Mutant High

By Jayson Spears

Published on Oct 1, 2001


The X-men are copyright that funky little company Marvel, Who I admire. The people in this story are from the movie, and the comics. I am borrowing them. I don't profit from this, so you can't sue me. Neener neener. You really should be over 18 to read this, but I mean, like your going to listen - So enjoy yourself.

Yeah. Its back - Its better - People are going, people are staying, and people are gasp dieing! Oh no! Warren does not have blue skin... He looks human - but with wings (That he can hide!) and Kurt has a image distorter, to make him appear like a young boy with dark hair (Ala X-Men: Evolution) ect ect. Anything that doesn't make sense - Chalk up to my creative liscence.

Email me at - Or don't... No cookie for you. Check out Talon, Its cool! Thanks to you all for supporting me!

If you need clarification on who people are, ask me. I know the whole codename / real name thing can get confusing.

IMPORTANT ... This chapter has a sex scene in it... Tell me what you think (It will be my second time writing one) I am considering posting some little mini stories (About my charecters) that have nothing to do with the main plot, in which they shag. What do you think?

Here goes - Stick a fork in me, I am done!


This is a year after Christian died in the Hellfire Club building. Things have changed a little more.


~In the Ameritek building, a Corperation owned by Warren Worthington III~

A slender red haired man rode the elevator up to the roof of the 90 story building. A ding signaled the arrival on the roof, and the man got out.

"Now why would you be calling Remy all the way up here?" asked Remy. Warren turned around to face him. "You know why." Warren said emotionlessly. He grabbed Remy and passionatly kissed him. The cajun man moaned in delight.

Warren broke the embrace, "I have a meeting in 15 minutes. Think we can make it?" Warren said. "You know it." said Remy, fumbling at Warren's belt buckle. He ripped it off and unzipped Warren's pants. He slid them down and got on his knees. "Please Remy, do it." Warren pleaded. Remy looked up at him and grinned, ripping Warren's underwear off. Warren's cock was semi-hard and dripping precum. Remy grabbed it and started to jerk it a little. He flicked his tongue around the cut head and then slowly slid it into his mouth. Remy got all eight inches down his throat, and Warren gasped in pleasure. "Please, suck me. Uh - Remy your so good at that." Warren said, bucking up against Remy's face. Remy slid the dick in and out quickly and let out the occasional moan as the cock hit the back of his throat.

"Shit. Remy im going to cum. FUCK!" Warren called as he orgasmed. Remy licked Warren clean and slowly stood up, embracing Warren. They battled with their tongues exchanging the creamy liquid.

Warren broke the embrace and looked at his watch, "Shit! Im late!" he exclaimed. He pulled up his pants and grabbed his belt. "Meet me for dinner, Remy?" he asked, "Oui." Remy said, smiling. Warren took off in to the elevator.

~2292 Beacon Hill, Seattle~

"John! Have you seen my panties? You know - the leather ones?" Emma asked, as John walked by her room. John stopped dead in his tracks and dropped his jaw. He scratched his head and smiled at her, "Yeah sure. Im wearing them." he said - then walked off laughing. (Fucker) Emma projected at him. There was a buzzing sound and then John yelled, "Ow!" Emma laughed and went back to searching through her room.

There was a knock at the door. No one answered it. (Bobby! Answer the door damnit!!) Emma projected. (Bobby???) she questioned. Emma growled and walked in to the living room and opened the door. There was nothing there. Just then a wave of psychic energy flew over her.

(Bobby! John! Look ou.....) she screamed. John got up from his bed. He heard Emma send out the warning. "Emma!!!" He called. Bobby had been asleep but he woke up to Emma's scream. He met John in the hall. They made there way down it and when they got to the living room' they saw the door open - but no Emma.

