My Best Friend Brent

Published on Jul 6, 2023


I awoke the next morning and immediately a wave of fear and anxiety hit me. My mind was racing again, thinking about Brent. Is he ok? Was he hurt? Will he be in school today? Can we still be with each other?...Why did I turn him into a fag?....

As much as Brent convinced me I didn't do it, I did. It's true and it can't be denied. It was all because of me that he was sucking cock and kissing boys...if I had never told him I liked him, we wouldn't be in the trouble we had ended up in with rumors spread around school, and Brent possibly being in complete trouble with his father.

I felt like crawling into a hole to rot and die.

But instead I crawled into a shower to get the crust out of my eyes.

I got dressed in another good outfit, with a tight yellow shirt and white belt...but looks can be deceiving and I was still extremely depressed but also anxious to see Brent at school. It was pretty obvious Brent wouldn't be picking me up to go to school, so I went to the school bus stop down the street.

Walking there, I noticed the usual ten people that were always at the bus stop, though I didn't really know them by name. But apparently they knew at least one thing about me, as they were all whispering and staring at me as I approached.

I wasn't at all in the mood to be treated as a leper again so as soon as soon as they were in ear distance, spoke my mind. "What the hell are you dumb-fucks looking at?" I said with a sneer. Immediately the eyes that were once staring at me, quickly turned away and I wasn't bothered at all. When the bus came, I took a front seat, and as expected, no one sat next to me. I didn't care at all about that, and was still focused on Brent. As we got closer and closer to the school, I was getting more and more anxious to see him.

It wasn't long before we were dropped off at the front of the school. Yet again, I was met with the austere prison-like building I call my high school. But this time, I pushed my own selfish fears behind me and hurried to my first period class. Apparently, I hurried so much that I was there even before the teacher was and it was 20 minutes before school would start. I decided to wait outside the classroom.

Instead of thinking about the horrible possibilities of what could happen today and in the future, I thought about Brent and how our relationship might have been if it hadn't have been ruined last night. Maybe we'd stay together through the rest of high school, and go to prom together. Thinking of Brent holding me in his arms in a strikingly handsome tux just made me melt. Maybe we would even go to college together? Be roommates...lovers....and maybe after college we married?

Before I knew it, my teacher was standing right next to me, with a questioning look on her face. I just blushed, and stood waited for her to open the door. I went in, and walked to my computer desk. I sat facing the door, awaiting Brent's arrival. I was extremely anxious as the clock kept approaching the warning bell, and more and more classmates kept walking in. As it was 2 minutes before everyone had to be in class, I pretty much gave up on Brent coming to school.

That is until his beautiful frame stepped through the door and walked his way toward me. I immediately stood with a smile on my face. Even though I knew Brent and I would probably have to break up because of his father, I was just happy to see Brent was healthy and well.

As Brent came to his chair, he looked extremely sullen. He dropped his bag on the floor and stared at me with a tiresome face. " your parents hate me?"

I was confused. "No...why in the world would my parents hate you. They told me they were cool with us after your father called and told them about us. I know your father thinks I turned you gay and I cried last night thinking about how you were doing and if you were going to be alright or not...I love you so much and am just happy to see you here today."

Brent seemed just as confused. " father was mad. At first he called a faggot and cocksucker and told me he was going to ship me away from you. I felt like killing myself...but after an hour he came in and was calm and told me how sorry he was for saying those things. Then he hugged me and told me he was proud of me and agreed with any decision I would make in my life. Then he told me not to call you since your parents might have gotten mad after the phone call."

I smiled. "So this means that...we can be together?"

Brent put a goofy smile on his face and said with a chuckle "I suppose so Mr. Ramirez." It was then that I raised my hand to go to the bathroom, as Brent looked somewhat confused. I winked and brushed his chest with my hand as I stood. I'm guessing he understood my meaning, since after waiting in the bathroom for a few minutes, in walked Brent. This bathroom was one that was all the way at the end of the school and was practically never used.

I rested my back on the wall, and raised my eyebrow knowingly at Brent. Brent turned to lock the bathroom door, and then slowly walked toward me with a grin on his face. When he was right in front if me, he leaned his head forward and our foreheads tapped. He was staring deep into my eyes as I was staring into his. He wrapped his right arm around me and pressed our crotches together, and dove his lips onto mine. I let out an uncontrollable moan, and greedily tongue wrestled with Brent, wanting to taste as much of him as I possibly could, as he ground his hard cock against mine.

