My Dream Come True

By Dustin Bass

Published on Jul 28, 1999


My Dream Come True Parts 7-8 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * What's Up Readers!?!?!?!

Well here is another part of 'My dream come true'. I am happy to hear that people are actually reading this. I am glad that I am getting email about this story. I hope that you will keep reading and sending me Comments,

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Well I hope you like the story!?! So here it goes By the way I would like to thank someone for proof reading this for me!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL THINGS IN HERE ABOUT MY MOTHER, THE LATE CAMMIE LEE BASS, IS TRUE. PLEASE DO NOT PLACE YOUR SELF IN THIS SAME POSITION!!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Part 7 As I was in the house to watch TV. I thought to myself "What will happen if I slip and say something wrong,"

"But didn't he call me babe this morning or was I dreaming all this".

When I was thinking about this, somehow I walked into the Living room and sat on the blue velvet couch, my favorite place to be.

I was about to grab the remote as I felt how thirsty I was. I got up and pushed the little silver button on the wall beside the door, in about 2 minutes Lynsey came to see me.

"what can I do for you, Dus?' She asked in a voice that seemed tired.

"Please bring me my usual Lynsey" I asked, as she nodded understood what I requested then she walked out of the room. I sat back down on the couch and I turned on the TV. I flicked back and forward from MTV and CMT (Country Music Television) looking for good music videos.

Lynsey came and brought me my drink. Then all of the sudden the phone rang in the room.

she picked it up and said, "Bass Estate how my I help you?"

Her face turned white and she dropped the tray that she had brought my drink in. This startled me and I just about choked. She hung up the phone while I still was coughing.

"What the hell?" I asked still coughing

"Your dad will be home in about 4 hours," She said with fear in her face.

"What?" I said standing straight up "shit!" I exclaimed as I was running out of the room and Lynsey followed me.

"Damn it! Lynsey calls all the Servants on call, tell them to get there asses down here within 15 minutes and meet me in the conference room." I screamed and panicked as I ran upstairs to get ready.

"Shit!!" I shouted as I jumped in the shower "This is gonna be hell" I said to myself as I got on my suit after getting out of the shower.

            • In the car on the way to the studio * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chris looked over at Megan, her and Justin were talking. Chris couldn't just keep wondering about that chair in the dining room with the name 'Cammie' on it. He was just so afraid to ask Megan, he knew that Megan knew something or she wouldn't have made him get out of the chair.

"Megan " He said interrupting her and Justin's conversation

"Yeah she said " looking at him

"What was with that chair that I couldn't sit at? And why did I have to get out of it? I really don't get it," Chris asked puzzled

"Yeah I noticed that too Megan," Justin said looking at her expectantly.

"Me too," JC and Lance said

"Didn't you Joey?" JC asked

"Yeah but I know why," He said looking at the guys

"Why?" They all questioned at the same time

"I think he should tell you by himself. Why don't you ask him at dinner tonight ok" Megan said hopefully "Yeah I agree," Joey said as tears came from his eyes remembering the scene.

The rest of the ride was very quiet because of the awkwardness of the situation.

            • Back at my house in the conference room * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Everyone stood up as I walked in the conference room, thank god! Everyone were there including the chefs and kitchen servants.

"Ok everyone there is a problem, my father will be home in hours and this place is a wreck. We were not expecting him this early," I said it clearly

Everyone was white faced as they heard the news and instantly they knew what they had to do

"Ok guys," I said as I sat down "House servants you need to clean the Guest suite and my room. It must be spotless!!," I said looking at them

"The rec room must also be cleaned also the office, patio and dad's room also the formal dining room and formal living room"

They all looked at me. There were 10 of them, I knew they could do it. We had pulled it off before they just shook there heads and left to get started. The chefs still sat there waiting for my orders

"Chefs and Kitchen servants look in every rooms and get all dishes washed it and also kitchen's cleaned formal wares will be used tonight. There will be me, Nsync, Meg and my dad so make sure there are enough places for everyone ok."

I said as I was now thinking about dinner and how chaotic that would be.

"Remember make my daddy's favorites" I said

"And we all know this will be a living hell tonight," I said as they left

I sat there thinking about how my dad was, how displeased he was with everything, how he wanted to know everything I did, and read all my mails so now I have a 'system'. I wrote some fake pen pal letters to myself and put some weird address on them and put them on dad's desk that way he would be happy.

Dad and me never get along, never will, he was just such an asshole.

