My Debate Partner

By Joel

Published on May 7, 2000


Chapter Seven

I can't say that I enjoy roller coasters. Although they stimulate all of your senses at once with their rocket-like speed and alternating highs and lows, they sometimes leave you feeling numb at the end.

I was numb from the emotional roller coaster I had been on for the last 24 hours with my Debate partner, David McAndrew. In that brief span of only a single day, David and I had gone from flirting with our sexual attraction to admitting our feelings for one another. I had my first complete sexual experience with anyone - ever, and I had felt the most incredible physical and emotional joy imaginable. Then, I almost got caught in the arms of my male lover by my favorite teacher, who was furious at me for being late to the first important tournament of our season. We had done superbly well in the morning rounds, only to have been defeated in the afternoon by a team of mean-spirited snobs. And, then, I was back up top of the world when David and I held each other in a darkened corner of a strange school, and he had called me his boyfriend.

The numbness set in as I shifted back to pretending that David was just my Sophomore Debate partner. We headed back to the cafeteria for the awards program where our defeat would become known to our closest friends.

It didn't help my need for a little equilibrium that there was a sense of excitement in the room as David and I entered and found our teammates. Everyone seemed to know that this tournament would set the stage for the State Championships in December. Favorites for that competition were about to be identified, and the coaches seemed just as keyed-up as the Debaters. David and I had spent so much time holding each other in a remote part of the building that the awards were ready to be handed out when we finally arrived.

"How'd it go with Kettering?" Jim asked. David and I looked at each other and then looked back at our group. We just shook our heads to communicate our loss. "I blew it." David said.

We didn't have time to ask about Jim's and Sara's battle with the geeks. And we knew nothing of how the Junior Varsity had faired any part of the day. The audience was asked to be quiet as an official climbed the stairs of the makeshift platform stage.

We didn't take any awards, although we later found out that our Varsity team had a 5-1 record. Jim and Sara were undefeated, and David and I had only lost to Kettering, who took first place honors at the tournament Two other Varsity teams also had 5-1 records, and they beat us on the speaker points that had broken the ties. Although our morning scores were top flight, the judge in our final round was not generous in handing out speaker points to us. He had even written some nasty comments about better preparation and learning to withstand pressure. We finished just out of the awards in 4th place. The Junior Varsity wound up in the middle of their pack with a 3-3 record for the day.

As we collected our things to begin the trip home, I realized that I had broken both of my promises to Mrs. Weber. While I had promised that we would arrive on time, David and I had, in fact, been late. I had promised to win, and we finished just short of an award. I felt like the old phrase about being a day late and a dollar short was branded on my forehead.

I slunk over to apologize to her. She gave me her full and immediate attention as soon as I came near, but I never got a chance to apologize.

"I won't pretend," she said, "that I'm not disappointed in your behavior at tournament. I hope you've learned that there's a wrong time even for things that feel right. And please believe me when I say I'm not judging your ... lifestyle choices. But from now on, you room with Jim and David rooms with Eric - no switches. And in the future, you'd better keep your personal affairs out of you team's tournament time."

She paused long enough to see the tears forming in my eyes. "And, by the way, you should probably know that you're the best Debater I have ever coached, and a fine person as well. And although you screwed up big time this weekend, I love you like a son." She gave me a big hug, and then went about tending to her other responsibilities.

When I saw David again, I made a decision. "I have got to get some down time," I told him. "Please don't be mad, but I'm riding home in the other car."

"It's okay," he said. "I understand, but you go with Jim and Sara, and I'll go with Mrs. Weber."

That was even better with me, and it made me realize he really did understand.

Fortunately, my parents were already asleep when I got home. I wrote them a note letting them know I was home safely and how we had placed. I begged off Church the next morning and asked them to please let me sleep in late.

Once I fell into bed, I relived the entire experience in my mind several times before I relaxed. I reached several conclusions before I finally went to sleep that night. First and foremost, I knew I loved David, and I definitely wanted to be his boyfriend. Second, I would never again have sex with him at a Debate tournament or at any school function ever again. Third, there was something very wrong about the way Kettering had beaten us, and I was determined never to let that happen again. Those issues settled in my mind, I let sleep overtake me.

Chapter Eight

Sleep is a wonderful thing. I'm not sure what all happens in the human body while we are unconscious every night, but I believe that something almost magical must occur. After an out of town Debate trip on Friday and Saturday that included intense emotional highs and lows, I had gone to bed physically exhausted and mentally shaken. I woke up shortly before noon feeling surprisingly well.

I showered, went down stairs and read a note from my parents. They had gone to a Church Leader's Retreat and wouldn't be back until after dinner. They congratulated me on my 4th place "victory," and they had left me money and one of the cars. Things were looking up. I had wheels, some cash and the house to myself. "Cool," I said out loud. I called David.

"Are you okay, babe?" he asked me.

I hate the term "babe," but I let it go. After all, I didn't hate the fact that he cared for me. "Yea, I'm fine," I told him. "How about you?"

"Better," he said. "When can I see you?"

I realized that I had been handed the perfect opportunity for a wanton afternoon of glorious sex with the boy I loved. I almost couldn't believe it myself when I told him I'd see him in school on Monday. Fortunately for me, he wouldn't take that for his answer.