He pulled his right arm from behind me and reached under my tight shirt as he squeezed my right nipple. I groaned in pain and pleasure. Soon he was using both his hands to unhook my belt, and I ground my cock against him as he did so. Brent seemed to love my need for him, as he knelt down and let me rub my boxer-brief covered cock on his face. He pulled them down and then had me rub it on his face some more. It seemed we were both so ecstatic for our parents final reactions, that we couldn't help our feelings for each other come out in sexual fervor.

Then, he took my cock in his hand and started pumping it as he licked my head over and over. Moans escaped me as he licked under my foreskin and then engulfed my cock completely. As much as I loved what was happening, I knew we wouldn't have enough time to do all of this, and our teacher, if she wasn't be her usual oblivious self, might be getting suspicious.

"Brent....Oooo...shit...Brent, we don't have time for this...I wanna suck you too, but we don't have time to do this stuff."

Brent pulled off my cock and said, "I knew that. I just want to make you feel good Brent, forget about me. I'm so deeply in love with you and so hot for you, I just want to make you feel even a smidgen of how I feel when I'm in bed with you."

At that, Brent then engulfed my cock again, and was able to deep throat yet again. He hummed around my cock as he massaged my balls. When he licked his middle finger and stuck it in my ass, I knew I would be coming soon. He rubbed my prostrate, and plus the combined feelings of his wonderful mouth and hands and just seeing the man I loved giving himself completely to me like that, my orgasm raced up my cock. I warned Brent with, "I'm cumming Brent!" and then I did. It felt like the strongest orgasm and the most cum I had ever cummed, even though that probably isn't true. But I did cum so much, that it escaped on the sides of Brent's mouth as he tried to swallow every load I dumped in his mouth. When I was done, I was pretty weak, but lifted Brent to his feet to lick the rest of my cum off of his cheeks and neck. He quickly pulled me into a kiss so we could share the rest of my cum. I grabbed his face and held him in a passionate kiss. After a 5 minute make out session I pulled away from him, and was breathing pretty heavily.

"Jesus Brent...that was amazing," I said with my eyes closed. "Yea...I know" he snickered. "I'm just THAT good."

I sneered with a laugh, and pulled my pants up. After looking at my watch, I saw that the bell would be ringing in a couple minutes. I told Brent and we rushed quickly to go to class. Right as the bell rang, we were right at the door, and amidst the confusion of students up and leaving the classroom, our teacher didn't even notice us coming in and getting our bags.

"We should have sex in the bathroom more often then, Sal." I gave him a playful punch, and a quick kiss on the lips as we separated for our next class.

The rest of the day was pretty normal, and though there were still some sneers from classmates, it was a pretty regular school day.

That is until school let out...Brent and I were walking to his car, hand-in-hand, when the back of my knees were kicked and I fell, pulling Brent down with me.

"Oh no, don't lie on the ground for me faggots. I'm not stickin' my dick in your shit holes," Alex said with a chuckle. He wasn't alone though, as he was along with two other equally buff and strong guys, one a strawberry blonde and the other a platinum blonde. The strawberry blonde seemed to be nervous and blushed when he saw me looking at him.

Brent immediately stood and, though he is a lot shorter than Alex, acted like he was 3 feet taller and didn't seem intimidated in the slightest. "What the fuck Alex? You don't push people for no fuckin' reason." Brent was now chest to chest with Alex, staring him down...or up in this case.

"Listen faggot. Keep your gay ass off of me, as hard as it may be," he said as he pulled away from Brent. "I'd better watch it if I were you two...accidents can happen. I mean just like that fall you and SALLY just careful...," he said with an evil grin on his face. With that, he and his goons started walking away.

"Fuckin' chicken shit," Brent said glaring at Alex as he walked away.

"Come on, Brent. Let's forget about it...please?" I said pleadingly. Brent turned to look at me, and turned his sneer into a tinge of a smile. "Thank I say how much that turned me on just now?" I said with a laugh.

"Well you know me...your knight in shining armor here to the rescue," Brent said as he shockingly lifted me and my legs into his arms the way a husband taking his wife through their threshold would.

"WOAH Brent!" I yelped. "What a MAN!" I said in a mocking southern accent. Then, with ease I might add, he carried me the rest of the way to his car, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. People were looking as we passed, but I didn't care, since it felt completely right to be cradled in Brent's arms like that.

When we were at his car, he let me down and opened and closed the door for me...what a gentleman. While we were driving in his car on the way to my house, an idea popped in my head.

