My Brothers Frat Brother

By Xander Harris

Published on Oct 6, 2003


Hey all: this story picks up where the last chapter left off. I know its' been about a year ago. I just didn't have much success with the new chapter until I hit upon the idea of changing the point of view. Plus, so many people seemed to get off on the first one, I didn't know if the second chapter could be anything but a let down after that! Anyway, here it is, for what it's worth. Thanks to those who wrote about the story..

My Brothers' Frat Brother: Chapter 2: My Frat Brother's brother

"Um, Wes?"

"Yeah?" I asked, my eyes still feasting on Kyle's beauty as he lay naked next to me, my fingers still exploring his incredibly swimmer's body, which at the moment was still covered in cum, his and my own.

"So, you're..." Kyle seemed to hesitate, unable to ask the question.

"Gay?" I supplied the word for him, knowing how terrifying a word it could be at first. It had taken me over two years of messing around with a buddy in high school before I'd been able to say the word, even to myself.

"Yeah." Kyle seemed relieved to have it spoken by me first.



"And you?" I asked. I'd been certain of his sexuality the first time he'd come over to visit Turbo, my new frat bro, and his own brother, in the original sense of the word. The way his eyes had lingered just a beat too long on me, and on some of the other brothers, might not have been noticed by the average straight guy, but I had an invested interest in looking for signs like that.

When I'd spotted him that afternoon, watching some of the brothers play basketball, I'd seen the unguarded lust in his eyes before he was aware of my presence.

Kyle looked into my eyes and seemed to be momentarily lost in thought.

"Yeah. I'm gay, too." he said, a gorgeous smile breaking out across his face.

"I figured as much," I said, returning his grin and thinking of his intense enthusiasm for being fucked.

"We made a mess, dude," Kyle said, glancing down at the drying cum all over his sexy body.

"We'll have to sneak you in to take a shower and-"

My words froze in my throat as a knock sounded on the door.

"Yo, Wes! Is my little brother in there?"

Shit! Turbo. Visions of physical agony at the hands of Kyle's enraged older brother flashed before my eyes. Turbo, like most of the guys in the frat, was no stranger to the gym and while his body had featured in more than one fantasy I'd had, I didn't relish the thought of being on the receiving end of it's fury.

Not that I wouldn't be able to hold my own, we'd be pretty evenly matched. No, what really worried me was the thought of the entire house finding out that I was gay. I enjoyed being a brother too much.

Thoughts of my own worries vanished when I looked down into Kyle's terrified face, though. I'd never seen anyone look so panicked in my life.

I quickly kissed his lips and then whispered in his ear "Shhh. Don't worry. He's not going to find out."

Kyle still looked pretty frantic, though, and I can't say I blamed him. Turbo couldn't have knocked at a worse time, unless of course he'd knocked while we were in the throws of passion. Kyle's face, and no doubt my own, was flushed with the unmistakable glow of really great sex. The room no doubt smelled of sweat and cum, and we both had sticky, drying cum on our bodies. Not to mention the fact that we were butt ass naked, with our clothes scattered all about the room.

Grabbing a towel from the floor, I wiped the cum off myself as best I could and then wrapped the towel itself around my waist.

Holding a finger to my lips to indicate that Kyle should be completely silent, I made my way over to the door.

Opening it a crack, I saw Turbo standing in front of me, his backpack still slung across his shoulder. He must have come straight to my room after noticing his mom's car, which Kyle had borrowed, parked outside. Someone must have seen us coming upstairs together and passed it on to him.

Turbo and Kyle looked a lot alike, which was another thing that had attracted me to Kyle. They both had a sort of All American look to them, their brown hair and blue eyes, their down home good looks that seemed to scream out Captain of the Football team. One expected them to come complete with a letterman jacket and a cheerleader girlfriend, somehow.

"Turbo, hey dude. Bad timing, man. I've got a babe in here," I kept my voice quiet, as if I didn't want the mystery honey in my room to hear.

Turbo's eyes quickly took in what he could see of my towel clad appearance and grinned. "All right, stud! Is it that chick from your poli sci class you were telling me about?" He kept his own voice low, but there was an undercurrent of macho pride in a brother's conquest to it.

I had to repress a smile at that. Little did Turbo know that the chick I'd told him about the week before, the one I'd banged in her dorm room between classes, was actually a dude named Brad with smoldering Italian good looks, an incredibly hairy chest, and a 9 inch dick that, unwilling to waste, I'd let him fuck me with after I'd pounded his hole for half an hour.

"Shit no, man. You know I don't go back for seconds," I said, playing up my general reputation in the house for being a consummate player. Which, I was. Just not with the gender they all assumed.

