My Brothers Hot Basketball Teammate

By Bennett Tan

Published on Aug 25, 2021


The following is a fictional story involving sexual acts of consenting individuals. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story plot and characters are all from the author's imagination. If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material or reside in a location where it is illegal to do so, please stop reading further.

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Chapter 2: Dominate me

The blinding sunlight seeping through the slit of the curtain brought me back from my peaceful slumber. I stretched my arms outward as I tried to shake off the remaining sleep from my body.

I slowly fluttered my eyes open, revealing a still soundly asleep Joss in front of me. None of it was a dream.

I scoured and molested his barely covered unconscious body with my eyes. Every breath he took made his muscles every slightly shift, enticing me to inch closer and just lasciviously drag my wet tongue over every edge, every ripple of his chiseled figure.

I looked further down and an audible gasp escaped my mouth as I saw half of his huge and fully erect cock was exposed above the flaps of Ashton's sorry excuse for a boxer shorts. His flaring head was perched angrily against his navel, connected to the thickest and smoothest shaft that I thought only existed in porn.

His thickness stirred my horniness to another level to the point that I actually considered taking the risk of touching it or even tasting it while we're at it. I don't know for how long I was ogling his massive package, but I felt half of my soul leave my body when our eyes connected.

I turned my head away in a snap, immediately feeling the blood and heat rush to my cheeks.

"Morning, dude...", he whispered in a throaty voice.

"Morning, Joss.", I replied. We were enveloped with uncomfortable silence for a while. I dared to look at him again and his eyes were once again shut.

He looked unreal. I took a few moments to appreciate his angelic face when he suddenly caught my eyes staring at him shamelessly, and I just know that I probably looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"It's past 7, Joss... You still have to go home, so you should get up now or you'll be late.", I reminded him.

He didn't budge, so I attempted to get up from the bed before he pinned me down by my chest.

"I'm still sleepy... Can't drive while still sleepy...", he gruffly whispered before he was yet again, fast asleep.

He wasn't acting weird or iffy so it didn't seem like he remembered anything that happened last night. I could still faintly remember the feeling of his thick member against the plumpness of my backside, pressing forward and back hungrily. Fuck.

He eventually woke up and took off after a few moments. He picked me up on the way to school, and it was yet another turning point for our friendship. He gradually became more and more intimate towards me, way more intimate than he would allow himself to act in front of his friends, and it's giving me weird signals in my head.

Whenever he went over to our house, or Ashton and I went over to his, he would playfully hug me randomly, especially when Ashton wasn't around. It didn't matter if we were just hanging out or playing a random game on his console. He would lift me off the couch and make me sit on his lap. He would then rest his chin on my shoulder, sending crazy tingles from the spot whenever his aftershave stubble would gently prick my raw and sensitive skin.

It took me out of focus every single time, and he just loved seeing my nervous reaction.

We were watching a movie one time in our living room and Ashton went to bed ahead because he was tired from training. I was actually invested in what we were watching until Joss pulled me towards him and my head was perched against the side of his hard pecs. His arm snaked around my back as his hand rested on the area just above my hip. He absentmindedly rubbed his palm against my skin and tapped his fingers repeatedly on it.

All of a sudden, I forgot about the movie. I forgot why Joss was even here in the first place, and all I could think about was the steady rhythm his fingers made as they glided against my skin.

"You smell so good, Leo...", he whispered in a gruff voice. I sank the side of my face further against his body to conceal my probably red as a beet face.

There were also moments when he would "kiss" me in a teasing manner. We were playing Left 4 Dead in his house, and Ashton and Tomas were sitting on the single sofa closer to the TV, their focus completely on the game, while Joss and I were squeezed together in one corner of the wider sofa. He would purposely die in the game so he could bend towards me and subtly angle his face towards the crook of my neck, barely grazing his lips against my skin. The feeling is ethereal, almost ghostly, as if I couldn't figure out if he was actually kissing me or I'm just overly sensitive.

I let out an unsolicited whimper, and he smirked at my reaction. He proceeded to aggressively nuzzle his nose against the base of my neck and whiffed in hard, taking my scent in like a maniac. He pulled away.

"You smell like a baby...", he teased. He wasn't fazed with whatever he was doing even if Ashton and Tomas were within hearing distance.

These seemingly small things he does made me crazy, but the worst ones yet were when he would openly stare at me with all the love in the world in his eyes. He loved getting a reaction from me, and I couldn't stop it because it was a reflex on my part.

