My Brothers Frat Brother

By Xander Harris

Published on Aug 23, 2006


Well, here's part 5! Send any comments or thoughts to

I was getting kind of worried about Kyle. I'd spotted my mom's car outside the house earlier in the day when I got back from taking care of some business at the library and Bailey, one of my frat brothers, told me my little bro had stopped by in it.

He probably just wanted to show off the fact that he could drive legally now, and I felt bad that I hadn't been at his birthday dinner the night before.

But where the hell was he? He'd supposedly gone upstairs with Wes and then headed out when Wes got a booty call, but I'd just walked over to the Student Union and checked out the rec room there and any other place I thought he might be and there was no sign of him. I figured I probably missed him somehow and he'd be gone by the time I got back to the house, but the car was still there.

I headed back inside the house, wondering if he might have gone up to wait for me in my room. It was probably stupid to worry, it's not like he's a little kid or anything. But I've always felt kind of protective of him. I watch his back. He's kind of a smart, sensitive sort of guy. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's no pussy. I just always made sure that no one gave him a hard time for not fitting in with the jock squad. I think he could totally hold his own in a fight, but I still let it be known that anyone messing with him would be messing with me.

Now that I was in college, I didn't get to see him all that much, even though I still lived close. He'd visited the house a few times and I'd tried to make him feel welcome there, but he always seemed really uncomfortable hanging out with the guys. Kyle is the kind of guy who is going to get straight A's in college and avoid the whole frat thing. I respect that. He got the brains in the family. Me, I'm in college because I want to get a good job someday, but what I really care about right now is partying and getting laid.

I headed up the back stairs from the kitchen and checked my room, but it was empty. Where the fuck could Kyle be?

Maybe he'd said something more specific to Wes about where he was going. The stud had to be done banging his chick by now.

My hand was literally raised to knock on the door when I heard someone call out "Turbo", which is what the bros in the house all call me, so I just opened the door and walked inside.

"Someone call me?" Even before the words were completely out of my mouth, I was freezing up with shock. It was one of those things that your mind sees, but doesn't really process right away, just because it's so fucking out there.

Kyle...Bailey......Wes. What the fuck?!

I was standing there, one hand still on the doorknob, totally numb.

"Turbo...shit....." Wes let go of Bailey's blond hair, which he'd been clutching in his fist and stepped back, his hard dick sticking straight out in front of him, all wet with Bailey's slobber. I saw this, and took it in, but still couldn't quite believe it.

"Nick! I'm..." Kyle looked almost sick with shock, though his face and body were flushed from the sex and glistening with sweat, his brown hair soaked with it. His dick was up Bailey's ass and he was still thrusting back and forth slowly, though he stopped a few seconds after my arrival.

My little brother was fucking a guy. A guy that I'd fucked not too long ago.

I watched as he pulled out of Bailey and looked around frantically for something to cover up with. Some part of my brain noted that he had a condom on and had already shot a load in it.

"Turbo? Are you okay?" Wes was looking at me funny as he struggled to pull up a pair of black boxer briefs over his hard cock.

How long had I been standing there in the doorway, my mouth hanging open, staring at the three of them blankly? Probably only thirty seconds, but it felt like I hadn't moved in about an hour. Wes's question broke the spell, though.

I felt a sudden surge of fury build up inside of me. "What the fuck are you two doing with my brother?" I slammed the door and moved towards them.

"Turbo, it just sort of happened, man."

"Is that the best you can do, Wes? It just sort of happened?"

"What do you want me to say, man?"

I suddenly remembered knocking on the door earlier, the flushed look on Wes's face, the smell of sex in the room. "Oh, fuck. Is this the chick who was dripping wet for you? My fucking BROTHER? And what, were you going to give me all the details later, Wes, like you always do? Fill me in on every moan and every word and never let on that it was Kyle?"

Bailey stood up and reached for his shorts, catching my attention. "And you! I should have know that if there was a dick anywhere in sight you'd be bent over in front of it!"

"Fuck you!"

"No, Bailey, obviously it's YOUR day to be fucked. But when isn't it?"

"Wes is the one who's fucked just about every guy on this campus, Turbo. He's run out of fags here, so he had to go out and recruit your little brother! You should have heard them earlier, when Wes was popping Kyle's cherry."

"You're dead!"

"Nick! Please! Listen!" Kyle grabbed my arm just as I lunged for Bailey.

"Kyle let go!" I easily shook him off and turned towards Wes and Bailey. "You were supposed to be my friends, my brothers. How the fuck could you? You took advantage of my little brother!"


"I'll fucking kill you!"