"What the fuck is going on?" John said. Bobby suddenly saw John fly past him. He turned around and saw no one. "Who's there!?" Bobby asked. No one responded. He raised his hands in to the air and mist filled the air. Snowflakes danced lightly around the room. A figure could be seen in the corner of the room. Bobby went to attack and it rushed at him.


~A small house in Georgia~

"Marie? Where are you?" Jubilee asked - walking through their house. She got to her room and knocked on the door, "Marie, can I come in?" she asked. No one responded to her. "Marie? MARIE!" Jubilee yelled. She grabbed the handle and charged it, then backed away. The door bust off its hinges and Jubilee saw Marie lying on the floor, she rushed in to her and from the corner of the eye saw someone swing something at her.


~Up in Alberta, Canada~

The light from the window woke Scott up. He stretched and ran his hands down his muscled chest. He turned to see Logan, sleeping like a baby. He smiled. Jean had been so understanding when he explained things to her. She said she always knew. Logan stirred a little.

Logan used to be worried about them sharing a bed. With his nightmares he was afraid he'd hurt Scott, but he hadn't yet. Logan found sleeping with Scott made the nightmares leave... Most of the time. Logan had healed after the fight with Blackheart, but it took a while. Cyclop's power had been rendered useless for days after. The visorless blast he set off drained all his power.

Scott slowly crawled out of the bed, wrapped in a sheet. He stopped to admire Logan's naked form. His hairy chest and muscled arms. He smiled to himself and went to get some coffee. "Get back here." Logan said, sitting up and grabbing Scott's arm. He pulled Scott back in to the bed.

"Hey you." Scott said. "Hey yourself." Logan said, running his hands down Scott's back and caressing his round ass. Suddenly he pushed Scott off him and jumped up. He bust out his claws and started sniffing the air. "Logan!?" Scott asked. He got up off the floor and looked around. "What is it? Is everything okay?" he asked. Logan raised his finger to his mouth, "Shh!" he motioned.

They didn't move for five minutes. Then Logan stopped, "The scent is gone." he said. "It was proboly a hunter or something Logan. You scared me!" he said. "It was not a hunter, it was... Scott its ba" Logan called, behind the wall bust into a thousand peices. Debree slammed in to Logan and knocked him off the bed. Scott looked around for something to shoot.

He saw something run across the field and he let loose a blast. The thing jumped into the air atleast 30 feet and landed. "The hell?" he said. He felt something behind him, then a sharp pain in his head.


~In Goverment Operations~

"Agent Pryde? Can I have a word with you?" said a ageing man. Kitty nodded and walked over, "What can I do for you sir?" she said. "You are our youngest agent, Infact the youngest person we have ever emoloyed. This puts a huge responsibility on you." said the man. "And you don't think I can do it... Am I doing something wrong?" asked Kitty. "No no, your progress is amazing. Its just... I have some bad news for you Kitty." the man said. "What is it sir?" she questioned.

"Your going on vacation... perminantly." he said, standing up. He fired a gun at Kitty and she felt the dart penetrate her shoulder. "I... ughn?? Sir? .." Kitty hit the floor, unconsious.

~Au Lamenta, An opera house in France~

"Your performance tonight was amazing." said a young man. Theresa turned around, "Kurt!?" she questioned. The boy smiled, "I miss you guys." he said. Theresa ran up and hugged him. "Where have you been!? You had us all so worried. After the school broke up you vanished and no one knew what happened to you..." said Theresa. "I had some soul-searching to do." he said, looking at the ground. She whispered in his ear, "I'm sorry Kurt, I know how much Christian meant to you." she said. (No you don't) he thought to himself.

"So how has your father been?" asked Kurt. "Oh... He went off to visit Moira at Muir. He got bored with the opera... I am tired of putting on shows too. I wish school was in session. I miss the gang..." Theresa said.

"Well isn't that wonderful... Soon you shall meet them." said a womans voice from across the room. She held her hands up and rainbow colored light pulsed through the room. "Fall before Vertigo" the woman said. Theresa stated gaging and fell over. Kurt ported behind Vertigo and kicked her in the back of the head.