"oh shit!!" I exclaimed to myself, "the guys and Megan don't know to dress formally!!!"

I jumped up and pushed the silver button then Lynsey was there in 2 seconds flat.

"Tell Winston to get the limo ready and also get my Visa out of the safe we're going shopping!! I said. As she ran out the door while I ran to my room and put on a creme color shirt, a blue vest and khakis then I ran to the front door. I ran down the steps, it was 4:30 and dinner was at 7. I jumped in the limo.

"Winston to the CS (Charelston Studios) and hurry " I said as I was in a hurry.

When I got there I jumped up and ran right through security, I knew Winston would take care of that. I searched for them before finally finding them in the auditorium.

I ran in there screaming, "Come on guys lets go! We only have 2 hours to get this shopping done!!!" I yelled as they all just stood there.

"COME ON!!" I said grabbing them motioning and Megan tried to help me.

"What's up?" she yelled

"Code red" I screamed dragging 2 guys out of there,

"Oh shit!" she yelled grabbing the guys, in about 5 minutes we were in the limo.

"Charleston mall Winston," I said as we were off.

"What 'code red' ?" JC said trying to catch his breath.

"My dad is coming" I said

"And..." he said looking at me

"Well my dad is an asshole and everything to him has to be perfect,"

"And I never get along with him" I said as we arrived at the mall.

"Where are we going anyway?" Joey asked

"Shopping, You guys need suits and Megan needs a ball room gown" I said explaining in a flash

"Formal dinner?" said looking at me with a questioning face

"Yeah" I said 'Always' giving her a frustrated look.We had been through all of this before that's why there was a code "code red"

"SUITS!!" they all said at the same time.

"I thought this was just dinner with friends or something," Lance said

"I hate suits," Chris complained

"I'm sorry my dad always has to live up to his statue with financial abilities, so every dinners with him are formal," I said turning into the Master Suits and Tuxedo Store.

"Ahhh Mr. Bass, How may I help you,?" Alex asked

"Alex!!!," I said giving him a hug and kiss him on the cheek and he returned it.

"Well Alex, I need these guys 5 Armani suits, I don't care about cost, which I think you know that!"

"Ahhh I can take care of these gentlemen. Anything in particular?" he asked and eyeing me

"Just don't give them all the same exact thing different colors in ties and design ok??" I asked as he nodded

"I can do that," He said grabbing Lance to get started

"Well guys I need to get Megan in the dress shop that way her gown will be ready" I said walking off the store.

Her and me ran off to the dress shop and started looking around

"I found it!" I said grabbing a dark purple ball gown dress with flower made from silk on the breast part of the dress.

She tried it on and it looked beautiful then she looked at the price: ___________ | | | $749.00 | |__________|

"Oh My God!!!" She said looking at the price "I can't have this,"

"What's wrong? it's only 749 dollars " I said but in my mind I knew it was a little bit too expensive for 1 dress.

"But...But.." she started to say something

"No buts we're getting it," I said as grabbing the dress and going to pay for it.

We walked out of the dress shop and into the suit shop when I walked in, I was amazed.

They were stood up. The guys of Nsync were all in Ball suits but the different thing was the color, which brought different features in them and made everyone's look different.

Each tie was a pattern of the guys favorite colors CHRIS-SILVER JOEY-ORANGE LANCE-PURPLE JUSTIN-BABY BLUE AND JC - ROYAL GREEN

They all looked great " Perfect" I said handing Alex my Visa "that will be $1569 and 11 cents," he said ringing it up

"Ok oh and Alex bag up the suits quickly so we can get out of here," I said as I sheered the guys to change.

Now I had less than an hour before my dad was expected to be at home and the guys still had some lessons on formal dinners.

Part 8

We were all finally together in the limo and headed for the estate.

"Is your dad just plain weird or something," Joey asked confused about the whole situation

"No just most things," I said placing my hand on his knee.

As we arrived at the house I told Winston to have the suits put in the guest suite for later.

I headed for the dinning room waving the guys and Meg to follow.

"Take a seat," I said walking around the table giving orders

"Now would you please notice there're 4 forks, 3 spoons and 2 knifes on each side of your plate." I said and still walking around

"Now what you have to do after every dish, you have to use a different piece of silver ware ok?" I said "OK" They all said in unison "Now this," I said as picking up a salad fork

"This is your salad fork you salad will come first in the meal ". then put it down

"This is you appetizer fork," I said as picking up another silver fork. I did the same with the dinner fork and the other pieces of silverware and all the cups and plate and what would go on them.

