Mtvs Exclusive Ultimate Challenge

By Devyn Davis

Published on Nov 12, 2022



Ch. 8- Dick N Daily Challenges

After a second night of success for The Exclusive Ultimate Challenge, game makers Will Smith and Dwayne Johnson decided it was time to kick off the first real challenge of the season which unfortunately meant the cast was being startled awake by a ringing alarm bell blaring throughout the entire property that made them feel like they were back in elementary school. The only reprieve from the ringing was Diegos' voice cutting it off every few seconds to say....


With Will, Paddy, and Diego already waiting for them, one by one they all filed in behind one another each of them looking equally agitated to be woken up out of their sleep and rocking serious morning wood due to the pheromones...

Paddy- Now I can see by the looks on your faces that you're a bit miffed about us calling you here. Bananas- No shit. Will- Well blame yourselves because it is your faults and yours only. Fessy- How? Diego- Simple. You were all tasked with one daily challenge of making your partners cum, and unfortunately for you all of you failed to complete that task.

Immediately the entire group groaned in dissatisfaction...

Wes- That's bullshit. Will- Its the truth. The only people to make both their partners cum was Kyle, Hunter, Marlon, and Bananas. Paddy- That's right. Paulie and Chris didnt touch each other, neither did Theo and Ashley which I was really looking forward to. Diego- And Brad you neglected your "baby" Caleb. Oh and Cory while you were so wrapped up in Nelson both of you forgot about Fessy. Paddy- Speaking of forgetting its almost like Leroy, Joss, and Mechie werent even on teams seeing as how they barely touched each other. And Rogan shame on you for not absolutely worshipping the hot little Yerger slut. Will- Same for you Dustin, leaving such a beautiful specimen like Nam completely untouched and you didnt even make up for missing out on night one with Turbo. Diego- And Wes, so obsessed with dominating Bananas that you forgot all about taking some "Tony Time".

Just like that all the guys were silenced, beating themselves up for forgetting about such a simple but integral part of the game...

Paddy- Lucky for you, theres a way to make your money back. Will- Every dollar made by each team was made from each individual player receiving a tip so we've been able to keep track of everyone's individual bank accounts. Diego- Today you'll compete in a challenge to not only win back your back account but to steal the entire bank account from another player.

Once again the group reacted in unison, all perking up at the idea to take money from someone else in the game and each of them secretly wishing they have the opportunity to choose their opponents at whatever the competition is...

Bananas- So what's the challenge?

On cue Rocco came out with a box and sat it down in front of the group...

Diego- Get dressed and get on the bus outside. Will- Hands off of each other on the bus. Paddy- If you break that rule not only will you be disqualified but all of your activities in this house will be released to the public. Diego- Oh and far as House Bitch, Chris you didnt make a single tip yesterday. You wont be competing in the challenge, Paulie and Kyle you two will receive your House Bitch Associate tasks when we return.

One by one the guys followed the instructions and donned the French cut spandex bikini briefs that seemed to be one size fits all yet sticking to everyone like a second skin, except for Chris who slipped on the House Bitch costume. Everyone seemed a bit shell shocked which helped make the bus ride rule an easy one to follow since everyone was too anxious to think about anything other than the challenge they were headed to. Once the bus stopped at a clearing in the forest they could see the hosts standing in front of a wrestling ring with the bus they arrived on parked behind them on the other side of the ring. Everyone was ushered off the bus and gathered in front of the judges to await instructions to what was looking like a very physical challenge...

Diego- Welcome to your first official Challenge. Today you are all competing for a chance to earn your money back and a chance to steal all the money earned your opponents in a game called "Oil Change-up". Paddy- Behind up is a ring of oil. First you and your opponent will be oiled up from head to toe then on my signal, you will to everything you can to wrestle down your opponent and remove their trunks, whoever does that will win round one. Will- In round two the loser of round one will have another chance to remove the trunks off their opponents but they'll have to protect their hole from the six inch buttplug their opponents will be trying to put inside them. Diego- First guy to win two rounds not only wins their money but losers will have to give up their asses to the winners if you want to stay in the game. Any questions? Zach- Do we get to chose our opponents? Paddy- So that you big punks can pick on the little guys? Hell no. The fans will be choosing the match ups. Will- (Checking his tablet) And the first face off is.....Michael and Mechie.