During random times when we were talking, he would completely give me his focus, staring deep into my eyes and looking at me like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. I would usually get lost in my train of thought and there were even times when I stuttered so hard that I had to stop talking altogether. He grins over his effect on me, and it made me realize more and more how crazy he was about asserting dominance.

I noticed it way before, but he was gradually becoming less and less subtle about it.

I was getting used to his treatment, and I woke up one day thinking about him first thing in the morning. I looked forward to seeing him, touching him, and just being around him. It was the highlight of my day, and just when I thought everything was the way I wanted it to be, his girlfriend Denise started waiting for him in the gym every afternoon.

His teammates, including Ashton, were also very friendly towards Denise, and I could feel that she was a really nice girl. For a while, it was just me and Ashton grabbing dinner together, and it felt like there was a gaping hole in my heart. Something was missing. My mind would helplessly wander to what they could possibly be doing, considering the fact that his dreams when we slept together for the first time were of his girlfriend Denise.

It was all irrational. I never had any right to be jealous and I never will, but it's harsh for him to make me cling to a non-existent hope that by the smallest fraction of chances, he might be able to reciprocate what I felt for him, but I reckoned that at some point in time, I had to wake up from this dream. I was in too deep, but I knew I had to cut these feelings that I kept nurturing before it was too late.

I stopped going to the gym after my training altogether. I made it a point to get out of the tennis court right after training was done to either eat out with my other friends or grab dinner alone and take the bus home. I wouldn't be able to move on if I were to see him every single day, and it's a small sacrifice I'm willing to take.

It wasn't easy, however. Ashton began asking questions, but I was able to convince him that I was just extremely busy with schoolwork with all the upcoming examinations, and he thankfully let it go. After about a couple of days, Joss left me a message from his Instagram.

"Hey, Leo. You haven't been around lately? Hope everything's okay."

"Hey man. Sorry about that, I was busy studying for exams. :("

"That sucks. Let me know if you're down to study together sometime then? Miss you, man."

I waited for a few minutes before replying, just to make sure that he won't reply back. Frankly, I didn't know how to respond to his last message.

"Sure. See you around!"

I stopped hanging out with their group after that. I practically avoided them like the plague. It was a gloomy Friday afternoon and it had been almost a week since I last saw Josiah, and I was about to head out from the tennis court when I spotted him waiting just outside the gate. There's no other way out of the court, so it would be pointless to avoid him. I tried anyway. I pretended to look at my phone and angled my front away from him as I passed him.

"Hey, Leo!", he called. I faced him and he looked so dapper and fresh. It was as if every progress I thought I made of moving on from him crumbled to nothingness.

"Oh, hey joss. What are you doing here? Finished early?", I acted as best as I could to make it seem like everything was normal.

"Yup. I asked coach to let me off early today.", he said. I nodded.

"Why? Are you sick?", I asked. He ignored my question.

"I haven't seen you in a week now. I missed you..." he whispered in a low voice. A warm feeling emanated from my chest and enveloped my entire body as my hair began to rise. I looked at the ground.

"Why'd you stop going to the gym?", he asked blankly.

"Sorry. I've been busy with school work, you know with all the exams...", I said.

He approached me and casually slung his arm around my neck pulling me against him, and once again trapping me under his suffocating heat. His mellow yet intoxicating scent was a combination of his cologne and musk, wafting in my nose and driving me crazy.

"Wanna catch up over dinner?", he asked.

"Uhh.. Maybe next time? I have to meet up with my friends later, sorry.", I said. I could see him looking at me but I kept staring straight ahead. He stopped right on his tracks, forcing me to stop as well.

"Leo. Why are you avoiding me?", his voice was stern and commanding.

"Huh.. Why would I do that?", I feigned ignorance as I tried my best to compose myself and still stare straight ahead. He was having none of it though, so I eventually had to look up at him to assure him that everything was okay.

"I've just been really busy with school... I swear.", I lied. His eyes scanned mine, making me instinctively look away as if his gazes burned through my lies.

"I don't like it when you lie to me.", he said. His voice was baritone, and I felt all the hairs on my body rise in danger. He stared at me disappointedly.

"I'm sorry, sir...", I whispered. He removed his arm from my neck and glided his palm from my neck down to my lower back before gently guiding me in front of his car's door.

"It's okay. Get inside the car, Leo.", he commanded.

"Yes sir.", I replied without hesitation as I climbed into his car.

He turned the engine on and for a moment, we just let the mellow background noise of the roaring engine fill the atmosphere. The dreaded moment came not long after when he turned to me and spoke.

