Mr Black Sings a Sad Song

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Jun 8, 2005


This story is purely fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. This story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story Mr. Black Sings A Sad Song. Please tell me what you think. Email me

I would like to thank George Z for editing this story.

I want to thank every body that has replied to my story. My email has changed and If you didn't get replies it's because of that, but thank you nonetheless. Thank you Green

I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.

I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has do be done when it has do be done, regardless of the consequences.

I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.


I would Like to remind you that there are people really leaving on the street out there. Homelessness is a problem many of us try to ignore, but It does exist. There are also many of you that dedicate your lives to help those that need it. I want to to dedicate this chapter to them. Including Burtis who has shared with me his story. Thank you Green

Mr Black Sings A Sad Song By: Green

Chapter Eight Interlude

Steve waited as the last of his students left the school. "Girls remember no school tomorrow," he said to a couple of his students as they left.

"Ok Angel Steve," The girls yelled as they walked by him.

"Hey Steve," said Brady, handing Steve his stuff. "I locked the second floor class rooms and made sure the windows were locked on the third floor."

Steve put in the alarm code and he locked the front doors of the Shaw School. "We need to go get Jenny we are staying at my brothers house tonight."

"Why? Can't we just stay at the apartment?"

"No we can't, my brother is going to need us to help clean the snow at the church tomorrow," Steve replied. "

Brian nodded in defeat. He knew he owed Steve his life and he didn't want to look ungrateful. He did all of his chores, excelled in school and made sure he helped Steve at school. His life had definitely improved and he didnt want it to change.

Steve looked up at the sky and made a mental note to Call Brian. "Are you going to see your sister tonight?" Brady asked.

"No were going to see them tomorrow night at Lisa's gallery opening," Steve said as they reached his car. "Remind me to get some stuff at the market after we get Jenny." Brady nodded and looked away. He thought about Brian and Tyler. Brian was happy more so than he was when he was with him.

"Maybe I'm standing in the way," He said to himself.

"What was that?" asked Steve.

"I think I'm being selfish," Brady answered.

"How so?" asked Steve.

"They're happy aren't they?" said Brady.

"Who Tyler and Brian?"

"Yeah, I mean I shouldn't be mad if they're happy right?"

"I guess you can look at it that way, but are you happy?"

"No I'm not happy that I lost him, trust me I'm far from that but I know that he wouldn't be happy with me like he is with Tyler," said Brady as Steve pulled out into the street.

"That is very wise of you Brady. There are plenty of other boys out there maybe it's time for you to move on. I know a few of the boys like you at school, they would kill me if they knew I told you."

"Really?" Brady blushed and turned away to the window.

The snow was already falling and Steve drove as fast as the snow would allow. Jenny was waiting outside of the apartment with a couple of duffel bags. "Did you get everything?" Steve asked, putting the bags in the trunk.

"Yeah but I couldn't find your cell phone. It wasn't where you told me it was."

"Oh I'm sorry I put it on his dresser last night when I was talking to beth," Brady said. "I'll go get it."

"No leave it we don't have a lot of time," Said Steve. "I want to get to the market."

The snow was already getting heavy as Steve reached the supermarket. "Listen I need you guys to help me. We can get this done quickly if you help me get some stuff," Said Steve. "Jenny I need you to get the stuff on this list. Be quick about it, Jenny."

"Okay dad," she said, taking the list from him.

"Brady I need you to get in line. It's pretty long now but you should be at the front by the time I get back."

"Sure Steve," said Brady.

Sharon Black looked at her rear view mirror. She could barely see behind her and it made her nervous. Her two young daughters were asleep in the backseat. "Thank god they're asleep," she said to herself as she looked at them.

"Lisa why don't you call the house, I want to make sure everyone is home," she said to her eldest daughter who rode in the passenger seat.

Lisa picked up her cell phone and dialed home, putting the cellphone on speaker. "Mom I don't have reception," Lisa said, "It must be the storm."

"Here use mine," she said, handing lisa her cellphone.

Lisa did as she asked and dialed home. "Hi dad we just want to make sure everyone is home."

"Brian isn't home yet. I tried calling him but his phone didn't answer," said Daniel black from the other end.

"He hasn't called," Sharon asked as they slowly pulled into Lake side.

"No he hasn't, and officer grant called looking for his son."

"Honey can you call pastor Shaw's house to see if he's there?" Sharon asked, already thinking the worst.

Pastor Shaw paced back and forth, finding relief when he saw Tyler's car pull into the drive way. "Thank you father for bringing my son safely home," he said to himself. Tyler parked the car and ran inside.

"Oh it's bad out there," said Tyler.

Pastor shaw grabbed Tyler and held him tight. "I'm so glad that you are home."

"Dad, dad I'm alright control yourself."

"I'm sorry I was worried."

"Is Steve here yet?"

"Yes they're in the living room watching a movie. Steve made pizza, why don't you have a slice and join them."