Mechie let out a sigh of relief, internally thanking God he wasnt paired with someone twice his size. Even though Michael was undoubtedly more muscular than him, he knew he was more scrappy and crafty enough to pull out the win. Plus Michael was a hungry bottom who probably would prefer to lose anyway so he can finally get some of that meatstick hes only had a chance to taste. The players were given goggles to avoid getting oil in their eyes before Will and Paddy piled them up, Will taking his time to run his hands over Mechies much smaller frame while Paddy was rough and hard with Michael who was almost begging to wrestle with Paddy instead. They both got into the ring and started slipping and flailing in place, quickly figuring out how hard this was about to be. Paddy rung the bell and the first match was on. Mechie was struggling to figure out how to move as Michael started to get low and move towards him. Once Michael was close enough Mechie reached for him and pulled them both to the ground. Where Michael was better on his feet, Mechie was a quick learner on the ground game. With most of the guys rooting for him Mechie was feeling confident about his efforts and kept them up as he rolled around with Michael inching down his briefs as Michael kept trying to wrap him up but failing to keep the smaller man from slipping out of his grasp. With another good tug from Mechie, Michael was flashing the entire group with his full ass on display and he went into defense mode trying to pull them back up which was a huge mistake as Mechie completely snatched them off, winning the first round as everyone but Chris, Rogan, and Zach cheered for him. As they reset for round two, Mechie was handed a buttplug and Michael was trying to think of a way to even the score. Unfortunately for him Mechie didnt give him any time to come up with a strategy before he lunged at him and got him back on the ground once again. This time Michael was trying to push him away but his hands would just slide across his body and Mechie was a few inches closer to winning. They were right by the ropes so Michael tried to roll over and use them to stand up but before he could even grab a rope he felt his ass filled with the most pleasurable defeat hes ever experienced...

Will- (Blowing the air horn) That's it. Mechie wins. Michael you will leave the buttplug in until we instruct you to remove it. You two can rejoin the group.

As they did what they were told Diego announced the next matchup...

Diego- Next up we have Leroy and Joss.

Leroy headed straight to Paddy to grab his goggles and get oiled up while Joss hesitated at the thought of going up against Leroy. Not only was he stacked but if he loses that's a huge dick he'll have to take...

Rogan- (Whispering to him) You've got this mate. Get in there and take him down.

That was the perfect battery in his back that he needed to head into the game with the confidence he needed to face Leroy in the ring. Unfortunately for him after he got oiled up and stepped into the ring he was like a baby deer trying to walk on skates for the for time. When Paddy rung the bell Leroy didn't even have to do anything as Joss fell back so hard his feet flew into the air. He was half delirious but he could hear the cackling laughter from the crowd as his trunks were yanked from his body in one swift motion. As the rest of the guys kept laughing and cheering for Leroy he helped Joss to his feet before returning to his corner. Joss tried to center himself as Leroy was handed his buttplug for round two...

Rogan- Its ok just protect your bum bruv.

Rogans words gave Joss an idea. As soon as Joss heard the bell he sat down on his butt and waited for Leroy to approach him. Leroy was puzzled for a second but he lunged at him anyway which was a mistake. Before Leroy could do anything Joss had his legs wrapped around his own and was pulling down his trunks. He started to panic as he could feel himself losing this round but fortunately for him when Joss freed his hard dick from the trunks he was distracted by the up close and personal view of one of the biggest dicks hes ever seen in his life. Leroy didn't know why Joss suddenly loosened his grip but he quickly took advantage of the situation and kneeled on him, trapping his shoulders beneath his knees which brought Joss so close that Lees' dick was actually slapping against his face as he tried to get out underneath him. Rogan watched helplessly as Joss moaned loudly when Leroy reached back and shoved the buttplug right inside him. The air horn went off and Rogan felt defeated as if he was the one in the ring. He wasn't only over protective of Joss because he was "his" but also because he didnt want everyone to see how much of a complete cockslut Joss became when his hole was stimulated. With each movement Joss was failing to choke down one high pitched moan after another as Leroy pulled him to his feet again...