"Do you want to go on a date tonight?" As I said this I couldn't help but smile.

"You mean like a reenactment of the park fiasco last night?" he said with a giggle.

"No...I mean an actual date. Like, let's make a night out of it. Dinner, a movie, and maybe a walk on the town." I was getting really excited at the idea, and was hoping that Brent would agree.

"You mean you don't mind others seeing us anymore?" Brent asked seeming surprised that I would propose such an idea.

"Well...I didn't say that. But I really want to experience everything a couple is supposed to, and I don't care about what anyone will say...besides, I'll have my knight in shining armor with me," I grinned.

"Okay," Brent said with a chuckle. "Definitely. I'll drop you off at your house, we'll both get dressed, and I'll pick you up at 5." We were right at my house, as Brent finished that, and he parked in my driveway and walked me up to my door. He can be so cute...

When I was at the door, he held me and gave me a long kiss. When we parted I told him "See ya' in a couple hours." As I opened my door to enter, Brent gave me a slap on the ass.

I turned to glare at him as he said "Oh come on, you know you like it," with a laugh from both of us as I rolled my eyes and shut the door. I entered the kitchen to see my mother at the kitchen table smiling.

"What?" I said.

"Oh nothing...," she responded. "Loverboy." I turned looked at her and said sarcastically "ha...ha.."

"Umm...I have a date tonight." I told her, hoping that I could start the completely open relationship with my mother that I've always wanted.

She turned her head to me and said, "Fantastic!...Unless you've done so already without my knowing, this will be your first date won't it?"

I hadn't thought about it until she brought it up. "Yeah...I suppose it will be," I responded with a smile on my face. "Okay...I have to go pick out an outfit!" I said as I rushed up the stairs. Normally, I'm never nervous about what to wear, seeing as how I can generally pick out a great outfit in the dark. Up in my room, however, it felt as if every piece of clothing I had was unworthy of Brent. After about fifteen minutes of rampaging through my dresser, I finally pick out an outfit I found suitable; a right polo shirt from American eagle, khaki pants from Gap, and my best pair of black dress shoes. After I brushed my teeth, and prepped my hair into its shaggy beauty, I went and waited anxiously at the bottom of the stairs. While waiting, my father walked down the stairs and chuckled while sitting down next to me.

"Nervous are we?" my father said, with a knowing grin.

"Gee could u tell," I said sarcastically with a nervous laugh.

"Well, I reacted this way before. Once in my life though...," my father said.

"Really, when?" I responded, curiously.

"It was my first date with your mother," he said, with a grin upon his face. Hearing my father say that made me happy thinking that possibly this means that there really is something deep between Brent and I, and that our future could hold more for us? But at the same time I was fearful for the same exact reason.

Then he stood, gave me a pat on the shoulder, and walked into the kitchen to get some food. Soon, I heard the familiar roar of Brent's engine and heard his car traveling up my driveway.

Immediately I shot up, and began to frantically pace in front of the door. My mother came up behind me and said "Ay chico, calm down," she said as she rubbed my back. When there was a knock on the door , my mother kissed me on the cheek and shoved me toward the door. I opened the locks with shaking hands, and was greeted with a stunningly handsome Brent. He was decked out in black dress pants, a Ralph Lauren blue polo shirt, and smelled of cocoa butter. I wanted to lick him clean.

"Hey," I said timidly.

"Hey...," he responded just as timidly.

"Come on in, come on in," my mother said, as she ushered him into the lounge room, where both my mother and father sat across from Brent and I as we held hands.

"So, what are your plans for tonight boys," my father said to Brent and I.

" out afterwards...all that jazz," Brent said with a nervous smile on his face. He's been around my parents so many times before, but at that moment he must've realized that he had to prove himself worthy to my parents as a boyfriend.

"Okay, well we don't want to hold you up," my mother said after apparently sensing the nerves of Brent and I. We all stood and my mother went back into the kitchen after kissing me and Brent goodbye, as my father escorted us to the door.

I walked out the door, but my father held Brent behind. I only noticed when I was at Brent's car, when he was just stepping out of the house. As he came back to the car, he was smiling and when we were in his car, I said "What was that all about?"

He laughed. "Your father warned me not to touch you in any wrong places or I'd have to answer to his foot up my ass...."

"GEEZ!!" I was embarrassed but also happy that my father cared for me so much.

"Yeah well, how's about we start this date off right." At that, he reached into the car and pulled out a bouquet of rose for me.

