My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

By Namab Mas

Published on May 20, 2020


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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My Boyfriend's Dirty Secret

Chapter Five

One day a couple of weeks later I started to need a shit during my 9 o'clock seminar. I'd gone out to see a couple of mates the night before and I'd ended up having quite a lot to drink. That was a stupid thing to have done, I thought ruefully. I had a slight hangover and I wasn't really paying much attention to the seminar, even though it was part of one of my favourite courses. Worse, my classes finished for the day at lunchtime and I was going to Jack's place afterwards. We'd have the house to ourselves until late evening. We hadn't actually said we were going to do anything naughty, but I reckoned there was a fair chance and I did want to hold mine in for him. Even just having a dump on the toilet with him watching would have been awesomely horny! As it was, I reckoned I was going to have to go straight after the seminar. Oh well, at least that'd give me an excuse to go and occupy a toilet cubicle at the busiest time of the day, and hopefully listen to some hot student lad dropping his load nearby. I glanced over at the two lads sitting at the other end of the table. Adam was tall and slim and dark, with the most beautiful big brown eyes and thick dark hair: Lewis – yes, there were two of us in that group – was stockier; smooth and blonde and blue-eyed. I'd been lucky enough to see him come out of a toilet cubicle in the student union once. He'd left big skidmarks and a really ripe smell, and I'd got an instant hard-on.

By the time the seminar ended I'd concluded I wasn't going to make it through the rest of the morning's classes and I was going to have to go and have a dump. I had a couple of questions for the lecturer about the essay we had coming up, so everyone else had gone by the time I picked up my bag and headed for the toilets. On the way there I spotted Lewis and Adam standing talking, and as I passed them I heard Lewis remark that he needed a shit. I couldn't hear what Adam said in response, but a moment later I realised they were walking a bit behind me and my throat tightened a bit. The usual rush at the end of the first lecture had quietened down a bit, and when I got to the toilets I found that only the far end one of the four cubicles was occupied. Quickly I went into the second one along, so there was a free one on either side of me, put down my bag and started undoing my belt. As I did so I heard Lewis and Adam come into the toilets. I'd expected Lewis to take one of the cubicles, but then both of their footsteps came nearer and the doors on either side opened, shut and locked. My heart raced and my dick tingled at what was about to happen. I sat down quickly and leaned forward to look under the partition. To the left Lewis's jeans dropped down over his smart black shoes, and to the right Adam was pulling down his jogging pants. The two hot straight lads sat down together. No-one was using the urinals and hand dryers and the toilets were quiet, and I sat and listened and waited.

First came a grunt from Adam, and when I leaned forward again I saw him lift his heels off the floor, like some guys do when they're straining. He did a couple of little dry farts. Then I looked to the left as Lewis breathed out long and slow, and through the partition came his faint, slimy crackle.

'Plop ... plip! Plop, plap, plop, plomp, plomp ...plop!'

Lewis let out another breath, like a little sigh of relief, and all of a sudden I could smell what he was doing. It was quite faint but definitely there; that same ripe smell I'd sniffed once before. On the other side Adam was still on tiptoes, but then came a loud, heavy 'ploop,' and his heels went down a little way. Then I let my own shit go, and closed my eyes with the sensation as I let out a big lumpy log, hissing and crackling and stretching my hole. Water splashed up on my bottom as my plops echoed in the cubicle and my own smell filled the air. I was still sitting with a turd hanging down from me when Adam lifted his heels and plopped heavily a second time, and Lewis farted softly and let out another series of splashes. My dick was half-hard by then as I sat having a shit with these two horny straight lads doing the same on either side of me. From the sounds I could just imagine what they'd done. In my mind's eye I saw Lewis sitting over a bowl of smooth turds, and Adam over two big firm logs. In the silhouettes on the floor I could see them both playing with their phones. But then Lewis bent and tucked his back in his pocket and a moment later Adam did the same, and I sat and watched and listened as they both wiped. Lewis seemed to shuffle forward and lean down to wipe sitting, whereas from the movement of Adam's feet it was clear he'd stood up. I let them get on with it, and then started to wipe myself as Lewis pulled his pants up. I spun it out a bit and came out the cubicle as they were both drying their hands. Both of them shot me slightly embarrassed looks before they left together, leaving me alone in the toilets. I couldn't resist it. First I went into Adam's cubicle, where the seat was still warm and just the faintest sharp aroma hung in the air. Then I went into Lewis's, and my dick got properly hard. There was still toilet paper floating in the water, streaked with light brown shit, and the smell he'd made was really strong and thick. For a moment I was tempted to sit down on the toilet on which handsome Lewis had just sat and had a dump into and have a quick wank. But no: I was going over to Jack's later, and anyway, I had things to do. I took one more big sniff, washed my hands and headed off to the library.

