My Best Friend Brent

Published on Jun 24, 2023


DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that involves two consensual male minors having unprotected sex. If this offends you in any way then please turn back now. If you are not permitted by your state law to read sexual material of this nature, then turn back now. If not, then enjoy the story.

My Best Friend Brent

Chapter 3

Brent and I spent the rest of the day in bed, watching television and just resting in each others arms. He left at 10 o'clock and told me that he'd be picking me up in the morning for school.

I was extremely restless the whole night. I couldn't really sleep, and when I did sleep I had nightmares about being bashed. I decided to give up trying and got ready for school at 5 in the morning. I decided to dress as good as possible, so Alex wouldn't think he got to me, even though he had a great deal. I dressed in my favorite pair of American Eagle low-rise jeans, a vintage comic-book shirt from Urban Outfitters, my favorite white belt, and Chuck Levins shoes. It was 6:30 by the time I was done and I still had an hour to go until Brent would pick me up. So I sat in the kitchen, and just thought about how I would handle today.

A multitude of questions raced through my mind: Did Alex tell anyone yet? What if Alex told EVERYONE already? If so, how many people? Who's going to be okay with knowing about Brent and I? Are my parents going to find out? Am I going to be bashed?....

Tears were streaming down my face as I thought of what a horrible day I would have. I didn't even realize how much time had passed, until Brent knocked on the door and I looked at my watch to see that it was already 7:30. Hurriedly, I went and let Brent in. He surveyed my face and looked really worried.

"Don't worry Brent, I'll be fine," I said as I wiped the tears off my face, and flashed him an empty smile.

He walked up to me, pulled my face to his, and gave me the most gentle kiss. It was soft and exactly what I needed to feel better. "I love you Brent. And I don't know how I'm going to make it today, but as long as you're with me, I'll be fine." This time I flashed him a real smile, and he could tell and smiled himself. He grabbed my hand, and we walked out of the house hand in hand.

As we rode in his car, I began feeling more happy that Brent and I were together and people will know of our love, but still fearful of how we might be shunned. We arrived in the school parking lot at 7:43; I remember the exact time because I seem to remember every single, small detail from that morning and how time seemed to move extra slowly.

We got out of his car, and I found myself face to face with the institution that could be the ruin of my life all in one day. We began walking to the school, and I noticed that both of us were going rather slowly.

I decided it was my turn to be strong. "Come on Brent. Let's just get it over with." I then gave him a peck on the cheek, a slap on the butt, and began running away hoping/knowing he'd chase me.

I wasn't to be disappointed as he went right after me and finally caught up and tackled me into the grass right near the front of the school. We were laughing as he had me pinned and was sitting on my lap.

"FAGS!" we heard yelled from across the courtyard. From the sound of his voice, I automatically knew it was Alex. We turned to look and saw him along with our other (possibly ex) friends Matt, Grant, Joel, and Paul.

Brent immediately stood, looking very defensive and manly at that moment. It was a real turn-on...

Alex walked right by us, while giving us a glare of disgust. Everyone else, however, kept walking toward us. Brent was still on the defense.

" it true?" Matt, a 6'0" tall image of Aryan perfection, asked.

I worried as to what Brent was going to say. Either way...I wouldn't like it all that much. " what?"

"Heyheyhey, calm down buddy. We just needed to know if it was true. I mean, you can't blame us for being shocked, with all the chicks you've had and all. And no offense Sal, but we weren't really surprised," Matt said with a chuckle.

At that moment, I knew we were still cool, and stood as I said, "Ahah..hah..."

"So, you guys don't care?" Brent asked. There was just a response of "no biggies" and "nahs" from all of them.

"Dudes, you're our boys. We were surprised as hell, but you know we ain't no homophobes," Grant said. "Alex is pretty pissed though. It's so uncool how he's acting. He's telling anyone that'll listen, and we just told him while we were walking up that he's being a bitch and we can't hang around bitches." They all laughed at that.

I was overwhelmed with appreciation for all of them. All I could really muster was, "Thanks guys."