Leroy- Don't worry, I'll take it easy on you.

Joss was at a loss for words with his brain short circuited due to the intense pleasure from his ass. Leroy helped him out of the ring as Rogan mean mugged him the entire way. He almost didn't hear Diego talking until he heard his name...

Diego- ...Rogan and Nelson. Cory- Alright baby, go put in work!

Joss was still clinging to Leroy even outside of the ring still trying and failing to choke down his soft deep moans so much he couldn't even cheer for Rogan. Cory was of course the loudest one cheering and hyping up Nelson, which made Rogan want to kick his ass that much more. For Nelson this was an opportunity to get revenge for their Hallbrawl on Total Madness and he definitely wasn't about to let Rogan get the opportunity to fuck him. Once they were in the ring they both were having trouble maintaining their balance and when the bell rang they both took a huge fall trying to move towards each other. While Nelson tried to get back to his feet Rogan actually did something smart and started to crawl over towards him. Once he got close enough Nelson took a dive and landed right on Rogans back. Cory was coaching and cheering him on from the sidelines which was all the encouragement he needed. When he reached for his trunks Rogan panicked and flipped over but unfortunately for him that only helped his trunks slide off even easier, giving Nelson an easy win for round one. As they reset for round two, Rogan was getting pissed. Not only was he losing the challenge but everytime he glanced over at Joss he was barely paying attention to the match and instead was wrapped around Leroy unable to keep his hands from caressing all the hard muscle on the body holding him up. The real kicker was when he saw Leroy reach down and give Joss a nice long squeeze on his perfectly soft and voluptuous bubble butt, which had Rogan practically steaming from his head. He was so pissed that he didn't even realize the second round had started until he was tackled by Nelson and with him not seeing the hit coming he couldn't even brace himself as he had the wind knocked out of him. He almost forgot how to breathe until the buttplug entered his ass making him gasp before taking a breath and choking down the cuss words he wanted to scream out as he lost two-nothing to Nelson. Nelson tried to help him up but Rogan just slapped his hand away and got up, pouting the entire time as they rejoined the group. Even on the ground next to him Joss wasnt paying any attention to Rogan which was setting him off even more internally than watching Cory and Nelson celebrate together with a loving kiss. The next few matchups went by just as quick with Hunter making quick work of Caleb in their "Battle of the Babies". Marlon tried his best but unfortunately for him Nam actually had fight training that made it pretty easy to outmaneuver him which him actually admire Nam for being such a great competitor as well as a complete brick house. In the "Battle of the Brits" Kyle wanted to win so bad but he also couldn't fight the feeling of wanting to be drilled by Theo so he pretended to put up a fight but the moment he felt that buttplug inside him he couldn't help but smile as he moaned. The most contested matchup was Turbo versus Ashley. Everybody knew Turbo was an absolute beast of a man but so was Ashley, they were about the same height but Ashley was massive and in the match he used it to his advantage. No matter what type of holds or tricks Turbo tried to pull he just couldnt keep Ashley from slipping out of his grasp and turning the tables on him. Everybody was so invested in the match that it was almost completely silent as the two titans rolled around in the oil going back and forth shifting the momentum of the match. Ashley was starting to get tired but he got lucky when a miscalculation from Turbo had his crotch right in front of his face which is when he grabbed them and pulled them off, winning the first round. The second round was even more intense with Turbo mainly focused on keeping Ashley's dildo hand away from him while reaching for his trunks with Ashley slipping away from his grip every chance he could. Turbo eventually got Ashley on his back with his trunks half off his legs and Ashley was too tired to keep it up so he stopped fighting which gave the second round to Turbo. Now for the first time both competitors were in the ring, dildos in hand, with the same objective in mind. Turbo could see Ashley was winded so he knew exactly what to do. Ashley played right into his strategy by putting all of his energy into going for Turbos ass and he spent the next 15mins failing ass Turbo just played defense the entire time. It was all over in a split second when Ashley carelessly dove at Turbo which he slipped immediately making Ashley fall across his body, giving him the perfect opportunity to slide the buttplug right into his huge ass that jiggled against Turbos hand...