I was still horny when I went over to Jack's place a few hours later, and when I got there I found he was too. In the hallway, before I'd even put my bag down, he pushed me back against the wall and kissed me, and massaged my cock through my jeans. He drew back a bit as I reached round and fondled his arse, and went to unbuckle his belt.

'Lew,' he whispered. 'Not that ... I've not been for a poo yet today.'

'Ooh! Think you're gonna need one?'

'Yes. I'm already starting to. I thought I'd need one this morning 'cos I ate so much yesterday, but it's only just coming on now.'

He led me through to the living room. He was all tactile and horny, like he always was before we had sex, and the mounting pressure in his arse was turning him on even more. He fumbled my cock out of my pants, dived down to lick and kiss it like he did when he wanted me to fuck him, then took it into his mouth and sucked it until he tasted my cum. I pushed his head back gently.

'Not yet ... don't make me cum! Are gonna have some fun first?'

'Yes,' he breathed. 'In a bit, when I really need the toilet... Shall we go upstairs?'

Up in his room we lay on his bed, kissing and touching and taking each other's clothes off until we were both naked, and he lay on his front and let me lick and kiss his back and bottom and finger his tight little hole. Then he whispered that he was going to fart, and I pulled his hips up further and got my nose between his cheeks, and he did a couple of ripe little farts right in my face. The smell was really thick, and I saw shit right behind his ringpiece before he quickly clenched up. I ran my tongue up his back and kissed his neck, and knelt over him fondling his beautiful arse.

'You really need a shit, don't you,' I said.

He nodded.

'Good. I like it when you're all full and horny like this. Gonna do a nice big one for me?'

He nodded again, and squeaked with pleasure as I fingered his hole.

'Ooh! Oh Lew I really need to let it go now. Come on.'

He levered himself up off the bed, took my hand and led me through to the bathroom, threw a plastic bag down on the floor and turned around to kiss me again. As we did I ran my finger down his back and into his crack, and tickled his hole again. He always liked having his arse played with, especially when he needed a shit, and he snogged me harder with his dick thrusting into my tummy before he turned away and knelt down. He got his legs well apart and thrust his smooth arse up, so his cheeks were well parted and his tight little hole was on display, and his raging hard-on thrust out in front of him. It was completely silent apart from our excited breathing. The wait seemed to last forever. But then he bowed his head and gave his little grunt.

I'd watched Jack shit many times, but it never stopped being so wonderfully intimate or so madly erotic. His hole started to dilate and the golden-brown tip of his turd poked through, and then he gave another little satisfied grunt as it opened up wider and his log emerged. It was thick and smooth and slightly lumpy, and his hole expanded and contracted around it, crackling and squeaking softly as it slid fluidly out. Four times a long brown tube grew out of him, pulled apart and fell onto the bag, and then he strained a little and the end curled round, put a little brown smear on the inside of his right cheek, and dropped onto his pile. His hot, sultry smell rolled out from him and filled the room. He flared his dirty little bumhole out a couple of times and looked round, one eyebrow raised and his sexiest little smile on his lips.

'Ooh!' he breathed. 'Oh it feels nice! Really smells too!'

'Yeah it does. God I love the smell of your shit! You haven't finished, have you?'

He shook his head.

'Mmm, good! Do it nice and slow. Take your time over it. And when you're done I wanna see you sniff it. Sniff your own shit and wank and cum all over it. Love how you get off on your own shit...'

'Oh yes. Oh it feels so fucking good!'