" gay," I said jokingly.

Brent faked being offended as we went inside his car. As we were driving, I was anticipating the night ahead of us. I wondered what kind of movie we would see, whether it would be the preferred romantic or unwelcome action/comedy flick. I wondered if we would eat at McDonald's or a classy restaurant like La Madeline. As we drove past the local theatre I was wondering why we hadn't gone there to see a movie.

"Why did you past the movie theatre?" I asked Brent.

"We're going to the drive thru across town. They're having a showing of `Casablanca' that we should see," he said with a smile on his face. Aww....he knew to see a romance movie.

As we drove in and paid, there were only 4 other cars there, and the movie had just started.

"Perfect. It's almost like we have the whole place to ourselves," Brent said with a mischievous smile.

At that he wrapped his right arm around me and pulled me into a firm hold. We were enjoying watching the movie Casablanca in peaceful silence, until a passionate kiss between the two stars. When that happened, Brent pulled at my chin to look up at him, and our lips met in a sensual kiss. I began to rub my hands all over his body, and then quickly grasped Brent's raging erection.

"Hold on there buddy. We have a whole night ahead of us," he said as he pulled my hand away from his crotch.

"Why yes we do," I said. "Which is why I'm taking advantage of it." Again, I grasped his hardon through his pants and began to rub it up and down. Brent just looked at me in a slight look of disapproval, until a moan escaped from his lips. I took that as a sign of consent and I unbuckled and unzipped his pants. I was met with a bright red pair of boxer briefs which held his erection that was begging to escape. I pulled it through his fly, and began to slowly tickle the head of his head with my index finger, which caused him to moan and shudder. I reached my hand into his fly, and grasped his huge balls. I rolled them in between my fingers and loved the feel of the hair on his balls against my fingers. Then I reached further down and reached until I found his hole. The soft flesh of his rosebud felt wonderful as I kept touching and pushing my fingers against it, eliciting strong moans from Brent. The smell of his manly musk was piercing my nostrils and I was suddenly overcome with a torrent of lust. I bent down and pushed my tongue violently against the head of his cock. He groaned loudly and forced his cock in my mouth with his hands. I went down his cock, until his head was met with the opening of my throat. I took a large breath with my nostrils as I pushed his cock down my throat, and hummed around his shaft.

"Oh shit yea....fuck you feel so good. That's right....take that cock down your throat..." he said in between breaths. He began to gyrate his hips and hump his cock down my throat. He felt so wonderful with his cock deep inside of me.

I could sense he was was nearing his orgasm, so I pulled him out of my throat, grasped his cock at the base, wrapped my lips around his head tightly, and pumped his cock furiously. He moaned loudly, and rubbed his hands through the locks of my hair.

"I'm cumming baby! Eat my load, eat it all!" he yelled. He tenses, and held my head in place as he cummed. He cummed gushes into my mouth and I couldn't have enough of it, as I pumped his cock of as much cum as he could give me. He must have shot 8 times in my mouth, and I squeezed the last droplet out of him and savored it on my tongue.

"Mmmm," I said as I licked my lips clean of excess cum. I looked at Brent as his eyes were closed with a huge blissful smile on his face.

"Well, since you just had dinner. How's about we go out for dessert?" Brent said as we both laughed. "We were going to go to La Madeline, but I think it'd be better if we got some ice cream and walked along the harbor. What'd ya say?" he said as I packed his dick back in his pants and zipped him up.

"Sounds great," I said as I gave him a peck on the lips.

The movie had just ended, so we turned around and it was only as long a drive as Brent listening to Limp Bizkit's Break Stuff....which was still too long for me.

We parked in front of "Olde Frozen Custard" and Brent and I held hands as we walked in. I told Brent I wanted a vanilla cone.

"Didn't you just have one of those in the car?" he said with a smile on his face.

"Keep it down! Sheesh," I said as I playfully nudged him.

"Ok, I'll have 2 small vanilla cones please," Brent told the young teenage guy behind the counter.

The guy looked nervous and said almost like a whisper, "That'll be 5.23 please..." as he looked anywhere but at Brent and I. He looked more and more familiar the more I looked at him. As he made the cones for us, he looked back at me and blushed when he saw me looking.

Then I remembered who he was! He was the cute strawberry blonde that was with Alex when he was teasing us. He seemed just as nervous then as he did then.

"Hey don't I know you?" I said to him.

"Um....yea kind of," he said as he tucked the hair that was dangling in front of his eyes behind his ear.

