Mutant High

By Jayson Spears

Published on Sep 8, 2001


Well this is it. After this chapter things will settle down for a bit, and I'll really start to focus on Christian, Bobby, Marie, John, and their little cycle of things. The adults will become less seen for a while (They'll be busy) and the only ones who'll make semi frequent appearances will be those on the A team (Cecilia, Emma, Jean, Xavier, Beast) because they will be in the school. Kitty, Alicia, Dili, Kurt, Dani, Theresa, Bobby, Kurt, and John will make lots of apperances, and so will two or three other teen aged males im going to add will make apperances. The storyline with the HC will fade on to the backburner as a develop more of a relationship between the charecters, and finally decide who will date who (Im not sure!!) I've been getting alot of mail asking for more of Warren, and more of Remy - So im going to comply. I didn't plan to write about them this chapter, but I did - For you. If this becomes to relationship based, and you want more fighting - Don't be afraid to tell me. I also know I have held out on the sex scenes, thats because I moved the relationship along alot slower than I thought I would. (I want to take it slow, I read a story where the people met, fell in love, and exchanged their eternal love in like one night. It just doesn't work like that)

** In very old issues of X men, Nightcrawler COULD run really fast! So there. In my story he can run, and teleport! :)

Contact me at with any questions you have, comments, suggestions, Or if your like Holden Chambers - And feel the need to vent your lifes problems on me. ::smile:: Thank you to A D, Cirrus, and Reese (PoshEuroBoy) for their continued support, and to the rest of you who email me. Sorry this took much longer than the others. School has me WAY to busy.

Well, Here goes.

Stick a fork in me. I am done.

~The Streets of New York~

Psylocke and the others we're scouting the streets near the place they suspected to be the Hellfire Club's main Cabal. Betsy, being a member by birthright, Was privvy to some, but not all of the Hellfire Club's secrets.

"Guys, This isn't getting us far. Lets split into two. Wolfsbane - You go with Banshee, and Storm you can come with me." Psylocke said, winking at Storm. They nodded. Wolfsbane shifted herself completly into her werewolf form. "Wolfsbane, You patrol the ground, I'll scout from the air." said Banshee. She nodded and took off into an alley.

After Psylocke and Storm were alone, Psylocke grabbed Storm and gave her a passionate kiss. "I've been waiting to do that for days! Its so hard to get privacy in the school." said Psylocke. "Oh Betsy... I am scared. What do you think Alicia will say?" said Storm. Psylocke thought for a second, "Proboly that she loves you no matter what." she replied. Storm hugged her. Suddenly Banshee fell from the sky and crashed beside them. Wolfsbane came flying out of an alleyway and crashed into a car.

"Quickly, Get off the ground Storm." said Psylocke. Storm nodded and wind surrounded her, as she took off into the air. "I don't think so." said a short Korean man. He raised his hands up and a humming noise could be heard. The wind in the air died down. "Storm!" Psylocke called, as she fell from the sky, landing near Banshee.

Psylocke charged up her psychic blade and rushed at the short korean man, a woman with silver hair jumped out in front of him. "Fall before Vertigo." she said. Rainbow coloured waves pulsed through the air, and Psylocke tripped and fell. The world was spinning. Psylocke was about to lose consciousness, when a young red haired man walked out of the alleyway. She wasn't sure if this was an illusion from the dizzyness the silver haired woman was causing.

"Hey! What are you to doing? Stop that! Your hurting her!" he said. The woman paid him no attention and the Korean man turned around, "You go. You move along now! Nothing to see here boy." he said. The boy looked angry, and his eyes glowed with an inner fire. He held his hands into the air, and they ignited. Fire snaked down him and tenticles of fire swung in the wind. The korean man, Scrambler, held up his hands to activate his power - But he was to late. The fire snaked out from the boy and incinerated him. His clothes caught fire and a sizzling noise could be heard. Scrambler flailed his arms around screaming for help. The silver haired woman stopped her attack on Psylocke, turn around. "Little one. You have made a grave mistake here tonight." then she smiled and pointed at the boy. He grabbed his head and screamed and then fell to the ground.

Psylocke took this as her que. She got up and Vertigo turned around to attack, but Psylocke's body turned to shadows and ran off. "Where are you, Ninja?" said Vertigo. ((Behind You)) ---- ((Over here)) Psylocke said, whispering in Vertigo's mind. Vertigo turned around frantically. An image of Psylocke appeared from the alley and Vertigo attacked it, but nothing happened. Another image of Psylocke appeared beside Vertigo, and she tried to attack it, but her hand went through it. She suddenly felt a presence behind her, and then a sharp stabbing pain in her back.