I reached out and touched his arse, stroked his cheeks with my fingertips and ran them in until they were almost in his crack. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, and then again when I ran my fingers right down between his legs and up to tickle his balls. Then he stiffened a bit and cocked his arse up a bit further.

'Lew ... I gotta do some more, and ... oh, I think I'm gonna fart too.'

I drew my hand back a little way as his hole twitched and then slowly flared out again. He let out a couple of little squeaky farts and then a big loud one, giggled cutely, and then he pushed out another slimy brown snake. My hand was so close I could feel its hotness, and if it had curled to the left it would have touched me. Two more smooth curls fell onto the pile, and then he knelt there again in silence, straining a little every so often and showing off the brown crust around the inside of his bumhole. I stroked his arse again, talking dirty to him as I did about how I loved watching him do his big shit, until he stiffened a bit and grunted. The end of his shit was quite soft for him, and his lumps fell onto the sturdy logs he'd done first and built up into a pinnacle like an ice cream, and his stink grew stronger.

When he was done I wiped his bottom. I was so turned on my hand was shaking as I lifted the first pad of folded paper up to his relaxed, glistening hole. He was much dirtier than usual, with vivid brown shit covering his pink ring and a big smear on the inside of his right cheek, and when I drew the paper slowly backwards across his flaring ringpiece it came away with a big brown smear. I folded it in half and did it again, forwards this time, and then a third time, and scrunched it to wipe away the stain from his cheek. He was sighing and whimpering, and he did it again more loudly as I started to wipe him again with a new pad of paper. This one came away with lighter smears, and then by the time I'd finished with a third one he was nearly clean. With the last one I gave him a quick little rub to get his bottom really clean, just how he liked it.

'Ooh!' he squeaked. 'Ooh that feels so good! Keep playing with my bum like that!'

I dropped the last of the toilet roll next to his shit, reached up and touched his hole again. The smell of what had just come out of it filled the air. I started to run my finger round it gently, and he sighed and moaned, and gave a little strain to open it out like he did when I was about to fuck him. Quickly I lifted my finger up and spat on it for lube, and then went back to fingering him, deeper and deeper until my fingertip penetrated him and he squealed and begged me to go in deeper. I could feel how dirty he was, and when I pulled back a bit my finger was brown. Quickly he reached back between his legs and pulled the plastic bag forwards, so that he was looking straight down on his own shit, and he and inhaled his own stink, and then as I thrust my finger deeper inside him he moaned and dribbled a little pre-cum onto the floor.

'Yeah!' I breathed. 'Fucking sniff it. Go on, sniff your shit. Get your face in closer to it...'

He bent right down over his shit with his arse in the air, and I finger-fucked him slowly, and wanked clumsily with my other hand. As I hit his prostate he squealed again, and his chute gripped my finger tight as he edged. I fucked him harder then, thrusting my finger hard in and out of his dirty little arse and making him gasp louder and louder, until finally he popped his head up and cried out loud as he came. His spunk spattered all over the floor and all over his shit and dirty toilet paper, and a few seconds later I shot all across his bottom.

Only a few days later I was at Jack's place again when he said he needed a shit. His mum was going out soon for an hour or so, and we sat in his room and watched television together until she called up to say that she was going out.

'I really need a poo now!' he said softly.


'Yes. It's one of those poos I'm not gonna be able to hold in. Come on!'

As soon as we heard the car start outside we scuttled into the bathroom, where he pulled his pants down and sat on the toilet. As soon as he was in position he did a little squeaky fart and his bottom started to crackle and hiss.

'Plomp! ... Plop! Plop! Plop!'

He blew his cheeks out a little as he sighed with relief. His smell thickened the air around him, and as it reached me I pawed at my cock through my pants. He looked over at me and smiled, and made his cute straining face, and then a coy little grin as he farted.

'Squelch ... Ploop.'

'Ooh, that sounded heavy!' I chuckled. 'Can I see it?'

He shuffled forwards and lifted his bottom off the seat so I could look down into the toilet. He'd done two long, smooth logs that lay side by side in the pan, surrounded by smaller, broken-ended lumps. Above it his dirty bumhole was pinched up tight. He sat down again and grinned.