Ashley- (Groaning) FUUUCKING HELL!!!

Turbo gave Ashley a few more pats on his ass before they got up and rejoined the group. While Turbo did his victory karate move Ashley was getting over his discomfort and fear of having something in his ass, to his surprise he actually started to like it a bit and beginning regret not letting Marlon fuck him last night...

Diego- The final matchup of phase one of today's challenge, Tony versus Cory.

Just like for him, Nelson was the loudest one cheering for Cory as they got prepared to get in the ring. The rest of the group was trying to wrap their heads around the whole first phase of the challenge thing but nobody had any ideas. Tony versus Cory was another grudge match for the fans who remembers Cory slamming Tony on his head damn near for throwing out his pasta. Cory wanted to win so his ass could remain untouched by anyone other than Nelson while Tony just wanted to top someone else instead of having his big ass used as someone else's fucktoy for a change. Unfortunately for Tony the oil was his kryptonite today with his every move resulting in the exact opposite desired result with him flopping and flailing all over the place while Cory was moving with ease. The first round was over with Cory diving between Tony's legs and yanking off his trunks...

Nelson- (Cheering) WOOOO! That my baby right there! Look like its "Tony Time to give that ass up again"!

Tony was surprised Cory helped him up but it didnt nothing for his confidence. He was shook by the fact he could barely even stand in the ring and his performance in round one was a complete shit show. When the second round started Tony surprised everyone by turning around and falling to the floor then spreading his legs wide open before hanging his head in defeat. Cory didn't waste any time as he slid over and practically dunked the buttplug into Tony's waiting hole, making the defeated Tony moan into the floor as he embraced the familiar feeling of his ass being filled once again. Once they rejoined the group it was time to officially end phase one...

Diego- Good job gentlemen. Mechie, Leroy, Nelson, Hunter, Nam, Theo, Turbo, and Cory, you've all earned back your bank accounts. Now for your second Challenge you'll have a chance to earn the bank accounts of your opponents.

Before any other them could question or express any real excitement they were cut off...

Paddy- Its simple. If you make them cum before you do, their bank becomes yours. Will- For you losers, if you can outlast your opponent then you get half of their bank or half of yours, whichever is the lowest. Diego- The rest of you will watch and you seven will vote on who puts on the best show, the winner takes home all of the losers remaining bank accounts.

Paddy tossed each winner a small bottle of pleasure lube...

Paddy- Rather you want to use this or not is up to you. What position you fuck your bitch in is up to you. Will- But remember there's a lot of money on the line and if you want to win it you better put on the best show possible. Any questions?

Once the silence lasted long enough...

Diego- Good. Bottoms remove your buttplugs, tops take your positions and place your dicks against those waiting holes until you hear the bell...

Mechie took Michael over by the ring and threw his leg up on it before bending him over against the side of the ring then placing his dick at the hole he just had his tongue in yesterday morning; where he was everyone could get a good sideview of his long skinny pipe drilling Michaels' tight ass. Far as the lube Mechie just drizzled some of it down Michael's ass crack while smearing against his hole with his dick. Leroy was noticing the dirty looks Rogan has been shooting his way ever since he beat Joss so figured it had something to do with Joss. However Leroy was more focused on finally getting to finish what he and Joss started in the shower last night so he just dragged the whimpering mess of a man right in front of the crowd who was still acting like the buttplug was inside him. Joss was thrown down on his knees with his perfect bubble butt arched high in the air and his face in the grass as his puckering hole practically latched onto the bulbous head of Leroys' dick when he got into position. Leroy could feel the wetness of Joss' hole so he just tossed the lube the side. Nelson didnt feel like beating Rogan was enough and he wanted to get revenge for his good friend Jay too who Rogan absolutely disrespected back on Total Madness so to dig the knife in even deeper he dragged Rogan right in front of Leroy and Joss then threw him down in the exact same position as Joss, making sure to turn his head to face Joss before telling him...

Nelson- I want your eyes on him the entire time.