Vertigo hit the ground, just as Storm was collecting herself. Storm helped Wolfsbane up and they made there way over to Vertigo. Banshee helped the young man she knocked unconsious. Vertigo turned to Psylocke and said, "You cannot kill us... The skull children are immoral. My death may come, let the seed of my rebirth be your undoing!" she screamed, and then her body shrunk, and turned in to that of a beaituful multicolored flower. The flower died, and turned to a bunch of black petals.

Scrambler's body was in ashes. The young boy's fire had turned him to dust. Wolfsbane picked the young man up and they left, for the mansion.

~Xavier's School, Room 121 - The boys' room~

"C'mon in, It isn't that messy." said John. Kurt raised an eyebrow, wondering who he was talking to. Christian walked in and Kurt smiled at him. "H..Hi." Christian said. A flash went infront of his eyes, and Kurt was infront of him. "Hey there, Im Kurt." he said, grabbing his hand and shaking it - Then flashing back to sitting on his bed. Christian shook his head. "Did he just?" Christian asked, John nodded and smiled at him. Christian looked around, the room was suprisingly clean - He figured it was because Kurt could run so fast, he could proboly clean really fast too.

Just then a boy came walking out of the Bathroom buck naked. It was Bobby. Christian's jaw hit the floor. "Oh fuck!" Bobby said, grabbing a towel and turning 150 different shades of red. "I... Normally its just John and Kurt... I mean..." Bobby stammered, before running back in to the bathroom. John raised his eyebrows at Christian and gave him a devilish smile.

Christian looked lost in thought. "Something on your mind?" asked John. "uh - No no. Im fine." he said. "Hey come now, Bobby wasn't that big." John said, stepping a little bit closer to Christian, and whispering in his ear. "I could show you bigger." he said. Christian coughed. John leaned in to kiss Christian, and the display of the solar system beside them started to spin rapidly. "Don't mind me. I'll just sit here and draw." said Kurt. Christian backed away from John. "I... Um... I have to go." Christian said, running off.

John glared at Kurt, "What the fuck was that for?" he said. "Because I am tired of you trying to take anyone Bobby shows intrest in. Can't you let him be happy, Just once?" Kurt said, before going in to the bathroom to check on Bobby.

((Sure I can Kurt... But I really like this one too)) John thought.

~Xavier's School, Room 131 - The girls room~

"Who the fuck does he think he is?" Marie said, pacing through the room. "I mean it isn't like he is anything special." said Marie. "Come on Marie, stop being like this! Bobby dumped you because of YOU, Not because of some guy." said Jubilee. Marie turned to her, "What did you say? Don't forget I am the boss here. Your nothing without me. 'Oh look, im Jubilee, Look at me, I can make fireworks!' HAH. I could kill people with a touch. Your nothing... I have it all." said Marie. Jubilee scoffed, "And your so modest too." she said. "Bitch" said Marie. Jubilee smiled at her, "Slut." she said. They both laughed. "Oo! Idea!" said Marie. "I hope you didn't hurt yourself." Jubilee laughed. Marie scowled, "He likes Christian because he is powerful. So all I have to do is show Bobby I am powerful too." she said. "Marie, I hope you arn't thinking what I think you are." said Marie. "Why not? I won't kill him, Just touch him for a few seconds." said Marie.

The room was silent, but they we're not alone.

~The School, The hall - Outside room 131~

((Ugh. What was I doing going there with John...)) thought Christian, as he ran through the halls towards his room. ((Only like 60 more doors)) he thought. He stopped, out of breath. He looked at the room number, ((Well isn't this perfect)) he thought, laughing to himself.

Marie opened the door, and gasped. "Well this was easier than I thought." she said. Christian looked at her, "What was?" he asked. "THIS" she said, grabbing his face. "Marie! Don't!" yelled Jubilee. Marie held on tight as Christian stuggled to get free from her bare touch. "What the...?" Marie said. "Let me the hell go you crazy bitch!" Christian yelled.

Marie let go, and sat against the wall clutching her knees. "Why didn't it work... It always works... Always..." she muttered to herself crying. Christian stood there looking at her. No one saw Jubilee run off to get help. She came back with Emma and Cecilia. "Whats this Jubilee?" said Cecilia. "I thought you said she grabbed him?" questioned Emma.

"She did! I saw it!" yelled Jubilee. "Impossible, he would be unconsious." said Cecilia. "Cece, she did grab me though." Christian said. They looked over at him, then Marie, who was still rocking herself on the ground. "Its not fair. It just isn't... It always works. Im weak. Im weak." she mumbled to herself.

