

"Yeah Brian, It's time," he said, pulling me inside.

He lead me to the kitchen. Brady and Steve looked up at me from the kitchen table. "Dad I want you to meet Brian again, but this time I want you to meet him as my boyfriend," Tyler said. Pastor Shaw dropped the spatula he was holding, Brady stood and walked away and Steve just smiled at us.

"Brian, it's nice to see you," Said pastor Shaw, picking up the spatula."Please sit I'm just making dinner. Tyler can I speak with you in the other room."

I watched Tyler follow Pastor Shaw."Why don't you go speak with Brady?" Steve said. "I think it's time you two talked."

He was in the living room playing a video game with Jenny. he looked angry.. "Hey Brady can I talk to you for a second?"

"Why Brian, so you can tell me about your wonderful boyfriend?"

"Brady I wouldn't do that," I said back.

"I'm leaving," said Jenny as she stood to leave.

"Why are you doing this?" Brian asked.

"You wanted to talk to me this morning, Remember?"

He looked up to me and away from the television screen. "I wanted us to be friends again," he said. "That was before you got with him."

"He has a name Brady."

"Yeah, he has you when you should be with me," he said.

"Brady whether you like it or not I am with him now. It was all your fault," I said. "You can't expect me to go back with you just because you want me too. You need to move on, If you want we can be friends, but not like this."

"You know something?"

"What's that?"

"I used to think that you really cared about me. I almost died out there and you didn't even have the decency to talk to me then."

He was trying to make me angry now. "Brady, if I didn't care for you, I wouldn't have been back for you. Remember I caught you cheating, you never caught me," I said and I left him with that. I knew deep down he was right, I could have shown more concern.

I sat next to Steve when I returned. "How did it go?"

"Not much progress there, he's so stubborn."

"He has a lot to learn about relationships," Said Steve, handing me a plate.

"Are they still in there talking?"

"Yeah, Tyler called Jenny over so he could tell her. Plus my brother has some news to share with then."

"What news?"

"I'm sorry, I can't share that part with you. Tyler will tell you when he's ready."

I wondered what it was, Tyler never really kept anything from me. I mean he told me about his mother and about Jenny, he even shared with me that he was gay. Why wouldn't he tell me something?

"Hi," Tyler said, sitting next to me. Pastor Shaw returned with his arm around Jenna.

"Is everything alright," I asked Tyler.

"Yeah," he said, leaving me to my curiosity.

"I don't want you to leave," Tyler said.

"I don't either, but I can't stay I have another test tomorrow and I have to practice with the band tomorrow night."

"Don't forget dad wants to go over some of the choir songs with you tomorrow morning."

"I wont," I said before I kissed him.

"Mm, you taste good." Tyler said before planting a kiss on my lips.

"So do you," I said, pulling away from him. "I'll see ya Saturday."

I drove home with so much on my mind. Brady was driving me crazy with everything that came out of his mouth. I wished he'd just accept the fact that we were over. The fact that Tyler didn't tell me was also driving me insane. Why would he hide something like that from me?

Connor and Tim were sitting on the couch, I headed over to them, "Hi guys whats up?"

"Hey Brian, Nothing much were going to watch a movie. You interested?" Said Connor.

"No, It's been a long day. I think I'm just going to take a shower."

"I bet, with all that singing you did," Connor said.

"Why didn't you tell me you were joining Tommy's band?" Asked Tim.

"I kind of forgot all about it, until this afternoon when Tommy came looking for me. I didn't know you and Tommy were friends.

"Yeah he's a good guy. Where'd you meet him anyways?"

"I met him at the mall."

"You should have seen him Tim, he was so good, he should be a rock star," Connor added.

I left them smiling, my body was already calling for rest. I took out my robe and a towel, heading towards my bathroom. I locked Lisa's door and got into the shower.

It felt so good to have the water fall on me. I thought about Jason, he opened up to me and shared a lot. I knew all to well what he was dealing with. Maybe it was harder for him to tell people. His father was very understanding with me. I found it hard to believe that he'd be different with his own son.

Tommy also came to mind, he had it bad for Connor. I wondered if he could live like that for long. What about my brother, did he know about Tommy? Tommy said he wouldn't do anything, It was bothering me more than I let tommy on.

I turned the faucet off and stepped out of the shower. I dried myself and put on my pajamas. Lisa knocked on her door. I unlocked it.

"Hey rock star," she said as she entered.

"I'm not a rock star."

"I heard different," she said.

"I'm going to bed," I said and I left her flat.

"Hey don't forget my show is in two days," She said as I left the bathroom. I was sleeping before my head hit the pillow.

Next: Chapter 7

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