Nelson also threw aside his lube not really caring to satisfy Rogan despite the objective being to make the bottoms cum first while Rogan locked eyes with Joss and it was like he was looking straight through him. Joss was focused purely on the dick pressing against his hole and trying not to rock back against it, and Rogan could see it all over his face. Unsurprisingly Cory kneeled right next Nelson and threw Tony down on all fours before giving Nelson a kiss and lubing up both his dick and Tonys hole. Nam, wanting to recreate his tryst with Cj, walked over to the ring and just stood against it while Marlon backed up into him standing straight up. He also made sure to lube up his dick and Marlons tight hole generously, wanting it to be as good for Marlon as it'll be for him. Hunter laid on his back right in front of Brad and smiled up at him feeling proud of himself for winning in front ok f his "daddy". Caleb was getting into position before being told by Brad...

Brad- Sorry baby but if you wanna look at daddy you're gonna have to win the challenge. Reverse cowgirl for you buddy. Caleb- Yes sir. I'm sorry I couldn't win Daddy.

Hunter just lubed up his dick and threw it away as Caleb got into position over top of him. Wanting to put on a similar show, Theo brought Kyle over in front of Paulie but he let him make all the decisions...

Theo- How should I fuck him? Paulie- On his back legs in the air like the little bitch boy he is.

Before Theo could even tell Kyle to comply he was on his back head towards Paulie using his hands to hold his legs in the air. Theo was shocked to see Kyle so compliant but the "bitch boy" comment was making a lot more sense...

Theo- Lube or no? Paulie- Definitely no lube. That little slut could probably take your arm without lube. Theo- Alright.

Theo got down between Kyles' legs and threw them up on his shoulders as he lined himself up with with his hole. Then finally Turbo escorted Ashley into the ring and forced him between the bottom and middle ropes with his arms hooked behind the middle rope on his knees facing the crowd. Turbo was about to throw away the lube but then he remembered his night with the house judges and thought about how good they made him feel doing something he was taught to despise. Ashley was just staring at the ground absentmindedly in defeat before he snapped out of his trance by a generous amount of lube on his hole followed by two fingers unexpectedly being pushed through his asshole coating his walls with the pleasure lube. It took everything in his power not to let the moan he was choking down slip out as Turbo made sure he didnt miss a spot inside his ass. The worst part was the fact that it was the most pleasure he ever felt in his life and he felt like he couldn't express it. The one thing he couldn't hide was his hard dick bouncing up and down between his thighs which definitely didn't go unnoticed by the crowd, especially Paulie who was licking his lips imagining the fun he could have with Theos team. Once Turbo was finished he kneeled behind him and grabbed the middle rope on both sides of Ashleys' arms, ready to pound the virgin ass into oblivion. With everyone in position it was time for the real challenge to begin...

Will- Bottoms ready! Paddy- Tops ready! Diego- Ready, set,....FUCK!

The moans of pleasure and groans of pain came together like a song as everyone started to fuck with varying degrees of intensity. Of course Joss stuck out the most with his shaky moans reaching an octave even Rogan had never heard before as Leroy fucked him with slow long strokes, loving the way his moans would raise in pitch with each inch of dick sliding into his ass and the way Joss couldnt keep his entire body from trembling the entire time. Leroy definitely felt like his ass was more than worth the wait with the was his tight velvet walls was clinging to him like nothing hes ever felt before. Rogan couldnt tell which pissed him off more the fact that he was witnessing his prize possession slide between his fingers as his eyes rolled to the back of his skull while he was being drilled by one of the biggest dicks in the house and moaning to the heavens like a bitch in heat or the fact that he was fighting the urge to join him in his moans of pleasure as Nelson was tagging his ass with skill and precision, hitting his spot with every stroke as he fucked the marble smooth ass at a steady pace. With years of experience as a sex worker even before this Rogan was a master at disassociating from his body and going almost completely numb on the inside as various customers had their way with his body; which was frustrating him even more as he practically had to bite down on his tongue to avoid letting the moans of intense pleasure slip out. He just didn't want to end up like Zach or Michael who the entire house knew would bend over and happily take it at the drop of a dime. Right next to him Cory moving in sync with Nelson with the only difference being Tony who was rocking back to meet Cory's thrusts, being reminded of why he feels right at home bent over for another man each time his ass was filled by the dick inside him. Just like Kyle, Tony was starting to not only accept his role as a hole but starting to like it as well and his body was responding as his walls tightened around the dick inside him with the warm slick lubricant starting to make it easier for Cory drill his ass. Speaking of Kyle he couldn't contain his almost cartoonishly wide grin as Theo pounded his ass into the grass. As much as he didn't want Paulie to be right Kyle truly didnt feel any pain at all with Theo fucking him with such a thick dick and no lube. The only pain he felt was his legs being stretched by Theo as they rested on his shoulders almost at the side of Kyle's head the way Theo was fucking him. To Theos surprise he could feel Kyles ass starting to get wetter and wetter until eventually there was a squishing sound along with each thrust. Weird as it was for the mysterious lube to seemingly come from Kyles ass it was feeling great for both men which just made the moan even louder as Theo started fucking him even faster. Not far from them Caleb squeezing his eyes shut and moaning...