Cecilia bent down beside Marie. "Oh Marie, why would you want to hurt Christian?" she asked. "Because he stole Bobby from me! He's all Bobby talks about now. Christian this, Christian that. Christian Christian Christian!" she said. "I hate you!" she screamed. Christian backed away from her. Emma looked at her and made this distgusted look on her face. "Maybe if you wern't such a cunt, He would of stayed with you." Cecilia gave Emma the look of death, as Christian's jaw dropped. Marie got up and ran off crying.

"EMMA! You can't say things like that here!" yelled Cecilia. "Huh? Well she is a little cunt." said Emma, before hiking her skirt up a little higher, and walking off. "Cecilia...?" Christian asked, she nodded. "Am I really as bad as Marie says?" he asked. Cecilia sighed, "No Christian, Marie is just jealous." she said. He looked shocked, "Of me? Why?" he asked. "Christian, you have to understand, The first boy Marie kissed almost died. Not many of the students will talk to her - Let alone touch her." Cecilia said. "Accept Bobby." Christian said. "Exactly... And now he wants you, and she is hurt." she said. "But Bobby would still want to be her friend, If she wasn't so mean to me, I would be her friend too." said Christian. "I know dear. She'll come around, You'll see." Cecilia said. "You sure?" he questioned. "Yeah - Though Emma - I am not to sure about." she said. A voice from the hall yelled, "I heard that!" It was Emma. Cecilia looked around ((Well I am psychic you know. I basically here everything that is said in this school. Did you know the guy in 114b can suck his own.." Emma tried to say, before Cecilia yelled out "I do NOT want to know."

Christian gave her a funny look. "Nevermind" she said, Smiling.

~Over in London - Inside the Hellfire Club~

"What do you mean Christian is an elemental?" asked Cyclops. "He is from the Plane of Discord, like Xaiver and Psylocke said. It makes him an element of discord." said Angel. "Why would they want to take control of him?" asked Logan. "Thats easy. If he is the Elemental Prince, he can shift between the planes, and take people with him. If they know how to bind Elementals to their control, they can shift there, Collect an army, and conquer earth in a matter of hours." said Angel. They all gasped, "We have to get back to the school." said Cyclops.

"Fools! Mwahaha. I cannot let you do that." said an Etheral voice. The ground cracked and steam burst up from the floor. The building rumbled. Blackheart flew up from a hole in the ground and scowled at the four men. His eyes glowed bright red and he laughed again.

"The devil himself!" Gambit gasped. Cyclops grabbed Wolverine's hand. "And he seeks comfort in his lover." said Blackheart. Angel looked at the two of them. "He cannot save you, you know. I shall feast upon your soulssss." Blackheart said beforing rushing at the four men.

He swung his massive claw at Angel, and he dodged. Then he brought his fist down, and missed again, smashing a sacrifical table to peices. Wolverine rushed up behind Blackheart - and his hair spiked up, Impaling Wolverine. He gasped for air, as the spikes rested in his chest. Blackheart pulled out, and turned around laughing. "Lets play a game of fifty-two pickup!" yelled Gambit, throwing a whole deck of cards at Blackheart. They exploded, rocking what was left of the shaky building's frame. Blackheart stood there, unphased.

Blackheart waved his hand, and three winged demons flew from the ground, two grabbing Angel and one grabbing Remy, pinning them down. The fiends clawed and bit at the two men. Blackheart walked slowly towards Cyclops. Cyclops looked at his lover on the ground, and then at Black Heart. He grabbed his visor, and pulled it off.

~The Hellfire Club, New York~

A scream echoed through the building. Scribe ran to Ms. Steed. "Maam! What is wrong?" she asked. Steed pushed her away. There was a man, about 40, cowering on the floor before her. "Blackheart has failed. Vertigo has failed. They all have failed. USELESS!" she called. The man was shaking, almost convulsing from fear. "He is just a normal man Steed, you don't have to..." Scribe pleaded, but it was in vain. Steed swung her hand and a giant glowing green sword, connected to a chain struck out, slicing off the mans head.

Steed looked at the corpse and laughed, she started to walk off, "Oh and Scribe? Clean this up." she said. "Yes maam." Scribe said, bowing her head.

~Charles Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters~

Christian got to him room, and found his door open. He looked in and couldn't see Alicia, or Kitty. "Theresa?" he asked. There was no response. He saw a figure near the mirror. "Who're you?" he asked. The figured turned around, holding a metal sphere. It shoved it into its mouth, and its eyes lit up.

"I am Malakai... and im here to replace you." it said.

Well thats this chapter. I know it might seem a little shorter than the other ones. School is a pain, but I still get a chapter out every 1-3 days. I will submit what I have written on the third day, no matter how small it is (If I have writers block.) I havn't had writers block that bad yet, but the day will come. Thank you all for your continuing support -

Next: Chapter 6

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