Tyler walked over to the table and grabbed a slice of the pizza as the phone rang. Pastor shaw walked over to answer it but Tyler beat him to it. "I'll get it, It's Brian," he said. His face turned pale as he heard Daniel's voice on the other end.

Officer grant tore through Lakeside on his truck, anxiety was taking hold. He knew his son was in danger and he had to find him. He drove around the lake finding nothing, and he headed towards Maybury where Kevin and Tommy lived.

Officer Grant picked up his cellphone and dialed Tommy's house. "Hi Andy, anything from the boys yet?" he asked.

"No I called the hospital and nothing," said Andy Stevenson, Tommy's father. "I'm leaving my house right now."

"I'm near your house, call me if you hear anything," Officer Grant replied.

The snow was piling in through the broken windshield, at some point after the crash Tommy had stumbled out. He fell a few feet from the car. Jason was still in the back seat his body hanging from the seat belt. Brian's head hung through the broken passenger window.

The sound of a chorus singing came from the radio. "Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright." Brian opened his eyes, feeling the cold air coming through the broken window. "Round your virgin mother and child, holy infant so tender and mild." The pain on the left side of his face was almost unbearable.

"Is everybody alright?" Brian asked, receiving no answer except for the choir singing on the radio.

"Sleep In heavily peace, Sleep in heavily peace."

Brian looked back, Jason looked unconscious and Tommy was not in the the car. "Jason are you alright?" Brian said shaking him. He noticed the bruise on the side of his head.

"Silent night, holy night, Shepard's quake at the sight," the choir sang as he stepped out of the car. He walked slowly as he was dizzy and could barely walk. With his blurred vision he noticed someone on the ground. It was Tommy, his body was three feet away from him. "Tommy, Tommy are you alright?" he again got no answer.

"Glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts sing alleluia," came from the radio.

Brian sat down next to him and fell asleep. "Christ the savior is born, Christ the savior is born," was the last thing he heard.

Pastor Shaw sat next to his son in their kitchen. It had been hours since they heard anything and Tyler's mind was racing a mile a minute. Every possible scenario played through his mind. "Is the phone working?" Tyler asked.

Pastor Shaw nodded. "Tyler why don't you go to bed? I'll tell you as soon as I hear anything," Pastor shaw said, holding his shoulder.

Defeated Tyler walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Steve entered the room a minute later. "Anything yet?" Steve asked pastor Shaw.

"No I'm afraid not, Tyler is taking this very hard."

"So is Brady," said Steve. "It's scary."

"Did you ever think that we'd be living like this?"

"No not in the least, I never thought I'd have one kid. Look at me with a son I'd die for, and a family that is ever growing." said pastor Shaw. "I couldn't ask for more. I wish she was here."

"She gave us a lot didn't she?" asked Steve.

"Yes she did. I thank her for it every day," said pastor shaw. "In some way I feel like I am losing Tyler."

"I hope that in meeting his grandmother he finds what he's looking for."

"I remember when Tyler told me he wanted to find her. It broke my heart. I felt so hurt but then I realized why he wanted to do it. He wants to find a connection with her, something to call his own."

"I guess we all want that."

Brady stared out of the window in Tyler's room. He was crying. Everything was so different now. "Are you OK," Tyler asked.

"I'm alright."

"I'm scared, I hope he's alright somewhere out there," Tyler said walking over to the window. "On clear nights I can see his bedroom window from here."

"You love him don't you?" Brady asked, Tyler nodded.

"You love him too don't you?" Tyler asked back.

"Yeah, but It's different with you and him. He loves you in a deeper way, I can tell," said Brady. "He never looked at me the same way he does you, it's special."

"I knew I loved him the first time I saw him."

"I still love him, but when I see you like this I don't want to stand in the way."

"Brady I," Tyler began before Brady stopped him.

"No Tyler listen I want you two to be happy. I want Brian to be happy," Brady said. "Oh and I'm sorry for hitting you that time. I was a jealous jerk."

Daniel left his house in Tim's truck. He didn't know where to search but something told him to head to Maybury. The snow was hard to see in but Tim had installed fog lights that helped with the visibility.

"Do you know where Tommy lives," He asked his son Tim as they made it to the Maybury neighborhood.

"Yeah he lives by Maybury High," Tim said. "Take a left here, it's a block away."

He pressed the brake hard when he saw Brian's car. "It's Brian, Look." Daniel ran out of his car. As another truck pulled up at the other end of the street.

"I'll call an ambulance," said Tim.

"Officer Grant!" Daniel yelled as a third truck pulled in.

"Is my son there," yelled Andy from the other end of the street.

Daniel ran over to the two boys. "Help me Jack, your son is in the car, Tommy is here next to my son, Andy."

"Andy call an ambulance," officer grant yelled back.

"Tim already called one," said Daniel. "let's get them to warmth."The ambulance arrived a minute later.

Sharon black put the phone down and walked over to the living room with tears in his eyes. "They found them," she said. "They're in ICU. I need to go to him."

"No mom, it's best if you stay here," said Lisa. "Come on I'll make you some tea, Brian is going to be alright okay."