"Now, tell me everything.", his voice was calm but was still evidently filled with venom. He was still mad. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"I -- uhh, I'm... It's really no big deal, Sir...", I whispered.

Silence. I hesitantly looked at his direction and he was just blankly staring at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I'm starting to feel things... things that I shouldn't be feeling...", I looked down.

"Go on.", he said.

I looked at him. He understood it. He knew perfectly well what I meant, but he wasn't letting me off the hook that easily.

"Joss, please...", I begged.

"Go on, Leo.", he commanded.

"I'm starting to feel things because..." I looked away. "because of you..."

He gently cupped my chin with his hand and forced me to face him, our faces now a few inches away from each other.

"What?", he asked. I bit my lip and he stared at it. My heart started beating faster as the tension in the air became almost unbearable for me.

"I like you... sir.", I whimpered.

His face was stoic, as if he hadn't heard anything he didn't already know, but his eyes shifted from my eyes to my lips lecherously.

"Why?", he asked.

"Joss... please don't do this.", I gently placed my hand around his wrist.

"I asked you a question, Leo.", he commanded. His eyes were domineering, like that of a cobra's while stalking its prey.

"You make me laugh... like all the time. You're sweet... and sometimes I forget that you're just like that and I build all of these stupid scenarios in my head and then I get hurt..."

I looked down, but his hand guided my face back to facing him.

"You're handsome... god, you're so handsome, I just-- I don't know.", I said. He swallowed to conceal a smile from escaping his lips.

"That's all?", he asked after a moment of awkward silence.

I opened my mouth and hesitated, debating whether I should say what I was about to say, so I closed it again.

"Y-Yes, sir.", I lied, instinctively looking away so he couldn't detect it in my eyes.

"You're lying again, Leo." Our eyes connect again.

"You're also unbelievably hot." I blurted out. I wanted to let him know what kind of reactions he caused me whenever we were together. I wanted him to know how much of a slut I was so he could finally be aware of the impure thoughts I was occupied with every time I was with him, so he'd be grossed out.

"I love it when you hug me. I love grinding my body against your soft and smooth torso. I'm-- I'm addicted.", I said.

"You drive me crazy whenever you make me sit on your lap and then you mechanically rub your hands all over my torso. I also can't control myself whenever you dig your nose hard against my neck. And--", I swallowed.

"You have no idea how hot and bothered you make me feel whenever you parade that thick bulge in your pants around me...", I finally admitted.

His chest heaved slightly and his eyes were now burning a hole in mine. He licked his lips.

"What do you wanna do about it?", he asked teasingly.

"I want to... I want to stay away, Joss. You have a girlfriend, you're straight, and I don't want to ruin our friendship so I'll have to deal with these feelings firs--"

"Tell me what you really want to do, Leo. I'm not going to ask again.", he spat.

I bit my lip, his eyes darted to it before going back up to meet mine. He was so close to my face that my brain felt like it was short circuiting.

"I... I want to suck your dick dry so, so bad... I want to take all of you all the way in the deepest parts of my throat... and I want nothing more than to swallow every single drop of your thick cum.", I said as I held his intense gaze.

His chest kept heaving and falling, and his other hand was adjusting the raging boner inside his shorts.

"I also dream about you putting it in...", I trailed.

"Hmm?", he urged.

"I dream about you fucking me raw and hard every night, sir... I want you to make me yours... I want you to dominate me.", I whispered before biting my lip and looking at him seductively.

Without any warning, he leaned in and pressed his lips hard against mine, crashing in a hot and heavy collision. His lips which were slightly damp and soft were supple and electrocuting to the touch as he dominated mine, trapping my lower ones hard and pulling away with force. His tongue slid against the outline of my lips and pressed forward, asking for entrance which I gladly gave. He explored my mouth, gliding against my teeth, my inner cheek, and then eventually swirling around my tongue for what seemed like hours. I was panting and out of breath, but I didn't want it all to end.

He bit my lip and pulled away slowly. He stared at me for a while, and I wanted him to kiss me again, but he pulled away and started driving away to my dismay. We were eventually on the road. The ride was silent with just the muted sound of the radio filling the air. We were nearing our street when he didn't turn and kept driving straight ahead.

"Joss, where are we going?", I asked.

"I'm giving you what you want.", he simply said without tearing his eyes away from the road.

Joss tugged me in a haste until we reached his room. The moment I closed the door behind me and locked it, he pinned me against the door with his knee between both of mine. He stretched his arm forward and planted his hand on the door above my head as he stared at me hungrily. He bent down and I instinctively closed my eyes.