Caleb- I'm sorry Daddy.

While he rode his "little brother" Hunter, bouncing up and down on his dick as Hunter swatted him on his ass every now and then. Just like Kyle, Caleb also had the slick clear liquid slowly leaking out of his ass down Hunters dick and soaking into the small patch of light brown pubes on his pelvis. Hunter thought he was just imagining it yesterday when he felt the extra slick feeling in Calebs ass but seeing it dripping out as he rode him was kind of trippy and he couldn't deny it felt ten times better. Over at the ring Mechie was moaning right along with Michael as he fucked him as fast and hard as he could giving him his signature jackrabbit fucking and making sure everybody heard the loud clapping of the muscular ass against his pelvis. Just like Joss, Michael was also practically singing out in high pitched moans every time Mechie was balls deep inside him. For Nam Michaels moans were perfect for visualizing Cj being the one throwing his ass back on his dick. Not that there was anything wrong with Marlon, in fact Marlon was perfect in every way as far as Nam was concerned but with all these hot Challenge guys around Nam was really hoping to see Cj considering he was the one that got away. Marlon couldn't tell Nam wasn't focused on him by the way he was stroking his ass though. I mean he wasn't quite rearranging his guts like Ashley did but he was definitely hitting it in all the right places. Speaking of Ashley he was the only one with a dick inside him that wasn't making a single sound that could be heard by anyone which was extra surprising considering the powerful steady thrusts Turbo was delivering to his extra plumped ass that quaked everytime his pelvis slammed into it. Turbo was giving Ashley everything thing he had and it was taking everything inside Ashley to silence his moans of pleasure as he bit down on his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes shut as he tried his hardest not to let everyone see the beast of a man unravel into a complete bottom bitch with way he was fighting to urge to moan out loud as every drag inside his ass set fireworks off in his brain. As much as he was fighting it it didnt keep Paulie from noticing the thick cock swinging all over the place drizzling cum everywhere, making him unconsciously lick his lips at the idea of stuffing that dick down his throat while being fucked or fucking Theo. Wes was also speechless for a change as he watched a complete stud like Joss devolve into a mess of shrieky moans while panting uncontrollably with his eye glued to the back of his skull and drool hanging from his open mouth and soaking into the grass his face was buried into. Bananas was watching them too but his eyes was on Leroys huge member sliding in and out of Joss making his hole start to twitch as he felt his walls started to slick up out of nowhere as he reminisced about being in Joss' place just yesterday. Just like Zach who had a clear substance running down his leg as he was itching to trade places with any of the guys taking dick right now, eagerly anticipating his match hoping he'd get paired up with somebody with a thick cock like Brad or a complete monster meat like Fessy. Speaking of Brad he was now smiling ear to ear as Hunter fucked Caleb doggystyle and held him by his neck making him look up at Brad as he panted and moaned in unison with Hunters pelvis slamming into him. As he watched the two put on a show for him he couldn't help but think of who the next lucky bastard to join his "family" will be. He could go with one of the twunks like Dustin or Michael but he wanted to conquer new territory which made him look into on the tight cheeks flexing with every thrust that belonged to Mechie. He could tell just by watching him that the young buck had never had his cherry popped properly and he wanted to be the first to show the little guy exactly what he was missing. Even Dustin given his well known status in the house as a bottom was thinking about switching places without some of the tops right now. It was hard for him to keep his attention from drifting towards Joss who was loudest and so was the wet clapping of his plump soft muscled ass cheeks crashing against Leroys hairless pelvis. Their only contest was Turbo who had Ashley's ass clapping with like thunderous applause as he tried with everything he could to get the beefy brick house to break. Another complete stud Dustin could keep his eyes off was Marlon as the adonis was bent over with his hands on his knees and just taking Nam like a champ as he fucked him with everything he had. Fessy was still reeling over his ordeal last night, at first not being over feeling kind of betrayed but after a few hours coming to terms with the fact that he has been a very shitty person to his friends and perhaps it was just his karma coming back to bite him or rather fuck him in the ass. It only made it worse that the entire night he could see the fan comments on the walls and even on the ceiling like a cruel joke, the worse part being the fact that he didnt see a single person who felt sorry for him which just further cemented the fact he was getting what he deserved. The only way for him to regain some sort of confidence and self respect was to dominate in the challenge today, lucky for him it was physical as his his only competition was Zach who would no doubt throw the Challenge for his turn on the "biggest dick in the house". After a few minutes things were starting to ramp up, Nelson was mirroring Theo who still had Kyle's legs on his shoulders as he piledrived his ass with the only difference being the way Nelson held both of Rogans hand crossed on his chest and held his head towards Joss. Worse for Rogan is now he couldn't contain his moans as Nelson jammed his spot with his hard deep thrusts making his dick shoot out small spurts of precum with each thrust...