'It's a shame my mum's coming back, innit. I'd have loved to do this on the floor for you again, and have you play with my bum while I do it. Feels so naughty, you fingering me when I'm having a poo.'

'Yeah, so good, innit. Next time we get time to ourselves. Want me to finger-fuck you again, like last time?'

'Mm, yes, or...'

He broke off, made his pushy face and plop-plopped lightly, wrinkled his nose at the smell and grinned.


'Would you actually fuck me?'

'Really?! You want me to fuck your dirty arse?! Ooh, yes, I'll do that if you like! Now, have you finished?'

He hadn't, and I sat and watched with a raging hard-on as he pushed out a few last little lumps. Then he stood up and bent over so I could wipe his bottom for him. When I'd got him clean we washed our hands together and went back to his bedroom, fumbling with one another's cocks through our trousers. On his bed he lay back and let me pull down his pants and go down on him, and suck him off until he came in my mouth.

The chance didn't come up for a couple of weeks. We saw a lot of each other, like we usually did, but we never had the house to ourselves for more than an hour or so at a time either at his place or mine. On a few occasions we sat in one of our bedrooms, with one or other of us looking more and more uncomfortable as we waited for whoever else was in the house to go out and leave us a bit of time alone. When they did we'd hasten through to the bathroom, where the one who was desperate for a shit would relieve himself quickly. The last time it was me, and he sat on the side of the bath and wanked as I sat on the toilet. I'd been holding my shit in for a couple of hours, and I grunted with relief as I finally relaxed, and a big chunky log hissed and crackled its way out of me. The plops echoed around the room and water splashed up onto my bottom.

'Phew,' he said, wrinkling his nose up. 'You really smell today Lew!'

'Heh. Wanna see it?'

He nodded eagerly, and I stood up and showed him my big, dark-brown turds, all curled around and breaking the surface of the water.

'So...' he said as I sat back down. 'What are we gonna do on Saturday?'


'Yeah, Saturday. You remember, Ashley's over with Lisa's family, and mum and dad are off to stay with some old friends.'

'Oh! Oh yes, I'd forgotten about that! Are you working?'

'Friday night I am, yes, but not again until Monday. We gonna have some fun? Wanna play with my dirty bum again...?'

I nodded vigorously, dick getting hard at the prospect. At the same moment another small turd came down the chute, and Jack smiled sexily and wanked as he listened to it crackle out of my arse and splash into the toilet. When I was done he wiped my bum for me, and we both wanked off into the toilet.

That Saturday morning found us in his room together, all furtive and horny. In the bathroom his brother was having a dump before he went out to meet his girlfriend, and although Jack didn't like to hear his own family doing the business I'd always thought Ashley was quite cute, and I was secretly enjoying the faint plops coming through the wall. I'd been in there after him once, long before Jack and I had discovered one another's fetishes, and I remembered the smell well; not as strong as Jack's, but a bit coarser and ranker. Today I wouldn't be doing that, though. Once he'd gone out the way would be clear for us, and it wouldn't be long before we were in there together. I hadn't sat on the toilet since the morning before and I could already feel the first faint stirring inside me, whilst he'd last been the afternoon before that. Normally he went every day, and when he'd messaged me on his way to work the night before he'd told me he might need to go early and I should get myself round to his place as soon as I could. He'd ended up having a second dinner at work after the kitchen got someone's order wrong, and now he was sitting on his bed with his legs drawn up, looking uncomfortable. He had a semi as well, I could see from his bulging crotch, and I was about the same. He glanced at the wall as the toilet flushed, and a minute or two later Ashley came out and went into his room.

'Hope he goes out soon,' Jack said quietly. 'I'm gonna have to poo!'

He held out his hands to me, and I went over and joined him on the bed, where we lay and kissed and touched each other, and massaged our hard-ons through our pants. The sensation in my arse grew a bit stronger.

'Jack ... I'm gonna fart.'