She turned around to use her power on him, but he ported again. This gave Theresa enough time to gather herself. She let out a sonic boom, it slammed in to Vertigo's back and she was knocked across the room. She hit the pointed edge of a display, and was impaled. Vertigo slid off of it and hit the floor gasping.

"Curses... Curses on you boy... you wern't supposed to be here..." she said, gagging. Kurt and Theresa walked over to her. "The skull children are immortal... I die, so let the seed of my rebirth be your undoing!" Vertigo called, before her body changed in to that of a beautiful multicolored flower. The flower died and its petals blackend.

"Kurt thank god you we're here." Theresa said, hugging him. "Terrie... She said they had the others..." he said. They looked at eachother, "We have to help!" they said in unison. Theresa smiled at him, "Let me grab my bag."

~In Toronto, Canada~

Alicia, Betsy and Ororo sat at a picnic table. "Its a nice day out. The weather man said it would be rainy though." Betsy said. Her and Alicia looked at Ororo and laughed. "Mom?" Alicia asked. "Mom! Look out!" Alicia screamed. They all ran from the table just before it was crushed by an excessivly obese male. The three women stopped at looked at the attacker.

"Who the hell...?" Betsy muttered. The man screamed and rushed at Betsy. She flipped over him and tried to trip him, but he didn't fall. Ororo lifted in to the air and picked up Alicia. Ororo's eyes gleamed and then a cloud appeared 12 feet above the ground. She put Alicia down on it, "Stay here! Do not even THINK about attacking." Ororo commanded. "But Mom! I can help!" she called. "NO!" Ororo shouted, her voice carried by the wind - thunder crashing to make her seem much more omnious.

Blob grabbed Betsy and threw her at Ororo. Ororo released wind and carried Betsy to the ground. Betsy got up and round housed the Blob, but his fat absorbed the blow. He grabbed her arm and span her around. He launched her again and this time she hit Ororo. They crashed into the ground. Ororo looked at Alicia and pointed upward - the cloud took off carrying her.

"Mommm!!!" Alicia yelled, as she was carried off.

~At the Reyes Institute~

Jean walked in to the lab. It was dark, none of the lights were on. "Cecilia? Hank?" she questioned. She extended her mind to the lightswitch and flicked it, but the lights didn't go on. She got to the door and someone swung around and clocked her in the face. She hit the ground with a thud. The figure went to attack her again and she propelled him back with a telekenetic blast. She scrambled up and ran to the other door in the lab, but tripped.

She hit the ground and looked to see what tripped her. "Hank!" she called, to the man - unconsious on the floor, his body covering Cecilia's in what looked like an attempt to protect her.

Jean turned over just in time to see the boot.

~The Roof of Ameritek~

Remy walked over to the staircase door and turned the knob. It didn't open. He looked around cautiously. He heard what sounded like a cannon being fired, and saw a beam of light flying towards him. He dodged it and the beam left a hole in the roof. A wave of force slammed in to his back. He flew foward - and then off the roof.

~Inside the building~

"The offer is unacceptable. Do not treat me like a fool I have been in business..." Warren trailed off after hearing an exposion. He saw Remy fall past the window. "REMY!" He shouted, ripping his shirt off revealing his wings. He jumped through the window and flew down trying to catch remy. On the 5th floor, seconds from impact, Warren caught him.

Remy was unconsious but alive. "Remy! Wake up!" he pleaded. Warren slowly descended and at about the 2nd floor he too was slammed by a giant wave of blunt force. He flew across the Ameritek parking lot and crashed into a car. He hit the ground with a thud - Remy still in his arms.


Well thats it for now... I think its lame... Anyways - It will get better... If you didn't notice I kind of misplaced all the adults... Go figure :) Tell me what you think... --- Tell me who you want to see more / less of, and not at all... and who you want back... :)

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