We walked into the school, and Brent and I told them that we'd catch up later, and went off to walk around before class. We had about 8 minutes until we had to start getting back to class, so we just walked around to see if people pointed and whispered.

Indeed, there were points and whispers. And some "fags" and "how cutes" as well. It was surprising how word got out so fast. Of course, it wasn't from everybody, but the people that we knew or were acquainted with.

I was extremely nervous about all this unwanted attention and it was extremely apparent as my cheeks were a bright shade of red and I was practically hanging on to Brent to stand straight.

"Can we just go to class Brent," I said as I was breathing heavily. "Now, before I vomit."

"Okay baby, hold on." Then he took my hand and we rushed downstairs to our classrooms. Now it wasn't just the people we knew staring at us, but practically everybody since we were holding hands.

Once we were in the classroom, he rushed me to my seat and sat me down. He grabbed my head and felt to see if I had a fever, with a very worrisome expression on his face. I started feeling better, and smiled to give him reassurance.

"Jesus, you scared me," he said.

"Did I really?" Obviously fishing for admiration.

"Duh! I don't want anything bad to happen to you." He grinned at me and then gave me a quick kiss on my lips. For the rest of class we just talked as we usually did and finished our individual projects that were due the next day.

We walked out of class together, and realized we had to part ways. I was extremely hesitant and followed Brent to his class. We were already five minutes late, and he kept on kissing me in the empty hallway outside his classroom.

"Listen baby, I gotta go. We'll see each other seventh period okay?" With that he gave me a long, deeply tongued kiss and went into his classroom, using his notebook to cover up his raging boner.

I was on my way to class, and felt all of a sudden just as afraid as I felt earlier this morning, alone at my house. I felt paranoid as well, thinking that someone would jump out and beat me up. I hurried to my AP US History class and apologized for being late. I spent the whole period slouched in my chair, trying to make myself as invisible as possible. But that didn't stop the glares or the whispers. I wanted to die.

The rest of my day was pretty much like that. When seventh period rolled around, I was ecstatic to see Brent again. I sat next to him and asked him how his day went.

"Pretty good. No one I talked to seemed to care about me and you being together. A lot of them just said it was cute or something," he said as he giggled.

"What?" I said in a shocked whisper. "You mean you haven't noticed everyone glaring! Or maybe they're just glaring at me...Maybe they think I'm the fag that turned you gay. Because I am actually...I mean you admit to not liking guys. And it wasn't long before I had you sucking me off and kissing me. I bet everybody hates me, and feels for you. I'm disgusting..." In the end of my little speech, my voice was unsteady and I started to tear up.

"You have to stop talking like that! It doesn't matter how we got here, but we're here. And I love you so much. It was my decision to be with you, and you didn't coerce me into it. You opened the door, but I'm the one that walked in. Okay?"

"....Okay. Th...thank you." I looked at him lovingly and gave him a smile. "But that doesn't change what everyone thinks." We both knew that last statement was true, and just left it at that.

After physics, Brent and I decided to ditch the last class of the day, to just hang. I was a teacher's assistant eighth period with my favorite teacher, so she wouldn't mind, and Brent had gym...which as we all know will not make or break your grade if you miss a day. We went outside to the football field, and lied on the lawn. We nestled close to each other, face to face, and just stared and talked. I caressed his face as he caressed mine, and we talked about whatever came to mind. TV, love, our relationship, hot celebrities (him girls...yuck, me guys...yum), college plans (we both want to go to Boston University), and our dreams and fears. It was such a perfect moment, I never wanted it to end. I felt completely infinite lying beside him.

It came to an abrupt end as I was hit in the head with a football.

"Move it fags!" some random football player said as they started filing in. I quivered at the label, realizing would probably hear it a lot more from then on.

We just laughed and stood up to leave. As we were walking away, Brent slapped my ass and gave me a kiss, and then turned around to flip the football player the finger.

On our way to the parking lot, we met up with the guys. We high-fived and did our usual "guy" greetings. "Yo dudes, we're about to go down to my house, hang, play games, eat...just hittin' the shit. Wanna come?" Matt said.

"Sure," I said and smiled at Brent as I grabbed his hand. After realizing what I did and the eyes that were on me, I immediately released my grip and began blushing.

