Mr Black Sings a Sad Song

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Dec 21, 2022


This story is purely fictional. If you are not over the age of 18 or are opposed to this type of material please Do Not Read It. This story belongs to Green and reproductions without permission are not allowed.

Hi this is my story Mr. Black Sings a Sad Song. Please tell me what you think. Email me

I would like to thank George Z for editing this story.

MR. Black Sings a Sad Song Chapter Nine

I woke up sometime in the morning. I couldn't sleep. So much had happened in just a couple of days. I could have died. I could have killed my friends. The weird thing is that no one is blaming me when they should. I should have gone home when Uncle George told me to and I should have listened to Steve when he told me to be careful.

"Do you need anything," an orderly asked walking into the room. He looked to be about eighteen years old.

"Do you think I can go for a walk," I said. "I can't sleep."

"Sure maybe we can get you some hot chocolate," he said, helping me out of bed. As he did I noticed my parents were sleeping in the bed next to mine.

"Do you want to wake them up?" the orderly asked.

My parents looked so peaceful in each other's arms that I didn't want to wake them. "No let them sleep."

He nodded and guided me out holding my arms. Steve was waiting outside in a chair. He stood up when he saw me. "Brian what's going on?"

"We're just going for a walk," The orderly answered for me. Steve looked at the orderly for a while. It seemed like he recognized his face.

"Drew, is that you?" Steve asked. The orderly smiled for a second and shook his head.

"I didn't want to intrude on your family," he said shyly.

"Brian this is Drew I used to," Steve began and looked at Drew to see if it was alright to proceed. Drew shook his head and Steve started again. "I used to be Drew's counselor at his school."

"He helped me when I was having a lot of problems," Drew added.

"He helped me too. My uncle has a knack for that sort of thing," I said.

Steve blushed and looked away. "Is there a cafeteria here?" He asked Drew.

"Yes it's on the floor below us we can take the elevator down if you'd like," Drew answered guiding me towards the elevator. We ascended one floor and found the cafeteria; we sat at a table by the doors. Drew brought us both hot cocoa.

"I'm sorry guys I have to go check on some of the other patients," Drew said.

"When does your shift end?" Steve asked.

"In a half hour," Drew answered.

"I would like to talk to you, why don't you meet us here after your shift is over?"

"Sure see you in a half," Drew said, smiling.

"He seems nice," I said.

"Yes poor kid's been through a lot," Said Steve, looking over to the door. Steve's face contorted into a scowl. I followed his gaze to my grandfather who was glaring at him.

"Is that who I think it is?" I asked.

"Unfortunately," Steve answered.

My grandfather rolled himself to the far side of the cafeteria, making sure that he faced away from us. Steve looked angry but he quickly diverted the anger and smiled at me.

"Steve why did he kick you out," I asked and Steve looked surprised. I could tell that it was hard for him to tell me. "Um sorry Steve you don't have to tell me anything."

"No Brian, I want to tell you," Steve said. "When I was about your age I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have. I really loved this person Brian but this person could never love me as I loved them. Somehow that person found out about me when we were at a party and they tried to get me to do things. I was real dumb and naive back then. You see there really wasn't many people like us that were out back then but he said he liked me too so I did some stuff with him and every one found out." Steve looked at my grandfather across the room.

I thought of what he said. He said like us. "Oh Steve I'm sorry," I said and he held my hand. "I didn't mean to pry."

"It's Okay Brian. I figured that at some point I would have to tell you. You and I have a lot in common, even though you were left behind and I was kicked out." I felt closer to Steve than I ever had. He's like me and he really understands what it feels like to be left out.

"The problem began when it got around my school. They taunted me and called me names. Your mother tried to help me by making sure our parent's didn't know but he found out somehow. He was worst than the kids at school. He was relentless, calling me names and hitting me then he threw me out of his house in the middle of a snow storm. I was only wearing a t shirt and shorts with no sneakers," Steve said.

