Mr Black Sings a Sad Song

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Mar 15, 2005


This story is purely fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. This story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song. Please tell me what you think. Email me

I would like to thank George Z for editing this story.

Sorry about the Delay getting this chapter out. My editor's computer failed and had to buy a new computer.

Mr Black Sings A Sad Song By: Green

Chapter 7

I met Steve early the next morning, Brady was there too but he went his separate way as soon as he saw me. He said he had friends to meet. "He's still mad at me isn't he?" I asked Steve.

"He didn't mention it last night. I don't know what's with that kid sometimes. He is so stubborn. Tyler was real happy though," Steve said as he opened his office.

"Yeah, he was," I said, sitting down.


"What?" I asked.

"I saw your face last night, when he didn't tell you."

"You did?" he nodded. "Tyler usually tells me everything, last night was like he tried to hide what ever it was from me."

"I can't tell you what it is, but I can tell you not to worry about it. Tyler will tell you when he's ready, just trust him."

"Steve can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah," he said, handing me a book.

"Who was Tyler's mother?"

"You are really nosy, aren't you?" he joked. "Well I went to college with his mother. She was sick before we met and she already had Jenny and Tyler. She was one of my brother's friends. We got real close before she died and I promised I would take Jenny. My brother had already promised to take Tyler."

"But you were so young?"

"Hey I made a promise, one that I don't regret in the least."


"So I hear you had a run in with your grandfather?"

"He deserved it, I wanted to hit him so bad."

"I wish I'd had stood up to him like you did. God that must have felt good," Steve said. "If I saw him today I wouldn't know what to do."

"Why did he kick you out?"

"That's a story best left for another day, come on we have work to do, I have to close the school early we have a blizzard coming. Get home"

The choir started vocalizing, I joined after the female Lead began. My lines would alternate hers as the rest of the choir joined us. I would lead the males and she would lead the females.

"Hark how the bells," She sang with the females.

"Sweet Silver bells," I followed.

We kept on singing until we reached the chorus, "Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas. Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas."

Pastor Shaw clapped as we finished. "Excellent, you guys," he said. "Brian why don't you try Little Drummer boy."

I took a second to look over the lyrics. "Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum, A new born king to see, pum pum pum."

"Brian let's have the rest of the choir back you up, they can sing parum pum pum pum," Said Pastor shaw, I nodded.

"Our finest gifts we bring," I sang.

"Pa rum pum pum pum." The choir followed, making the song sound a thousand times better.

"To lay before the King."

"Pa rum pum pum pum."

"To lay before the king."

"Pa rum pum pum pum," sang the choir.

"When we come. Little baby," I followed.

"Pa rum pum pum pum."

"I am a poor boy too."

"Pa rum pum pum pum."

"I have no gift to bring."

"Pa rum pum pum pum."

"That's fit to give a king."

"Pa rum pum pum pum." As I sang everybody stopped. Tyler looked at me smiling. I looked away as the words I was singing began to hit me. I was singing about something I knew little about, but I felt. I wasn't having an epiphany or anything but somewhere deep down I believed in what I was singing. I didn't know where they came from but tears formed in my eyes.

The Idea of something small like a baby was so important to everyone. Someone so little that would eventually die for our sins. How do you live your life with the burden of knowing that you are going to be something greater? That you are supposed to lead the ones that believe in you to salvation. It reminds me of people like Steve that really help people out there everyday. Even though I don't need it as much as the kids in his school, he helped me.

"Great," Said Pastor Shaw as we finished. " Every body please get ready we're leaving early. There is a storm headed this way and I don't want you guys to get caught up in it. Brian I want to speak with you before you leave."

I nervously followed him to his office. He motioned for me to sit and he closed the door. "I want to apologize for last night."

"Why? You didn't do anything wrong."

"No Brian, I should have been more accommodating, especially considering you are saving my butt by singing with my choir," He said. "I don't think that Tyler told you about the conversation we had, did he?" I shook my head. "Well I should tell you then. Tyler Is looking for his mother's family. Steve and I have been helping with the search. We found his grandmother."

I wasn't important enough to Tyler to hear all of this from him, and he went out of his way to keep this from me. This could be one of the most important moments in his life and he didn't want me to share that with him. I was getting angry.

"Wait wasn't she around when his mother died?"

"No, Tyler's mother Diana lived in a group home I volunteered in. That's how she and I first met. She ran away from home with her boyfriend when she got pregnant with Tyler. He died before Jenny was born."

"What about his parents?"

"They asked us to stay away from them," Pastor shaw said before the phone began to ring, he answered the phone. "I have to take this," he said, holding the receiver.

I nodded and stepped out of his office. Why didn't he tell me? I want to be there for him. I felt rejected and unimportant. I saw him talking with some of the choir members, he smiled but I kept walking.