"I wanna hear all about it, bro. Details!" Turbo grinned. I loved it when his boyish face got all flushed with the enthusiasm of hearing about my conquests. I always pictured him jerking off to my stories later on, alone in his room. Not that he was hard up himself, Turbo was a pretty big player, too. So much so that I had to wonder why exactly he had such a thirst for the details of my sex life. He obviously didn't need to live vicariously through me.

"You got it, dude. I gotta get back, she's dripping wet and waiting for me," I grinned.

"Hold it! Bailey said he saw Kyle come up here with you, dude," Turbo seemed to suddenly remember his purpose for knocking.

"Yeah, man, he did. But then I got a booty call and he took off. I think he said he was going to walk around campus for a bit and check out the honeys," I improvised.

"Like brother, like brother, huh?" Turbo smiled.

If only, I thought.

"Well, have fun man, and remember I want details!" Turbo said before turning and walking off down the hall.

I closed the door with a sigh of relief. Of course, I still had to get Kyle cleaned up and out of my room without anyone seeing him, but that could be arranged.

Turning back to Kyle, I was disappointed to see him already in his boxers and pulling on his shirt. Having Turbo nearly catch me with his kid brother left me boned up and wanting a bit more. The thought of me later telling all the details of his brother's first sexual experience to a clueless Turbo was enough by itself to get me ready to go again.

"That was too close," Kyle said.

Walking over to him, I began to rub his shoulders a bit and leaned in close to nuzzle at his neck. "Shhh. We're fine. He didn't have a clue."

"But what if-"

Kyle's words were halted when I pressed my hard cock into his ass, only thinly covered by a pair of blue boxer shorts. He gasped at the feeling and leaned back into me almost hungrily. I could still smell our sex on his body.

"I thought you didn't go back for seconds?" Kyle asked, sounding playful but a little bit hurt, nonetheless. I hadn't realized he'd heard my whispered conversation with his brother.

"I usually don't. But you're not just a piece of ass, dude. A brother of a brother is a brother, right?" I reminded him, as I reached down and pulled his shirt back off.

Kyle moaned as my fingers found his nipples and I pulled him back into me more tightly, grinding my cock against his ass.

"You really liked getting fucked, didn't you?" I whispered in his ear.

"God, yeah," Kyle's reply was accompanied by his own hands reaching back and grasping my bare ass, pushing me even tighter against him, if that was at all possible. He was learning already, it seemed.

"Do you want to get fucked again?" I asked. "Or do you want to fuck me?"

It wasn't that often I let a dude fuck me. I couldn't resist a big dick, it was true, but with most guys I was strictly a top. I liked calling the shots, setting the pace. Liked spreading them open and driving my dick deep inside of them, seeing the pain and pleasure on their faces, hearing them scream out my name.

But the idea of Kyle fucking me was a turn on, if he was willing.

He turned around to face me, looking pretty surprised.

"You get fucked?"

I had to laugh at the amazement in his voice. "Once in awhile. You up for it? Or do you want to swing on this again?" I waved my hard on around playfully.

Kyle looked pretty torn. I could see in his eyes as he looked down at my dick that he did want to ride it again, but that he also wanted to see what it was like to fuck someone.

"Tell you what. We can do both," I smiled.

"Really?" Kyle was clearly excited by the idea, his boxer shorts tented out. The scare of nearly being caught by his brother had evaporated.

I sank to my knees, pulling his boxer shorts down as I went. "Really," I said, just before taking his cock between my lips again.

It was thrilling, as I sucked Kyle's dick, to look up and see his face, so like Turbo's, full of pleasure. Earlier, when I'd fucked him, it had almost been like I was living out a fantasy and fucking my frat bro.

After slurping on his knob for a few minutes, I stood up and lead him back over to the futon. I reached down for the lube and condoms I kept under it, always ready. More than once, during parties in the house, I'd led some drunk party goer, his normal inhibitions gone out the window, up here to fuck while the party raged on below us. You'd be shocked, or maybe you wouldn't, at the number of frat guys who practically begged to be fucked up the ass the minute the opportunity presents itself and they're drunk enough to go for it. So far, of course, I'd avoided sleeping with anyone in my own frat. That could lead to problems.

"Wait!" Kyle grabbed my hand as I was about to lube up my hole. "Can I... I mean, I want to get you ready. Like you did for me." He blushed, but met my eyes, his desire clearly written on his face.

"You want to rim me?" I grinned. The word seemed new to him, but he nodded eagerly. "Go for it, stud."

Kyle sank to his knees as I scooted down to give him access. Raising my legs in the air, I presented my hole to him, ready for his attention.

Kyle seemed almost mesmerized at the sight. Reaching out, he touched it lightly with a finger and then began to make slow circles around it. Finally, he bent forward and touched his tongue to my hole, tentatively at first.

"Oh, yeah," I encouraged softly, touching the back of his head.

Kyle went to work eagerly, licking and tongue fucking my hole as I'd done for him. He clearly had just discovered a passion for rimming that I suspected would last a lifetime.