Sharon let her daughter lead her to the kitchen and sat down on one of the stools. "You hate me don't you?" Sharon asked Lisa. "When did that happen, Lisa? When did you start hating me?"

"Mom I don't hate you, I was annoyed with you for a long time, but I don't hate you."


"Because of how you treated Brian, you treated him like he wasn't there," Lisa said, handing her a cup. "All he wanted was for you to acknowledge him from time to time."

"You know something?" She said before taking a sip. "I love you all. I always thought Brian knew that more than the rest of you. I always thought he was the strongest. When he wasn't there I began to realize that maybe he needed us more. I should have been there for him. Now he's in the hospital and it's," she said, breaking down into a sob. "It's all my fault."

"Mom he'll be alright, you just have to let him know that you guys are there for him," Lisa said, handing her mother a handkerchief.

"Who are you?" Sharon asked, smiling. "When did you get to be so smart."

The paramedics revived tommy using CPR. They had woken Brian with smelling salts, he had a concussion. The seat belt had saved Jason's life but he had been knocked unconscious when the car slammed into the parked car.

"Young man can you tell me your name?" The paramedic asked Tommy.

"My name is Tommy," he said as they lifted the stretcher.

"Good stay with me Tommy," The paramedic said.

A few feet over another paramedic helped Jason into another ambulance. "That's a nasty cut," the paramedic said pulling out gauze from his tote.

The third ambulance left for the hospital minutes before. Daniel sat with Brian holding his hand as they made it to the hospital.

"Please let my son be alright," Daniel whispered to herself.

In the hospitals waiting room. Daniel and his son Tim sat on one of the uncomfortable couches as officer Grant paced and Andy stood nervously by the door. It had been an hour since they last had any word.

They all sat in silence as the situation sunk in. Andy had lived alone with his two kids for five years after he and his wife divorced. They only had each other as Tommy's mother has not contacted him since the divorce.

"Can I speak with Mr. Grant," Said one of the nurses. Officer grant walked over to her.

"That's me," he said.

"Your son is now awake, you may see him now follow me," she said.

"Miss have you heard anything about my son," said Andy.

"Mister Stevenson, I will inform you as soon as I hear anything."

The nurse left with officer Grant and Andy Stevenson watched with distrust and anxiety on his face. Daniel walked over to him. "Andy everything is going to be alright," said Daniel. "Come on sit."

Early in the morning the suns light poured into Brian's room. He woke looking out to the lake. He could see the Shaw's house across the water. He felt the bandage on the left side of his head, noticing the tube sticking out of his arm.

"Brian, your awake," said Tim.

"Is everybody alright?" Brian asked. "Are Tommy and Jason alright?"

"Yeah, their fine, They have Tommy in the room next door and Jason's just outside with officer Grant," said Daniel. "I'm so glad your alright."

"Dad I lost control of the wheel. I didn't mean to hurt to hurt anyone." Tears came from his eyes as he spoke.

"Hey, hey it's alright. Brian, everyone is fine," said Daniel holding his son.

For the first time since his son was young, Daniel saw his son's vulnerability. Daniel held his youngest son, knowing that his son was losing the tough demeanor he once had and he would no longer be his little boy.

Tyler and Brady ran up to the information desk. "I need to know the room number for Brian Black," Tyler said to the receptionist. She gave him the number and they walked to the elevator. They got off on the third floor and headed towards the east wing of the hospital.

"Hey guys," Tim said as he left the room.

"Hi, how is he?" Tyler asked. Brady didn't say anything his attention was elsewhere.

"Brian is alright. Go in he just woke up," said Daniel as he too walked out. "Brady it's nice to see you. Is Steve here?"

"Oh yeah Steve's outside parking the car," said Brady, breaking his gaze from Jason.

"Oh This is officer Grant and his son Jason," Tim said. "This is Brady."

Brady shook officer Grants hand and then extended his hand towards Jason, who was also blushing. "Hi I'm Jason," he said, holding Brady's hand longer than he should. Officer Grant watched the interaction noticing something in his son he hadn't noticed before.

Sharon ran into Steve in the hospital's lobby. She walked over to him and gave him a hug. They held each other for a few minutes. Sharon felt release as they embraced. "I'm Sorry Steve I just needed."

"No Sharon you cry, let it go."

"I am so afraid of losing him," she said, leading him to the elevator. "With you I......."

He held her hand in silence as the elevator ascended. When the doors opened they were greeted by their father. Roger Omally glared at both of them from his wheel chair.

"What are you doing here?" Sharon asked.

"I would ask you the same question," he let out. "and why are you holding this man's hand? Don't you have a husband?"

Sharon stormed pass the man, leaving Steve in the elevator. "Who are you?" asked Roger.

"Don't you remember your own son? Age hasn't been kind has it?"

Roger glared at Steve then rolled unto the Elevator. "I guess you are going to tell me that you hate me too," He said.

"No I think you already hate yourself enough," Steve said, stepping of the Elevator. "Goodbye old man."

Next: Chapter 9

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