I was about to tackle Wes when Kyle threw himself around my waist and took me down. If it hadn't been such an intense moment, I would have been proud of the little shit. Not bad for someone who's just on the swim team.

"Nick, stop! Listen to me! I wanted to do this, okay? I'm gay Nick! I'm gay!" Kyle's words somehow penetrated the haze of my anger.

"You're... no. Kyle, you're confused. These two have been messing with your head."

"Nick, no. I've known I was gay for a really long time. And I wanted to be with Wes today. I've fantasized about it ever since I met him. It was like a dream come true!"

"Kyle... I don't... you're gay? Are you sure? I mean, just because you're attracted to one guy doesn't mean-"

"Yes, I'm sure. I've always been sure, even though I couldn't put it into words before today. I'm sorry, Nick, but you can't be mad at Wes for this. No one took advantage of me. I wanted this so much."

I stared at my brother, not sure what to say.

"Nick, you do have every right to be mad at me about Bailey, but I never would have done anything with him if I'd known the two of you were together," Kyle said, reaching out to touch my arm. "You have to believe that."

Oh, shit.

I was taking this human sexuality class this term and a couple of weeks ago, the Prof discussed was this scale thing. See, the thing is, we're all supposedly on this scale somewhere, and there really isn't a 'gay' or 'straight' point for most people. We're all, like, fluid, you know? Most people end up clinging to one or the other side and denying anything they feel that's not in tune with what they identify themselves as.

But really, we're all sort of bisexual. A lot of people who identify as straight have had same sex experiences or at least attractions. That's what we discussed in class, anyway. All the guys in the class groaned and protested the idea that they'd ever been attracted to other dudes, but inside I felt incredibly relieved.

See, the thing is, I really like women. I always have. I had my first girlfriend when I was fourteen, and we moved pretty fast. We were going down on each other about two weeks after we started dating, and the first time we fucked was on our 'three month anniversary', as she called it.

I loved it. I loved everything about it. I loved playing with her tits, I loved eating her out, I loved the sex.

So it never crossed my mind that I was anything but straight. Why would it?

But something had happened between Bailey and me that had been really worrying me until I heard about this scale thing.

See, about a month ago, we had this kick ass party here in the house. I'd invited this chick I'd been working on from one of my classes, but she turned out to be a total prude. I got nowhere with her all night, so I just went ahead and got wasted.

I was doing some shots with Bailey and next thing I knew, we'd gone up to my room with a bottle. We were just totally shit faced drunk, laughing our asses off at stupid shit. Then, Bailey gets up and starts prancing around the room, imitating the chick who'd shot me down, making fun of what a tight ass prude she was.

It all started out as a joke. Bailey was being her and I jumped up and grabbed him and said something stupid like "Fuck that, bitch, you just need a real man to show you how to loosen up."

I pushed him down on his knees and grabbed my dick through my shorts and shook it back and forth in 'her' face. "Big Nicky here would loosen that tight ass right up, baby."

Suddenly Bailey was just looking up at me with this hunger in his eyes. I don't know how else to describe it.

"You're hard." His voice wasn't much more than a whisper. I looked down at the tent in my shorts, which I was still holding in my hands.

"Yeah, guess so. But a tight ass little bitch like you wouldn't know what to do with a cock like mine," I intended it to sound funny, to continue with the joke. I really did. But it didn't come out that way, and Bailey heard the lust in my voice as clearly as I did.

"I can think of a few things," Bailey whispered. Before I could even think of something to say back, he was undoing my shorts and pulling them down, along with my briefs. I was standing there, in front of my frat bro, naked from the waist down, and my dick was rock hard.

"What are you doing?"


Bailey wrapped his lips around my cock and I moaned, pushing forward without even thinking about it. He started sucking and I grabbed a hold of his blond head and pushed my dick even further into his mouth, until he pulled back, making gagging noises.

"I can't take all of it......"

"Shut up. Suck it." I pulled him forward and pushed my dick in to the hilt, then slid back out. I quickly built up a rhythm, pounding back and forth as I fucked his face.

"Fuck yeah. Take it you tight assed little bitch. Think you're too good for me? Who's your daddy now, bitch?"

I had my eyes closed, and even though I knew it was Bailey who was down there moaning and slobbering on my knob, I had an image of the girl from the party in mind.

I tensed up and shot my load without any warning to Bailey. I heard him choking on the sudden load of cum that was flooding into his mouth and down his throat. "That's right, swallow my load, bitch. Fuck yeah."