"Brian, is something wrong?" he asked, catching up to me?

"I have to go meet Tommy," I said, getting in my car.

"No, Brian you are mad at me and I'm not letting you leave till you tell me," he yelled, holding my car door. I looked at him, he was making me angry. "What's going on?"

"Nothing Tyler, I have to go."

"Tell me Brian."

"That's it, you want me to tell you everything, yet you keep stuff from me."

"Brian what are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you, I'm not important to you," I said, pulling the door away from him and I drove away. Somehow I felt smaller with a feeling of foreboding. The world was expanding around me and Tyler was further away. Something big was going to happen between us and I had no control over it.

Tommy was huddled outside of his house, smoking a cigarette as the snow fell. He held his coat close to him, smiling as I pulled into the driveway.

"Aren't you ever cold?" I asked.

"I can't smoke inside, can I?" I smiled and looked away.

"What's wrong, trouble in paradise?" Tommy asked as I pulled up next to him.

"Oh nothing," I said.

"Really, because I can see anger written all over your face with a black marker," he said getting into my car.

"Come on let's go to the city, I want to talk to someone."

I drove us to the city, to uncle George's restaurant. Uncle George was cooking something and taking inventory, Christine had Tommy and I fold napkins with utensils inside as we talked. I told them what I could, careful to leave out what Pastor Shaw had shared with me.

"You say he's never kept anything big from you before?" Asked Tommy.

"Yeah he's usually so open with me that it caught me off guard."

"Why is this bothering you so much?"asked Christine, stepping away from the window.

"Because I had to hear from his father," I said.

"Ah that's a tough one," Christine said, handing us another basket with napkins.

"Do you guys want something to eat?" George asked from the kitchen.

"I'm not really hungry but I'm sure Tommy could eat," I answered back.

"Nonsense I'll make you both a plate. Whatever you don't eat take it home."

"Alright Uncle George."

Christine looked at Tommy for a minute. "What do you think?"

"Well he might be over reacting a little, but we can't really say without knowing what Tyler kept away from you. so I'd say he should talk to him and work it out," Tommy replied.

"I agree with Tommy, talk to Tyler and tell him how you feel. I know you're not one to forgive easily but in this case you just might have to," Christine said.

"You do what ever she says," uncle George said, placing to plates of Chicken parmigiana before us.

"This smells real good," Tommy said.

"Thank you. That was the first dish Mama taught me to make," uncle George said.

"Where is Mama?" I asked. "How is she?"

"Oh she's coming for Christmas, She'll be here to see you sing, she's very excited."

"Is she going to cook dinner?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah she always does. This year she might even let me help her," uncle George said.

"Good, because if she taught you to cook like this, then she must cook ten times better and I want to be there for it, Brian," he said, causing all of us to laugh.

"I get to meet her for the first time, I'm so nervous," Said Christine.

"Wait, you didn't meet her at your wedding?"

"No actually we got married at the court house, no one knew about it until after. We wanted a simple wedding."

"Cool," I said, they kissed.

I ate my chicken as they spoke. It's funny how much family, and how many friends I had gained.

"Is your aunt Selene coming?" uncle George asked.

"I don't know, she might be," I said.

"Christine and Selene go way back. They used to be good friends in high school."

"Wow your family is so in depth," Tommy said.

"I know my family consists of me, my parents and my brother. It's really boring," said Christine. "I love his family, it's so rich with personality that you could never get bored."

"Especially this little one here," uncle George said, messing my hair up. "I wish I had half the guts he has."

"In mine it's just my dad my sister, Mary Beth and me," Tommy added.

"Mary Beth is your sister?" I asked Tommy.

"Yeah my dad and my mom separated when I was younger, she left and we stayed with dad."

"I know what that feels like," said uncle George. "I thought my life was over when My father left us, but you know what? Mama made up for it everyday."

"Oh I can't wait to meet her. I am a nervous wreck already," Christine said.

"You should have seen her when she spoke with her on the phone," uncle George added, shaking his hand, making us laugh.

"She wants to meet Tyler," said uncle George, causing me to choke.

"What? Who told her?" I asked.

"She knew," said Christine.

"She's always known about you," uncle George said, handing me a cup of water. "She used to ask me when you were younger."

"What did you say?"

"I never said anything. I told her to ask you," uncle George said, handing Tommy a bred stick.

"Thank you," Tommy said, returning to his chicken.

"So how does she know about Tyler?"

"Your dad told her. She told me to tell you she's happy for you."

I never thought I'd be out to Mama Lorraine. I would never want to be anything less than what she sees in me and if being out changed that, then I wouldn't tell her. She's the one person I would sacrifice my happiness for. Mama Lorraine always said that I had an old Soul. She always knew when something was up with me, but for some reason she always kept me at arms length.