Nelson- I knew you weren't nothing but a little British bitch boy. But dont worry, you're gonna be my little British bitch boy and I'm gonna take good care of you. Would you like that?

He didn't want to say it. He couldn't say it. Those words wouldn't even sound right coming out of his mouth. Yet somehow...

Rogan- Yes! Make me your little British bitch boy!

Most of the crowd was was shocked and a few even made some comments but Nelson couldn't hear anything over the hard muscular ass he was drilling. Even Cory was impressed as he watched his man dominate the sculpted stud. Rogan couldnt believe it and he was about to be two for two as he felt his entire body seize up and with Nelson still sliding in and out of his near virgin tight ass he got a face full of what was undeniably the biggest load of his life. He couldn't see a thing but he felt Nelson increase his pace as the warm thick goo started to run and drizzle all over his face and chest. After a few more strokes Nelson was ready to bust and pulled out of Rogan and stood over his as his just laid on his back reeling from the biggest orgasm of his life. Two tugs of his wet hard dick and Nelson was moaning his way to a Challenge victory as he panted Rogans face even more. Cory couldn't contain himself as he looked up at his man shoot his load and out of nowhere he felt himself start to cum inside of Tony was practically doing all the work at this point, but Cory quickly pulled out and shot his load all over Tonys' ass. Being the loser Tony had to settle for his own hands as he stroked himself with one and fingered himself with the other until he blew his load on the ground. Like a chain reaction everybody was starting to reach their breaking point with Kyle pointing his dick up towards Theo as blew his load all over his chest and abs with Theo choosing just breed his British brethren correctly guessing that Kyle would enjoy having his insides coated with a warm load. Not far from them Caleb was next to blew his load in the air as he sat on Hunters dick...

Caleb- I'm cumming Daddy!

Brad was grinning ear to ear he watched his load fly through these air. Hunter wanted to give his Daddy a grand finale so he pushed Caleb off of him and stood up making his "big brother" kneel and swallow his entire dick as he fucked his face hard making him forget his training and gag while Hunter just ignored him as stared at his Daddy. Once he felt himself about to cum he told him...

Hunter- Dont swallow.

