My Best Friend Brent

Published on Sep 14, 2023


Do you know that feeling of complete relaxation on a Saturday morning, after you've had a good ten hours of sleep? Well it seems that whenever I'm with Brent, I always feel that same comfort and ecstasy. When he wraps his arm around me, its like his body is a mattress and his arm a soft quilt, and I can just rest and fall asleep in his arms.

But then Brent's little brother jumps on my stomach and I get knocked out of my euphoria, especially since he had an action figure poking in my stomach.

"Hey there bucko! Watch it," I said as I tickled his stomach, causing a torrent of giggles and screams to escape from little Rayray, or Gaygay as Brent used to call him...needless to say that nickname has been terminated from use since his and mine relationship started.

"Raymond! What the hell are you doing?" Brent screamed, pretending to be irritated, though I knew he loved his brother with all his heart and thought everything he did was so cute.

"Nooooothing...But I want to watch the tv! Mom says I can't watch it unless you monitor," he said as he started chewing on the head of his action figure....that little guy is so weird and adorable.

"Ugh....fine. Do you mind Sal?" Brent said with a pleading look on his face. I guess the adorability runs in the family.

"Of course not," I said as I pecked Brent on the lips while lightly brushing his chest.

"Ewwwww, kissing is gross! I bet your lips are gonna fall off now!" Ray said as he made a disgusted look on his face.

"Yeah....well you're only 8 right now, but it won't be long before you're wanting to kiss people too!" I said, hoping to freak him out.

Mission accomplished. "NEVER! That's for grossheads!" he said as he finally got off of my legs and ran downstairs.

Brent and I jumped up together, laughing at his brother's sweet ignorance.

Before going into the Family Room, Brent and I stopped off in the kitchen to grab some food. I noticed Brent was grabbing foods that I knew would only exaggerate his bad table manners: cheese curls, chips and a salsa bottle that he would have to dig his hand all the way into get some salsa, and barbecue chicken. I might have to stay at least three feet away from him during his food adventure.

"Hurry up guys!" Ray yelled from the next room.

"Hold your horses! We'll be there in a second," Brent said as he was having trouble balancing all the food in his arms. I just laughed and led the way into the family room.

Ray was lying flat on the couch, taking up the only space Brent and I used to be together while watching tv.

"Get up," Brent ordered after he laid the food on the coffee table, directly opposite the couch.

Ray just stubbornly stuck out his tongue, and of course Brent forcefully lifted him from the couch.

"I was just gonna get up ANYWAY!" Ray said as he plopped down in front of the tv.

Brent turned the tv on, and started flipping through the channels. "What comes on, on Friday nights anyway?" Brent asked, since we're usually out by now.

"That`s So Raven is on!" Ray screamed as we passed through it a couple channels. Brent sighed and changed back to Disney channel to watch "that stupid show" as Brent mumbled it under his breath.

As we were watching it, it was actually pretty funny, and I found myself laughing a lot while also wondering how the writers thought children could understand such sarcastic, ironic humor. But then I also thought that maybe the writers meant for it to be watched by teenagers like me, who have to watch tv with their boyfriend and boyfriend's brother because the mother wants to make sure the child doesn't watch anything inappropriate.....but then again that's a really big stretch.

It wasn't long before I was lying on top of Brent, my head lying on his chest as we watched tv. Again, I felt like he was my soft bed and quilt.

I reached my hand to his slightly exposed pelvic region, and reached my hand under his shirt. Brent looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Whacha doin there buddy?"

"Noooothing," I said mimicking what his brother said earlier. Brent laughed and turned to look at Ray, who was completely glued to the television.

I reached my hand up to his right nipple, and brushed it lightly, eliciting a quiet moan from Brent's lips. "Stop...we can't," he said as he didn't try to stop me.

"Okay," I said as I completely stopped my actions, and pulled my hand from out of his shirt.

" suck," Brent said as I gave him an evil smile. How I LOOOVED teasing him.

It was then that I raised myself a little, so our crotches would be touching, and I pushed against his slightly.

"Sal!" Brent said in a loud whisper.

It was then that I sat on his cock, positioning myself, so his cock was just in the cleft of my ass.

This felt great, so I couldn't help but muffle a moan and tilt my head back. As luck comes to have it, it was at this moment that Ray turned around and noticed Brent and I, me sitting on his crotch with Brent's arms grabbing my hips.

"What are you doing?" Ray said, with a confused look on his face.

"Ummm....n....nothing," Brent said as he looked at me with a `uh oh' look on his face.