"'s ok. We don't mind. We talked about it, its cool. I mean you're, you know.... together and shit so we can handle it. Just don't make out in front of us.." Paul said confidently and reassuringly.

So we all got in our cars, and headed over to Matt's house. It wasn't big like mine nor did it have as many appliances, but over the years it sort of became our hang out. While driving there, I realized I hadn't talked to Joanna since Friday! How could I not see my fag hag/good friend for so long! I decided to call her when I got home.

I suppose I should probably tell you a little bit about the aforementioned group of guys. Matt, the hard bodied image I described as Aryan perfection, is sort of the leader of our group, as well as many school organizations. He's the captain of the varsity football team, co-captain of the varsity soccer team, vice president of the SGA, President of our Junior Class, and President of the Latin Honor Society; some might say he is an overachiever. Paul is Matt's closest friend and is himself a very attractive specimen, with a very muscled body. He's not an overachiever, but he is quarterback of the football team and an officer of the National Honor Society. His girlfriend is probably the most attractive girl I've ever seen, not that I'd really notice though. Grant is someone I once had a huge crush on, with his nice swimmer's build with platinum blonde, shoulder length hair and piercing blue eyes. That is, before I got to know him and get to know just how vile and gross he was. I love him as a friend, but he has to have the worst manners of anyone I've ever known. Joel is slightly chubby but very cute and is on the lacrosse team. I, along with everyone, used to think he was gay. It's not that he's flamboyant, but at first impression, everyone thinks he's gay because his voice is VERY flamboyant. But once you get to know him, you know for a fact he's not since he's kind of a male chauvinist.

Once we were in his house, we all went to the family room, our usual hang out spot. Matt and Paul raced by Brent and I for the PS2 and were off to probably play Madden 2004, their favorite football game. I rolled my eyes toward Brent at their cute and childish behavior. Brent, Joel, and I all went on the couch as Grant joined Paul and Matt on the floor near the television.

Grant let out a massive, rotten egg smelling fart and didn't even acknowledge it as we all scorned him for it. As I said, he is disgusting.

Brent and I were sitting close to each other, and I was feeling slightly tired so I rested my head on his shoulder.

"How do you think you're going to be?" Brent whispered, not needing to clarify that he was talking about our relationship situation at school.

"I'm...adjusting. I don't know Brent. Just stand by me, and I'll be ok," I whispered back to him. At that he gripped my hand with his own, and kissed.

"AWWW! You're thoooo cute!" Matt said in a mock-lisp voice as he threw a pillow at us. It was inevitable as the six of us guys got into a huge play wrestling match. We were a huge mess of bodies as I ended up lying on top of Brent. He took the opportunity to give me a deep kiss. We didn't even notice everyone stopped wrestling and were watching us, until we heard "Yuck" from Joel and a "Get a room" from Grant.

We plied our faces away from each other and I blushed at the spectacle we made, as Brent just shrugged it off. We just kept chilling, talking, and watching TV for about another three hours after that. It was about 7 as we decided to all go home.

Brent and I got in his car and decided to stop off at the park, since we still didn't want to part. Unfortunately for me, Brent had a horrible KISS album in his CD player, that made the ride seem like it took forever.

When we arrived, it was getting dark out and there were quite a few stars out. I was so happy to be with Brent at the moment; walking under the moonlight and stars in an empty park while holding my lover's hand. Could there be a more perfect night?

I motioned to the pond, and we approached it and lied down beside it. We were staring up into the stars, and stayed silent for a minute, just enjoying the glory of the night sky.

"Brent, I know I've said it, but I love you so much. And I don't think you know just how much I love you. I've never felt this way toward anyone in my whole life. When I see you, I just want to melt in your arms and be with you for all time. And last week when you were sad over your grades, I could feel your pain. Since you were miserable, I was miserable and I just wanted so much to make you feel better and to see your gorgeous smile again." Now I was leaning on my elbow, staring into his beautifully mesmerizing eyes, as I caressed his cheek. "There isn't anything I don't love about you. Even your music choice, I find adorable, as much as I may dislike it," I said as I giggled. "And you're amazingly gorgeous, but that goes without question." It was then that I gently stroked my lips against his, using a slight tinge of my tongue upon his bottom lip.