I wanted to go over there and beat the shit out of that man. How could anybody do that to their own kids. How can anybody be so cruel. I must have shown my anger because Steve just held my hand.

"Like you and Brady I was lucky. Someone found me," he said, calming me down.

"So you haven't seen him till today?" I asked, pointing towards my grandfather.

He shook his head. "I saw him yesterday when I came to see you. I asked around to see if anybody could tell me why he was in a wheelchair."

"Did they tell you?" I asked, wondering if I really cared.

"Yeah he had a hip replacement," Steve said, taking a sip from his cocoa. "Apparently he fell when he tried to change a light bulb."

"Oh," I said. "Steve, can I talk to you about something?"

"What's that Brian?"

"Well I feel like all of this is my fault," I told him. "I could have killed my friends and myself."

"Ah and you think every one should be blaming you?" I nodded. "Well Look at it this way. Everyone is just very happy that you guys are alright. Besides I think being in here is punishment enough."

Drew joined us after a while. I found that I liked speaking to him. He was very smart and he was also in a band. "You know your lucky to have an uncle like him," Drew said.

"Yeah I know, even if I just met him a month ago," I said, smiling. "So Drew what's the name of your band?"

"We used to be called the Sinner Saints, but we changed it to the Mikey's when a friend of ours died," Drew answered.

"I heard about that," Steve said. "That must have been hard for you."

"Yeah Michael died about a year ago, "Drew said, looking away from us. "he was my best friend."

"Drew so you told me that you moved out of your parents, where are you living?" Steve asked. I knew that he was trying to change the conversation. The loss of his friend must have been so terrifying.

"I live in the city now."

"Are you still going to school?" I asked.

"No I can't really afford to go to college right now. I plan on going next fall when things have settled," he said looking away from us, almost as if he was ashamed.

"If you need extra money Drew I could always use some help at the school. Here is my card please call me and let me know," Said Steve handing Drew his card. "You could always teach music to the kids. I'm sure they'd like that."

"Sure Steve," Drew said, looking down at his watch. "I'm sorry Steve I have a show tonight and I have to get to bed sometime soon. It's nice seeing you though."

I watched Steve say goodbye to Drew. For some reason I felt a connection to Drew and I didn't know where it came from. Drew waved at me smiling and I waved back. "He likes you, I can tell." Steve said when he returned. "He asked me when your band was playing and I told him about your choir performance. He'll be there."

I blushed. "Steve I'm dating Tyler."

Steve just smiled. "Come on I'll take you back to your room."

***** "I thought about everything as I sang. In just a month my whole world had been turned around. I had my family and I was dating the greatest person in the world and I had the best friends anyone could ask. Like my mother, I received my Christmas gifts early and they all sat before me listening to me sing with the rest of the congregation."

My mother was crying, so was grandma and Mama Lorraine. I thought of Steve one of only two people that can fully understand me, the other one being Brady. They sat together with Drew behind Pastor Shaw and Jenny. Drew smiled when I looked into his direction. My new friends looked on in awe as I sang. They sat with their families. Uncle George and Christine sat by my siblings, Tim and Lisa sat next to my little sisters.

The church was full, and everyone was quiet. We had been through a lot that week alone. We had survived an accident, I had been accepted into Lakeside High School, Brady and Justin began dating and there I was singing one of the saddest songs ever written, before everyone that meant something to me.

Tyler seemed Nervous when I stepped of the platform. "Hi babe," I said, kissing him. He kissed me but it seemed cold. "What's wrong Tyler?"

He looked at me like he wanted to say something. He tried to let it out a couple of times but he couldn't form the words. He just looked at me and tears began to fall. I knew then that something was wrong.

"You're leaving aren't you?" I asked and he nodded. "For how long?"

"She wants me to live with her for a while," he finally spoke. I was angry. "I'm leaving right after Christmas."

"I have to go," I said but he held my hand, looking into my eyes.

"I'm sorry," he said but in my mind it was too late so I walked away.