"It looks like Sal is sitting on your weewee and both of you are liking it," Ray said pointing at the point of contact between Brent and I.

" know that Sal and I are together....," as Ray nodded. "Well....when people are together they do things like this...." Brent said awkwardly.

"You mean me and my friends should be doing that too?" he asked.

"Nooo," Brent said quickly. "The together that....Sal and I are is different, you know that. We're boyfriends....and ......when you date you do different things than other people. Like kissing and stuff...." Brent said blushing profusely.

"What stuff," Ray asked. Crap, it seemed like he just kept asking horrifying questions.

"Just watch the tv!" Brent yelled out of frustration, and gently pushed me off of him as we both sat upright.

Ray just whined and turned back to the television.

"Sorry," I mouthed to Brent. He just rolled his eyes and gave me a forgiving smile.

"I should be getting home. Brad is sleeping over tonight, ya know," I told Brent.

"Yeah....I know," he said unenthusiastically. Brent has finally come to accept Brent as my friend and is even his friend a little bit. But he still doesn't like the idea of us spending time alone, even though its been a couple weeks since the movie theatre kiss.

"Oh, come off it Brent," I said, getting fed up with his attitude toward Brad, who's a really nice guy. "Now can you pretty please walk me out to my bike?"

"Sure....and sorry," he said while looking away. The sun was just setting as we went outside. It was such a beautiful view from in front of Brent's house. We walked to the side of his house to get my bike and when I turned to give Brent a kiss goodbye, he already had his hands around my waist and was moving in for a kiss.

When our lips met it was like electricity, and I suddenly wanted to have as much of Brent on me as possible. We pushed our bodies together and our lips and tongues were in a confusing mess of passion. I could feel his hardness pushing against my hip and I'm sure he could feel mine. But when I felt his hand unbutton the top of my jeans, that's when I realized that I should stop.

"Okay....we're outside. And I have to go," I said with a laugh.

"You really have to stop doing this to me," Brent said with a serious look on his face.

"It's not like I want to lead you on Brent. OBVIOUSLY I want you right now," I said as I kissed his neck. "But I have to go," I said with a pleading look on my face.

"Okay, okay. Get outta here," he said as he slapped my ass.

I gave him a reproachful look, and just smiled and got on my bike to head home. As I was on my way home, I realized that I still had a hardon from all the playing Brent and I were up to. I wondered if I had enough time to jerk off before Brad got my house. My question was answered as I came around the corner to my house and saw that Brad was waiting on my porch. I smiled at him and motioned for him to follow me as I put my bike back in my garage. When I was done, he was right behind me with his backpack and a smile on his face. Not the shy guy I once knew.

"So, ready for some fun?" I asked him as we started walking into the house.

"You know it," he said as he playfully nudged my side.

We headed up to my room and he dropped his bag at the front of my bed and lied down. His tight shirt was lifted above his lowrise jeans, and I caught glimpse of his strawberry blonde treasure trail. Obviously, I was still horny from all the teasing Brent and I were up to.

He noticed I was looking, and turned away as he started to blush.

I looked away embarrassed, and started looking through dresser drawer. "Do you wanna go swimming?" I asked him.

"uhh...yeah. Definitely," he said as he propped himself on his elbows. "But I didn't bring any swimming trunks. Are we going skinny dipping?" he said with a smirk on his face.

Mmmm.....naked I thought.....I mean.....what? "Nothing so scandalous," I said with a chuckle. "But I have some trunks you can borrow," and the thought of Brad's dick swinging in something I wore, made me even hornier than before.

I threw him a pair of green trunks, and I started taking off my clothes facing him. And I must admit, it wasn't just for convenience.

"Well.....are you gonna change?" I asked him as I lifted off my shirt.

"y.....yeah," he said looking intently at my chest.

As I was unbuttoning my pants I looked right into his eyes, deeply. He looked extremely nervous, and then stood up to took of his clothes, looking away with an extremely flushed face.

When my pants were off, I adjusted my cock in my black boxer briefs, looking at him as I did so, and I could tell he was a nervous wreck. He was just taking off his pants as I took of my underwear.

His eyes grew at the sight of my cock, which we all know is about three inches soft, uncut.

He looked into my eyes, and I smiled at his reaction to my cock. I pulled on my cock and balls, as if I were doing it naturally while looking right at him.

Then I decided, I had enough fun playing with him, and put on my trunks. He was wearing some Scooby Doo boxers, which I thought were adorable. And it was obvious that his cock was semi hard, and growing.