Apparently, it was Brent's turn to speak as he rose onto his elbow and pushed me back onto my back.

"I love you too Brent, and while I may not have felt this way for you as long as you have me, it doesn't make it any less intense or real. Before Friday, you were still the number one person I loved. Not romantically, but you understand me and know everything about me. We respect each other, spend ridiculous amounts of time with each other, and you know how to make me feel special. It feels like we're the same person at times, and almost like we're soul mates. And now that we're together, it's perfect. I can share myself with you completely and freely. There isn't anything I can't face or handle as long as I know that I have you, the love of my life by my side." Brent was crying at this point, and seeing his overwhelming emotion made me start tearing up.

We both raced for each other at that moment and meshed our faces into a kiss of burning passion, desire, and love. I could taste his tears that ran down to his lips and it was amazing to taste the sign of Brent's love for me.

We both stripped each other naked very fast, in our desire that couldn't wait. I began to tease Brent's right nipple very lustfully as I bit it, licked it, and sucked it in my mouth, while I was twisting and teasing his left nipple.

"Oh my god suck me Sal, suck my cock please!" I always loved it when he begged.

I then went down to be head level with his cock as I gripped it at the base and pushed my bathed the head with my tongue, very forcefully which made Brent moan loudly. I took it deep in my mouth and his dick met the back of my throat. I was dead set on being able to swallow his cock. I relaxed my throat, and after a few gags of trying, I eventually swallowed it down and was able to get him all in my mouth. When I managed that, he held my head down onto his lap as he groaned over and over. Soon he let go and let me continue with my blowjob. I kept managing to get him down my throat as I sucked him as best I could.

He pulled my head off his cock as he said, "Okay, okay, I don't want to blow yet." He caught his breath, as he bent his head down to my lap. For a straight guy, Brent sure does know how to suck cock. He seemed to adore it, and licked up and down my shaft, until he took my head in his cock and sucked it in and out, while tickling the sensitive glans of my uncut cock. Brent was giving me such unbelievable pleasure that I was in pure sexual ecstasy.

"Brent...please fuck me. I want you to fuck me so much right now!" Brent seemed to be worried.

"Are you sure Sal?" I could tell he really wanted to, but wanted to make sure I was okay with it.

"I'm positive. Fuck me." It was then that Brent displayed a huge goofy smile on his face, as he lifted my legs over his shoulders.

"Wait, wait, wait. Can you warm me up a little?" I said, with a sly smile on my face.

He only smiled to me, as he lifted my legs to my chest, as he bent down to dig his face in my ass. It felt wonderful as his tongue probed deep inside my ass. At first he seemed to be testing the waters, but soon he was loving it and I felt really wonderful.

I stopped him as I decided to get his cock ready. I leaned forward and took it deep inside my mouth automatically, as he humped in and out of my mouth as I lathered his cock with my tongue.

After about a minute of that, I went on my back, and Brent mounted me again as he lifted my legs over his shoulders. He positioned himself, and I felt the head of his cock placed at my opening. I knew I didn't need to tell Brent to go slowly at first, since he'd know that's exactly what I would want.

As he added pressure to my anus, I tried to loosen to allow him an easier, and less painful for me, entrance. It took some work, but he finally got his head past my sphincter. It hurt a lot, and I winced and sucked my teeth in pain. After I became more calm about it after a couple minutes, he urged forward. It didn't hurt as much as him entering me, but it still hurt. But as I felt him rub my prostate, my pain was pushed to the back of my mind as a wave of passion hit me. I moaned loudly, and Brent took it as a clue to begin to fuck me.

He started with a nice and steady pattern of moving in and out slowly. I began to push against him, to meet each thrust with a thrust of my own. Soon he was fucking me hard and fast.

"Oh...shit. Yes! Fuck me Brent! Fuck me hard." It seemed like there was a missing part of me I never knew was missing, and that part being Brent's dick deep inside my ass. It felt so amazing as he fucked me deep and hard. And to top it off, he started jacking me as he fucked me. I was in pure bliss as he made me feel like I've never felt before.