"You're the one that was with Alex when he was fucking with us aren't you?!" Brent said as he realized who the blonde kid was.

"Well...I, uh...I didn't know he was going to do that," he said as he blushed profusely now. "I'm sorry about that...I was just hanging along with him..." then our eyes locked and I could see his beautifully shocking bright blue eyes. I mean...what?

"Yeah shouldn't hang out with Alex. He's a dick and will turn on you in a second," Brent said as he wrapped his strong arm around my waist. I think perhaps he sensed the same thing I might have sensed with....what is his name?

"So what's your name," I asked him as our eyes locked again, and I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Brad," he said with a smile. "Brad Walker." It was then that he handed Brent his cone, and when he handed me mine our fingers touched and I jumped and dropped the cone on the counter....oops.

"Crap, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that." Brent looked at me with a confusing look and I turned to pretend I was looking at the designs on the wall.

"'s okay. I'll make you another, and no charge," he said with a smile and I thought `what a stunning smile'....stunning? What the crap...

"Thanks," I said as he handed me another and this time I didn't drop it and nor did our hands meet.

"Well...see ya at school," he said as he waved bye to us.

As we were walking away, he said "So what's your name anyway?" he said as he looked at me.

"I'm Brent and he's Sal, my boyfriend," he said as he knew the question wasn't directed at him.

"Okay, bye Brad," I said as I turned to walk out of the store, feeling the tension in the room was too much.

As we walked down the sidewalk, I grasped Brent's hand. "What the fuck was that all about..." he said not looking at me with an angry look on his face.

"..What do you mean?" I said, knowing full well what he meant.

"You know what the fuck I mean. You being all gaga over that fag Brad..." he said yanking his hand away from mine.

"I wasn't gaga Brent...I mean I'm gay and'd do the same thing if it was a hot girl," I said as I rubbed his shoulder.

"Yeah, I might have looked, but I wouldn't have been so fucking flustered like you were. And you were flirting with him! What the fuck?!" I could tell Brent was really pissed.

"No I wasn't Brent. And no matter how I might've reacted to him, I'm with you. I love you more than I will ever love anyone in the world. Just because I get attracted or interested in someone, in no way means I'm going to EVER think of ditching you?! You're the love of my life and I'm being truly honest in saying I wil never leave you. I might liked that Brad guy a little bit for his looks, but it's you that I love and want to spend the rest of my life with," I said as I looked at him. It was then that his face softened and he smiled. Because I truly meant every word I told him. Just because I might like Brad, doesn't mean I'm ever going to do anything with him or leave Brent for him.

"I know....I'm sorry. I guess I overreacted," he said as he licked his cone which had melted somewhat. " want to spend the rest of your life with me?" he said with a face I couldn't read for a reaction.

Damnit, I didn't mean to say all that stuff. "Ummm...well I dunno. It was just a thought..." I lied.

" can't take back everything you say for fear of my reaction," he said with a worried expression on his face.

"..okay...well yes. I love your more than anything I ever have, and want to be with you for the rest of our lives. I want to go to prom with you, go to college with you, move in to my first apartment with you, have a puppy with you, kids, grandkids....everything. I want it all. You mean so much to me Brent...." At that, I kissed Brent passionately on the lips as we stopped in our tracks on the sidewalk.

"I love you so much Sal. I know exactly how you feel...this is all so weird to me. Never having been attracted to a man before, and now the one that I am attracted to, I want to be with forever? It's so strange and new to me, but I love it. And I love you, and want to adopt kids with you," he said with a chuckle.

We kept walking along the harbor, with his arm wrapped around me, and my head rested on his shoulder, blissfully eating our ice cream.

"Well you know Brent, with how we fuck, I'd probably be the first man to give birth. Whether the womb be in my ass....or throat," I said as I licked my lips, and we both laughed loudly.

"Well then," Brent said as he squeezed my ass tight, causing me to giggle. "We oughta get started on that now shouldn't we," he said as he lifted me over his shoulder, slapped my ass, and ran straight for the car. "Let's go to your house. I'm looking forward to trying to get that baby," he said as I giggled like a schoolgirl over and over.

OK! There's Chapter 4, I really liked this one and have so many plans in store for the future of My Best Friend Brent. Thank you for reading and sending me such great fan mail. And even getting help from that one person ;D. Thank you all, and keep reading! Sorry it took so long, but I hope this chapter was worth the wait!

Next: Chapter 5

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