He took off his boxers, and I was met with a beautiful specimen of a cock. Nice sized, low hanging balls, and a beautiful cut cock at about 6 inches hard that was a shade of pink, and a nice flared, red cock head. He had a nice patch of strawberry blonde pubes that I just wanted to dig my face in and give a big whiff.....O how the mind is when its horny....

I smiled while looking at his cock, and then up at him, and he looked nervous and embarrassed at being hard, and just put on the swimming trunks.

We stood there for a few seconds, just looking at each other.

"Okay, time to go buckaroo," I said as I walked out the door. I knew he must be looking at my ass, so I slowly pulled my trunks down a little lower, to reveal a bit of crack and I rested my hands on both of my buttcheeks and rubbed a little. I turned to see his reaction, and as I expected, he was staring intently at my ass and looked embarrassed as he noticed I was looking. Aww.....cute and adorably shy, yet again.

When we got to the pool, I quickly jumped in began swimming around. Brad followed suit and we were swimming around in the pool. When Brad was turned around, I snuck up on him underwater and pulled his legs underwater. It wasn't long before Brad and I were in a full out wrestle underwater. When Brad had his arms wrapped around me, and left me almost completely helpless, I realized I had one hand free, and started tickling his side, hoping he was ticklish. Luckily, he was and he started laughing and squirming, letting me free. Finally, I had control, and started tickling him nonstop, causing pleads and screams to come from Brad. I realized that I was completely flirting with Brad, but I didn't stop myself. When I stopped tickling him, we were both laughing and calming down, very close to each other. When we were both completely calm, we realized that were only a couple inches from each other. I quickly told him that we should get into the spa, to relax. He nervously agreed, and we got out of the pool and walked over the spa. We dropped in, slowly since it felt like fire to the skin. Once we were both in, looks of extreme relaxation were on both of our faces. I slid over to him, without him realzing it, until our legs were touching. His eyes shot open, and he looked shocked. "It's cool that we're friends Brad," I said to stop any questions he might have about me moving over to him.

"Yeah, it is," he said as he closed his eyes. I moved my leg harder against his, and felt the hair on his legs brushing against mine and it felt wonderful. I got hard and it was tenting my shorts. Brad moved his arm, and he brushed against my cock and it felt extremely good, and I softly moaned.

"S...sorry, sorry," Brad said, looking flustered and moving awkwardly.

"'s okay. We should get into the house," I told him. "Get changed and stuff."

As we were walking to my room, I was wondering what the hell I was doing with Brad. I decided, that I'd stop flirting with Brad, since it was extremely wrong for me to do.

When we got up to my room, I started changing, and realized that Brad was in there too.

"You know....if you want to change in my bathroom then that's cool," I told him.

"No...I'm good here," he said taking off his trunks.

I was soaking wet and noticed that I needed a towel. The only one in here, Brad was using. "Can I use that when you're done?" I asked him, standing there nude.

"Yeah, sure," he said as he was drying his cock and balls while looking right at me.

When he was done, he started walking over to me with the towel in hand. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but my heart was beating as he kept getting closer and closer.

"Here, I'll dry your back," he said as he went behind me to dry my back.

"I...I can do that. That's okay," he said as he kept on doing it.

"Maybe....but maybe not as well," he said as he kept drying lower on my body. He started drying my ass, and it felt really good but I didn't know how to react. I could hear Brad's breathing; it was erratic and I could tell he was just as nervous as I was.

"Do....should I do the front?" he said with a quiver in his voice.

"I....I dunno if you should have even done the back," I said with a laugh.

It was then that he stood in front of me and started drying my chest, and rubbing roughly when the towel came across my nipples. He kept drying lower on my body, on my abs, and sides. He then bent down and started drying my legs, and I was completely hard by now, as he started drying my inner hips. He stood up and looked at me with a very frightened look on his face, but I could tell it was out of eagerness. He then brought the towel to my balls, and I just closed my eyes as he dried my perineum and balls. He then brought the towel to my 7 inch hard cock, and his hand was shaking. He kept drying it and was now bringing it back and forth on my cock to dry it. I moaned and closed my eyes. When he was done, I was slightly relieved and slightly disappointed that it was over. Until he then grabbed my cock with his hand and started jacking me slowly.

" can't. I....I ....Brent," I said as I looked at him with euphoric eyes.