Mama Lorraine pulled me aside. "Young man I haven't received my hug yet," she said. "You were phenomenal tonight."

"Hi mama Lorraine," I said embracing the short woman.

"So tell me about this guy, Tyler," she said. "You seem like you were fighting with him earlier huh?"

"He's leaving me," I answered.

"He got a new boyfriend?" She asked, with a confused look on her face.

"No," I said smiling. "He's going to go visit his grandmother and he's staying with her for awhile."

"Ah so he'll be back?" I nodded. "Ah so stop this and go make up with him. Remember he'll be away from you too. Go do it, go."

Mama Lorraine could always make you feel stupid. Tyler is obviously going to be back and I feel like a jerk for treating him that way. I always let my anger take hold, making me do stupid things. "Thank you Mama Lorraine," I said kissing her.

"Anytime Brian, anytime," she said.

Tyler was nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere he just wasn't there. The church was emptying fast and we had to go eat dinner at my house. Mama Lorraine and uncle George had made so much food.

My parent's had invited Pastor Shaw and Steve. They made sure to invite Drew and my new friends. Connor was coming over and so was Christine's family. Our house was definitely full. I hoped to see Tyler there I had to apologize to him.

***** Tyler never showed up at my house. I was getting concerned. I tried calling him but he didn't answer his phone. Pastor shaw told me that he went home because he wasn't feeling well.

Everything was perfect. What seemed to be a ton of food was laid out in the dining room and the living room. Uncle George and Mama Lorraine dueled in the kitchen preparing plate after plate.

I sat next to Drew who seemed nervous in the family setting "Are you alright," I asked.

"Yeah I'm just not used to this," Drew said. "Especially around Christmas."

"Neither am I but I can assure you everyone here is good people," I said. "So just relax and eat as much as you can."

Jason, Tommy and Kevin sat next to us. Lisa sat with the twins who were fighting over Connor as Tim Laughed. Jenny and Brady were also sitting with them. Brady smiled at me, mouthing the words wow.

"Hey Brady, come talk to me," I motioned outside. He followed me grabbing his coat.

"What's up?" he asked as we stepped outside.

"Tyler told me what you said to him and I want to thank you," I said.

"Don't mention it. I was a jerk and I'm sorry maybe we can just be friends," Brady said extending his hand. I took it and pulled him into an embrace.

"I'll always be here for you," I whispered in his ear.

"And I will too," he whispered back. "Let's eat I'm hungry."

"So some of the guys told me your story," Drew said when I returned. "Very interesting."

I looked at my friends they were all smiling. "What did they tell you," I asked.

"Well they told me that you have this amazing voice that I witnessed at the congregation. They also told me about your street cred," Drew joked, causing all of us to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Tim asked from their table.

"Nothing, inside joke," I said. Everyone on our table laughed once again.

"Brian told me that you're in a band. We should jam sometime," said Tommy who was totally checking out Drew.

"Hey there is a battle of the bands next month in the city you guys should join it," drew said. We all looked at each other.

"Dude we're there," Jason said.

"I used to wonder as I looked back on my life, was it worth the time?" I said into Tyler's recorder. "I found that it was. It made me the person I am today. I can appreciate everything I have now."

"Your second album is at number one and you're touring like crazy. How does that affect your personal life?" Tyler asked. I wondered if the question was for his magazine or for him.

"Well I am happy and that's all that matters. Our band is extremely supportive. Tommy is always making sure we are alright and so are Kevin and Jason. I have someone special that understands the world like I do. We can share that and grow together."

"Any clues as to who this person is?"

"Well his name is Drew and that's all I am going to say," I replied and he stopped the recorder. He looked at me and smiled.

"How is Drew?" he asked.

"He's great we are playing in the city tonight. I'm meeting some of his friends after the show. You should come by, bring Jenny I haven't seen her in a long time."

"I'll try but you know her and school," he said, gathering his stuff from the table. "Thanks for doing this Brian."