He grinned cutely and I leaned to the side and let it out, all muffled and deep., and the pressure in me eased a bit. The smell rose up between us, and he reached down and fumbled with my cock again. At that moment we heard Ashley's bedroom door shut, and he clattered off down the stairs. Jack looked at me, one eyebrow raised and his face all tense.

'I'm off now. Seeya tomorrow!' Ashley shouted up the stairs.

'Yeah okay, see you later!' called Jack in reply.

A minute later the front door slammed, and straight away we were on our feet. We watched through the window as Ashley sauntered off down the street, then dragged the curtains shut and jumped on one another, tearing our clothes off quickly until we were both naked. He'd left a carrier bag by the bed with a few things we'd want in it, and now he bent down and grabbed it, flashing his pert arse at me as he did. He was clenching it as he straightened up again and turned to me, with his rock-hard cock thrusting out in front.

'Come on,' he said. 'I can't hold it in much longer.'

Ashley had opened the bathroom window and his smell had dispersed. Jack hastily closed it again, pulled a bin liner from the bag he was still holding, spread it out on the floor and stood on it. I got down next to it and looked up at him as he stood, stroking his cock slowly and looking all intense and excited. Slowly he turned away from me, with the light through the window falling on his bubbly bum. I loved how he looked from behind when he was naked, showing off how tall and slim and shapely he was. Then he knelt slowly down in front of me, on all fours with his hands on the floor and his bottom well up; my beautiful boyfriend about to take a dump like an animal. I reached out and stroked his back as he knelt there, tensed up and trembling and breathing quickly, then ran my hand down across his bottom and into his crack. His hole was clenched up tight, and he whimpered as I ran my fingers round it and then began to tickle it.

'Oh, Lew,' he sighed. 'I need to do it now. I'm gonna poo.'

'Mmm, yeah, take a dump now. Nice and slow...'

He arched his back slightly so his bottom stuck out more. Just as I drew my hand away again I felt him start to relax, and he bowed his head and gave his deep grunt. His tight little hole twitched and flared, and he let out little fart. He grunted again, long er and lower this time, and his turd started to emerge. It was firmer and dryer than usual, and he pushed it out slowly at first until he had a thick, cracked finger jutting out of him. A big lump broke away from the end of it and thudded onto the bag, leaving a broken end that grew into a thick log as he strained, tapered off and dropped on top of it. The smell started to thicken the air around us, and I sniffed eagerly at it. My dick was so hard it hurt, and it bobbed up and down as he arched his back a bit more.

'Uh...' he grunted. 'Ooh ...uh!'

He pushed out another thick, lumpy couple of inches, and then his shit grew smoother and he curled out a beautiful long turd. He sighed with pleasure and his bottom made filthy noises as it crackled out of his flaring hole, curled round and broke off again and again. Thick logs dropped from him and piled up on the floor in a big chunky mound, until the last lump dropped on top of it like a cone, pointing back up to where it had come from. He squeezed his hole shut again and knelt over his pile, breathing hard and trembling slightly again.

'Mmm! Oh that smells so fucking nice Jack!'

I reached out and touched him again. He felt relaxed now, and he looked round at me, eyes half-closed and smiling beatifically.

'I've got more, Lew. I still feel like I need to go.'

'Mmm! Can you hold it though? Just a minute...?'

He nodded and sighed softly as I ran a hand over his back and bottom and reached in between his legs to stroke his thighs and his balls. It felt so intimate, touching him like this when he was having a shit; pleasuring the most sensitive bits of his body as he knelt over the beautiful pile he'd made, the air thick with his smell. He gave a little whimper as I ran my fingers up into his crack and tickled the insides of his cheeks, either side of his dirty brown bumhole.

'Oh Lew, I gotta do some more,' he moaned.

I kept my hand on his bottom until I felt him relax, then drew it away and watched. He let out a hissing fart that turned into a slimy crackle as his hole puckered out again. He did a sinuous turd that slid fluidly out of him, stretched and pulled apart, and then dropped another slim curl across the top of his pile. His brown bumhole flared again and he farted, strained and grunted, and farted again. Yet again I marvelled at how such a pretty lad could be so manly as he took a shit; how much he did, the manly noises he made, and the madly erotic smell. He still hadn't finished, and he knelt there for a few minutes as I touched him and then took the hand he held back to me. His grip tightened a little as he started straining again, and then he curled out a few more slim little turds. Once more I reached out and ran my hand over his back and thighs, and lifted his bottom up so his cheeks parted and his satisfied hole was on full display. The middle of his tight pink ring was brown, and there were little smears of it on either side. The smell of what had just come out of it was like thick fog around us.