"Mmm, yeah, you're driving me crazy!" I said after several minutes. "You've got to fuck me."

Kyle pulled back, looking slightly reluctant to stop, but when I lowered my legs and sat up, reaching down for his throbbing cock, the reluctance fled. I quickly put a condom on his dick, noting as I did so that the two brothers were pretty similar in this department as well. I'd see Turbo's hard cock, along with all our fellow pledges, during initiation.

Squeezing on some lube, I gave him a few strokes and then leaned back again. "Go for it, dude."

Kyle looked a bit nervous, but still plenty eager. He reached down and lifted my legs up onto his shoulders, as I'd done earlier with him, and then I felt his dick pressing against my hole.

As he pressed himself inside me, he made eye contact and asked "Is my dick as big as my brother's" Was he reading my mind? I wondered.

"About the same," I said with a moan as his dick made first contact with just the right spot. "But you should know. You saw him getting sucked off."

"He was only 14, it's probably gotten bigger," Kyle said, closing his eyes in concentration as he thrust in and out of me. "Do you think he's hot?"


"Yeah, Nick. My brother. Do you think he's hot?" Kyle's breathing was getting ragged and I realized that he'd already lasted much longer than most guys do their first time.

"He's a fucking stud. So are you. Why? Do you dig your brother, Kyle?"

His eyes flew open, looking slightly panicked. "I-"

"Do you fantasize about him? Jerk your cock off at night in bed, remembering what his dick looked like in that girl's mouth?"

"Ahhh!" Kyle scrunched up his face and fell forward onto me as he shot his load, my talk apparently pushing him over the edge.

I kissed him lightly on the side of the face. "You're so fucking hot."

He raised his head and looked into my eyes. "I do. I fantasize about Nick sometimes. I know it's wrong, but..."

"It's not wrong. It's just a fantasy. I bet you have tons of them," I smiled.

"I do. About you. About Bailey. About half the guys in this house!" Kyle laughed suddenly, looking incredibly happy.

"Bailey again, huh?" I asked, remembering his excitement when he'd found out Bailey had lost the circle jerk contest.

"I saw him naked once," Kyle confessed, a gleam in his eye. "I practically killed myself running home so i could jerk off!"

I just smiled. Kyle looked at me quizzically. "Do you think he might be into this stuff, to? I mean, I never would have thought you were until today."

"I think half the guys in this house are closet cases, if you want the truth," I told him. "The frat system attracts them."

"Your dick is really hard," Kyle suddenly pointed out, a none too subtle reminder of my earlier promise to fuck him after he'd fucked me.

I laughed and kissed him. "You want it again?"

"Yeah. Can I.. can I be on top?" He was certainly working past his shyness!

"Hell yeah," I smiled.

I quickly put on a condom and Kyle moved into position, he knees planted on either side of me as he faced me and prepared to sink down on my cock.

"Do you think my brother is one of the closet cases?" Kyle asked, just as the head of my dick pushed it's way inside of him.

"You like asking questions during sex, don't you?" I said, intent on the task at hand as Kyle began sliding up and down on my rod.

"Do you?"

"Like asking questions during sex?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Think..oh.... think my brother is a closet case?"

"I don't know. He sure likes hearing about my sex life," I said. "And you sure like thinking about him while you're getting fucked."

"I wish he'd walked in and found you with your dick up my ass," Kyle said suddenly.

"What would you have done?" I asked, getting into the spirit.

"Sucked his dick," Kyle gasped, his face flushed.

"You'd swallow your brother's load, wouldn't you?" I asked, feeling myself drawing closer to the edge.

"Yes," Kyle moaned.

"Turbo and I would take turns fucking you," I panted. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"


"Maybe you'd like to see me fuck him. See him beg for my cock?" I was almost there.

"Oh God.."

"You'd eat his tight little hole, wouldn't you? Bury your face in your brother's ass and stick your tongue inside him?"

"Yes!" Kyle groaned as he shot his third load of the after noon all over me.

I followed less than ten seconds later, filling the condom buried up his ass.

"You are one hot fuck," I gasped.

"You can say that again." I turned my head in surprise and not a little terror at the sound of another voice in the room as Kyle gasped in shock.

"Guess you forgot to lock the door after you lied to Turbo. He came down bragging that you were banging some babe up here, but I knew you'd come up here with his brother. And I'm not as naive as he is, I guess. So, this is a very interesting situation, gentleman. I think we need to talk."

Kyle was still on my lap, my dick up his ass. We glanced at each other and then turned our attention back to Bailey, who was still shirtless and wearing only a rather skimpy pair of shorts, his usual basketball attire.

"What do you want?"

** So, my next chapter, if people like this one, will probably be from Bailey's point of view.

Next: Chapter 3

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