I watched him leave the restaurant. Something about him seemed distant. We had not spoken since I left on tour a year ago. I wondered if he still blamed his self for the way our relationship ended. I never blamed him for what happened and I will never.

Life had definitely changed in six years. My relationship with Drew was going strong. I met him four years ago before his band made it big. We opened for his band two years later and now we're both headlining the Love loss tour. He was a great friend to me when Tyler and I broke up. Now we are dating.

"Hey you," Drew says as I step of the stage. "You were great."

There an immense peace that he gives me when we are together. I don't know where it comes from I just know that when he is around me I feel like I am floating. He understands who I am.

"Are you going to your parent's house tonight?" He asks.

"Yes my uncle George is cooking a big dinner," I tell him. "You guys are all invited."

"Alright I'll tell my band, but I can't stay over. I have to meet with my friend John in New York for breakfast," he says as someone hands him his guitar.

"Alright," I said, kissing him.

Tonight is the last date on the American leg of the tour. We played forty five cities across the country. My parents are preparing a homecoming dinner for us. They waited for me backstage. Tyler sat in the audience writing his piece on the show for the magazine he worked for. Brady was the first to spot me. He smiled and waved me over.

"Brady," I yell, running towards him. The last time I saw him was before he entered a broadcasting college two years ago. "How are you?"

"Brian you look good," he says.

"You too, I like the hair," I said, noticing his Mohawk.

"Thanks, you know college," Brady says. "Where is Jason?"

"Brian!" Steve says, extending his hand from behind Brady.

"Steve," I slap away his hand and I give him a huge hug. "Where is Jenny?"

"Right here," the stunning young lady said.

"Wow look at you," I said spinning her around.

"What about us, do we look good," My sisters Kim and Kelly, yelled from behind.

"No not really," I joked. They playfully pounded me with their fists. I hugged them both. They did look good. "Where is everybody else?"

"Tim and Lisa went to get autographs, Mom and dad had to go pick up mama Lorraine," Kim said.

"Grandma is with Pastor Shaw outside waiting. They didn't want to come in with this crowd."

"Brian!" Lisa yelled from across the room.

"Hi Lisa!" I holler back. She jumps on me.

"Oh my god you look so good," She says as we both go down. My bodyguard Tony comes to my aide.

"Are you alright sir?" Tony asked.

"Yes I'm alright, Tony. This is my sister, Lisa."

Lisa shook his hand as Tim walked over to me. "Dude I just met that famous photographer you know," Tim says, hugging me and then whispers in my ear, "He's hot hook me up."

I watched as Jason and Brady embraced. They had been together for so long and it made me happy. "Where is that boyfriend of yours," Steve asked.

"His band is going on now why don't we go see them play?" I asked. "We can watch from the side of the stage."

Everyone nodded and headed towards the stage. We all watched as my boyfriend played and sang his heart out. Things were definitely on a different level these days.

I woke up in my bed with a cold sweat and I felt somebody next to me. I looked over to see Tyler curled up next to me. It made me smile. He looked up at me. "Did I wake you I'm sorry," Tyler said sitting up.

"No I just had this really weird nightmare. It's like I was as looking into the future."

"Really?" he asked. "Was I in it?"

"Yeah you were," I said.

"Were we still together?" Tyler asked.

"Yes we'll be together for a long time don't you worry," I said, thinking of Drew as the words left my mouth. I didn't know what to say so I lied to him. The dream was too real for me. That dream shook me up more than I thought.

I sat next to Lisa as my mother handed us our presents. It was Christmas morning everyone in my immediate family was crowded around the tree. Tyler came down and sat next to me. My mother handed him a present then handed me a set of keys. "Your gift is outside," She said. I smiled and ran out of the house.

My car was there all fixed up. They smoothed out the bumps and put in a new windshield. The front lights and bumper had also been fixed. The best thing though was the fact that they had written in black on the side MR. Black Sings a Sad Song.