I suddenly felt his strong grip under my butt, hoisting and almost launching me into the air before slinging me on his shoulder. He walked towards his bed and gently plopped me down on my back as he took his shirt off in a swift motion.

His muscular torso glistened under the afternoon sun. He crawled to the bed on all fours without ever breaking our eye contact until his face directly hovered above mine. He supported himself with his elbows as he trapped my head between his forearms while staring down at me like a predator to a prey.

He was so handsome and so hot, that I refused to believe that I was directly under him in his bed right now. The intensity of his eyes made my knees buckle, and the way his mouth slightly opened drove me to the edge. I couldn't take it anymore.

I lifted my head and tried to kiss him but he evaded.

"Joss, please...", I begged. I tried kissing him again, but he kept dodging so I gave up and laid on the bed, frustrated. I tilted my head sideways from embarrassment. He cupped my cheek and gently forced me to meet his eyes again.

"Can I please kiss you, Sir?", I asked. He smirked and licked his lips.

He pressed it against mine hungrily, nibbling and biting before invading my mouth with his slick tongue. His tongue danced around with mine before he continued nibbling on my lower lip and pulling aggressively. He pecked me swiftly on the lip and pulled away.

He held my eyes with his, showering me with intimate kisses on a regular interval and looking at me lovingly between each one.

Every kiss he pressed against my lips made my love for him grow deeper and deeper. At this point, moving on was a long shot if not impossible.

His lips slid from the corner of my lip, gliding further until he captured the tip of my jawbone. He kept traveling downwards, leaving wet smooches in his trail until he reached my collarbone. He swivelled his tongue across it before licking upwards, sliding his soft tongue against the length of my neck and reaching my earlobe.

He took it in his mouth.

"You like this, don't you?", he whispered in a low voice.

"Oh god, yes!", I exclaimed. I pulled his head harder against my face and down my neck where he nuzzled his nose before sucking hard.

"A-aaahhh, Joss! Haaahh", I moaned.

"I want -- your dick so bad...", I whimpered.

He paused momentarily before flipping the both of us on his bed so that he was now lying on his back and I was positioned on top of him. The outline of his raging dick was now trapped in the crevice of my covered ass as I sat on his crotch.

I let my hands molest his perfect body. I started rubbing his upper chest and veering down slightly just enough so I could fondle his meaty man breasts. My palms kept flicking his nipples hard, earning myself a groan from him. I delved further downwards as I memorized the outline and ridges of his chiseled abs.

I stuck my tongue out and swirled them around his nipple, flicking them sidewards repeatedly and doing the same for the other nipple. I built suction as I smooched my way downwards before tracing the ridges of his abs with my tongue, eventually reaching his navel where I dug deeply.

I then kissed his treasure trail and ventured downwards until I reached the flap of gym shorts. I felt his angry cock pointing and prodding against my throat as I positioned myself better. I looked up at him and his eyes were foreign, almost looking feral with lust. He bucked his hips forward when he noticed that I wasn't moving, letting me know how hard and impatient he was.

I pressed my face hard against his still covered member, cramming my cheek hard against the flesh and letting it slide past my nose from side to side. His manly musk along with the slight pulsation of his thick dick almost drove me wild. I kissed the topside of the base of his still covered dick and worked my way downwards until I reached the area just below his dickhead.

His head was throbbing in anticipation. I wrapped, or better yet tried to wrap my hand around his shaft guiding his dick towards my mouth before I enveloped it with my lips.

He scrunched his eyes shut and threw his head back after I swirled my tongue aggressively around his sensitive head. He tried his hardest to suppress his moans, but the sensation was just too much for him.

I dug my fingers between the flap of his shorts and his skin, and I was about to remove his shorts when he stopped me with his hands.

"Tell me how much you want it, Leo.", he commanded.

"Please, sir... I can't take this anymore. I desperately need you to fuck my mouth with your huge cock...", I begged.

"You're a good boy, Leo...", he hoarsely whispered. He lifted his hip to help me as I swiftly removed his shorts and his red plaid boxer shorts surfaced. I could see a clear wet spot on his boxers where the tip of his dick was and I immediately licked and wrapped my lips around him. The salty taste of Joss attacked me, and our eyes connected. His mouth was now agape and his brows were creased upwards in the center as he watched me slightly bob my head up and down his still concealed dick.

"Fuck! Leo, stop teasing me.", he said.