I pulled out of his mouth and fell back on the futon, feeling dazed. Did I really just get a blow job from another guy? From one of my frat bros, no less? I looked down at Bailey, who was still kneeling on the floor. He had his own dick out of his shorts and was pumping away at it as he looked up at me. I could see some of my cum on the corner of his mouth, but the rest of it had been swallowed.

For some reason, the sight just turned me on even more and I was almost instantly hard again. That's the thing about me, I always shoot a load really quick the first time, but I can get hard again almost right away and go for a long time before cumming again. I don't know why, I've just always been that way.

Looking down at this blond guy with the sort of amazing body that most guys would kill to have, watching him as he jerked himself off in such a submissive position, knowing he'd just sucked my dick, I just suddenly wanted him.

"I'm going to fuck you. You want it, don't you?" I asked standing up again.

Bailey nodded, his eyes practically glazed over with lust. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up. Swinging him around, I pushed him face down over my desk and pulled his cheeks apart, staring down at his pink asshole. I'd fucked a few women in the ass, and his looked pretty much the same, only it was surrounded with little tufts of blond hair.

I spat into my hand and rubbed it on my dick and then spat again onto his asshole. "Tell me you want it."

"Fuck me, Turbo. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" Bailey moaned.

I pressed the head of my dick up against his hole and shoved it inside. I heard Bailey cry out, but I was lost in sensation. Like I said, I'd fucked a few girls up the ass, but it had never felt quite this good.

"Oh, yeah. Your ass is so fuckin' tight Bailey," I began to pound back and forth.

"Fuck me," Bailey grunted, as he began to utter a steady stream of pleas to be fucked harder.

I pounded his ass for a good solid half hour, probably. I could have gone much longer, but he suddenly shot his own load (all over my fucking history paper, by the way!) and his ass tightened around my dick so sweetly that it just sort of milked me dry.

"I'm fucking cumming," I grunted as I shot off my second load of the night. I pulled out shortly afterwards, cleaned myself off, and fell face forward on my futon.

Next thing I knew, light was streaming into the room and it was about one pm the next afternoon. What had happened came back to me right away.

I made a dash for the bathroom and got sick, after which I took a long shower and contemplated what had happened. It freaked me out that I'd fucked a guy. It also scared the hell out of me that, in my drunken state, I hadn't used a condom. No wonder it had felt so much better than any of the times I'd fucked a woman up the ass. I'd never done it bare before. What a fucking stupid thing to do!

I didn't see Bailey again until the next day. I'd already decided to act like I didn't remember anything. I could tell he was disappointed. Unlike me, the guy was obviously gay and more than eager for another round with Big Nicky.

I'd been a mess for a few weeks, but then we got to that whole scale thing in human sexuality and I put it behind me. I'm what I'd term a straight guy, but I'd had one fling with another dude. I could accept that some part of me had wanted it that night. And maybe I'd want it again sometime, with some other dude. I didn't think I would, but you never know. No use freaking out over it.

It was still uncomfortable as hell being around Bailey, of course, but I'd done my best to avoid him when possible and I thought things were getting better. Until I found my brother with his dick up Bailey's ass.

"What... together?....Bailey...." I stammered, looking from my brother to Bailey and back again. "He told you we were together? Like a couple?"

"I never said-"

"Shut up, Bailey!" I could gladly have pounded his face in at that point.

"Nick, it's okay. He didn't mean to, it just sort of came out when I was... I mean, when we...." Kyle blushed and looked over at Wes, who took it as his cue to jump in.

"Turbo, listen. It was my fault. I was messing around with Bailey, and I made him admit he'd been fucked before, and then I made him tell us by who. I never thought..."

"Okay, listen. Let's get one thing clear, okay? Bailey and are aren't 'together'. We fooled around one time. We were both drunk. I... yeah, I fucked him. I can admit that. I wanted to fuck him, so I did. But I'm not gay."

I saw Wes and Kyle exchange looks and easily read what they were thinking. "No, I'm not a closet case in denial. I really like women. Obviously, some small part of me is bi curious, but that's as far as it goes."

"Oh." Kyle looked disappointed. I guess he'd felt less alone for a few minutes, maybe, thinking he wasn't the only gay one in the family?

"Listen, Kyle. It's cool. You're gay, I'm cool with that. But these guys... they're too old for you. You're going to get hurt."

"Turbo, no one wants Kyle to get hurt," Wes said.

"Fuck this shit. Did you fucking fags put something in my drink, or what?" Bailey was suddenly storming towards the door. "I'm NOT a fag. I'm not gay or bi curious or whatever the hell you guys want to call yourselves. I'm straight. And if any of you say anything about what happened in here, I'll fuckin' kill you!"