"I know you want to....and I'm just helping you out....." he said as he looked at my cock intently as he was jacking it. He pushed me over to my bed and laid me down. He sat beside me, and was jacking my cock while massaging my ball sack. With the hand that was massaging my balls, he lifted my left leg, and brough he index finger up to my hole. I shuddered and groaned as I felt this. He then brought the finger up to my mouth to lick it, and I licked it feverishly. Then he brought it down to mass ass again, and pushed against my hole. When it entered he kept pushing in, until he met my prostate and I was moaning greatly. He started massaging it and probing me, and I was enjoying this finger fuck immensely. Then, he bent down and I could feel his breath against my cockhead. I looked down and saw his face inches away from my cock, and I pushed up to put my cock inside his mouth. When it entered, he licked my cockhead and wrapped his lips around it. He sucked different from Brent, in that when he sucked he never stopped using his tongue and he had so much spit inside his mouth, it felt amazing.

" taste so good," he said as he pulled me out for a moment. I quickly shoved my cock back in his mouth and fucked his mouth with a venegance.

"I want to taste your ass," I told him quickly "Now."

He got into a 69 position and his ass was pointed right at my face, the beautiful pink rosebud with a slight glaze of hair surrounding it. I quickly took my tongue and lapped all around his hole. He tasted very different from Brent. He had a more tart taste that I seemed to crave for. It was amazing and I felt hooked automatically. I dug my tongue into his hole, and tongue fucked him. He moaned loudly, and went back to sucking my cock amazingly. He spat on it and used his spit as lube and it felt so gooey and wonderful. I started fucking his mouth, and moved him so his cock was pointing at my mouth. I shoved it in my mouth, and loved his manly taste. It was musky and his precum was so sweet, that it made for a great combination. I immediately downed all his cock and used my best suction possible, and let him fuck my mouth. I then brought two of my fingers up to his ass, and jammed them in him. My cock muffled a scream and he quickly started moaning around my cock. I was in such an ecstasy and feeling/tasting his cock in my mouth, and the feeling of his ass around my finger, and his mouth giving my cock new sensations as well as him finger fucking me. I knew it wouldn't be long before I would cum. And I was right, because in about ten seconds, I could feel that familiar feeling like time stopped, and cum was gushing out of my cock and into Brad's waiting mouth. I came an intense orgasm, that felt like it was building for years, and volleyed about 10 gushes of cum into his mouth. He swallowed most, but some oozed out and onto his lips, chin, and my pubes. Soon, he was cumming into my mouth, and it wasn't as much as me, but it was still a lot. About 6 gushes, of a very thick and tasty cream. The familiar taste of cum, but a very salty taste that I haven't tasted in mine or Brent's. It was amazing. When he was done, I pulled his cock out of my mouth and kept squeezing for more of his cum and and sucked it like a straw into my mouth, then rubbed his wet cock all over my face.

He lifted off of me and I looked at the cum on my pubes and the cum all around his mouth and chin. I motioned for him to come near me, and I rubbed it off with my fingers and rubbed it around my cock.

"Eat it," I told him. And he went back to my cock and ate up all the excess cum from off my cock, and slurped up the cum from my pubes.

We both looked at each other, and he laughed and so did I.

"Umm...sorry?" he said looking at me with a apologetic look on his face.

"Don't be sorry.....I mean, nothing to be sorry for....," I said, not completely sure if my words were true or not.

"D....did you like it?" Brad said looking away.

"Hell yeah," I told him.

" you think we can sleep together tonight?" he asked pleadingly.

"Again?" I said with a smile on my face.

"No! I mean....sleep. Like...sleep," he said with a laugh.

"Well....I suppose it won't hurt," as I motioned for him to climb up to me.

He smiled and quickly laid me down, and lied on top of me, our sticky cocks pressing together. I moaned at the feeling.

"You like that I see?" he said pushing his cock against mine.

I sighed, and said "yeah....but lets talk about this later okay?" I said as I pulled him against me and lied his head against my shoulder as his legs were wrapped around my legs.

I fell asleep thinking about what just conspired between Brad and I. Obviously, a romantic relationship will not spur from this, but I did feel sorry for doing something that will probably confuse Brad. And then I knew that I'd have to tell Brent....I wondered how he would feel? Well....I know he'd be pissed. But will he forgive me? "What if he breaks up with me?" I thought.....But then again, I just needed to get my rocks off and Brad was right here just happened. I knew I'd have to face the fire tomorrow and hopefully Brent will forgive me....even though I have no right for him to forgive me, after I did such a horrible thing.

----------------------------------------- There's Chapter 6! So sorry for the wait. But the next one won't be so long, because I now have a lot of free time on my hands and realized just how much I LOVE writing. And keep giving me feedback people, since I love getting your comments! And I love you ALL for reading. And feel free to YIM me at odarkdarknesso, duh. Look at the email. lol. k. ADIOS!

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