"Hey I think it's time to go, I have to pick up Jason and Kevin's probably wondering where we are," I said.

"You guys should probably be getting home, storms coming this way." I nodded not really paying attention. "Call your parents and let him know where you are. I'm not opening the restaurant."

We said our goodbyes, uncle George invited us over again. The snow was falling a little heavier now. "Your aunt and Uncle are awesome," Tommy said as he got in my car.

"I know, he's always been that way, you can talk to him about everything. Hold Up I need to call my parents." I pulled out my cellphone but my battery was dead. "My battery is dead," I said.

"Let's go get Jason he's closer," said Tommy. I drove to lakeside, Jason was waiting outside his house as we pulled up.

"Aren't you people ever cold?" I asked as he got in.

"Yeah, I thought you'd never show," said Jason.

"Sorry we kinda got sidetracked," Tommy said.

"Kevin called me, he can't come, he has to help his father plow tonight," Said Jason as we pulled out of his driveway.

"So what do you guys want to do?" asked Tommy.

"Let's go to the mall, I want to pick up some stuff," I said they all nodded.

The mall was packed, It took us an hour to find a parking spot. We had to wait for an elderly couple to leave.

"Where too," Jason asked as we walked in.

"Well I want to pick up my paycheck, so why don't we head over to my job," Tommy said, We all nodded and headed towards that direction. I needed to pick up some music to listen to anyways.

"How long have you worked here?" I asked Tommy as we reached the store.

"A year now, I think."

"I think I might want to get a job after school starts," I said.

"You?," they both asked.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Well I don't know I just thought you weren't in need, shall we say."

"Well your right, I'm not in need, but that's my parents money not mine."

"I wish my father gave me half the stuff they give you," Tommy said as we reached the store. "My father makes me pay for everything, including my lunch at school."

"Yeah my dad makes me pay for his gas when he takes me somewhere," Jason added.

"What do you need to pick up?" Tommy asked.

"I need to do some Christmas shopping," I stopped when I saw Tyler heading my way.

"Come on," Tommy said to Jason, noticing that Tyler was heading our way. "Let's go get my check."

"I've been looking for you all day," Tyler said, grabbing my hand. I pulled it away.

"Why didn't you tell me? Am I not important enough for you?"

"Brian I, I didn't think you'd care."

He was making me angry. He didn't think I'd care? "Tyler I can't talk to you about this now."

"No I want to Brian. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, I mean that Brian," he said Pulling me close. "Brian I love you."

I pulled away from him, not knowing what to say. I couldn't form the words so I walked away, I had to think. What he said scared me. He said he loved me, what do I say to him? I love him? I don't know if I do. He grabbed my arms once again, and right there in the mall he kissed me.

As he kissed me all the doubt left me. I knew he was meant for me and I belonged to him. I let his hand guide my head closer to his. My tongue slipped over his, his lips over mine and as we became one, I did love Tyler. We broke our embrace only when someone whistled. "I love you too," I said, he blushed.

"You guys need some air?" Tommy asked.

"Or maybe a room?" added Jason.

"Shut up, you guys" I said, grabbing Tyler's hand.

"Hey I was just asking," Jason said as Tommy laughed.

"Guys this is my boyfriend Tyler."

"Oh, we know Tyler," said Jason.

"Hi guys," said Tyler.

"Does everyone in this town know each other?" I asked.

"Guys I'm hungry. Can we go eat?" asked Jason, rubbing his stomach.

"Well we already ate, so you are on your own," I said.

"I have to go help my dad," said Tyler, before he kissed me again. "I'll see you later."

"I still have to go shopping for some stuff, so why don't I meet you at the food court in an hour," I said.

"I'll go with you," Tommy said to Jason.

The snow was falling real heavy now. I didn't think it'd be this bad but this is crazy. I couldn't see five feet ahead of the car and my car was slipping left and right.

"The governor has asked that everyone get home as soon as possible," said the news anchor on the radio. "A state of emergency has been called on north county including Lakeside and Maybury." I switched it off.

"This is real bad," Said Tommy as we slowly made our way home.

"I know, I can't see the road up ahead," I said as the snow pelted the windshield.

"Pull over," Jason said.

"We're almost at Tommy's, I want to at least make it there," I yelled back.

"You guys have to crash at my house tonight," said Tommy.

"Watch out!" Jason yelled. I pressed hard on the breaks but my car kept moving forward. I swerved left to avoid hitting the car in front of me, It was a mistake because as soon as I swerved I lost control. Next thing I knew my car was crashing into a parked car.

Next: Chapter 8

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