"We thought that you might like that," said my parents.

"Yeah but is it smart for him to drive," Lisa added. I shot her an angry stare. "I'm just kidding," she said with her arms up.

Tyler came over to me. "The guys are going to flip when they see that," he said pointing at the car.

"Hey what did you get," I asked. I watched him open his present.

"It's an MP3 player," he said.

"I picked it out for you," I said. "I recorded something for you. It's in there."

"Thank you," he said, kissing me.

"Guys why don't you come inside its getting cold," Grandma said.

"Look what we got," the twins said, showing me their new dolls. I smiled.

"Nice," I said. "Why don't you guys go see what I got you."

Tyler held my hand as we walked back into the living room. "Look what I got, said Tim holding up ten different gift cards. He was always hard to buy for so everybody just gave him gift cards. I sat next to him when my parents handed me another gift. I opened it and found two airplane tickets to Seattle. I looked up at them.

"We figured that you might need them," they said.

"Your going to Seattle," I asked Tyler.

He nodded and handed me another present. "I want you to have this," he said. "I had a friend of mine take these photos last night." I opened the box and found and album with pictures of me singing and talking with Tyler even some of us arguing and one of me looking around for Tyler. "I had my friend, Chris follow you the whole night taking pictures."

The photos were great. Some were black and white while others were in color. "I didn't see anyone take pictures of me," I said.

"I asked him to keep himself hidden. He took some of these from the balcony and behind the pews," he said, picking up the photo of me searching for him. "This one is my favorite."

I hugged him and kissed him. "I'm going to miss you when you leave," I said holding him close.

"Me too, Brian, me too," Tyler said.

"Flight seven zero eight destination Seattle now boarding," said someone through the speakers.

"I have to go," Tyler said, hugging Pastor Shaw.

"Promise you'll call as soon as you land," said Pastor Shaw.

"I Promise," Tyler said and then looked at me.

"I don't want you to leave," I said.

"I promise you that I won't be gone longer than a year," Tyler said. "Dad won't let me be and you're coming every other month to see me aren't you?" Tyler asked.

"I wouldn't miss that for the world," I said.

"You'll have me back by next Christmas," Tyler said, holding my hand.

I want him to stay, but I know how important it is for him to get to know his grandmother. When I was on the street at least I knew where my parent's were. He lost his real parents and even though Pastor Shaw is a great father, I knew that he was looking for a connection. One that Pastor Shaw couldn't give him.

"I know I will Tyler," I said. We held hands, knowing that it was our last few minutes together. He was leaving me and the thought of it was making me cry.

"Aw come on you promised that you wouldn't do this," Tyler said, wiping tears from his eyes. "You know the deal we promised each other that we wouldn't cry."

"I Know, Tyler I know but I'm going to miss you," I said, kissing him.

As we kissed everything that had been holding inside broke. Tears came from my eyes as my heart broke. "I'm sorry Tyler, it's just that," he never let me finish, kissing me once again.

"I Know Brian," he whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said before he walked into the gate.

"Come on son," Pastor Shaw said, pulling me away. I could tell that he was crying too.

In One month every thing had changed. I had gained friends family and love. In one month I had lost friends, family and love. That month would be the most important month in my life.

They turn the spotlight off and shut the cameras. "Thank you Brian for sharing your story with us," Brady says.

"It's no problem Brady I told you I'd do it. Um when do you want me to do the second part? I am free Saturday morning," I tell him.

"Saturday is great for us," he says, shaking my hand. "Oh the network wants this to air next month so I'll probably need you to do the third part some time next week. They think it's going to be great."

"Alright Brady, see you then."

The End

I want to thank everybody who's read this story as well as George Z who edited this story. It is not the the last you will see of Mr. Black. Volume two, Spotlight on Mr. Black Will debut soon. Please check out my other stories. At Thank you Green

Next: Chapter 10: Mr Black Sings a Sad Song II 1

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