"There's the post-coital closet case rage coming through, loud and clear," Wes laughed. "You'll be a lot happier if you just admit who you are and what you want, man."

"Oh, so I can be a freak like you, Wes? Or like Kyle here, who wants his own brother to fuck him? I don't think so." Bailey slammed the door behind him as he left.

I turned towards Kyle, my mouth once again dropping open in shock. My little brother looked back at me, panic on his face.

"You want me to fuck you?"

"I- Nick, he... oh, God." Kyle walked across the room and sat down at Wes's desk, putting his head down. I stared at him in shock.

"Turbo, listen. It was just hot talk. You know? Just a sort of horny, kinky, in the moment thing. It doesn't mean anything. If anything, it's my fault. I get off on getting guys to admit secret desires that-"

Wes stopped talking and closed his eyes. "Shit. I didn't mean-"

"Kyle?" My brother still had his head down on the desk.

"Turbo, listen, if you just gave us a few minutes to talk-"

"Kyle?" I ignored Wes. "Look at me."

"I can't."

"Why? Listen, I just saw you in a gay threesome. What can we have to be embarrassed about after that?" I kept my tone light.

Kyle raised his head and looked at me, something like a smile on his face. "I guess it was only fair, after I caught you with Michelle that time."

I laughed, remembering how pissed I'd been to have that blow job- only my second ever- interupted by my bratty younger brother. "Yeah. At least you got to cum first."

"Nick, ever since that day, I've fantasized about you. I'm sorry, I know it probably grosses you out, but it's true. It doesn't have to mean anything, okay? It's just, I'm gay, and you're really hot."

"Well, I am hot. You're right about that. And, hey, I can't really blame you for wanting me after you'd seen Big Nicky here in action," I grinned at him, pointing to my crotch.

"Do you think you'd ever want to be with a guy again? I mean, was it really just a one time thing?"

"I don't know, Kyle. I really do like women. But it happened once, so I can't say it never will again. But not with you. You're my little brother. It just wouldn't feel right."

Kyle nodded and looked down at his feet. I felt bad, wishing there was something I could say to make him feel better.

"Well, I know that I want it to happen again for me. Four times isn't nearly enough!" Kyle suddenly looked up at me with a grin on his face.

"FOUR times?" I looked from him over to Wes, who also had a big smile on his face, and back again.

"What can I say? I'm a stud. It must run in the family."

"So, wait. How many times did you fuck Bailey?"

"Just the once."

"So you fucked Wes three times? Are you sure you can walk straight, Wes?"

"Actually.... he fucked me twice. I only fucked him once."

"Oh." I felt my face flush. This was so weird! But it also felt good, in a way, being so open with Kyle.

"I think I'm mostly a bottom, actually."


"Sorry, Turbo, but I love getting fucked! You should try it next time you get bi curious," Kyle laughed, punching me on the arm.

"You just called me Turbo."

"I know. So, did you shoot your load in Bailey as fast as you shot it on that pizza?"

"Kyle! Damn it, Wes, did you have to tell him that?"

"Hey, there are no secrets among brothers."

"Uh, yeah. Except that you're gay, and Bailey's gay, and I'm bi curious. Anyone else I should know about?"

The three of us got quiet after that, one of those sudden silences that become awkward fast.

"So... um..."


"I guess...."

"Kyle, you're hard again," Wes suddenly asked. Without thinking, I looked at my brother's skimpy boxers, which were tented out pretty impressivley.

"Sorry. I was just sort of reliving this afternoon in my head," Kyle smiled.

I suddenly became aware of some serious looks flying back and forth between the two of them, and stole a glance at Wes's boxer briefs, which were also beginning to tent out pretty noticeably.

"Um... you guys? I'm right here."

"Kyle, what's your second biggest fantasy, aside from being with your brother?" Wes asked.

Kyle looked me directly in the eyes as he responded to Wes. "Either watching him with another guy, or having him watch me with another guy."

I felt my cock begin to stir when Kyle said that. The idea of being with him myself did nothing for me, but for some reason, the idea of watching him with Wes, which just twenty minutes ago would have had me ready to kill Wes, was now turning me on.

"What do you say, Turbo? Want to make at least one of your brother's fantasies come true?"

I looked back and forth between them, my mouth suddenly dry.

"Please, Nick. I want you to watch Wes fuck me. It would be so hot, knowing you were watching, and sharing in that. Please."

"You're getting hard, Turbo."

"Okay," I was barely able to do more than whisper the word. "I'll watch."

Kyle stood up and moved towards Wes, the tent in his boxer's leading the way.

"Wait!" Wes moved across the room and turned the lock on the door. "No interuptions this time."

Next: Chapter 6

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