'I've finished,' he whispered. 'Wipe my bottom for me.'

He sighed and moaned with pleasure as I wiped him, nice and slow and very thorough, until his hole was pink again, and he lifted up for me to play with it. As I tickled it and ran my finger up and down the his crack he reached backwards and pulled the bag he was kneeling over forwards so that he was looking down on his own big shit. I spread a little lube around his hole and started tickling again, making him whimper softly, then thrust it right up into his chute and he gasped. I could feel how bits of shit in his chute and my finger was brown as I drew it back, but we were past caring then, and he bucked his hips and begged me to do it to him harder. Then as I tickled his prostate he gasped.

'Fuck me,' he whispered. 'Do it to me now.'

Quickly I pulled out and started putting on a condom with fumbling hands, keeping my dirty forefinger clear as best I could. I really needed to go too by then. It felt like I had a big, bulky load inside me, pushing hard at my back door, and I let out a little fart as I moved forward and pressed my cock against his glistening, dirty hole. Then I thrust forward, deep into his tight arse, pulled back and started to hump him slowly. It felt unreal, fucking him dirty like this, with him moaning and sniffing at his own shit and my dick all brown, and my own urge to shit getting stronger and stronger. I couldn't help farting again as I humped him, and my own smell started to mingle with his.

'I need a shit Jack,' I hissed into his ear. 'I've really gotta shit.'

'Do it now ... while you're fucking me ... wanna feel you go.'

I couldn't resist it. My shit slid further down the chute as I fucked him until it started to force open my hole, and as I thrust into him I could feel it in my crack. He was moaning and writhing, edging like he always did when I fucked him hard. Then I took his hips and pulled him back with me as I knelt right down, sitting him down on me so my cock was right up inside him as I let go.

The sensation of taking a shit with my dick up inside him was like nothing I'd ever felt. I kissed his back and twisted his hand in mine, and grunted in relief and pleasure as I shat on the floor. It was big and gassy and nasty, and after the first thick log it got loose and farty and the stink filled the room. As soon as I'd finished I pushed him forwards, back onto his hands and knees, and started to fuck him again. It was filthy beyond belief, fucking like this amid the stink of what we'd both done, with my cock all brown from his shit and my arsehole all sticky from mine. He fumbled behind him and dragged the bag I'd done it onto forward so he was looking down on both of our piles, lowered his face down and gassed himself with my smell as I bummed him harder and harder.

'Oh Lew I'm gonna cum,' he moaned.

'So am I ... oh ..oh ... oh fucking hell!'

We came together. He screamed and his bumhole gripped my cock tightly as thick cum shot out of his dick and spattered all over the floor and our shit, and I fired so hard into the condom that I nearly burst it.

We were a mess, and clearing up took ages. He looked a bit freaked out again at first, like I'd not seen him for ages, but once we'd had a long shower together and the only trace of our play left was the lingering smell in the house he cheered up.

'That was so dirty!' he grinned as we sat in the living room with a cup of tea. 'So hot, though. I swear I could feel you when you were shitting. Wanna do that again!'

Later on we ended up talking about how scat fitted into our relationship, and how we felt about it. At first we'd been a bit worried that it would spoil things, somehow, but it didn't. Instead it added something. Playing together with something as taboo as shit seemed to bring us closer together, in a strange way. It felt very different to when we had sex. That was loving and beautiful; scat was dirty and raw and exciting. Now that we'd accepted that it had stopped freaking us out at all: it was just something we enjoyed together and we could do it or not do it as we wanted. Sometimes we didn't and we just ended up going to the toilet like normal guys. Other times we were up for it and we had time alone, and, he smiled later as he raised a pint of beer to his lips in the pub, he couldn't wait until it happened again.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 6

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