I removed his boxers and his raging dick slapped his stomach in a loud thud before standing upright mightily. I knew he was huge, but seeing it up close was an entirely different scenery altoggether. The head had a perfect soft pink color, and his shaft had an amazing girth and length. It was the most beautiful cock I've ever seen. I took my precious time admiring it.

I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock. As expected, my fingertips were still pretty far apart as it was just that thick. I looked at him and he gave me a sly smirk.

"All yours, buddy.", he winked.

I started stroking him slowly, starting from the base and working my way upwards until my hands enveloped his shaft in the area just below the head. I repeated the stroke with both of my hands and it looked as if I was milking and squeezing the cum out of his dick.

I could feel the vein running along the topside of his dick and it was unbelievably sexy to the touch. I wrapped both my hands on his shaft, one on top of the other, as I started really getting into the handjob. I twisted my hands in opposite directions while building pressure until he started leaking an ample amount of his sticky precum.

I spread the liquid around his entire head with my palm in a circular motion, rubbing and massaging which made him arch his back in pleasure.

After a while, I held the base of his thick member and dug my chin against his thigh just beside his dick and I slapped his raging member hard against my cheek over and over. He looked so turned on that it made me impossibly hornier myself.

I shifted on the bed, positioning myself so that I was kneeling between both of his knees as I held the base of his dick and pointed it upwards. I bent forwards and hovered my mouth just above his perfect cock while looking at Joss's impatient face.

"Suck it, Leo.", he ordered.

I gave it a soft kiss on the tip, gradually opening my mouth as I pressed my face downwards and took more and more of him in. I wrapped my soft lips around his girth until his entire head was perfectly filling the void in my mouth. Just the head of his dick was almost enough to fill my orifice.

His head was thrown back, and he kept murmuring from the pleasure. I stayed still for a while before I let my hands molest and explore his delicious body. I rubbed his thigh and worked my way upwards to his abs, and then finally to his chest.

I started swirling my tongue around his sensitive head, gradually picking up speed until he began involuntarily bucking his hips forward. I was consumed with lust.

After a few moments, his heavy hand found its way to the back of my head, pressing and pulling me to take him deeper into my throat. I did as he pleased and took more and more of him in, feeling the smooth texture of his skin against my soft and damp lips. Before I was able to even reach halfway through his length, the tip of his dick was already kissing the back of my throat.

I didn't move for a while until he looked down and our eyes met. I wanted him to witness what I was about to do, and I wanted his full attention.

I ventured further and further slowly, his dick lodging forwards deeper into my throat by the second until my nose kissed the soft tufts of his pubes.

"Holy fucking shit!!", he groaned. He placed his hands under his head as he threw his head back, and his chest heaved and fell from the pleasure.

I hummed, making him feel the vibration of my throat.

"Fuck!", he cussed as his hips spasmed and bucked forward. I pulled away ever so slowly, making sure to accentuate the popping sound as my lips let go of his head.

"Leo, where the fuck did you learn that?", he asked. I smirked and took him back in my mouth. He supported himself by his elbows, lifting his back slightly from the bed to watch me do the deed.

I slowly took him back in until I reached half of his length. I then grabbed the base of his cock with my hands, again one on top of the other, and started jerking off the lower half of his dick at a fast pace. I didn't take my eyes off of him the entire time.

I kept on bobbing my head up and down his length as if my life depended on it, gradually tightening the constriction of my lips and building suction. His hips would involuntarily buck forwards every now and then, and his gruff moans filled the air of his room.

His thighs wildly tensed whenever he tried to suppress his climax, and I knew instantly that he was about to shoot.

As I built up the speed of my thrusts, I started twisting my head along with it as his thickness torpedoed my throat over and over again.

"Ahhh! Haaaahh... Leo, I'm close... Haaahh!", he moaned.

I didn't stop or slow down. I carried on with the pace, bobbing my head with fervor as I continued to pump his lower cock with both of my hands.

"Shit! I'm cumming... Haahhh! Cumming!!", he grunted.

He pulled my head against his crotch in a sudden motion, abruptly ramming his entire length back in the deepest part of my throat for the last time as I felt his dick fatten momentarily before spewing thick spurts of cum down my throat and covering my insides with his warmth. His load was so ample that a huge chunk of it flowed back into my mouth and spilled out of it.

He kept pulling his cock and ramming it back as he still wasn't done releasing ropes of his cum into me.

His throaty moans were music to my ears. I was able to swallow most of his load, and about a minute after, our eyes connected.

"Holy shit, Leo!"

Tell me what you think about the second chapter! Your comments and feedback are what drives me to write more:

Next: Chapter 3

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