Then Caleb was treated to a mouthful of cum while a lot of it running down the sides of his mouth and giving him a cum beard. Once he was done Hunter pulled Caleb to his feet and made out with him, tasting his own load and still still stating at his Daddy making sure he knew it was all for him. Joss lost feeling in his legs a long time ago leaving him with on his stomach with Leroys dick buried inside him. With his moan already at an insanely high octave he was finally silenced for once as he came right into the grass too trapped in the pleasure and ecstasy of the moment to do anything else but revel in it. His body went limp and with Leroy still fucking him Joss was in his "pleasure sleep" completely nude to everything. Everybody noticed the almost adorable snoring immediately and Leroy just decided to pull out and cum all over the prized bubble butt, finally feeling accomplished that he checked that off his list. Next to blow was Michael who came all over the stage before Mechie decided to feed him load with Michael gladly taking every bit without wasting a single drop. Turbo was trying hold out and be the last to cum but he made a huge mistake by switching positions and sitting on the edge of the ring and laying under the bottom rope while Ashley rode him giving everyone a clear view of the juicy peach giggling with every slam down onto Turbos dick with the pretty pink hole stretching around it as he rose up to drop it back down again; which gave everybody a clear view of the creamy white liquid clay Turbos dick and the rim of Ashleys hole as Turbo finished off the no longer virgin ass with its first creampie. To everyone's surprise Ashley still didnt make a single noise, winning his own victory as he didnt allow himself to break despite the surprisingly enjoyable and filling sensation of a hard dick in his ass with a warm load to accompany it. Finally Nam couldn't take anymore and before he could snap back to reality Marlon was taking his entire load into ass making Marlon blow his load as well. Then for the first and only time Ashley made as he stroked himself furiously with his eyes on Marlon as he leaned against the ring and shot his load right on the ground...

Paddy- (Blowing his horn) Fucking fantastic way to cap off phase one fellas.

The judges gave everyone a few minutes to regain their bearings before lining them up separately from the other guys with Joss still in his "pleasure sleep" on the ground between Leroy and Rogan wasn't doing a thing about the arm Nelson had wrapped him with his hand place front on the front of his hip while Cory was on his otherside hip to hip with his man, fully down with him taking on Rogan as his bitch for both of them to share....

Diego- A few of you seemed to get to wrapped up in the "ass" part of your assignment but the rest of you put on quite the show. But first order of business: Cory, Nam, and Turbo, you all failed to make your bottoms cum before you did so unfortunately you failed to steal their bank accounts. Which means Tony you get your bank account while Ashley and Marlon gets half of Turbo and Nams bank accounts. Oh and Ashley, for being the one to outlast everyone you get to keep ALL of your money.

Ashley didnt want to celebrate just yet and even if he did he couldnt before Paddy continued...

Paddy- Now it's up to the rest of you lot. We're gonna go down the line and you're gonna say a name. Will- The top with the most votes, wins the remaining bank accounts of all our double losers. Left to right. Paddy- Who's your vote Zach? Zach- (Eagerly) Leroy! Dustin- Definitely Leroy. Wes- Nelson. Brad- Hunter. Bananas- Gotta go with my boy Roy Lee. Fessy- Nelly T. Paulie- (Hesitates) Scuba Nelly. Diego- Alright so we gotta tie breaker between Leroy and Nelson. Us judges will break the tie. Paddy- I'm going Leroy. Will- Then I'm going Nelson Diego- I hate you two. Congratulations, winner of our first challenge and deemed most dominant and entertaining dick of the day, Nelson!

Louder than anyone Cory was cheering before grabbed his man gave him a celebratory kiss while everyone clapped for him. Impatiently Zach blurted out....

Zach- Ok now who gets to fuck me....I mean fight me. Bananas- Yea let me guess th he fans wanna see me and Wes go at again. Milk the old iconic rivalry. Paddy- No. Will- But speaking of rivalries... Diego- For phase two of the challenge you wont be going against each other. You guys will be facing off against Mercenaries, BRING OUT THE FIRST MERC GUYS!!!

Everyone was flabbergasted. Of course Mercenaries were a part of the regular Challenge but no one was expecting them to have them here...

Diego- For our first matchup of phase two, the fans decided to pull from way back in the archives for this sexy son of a bitch. Coming to face off against his old long time rival, "Mr. Beautiful" himself...

And the doors on a bus parked across the field and everyone saw bronze tanned figure in a gold jockstrap running off the bus, a brown mid length mane of hair bouncing and flowing in the air as the guy ran towards the group. As he came into view multiple guys especially Bananas and Wes were standing with their jaws on the ground as the one and only Kenny Santucci came running towards the group....



Next: Chapter 11

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