"Okay," I said. "Let's get together tonight. I have some things I need to do. Call me."

"Joel," David said. "I love you."

I said nothing for a moment as I felt my whole being come alive with excitement. David's love for me was like a powerful drug, and I wanted more. "How soon can you get here?" I asked.

"Start timing me...NOW," he said, and he hung up.

David and I lived in the same large subdivision, but on opposite sides. Seven minuets later, and slightly out of breath from running, he came through my breezeway door. I let him in, and he took me into his arms. It was as if we had been apart for an eternity. Our kisses we desperate, passionate and I was once again consumed with my desire for his body. He finally pulled away, took me by the hand and led us to my room.

We lay on my bed fully clothed. We held each other silently, kissing and pulling our bodies close together. I ran my fingers through his gorgeous blond hair, and he closed his eyes and let me concentrate on touching him. I unbuttoned his shirt, and he raised his body just enough so that we could slip it off. I laid him back down and ran my hands over his chest.

I kissed his eye lids, his forehead, his ears and worked my way down to his neck, then to his nipples. I sucked on one, then the other as my hands explored his naked torso. His loud breathing told me his passions were growing.

I knew what he wanted, and I didn't keep him waiting. I felt for the bulge in his jeans as I continued sucking on his nipples. I ran my hand slowly up and down the long, hard shaft trapped inside and wanting to escape. I undid his belt and zipper, and I ran my hand down the inside of his briefs.

I am somewhat embarrassed to admit it, but I absolutely love David's cock. To me, it is the single most exciting vision in the world. I am mesmerized by its shape, its size, its hardness. I feel a burning, empty sensation in the pit of my stomach when I just think about it. I wanted it in my mouth.

We quickly took off the rest of our clothes and slipped back into each other's arms. I felt his lips seeking mine as his hands found my own 6 « inch erection. The touch of his hands on my rigid penis sent shock waves of pleasure through my body. I was lost in the passion he was was creating. He lightly stroked me for a long time before I broke away and turned the other way on the bed so I could concentrate fully on his cock. Using both hands, I gently caressed it for several more minutes. I slid one hand down to his balls, and I massaged slowly, lightly and carefully. The head of his cock was purple with excitement and expanded to its full capacity. I raised my head up and licked it slowly with my tongue. When he could wait no more, I wrapped my mouth and tongue fully around the head and held it. He gasped. I deliberately went down on the shaft as slowly as I could, one tiny centimeter at a time until I it filled the back of my mouth and was part way down my throat. David was going wild. He moaned out loud.

"Oh yes. Oh my God," he said. "Suck me, Joel. Please!"

I picked up speed as I went up and down on his intoxicating manhood engorged in my mouth. I loved giving him pleasure. I was proud that I could create such joy in my lover, and I focused on bringing him to the climax for which he ached.

It didn't take much longer, maybe three minutes. And I heard the breathless words I was waiting for. "Yes, yes, that's it. Oh, yes. I'm gonna cum. Oh my God, ......."

And then his whole body went rigid and he screamed out loud. He shot his hot semen in torrents into my mouth and then, pushing his cock in further, directly into my throat. I was determined not to gag, but it was hard. His body was trying to thrust his cock deeper and deeper inside of me, and his cum was still shooting with each jolting spasm. I was loving every second of his orgasm, and I didn't want it to stop. I held out as long as I could trying to prolong his ecstasy. But finally, I couldn't breathe. I choked on his cum and pulled off. I sat up, gasping for air.

When we both had recovered a little, I felt David's hand on my back, and he rested his head on my shoulder from behind.

"Are you okay? he asked.

"Yea, I'm fine," I said, taking a deep breath.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Why?" I asked.

"Because you have my cum running out of your nose," he said.

He reached for some Kleenex from the box on my night stand and handed them to me. As I tried to blow my nose, we both started laughing hysterically until I started to choke again. He backed away to give me space so I could calm down.

A few minutes later, he pinned me to the bed and attacked my body.

Except for raiding the refrigerator downstairs, we spent the entire afternoon in my room, naked. We snuggled, teased and made love two more times. In between, we talked about the tournament, and I told him what Mrs. Weber had said to me after the awards program. He accepted the fact she knew about our relationship, and it didn't seem to bother him.

"I will never be ashamed of my love for you," he said. "If you'd let me, I'd tell everyone we know."

"Oh, yea," I responded. "As if everyone we know would just let us go on blissfully loving each other completely out in the open."

He thought about that for a few moments. "Good point," he said.

By 5:00 p.m., we decided we'd better clean up before my parents got home. I changed the bedding while he used my shower. After I had showered, we went down stairs and ordered a pizza and some sodas. We picked the food up, brought it back to my house and ate like pigs. I felt completely decadent, and I loved it. I drove him home, and when I got back, my parent's car was in parked in the driveway.

As soon as I walked in the door, I saw my Mom inspecting the empty pizza box. "You ate a whole pizza for dinner?" she asked with an obvious opinion on the matter.

"David helped me," I explained.

My Dad changed the subject. "Give me 10 minutes, Sport," he said. "And we'll go jog off some of those calories." I loved running with my Dad, and I headed up stairs to put on my sweats.

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