"Oh...I'm cumming baby!" Brent yelled. He started to fuck and jack me a lot harder, and the combination of his constant brushes of my prostate and pumps on my cock caused my orgasm to well up as well.

Brent moaned loudly as I felt him empty his load deep inside me. I followed suit right after, as I had the most intense and explosive orgasm I ever experienced, cumming all over my chest, face, and Brent's hand.

As I dropped my legs to my sides, Brent collapsed on my chest as he breathed very heavily. We both realized my cum, and began licking as I licked it all from his hands and chest, and he licked it from chest and face.

He laid on my chest as I caressed his hair with my hands. After 10 minutes of bliss, we sat up, and decided to put our clothes on.

While changing, I said to Brent "Was it just me, or was that not the most amazing experience you've ever had in your life?"

Brent looked at me and just uttered, "Most definitely."

I looked at my watch to see that it was already 9:45 and I realized we were at the park for almost two hours.

"Well I guess I can forget about homework tonight," I said as I told him the time and we both laughed. I rested my head on his left shoulder as we walked out, with his left arm wrapped around me. He drove me home, while he was holding my hand the whole drive there. When we approached my house, he was such a perfect gentleman and rushed to open the door for me. But being the guy I am I said "...bitch" in a very jokingly manner which he laughed at.

He walked me up to my door, and leaned in for the perfect good night kiss. When we pulled back from the kiss, it was at that moment that I began to feel the cum oozing out of my ass and I made a squeamish face, which I told him was nothing.

"I love you," I told him as I brushed his cheek with my finger goodbye. As I entered my house I smiled at the most romantic night I would probably ever experience, and relished in my joy. It was at that moment that my parents called me into the family room.

"Come on Sal. We have to talk," I heard my father say. He was a very large, brown haired white man who I was very thankful to have inherited his looks.

My mother and father were holding hands and had very serious expressions on their faces. It looked as if they'd been thinking. "What's wrong?" "Oh...nothing's really 'wrong' son. But...we have to talk to you. Sit down for a moment," my mother told me.

I was beginning to be rather frightened and confused. "Okay son," my father said. "You know we love you no matter what and we're very proud of you....We just received a rather angry phone call from Donald, Brent's father." It was then that I began to have an inkling for what they were talking about. "It seems as if Alex told his father you and Brent were caught...intimately in the park on Saturday. And that today, you had an openly romantic relationship at school. Is this true? And be honest son, I don't understand why you wouldn't tell us in the first place."

"y....y...." I often had a nervous stutter. "Yes." I didn't tear up though as I realized I'm not ashamed and there was nothing to cry over.

"Okay...we suspected something for a few years....Okay. Well Donald sounded really mad on the phone and screamed about how you turned his son and you two should never see each other again, but don't overreact. It'll be okay. Obviously he just has a bit of a temper right now," understatement of the century mom, "but he'll get over it. I wouldn't call Brent tonight though. His father is probably watching his every move, including his cell phone usage. But don't worry son. We love you, we accept you, and Donald feels the exact same way about Brent. We've gotten to know him over the years, and you know he's just a hothead."

I hoped so, but one can never really know. Brent's father might be a huge homophobe like Alex. I mean, Alex's reaction was pretty shocking after all, so what make's Mr. Donovan any different.

I went upstairs and lied on my bed, over the covers, still in my regular clothes and shoes. I wasn't afraid of how I was going to be or if Mr. Donovan might hurt me, but I was afraid for Brent. I was hoping his father wasn't hurting him or scolding him for his love for me. I began to cry, fearful for what might be happening to Brent right then.

I cried myself to sleep that night and Brent was all I dreamt of.

Well there's Chapter 3! I hope you liked it! Keep reading please! And you don't know how thankful I am for the fan-mail I've been receiving. It's such a pleasure to read how you are enjoying my first ever nifty story and that its actually a hit! I hope you enjoyed the surprises and there is still a lot more to go with this story!! I'll have the next chapter up soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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