"Ok guys does anyone have a problem?" I asked hoping no one would say anything.

"No" They all said

"Ok now get your asses up stairs and change " I said walking up stairs myself to change.

"Dustin" Lynsey said busting into the room "what?" I said putting in my jacket "he's here Dustin, right outside the front gate" she said looking at me worriedly "shit! Get the guys down to the dinning room and wait in their seats while I go meet him at the door," I said rushing off

"Shit," I said to myself again as I went down to the door, opened it right as the limo pulled up.

A dark complexted man in a suit walked out of the limo

"Daddy," I said then giving him a hug

"Hey Dustin," my dad said hugging me back quickly.

"Dinner is in the dining room I have some friends I want you to meet," I said

He just looked at me and walked passed me going inside.

"Asshole," I mumbled out loud as I followed him

We stepped into the dining room and dad took his seat.

"Dad", I said sitting in my spot beside Joey and Megan, "I would like you to meet Joey, Chris, JC, Justin, and Lance." as I said their names they all got up and shook my dad's hand

"And you know Megan," I said pointing beside

"Good evening Mr. Bass." She said taking on her role as a big suck up she always did, I was used to it by now.

"Well shall we start dinner," he said looking at Lynsey

"Yes sir," she said going off to get the salads.

Everyone was quiet until the main dinner came when my dad decided to start a conversation.

"Well what do you kids do for a living?" My dad said looking at them.

"Well," Lance said "we are in a singing group but right now we are on vacation," Lance said happily

"MMPH" my dad said loudly. Lance's face turned from happy to annoyed quickly.

"Well Dustin did you do anything constructive while I was gone or did you just lay around the house all day?" my dad asked.

My dad was wanting a fight in front of my friends to show my bad side, I wasn't giving in unless it really got bad.

"Well father I really did do something I went and bought some new clothes at the mall and I viewed some colleges in NC and FL. " I said smiling the lamest and fakest smile ever

"Well I am guessing you used the jet and was to lazy to drive out there didn't you?" my dad asked looking at his plate.

"Well yes dad I did use the jet," I said my face getting a very anger expression on him.

Megan grabbed my hand squeezing it signaling for me to stop and Joey had placed his and firmly on my thigh signaling the same thing.

"Oh well what's wrong with one of those cars you have, you have 6," my said looking at me

"Well maybe I wanted to fly," I said in loud, my voice and my hands were now shaking from tenseness.

"Well maybe you need to go and work for a living and see how much money these things cost." my dad said using the same damn excuse.

My free hand was on the table and I was trying to drink my water but I was shaking to much.

Everyone had just continued eating but Joey, Megan and me.

"Oh stop it you asshole!" I said standing up





"NO SHE ISN'T! AND IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU PUSHED HER AWAY TO THAT GUY AND YOU KNOW IT!" I said picking up my glass wine and threw it at him. He dodged it and it landed on the floor shattering.

"SCREW YOU! I'LL BE IN MY ROOM" My dad said but before he left the table, he came to me and slapped me really hard on my face, knocking me to the floor. Megan rushed to my side tried to help me Joey looked at my dad and walked after him then punched him on his face,

"You Asshole! How could you ever hit your son like that," Joey said turning around and going to me

Then my dad went up to his room and slammed the door after breaking a huge vase that was as tall as me on the floor.

I was now crying uncontrollably holding my face when Joey came over. All the other guys were already over there when I saw Joey, I grabbed him and hugged him tightly and just hugged him.

Everyone was stunned no one could say a thing. "Shhhh Shhh babe," Joey said rocking me back and forth I finally stopped crying. "Joey...Why did you take up for me like that"? I asked puzzled

"Because Dustin I like you alot more than just a friend," Joey said stuttering

"Dustin what i am trying to say is Dustin I love you with all my heart,"

"I love you too Joey with all my heart and soul, I said kissing him passionately he slowly but surely returned the kiss.

"YAY,"Everyone yelled and clapped

I let go of him and went and pressed the little silver button Lynsey came in quickly and gave me a hug, "Are you alright?" she asked looking at me then seeing the big black and blue spot on the right side of my face "OH MY GOD," she ran off probably to get some ice when she came back

I held the ice on my face and said," damn it that was the last straw, call my lawyer I want this house and him out of here," I said looking at Lynsey.

Everyone was stunned........

to be continued.................


Next: Chapter 4: My Dream Come True 8 9

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