My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Nov 14, 2013


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


I knew I had been born in the Breeding Center in New Washington. I also knew the sperm used to create me had come from my Father. I never met my Mother. Until I was sixteen I never even saw a female except at a distance. My whole life was governed by what my Father wanted me to be. I lived a very pampered life. A Slave did everything for me all through my early life. I didn't know where these Slaves came from or why, all I knew was no matter what I wanted I got instantly. I had heard of Slaves refusing but had also heard what happened to them. Slavery in the New North American Union was the norm and had been for almost 100 years.

I knew from schooling that most of these Slaves came from the Enclaves that covered most of North America. Some still came from Captured people in one of the many brush wars that still happened almost all over the world.

Problem was I had never even seen an Enclave or even knew what they were. All I knew was that my present Slave had come from the California Enclave. Like me he was sixteen, black by descent, of average height and weight and very obedient.

I hadn't always had a black slave, in fact my last three had been white, but this one was doing what I did three or four times a day. He had my kilt up and my underwear down and was sucking my 7 inch cock. In bed last night I had screwed his black ass for almost an hour. He never said no to me ever. He even told me he liked it. That was something I couldn't fathom. How could anyone like to used like I used him. It never even crossed my mind to return the favors he was doing for me.

That was about to change for me and it would change my life forever.

My Father was chief administrator for North America. He ran the continent out of what everyone just called the Center. Every single person in North America was registered at the center. I knew I had a number in that data base and if anyone punched up that number it would tell them everything about me right down to what I had for breakfast that particular day.

My Father and I didn't have much of a father son relationship. I very seldom saw him. All I knew was eventually I would be taught and groomed to take his place. So I was very surprised one evening when I was called to my Fathers office in our home.

"Come in Stanley and sit down." When I sat down he got up and mixed me a drink.

A first for me. I had never had alcohol before in my life. It tasted bitter on my tongue and I made a face.

"You'll get used to it." My Father laughed.

"I have a few questions for you Stanley and then I have something for you to do."

"Very well Father."

"Are you happy with your present Slave? The reason I ask is you obviously enjoy what he does for you. What was it? Four times today he sucked you off and you fucked him last night."

"Yes Father I like him a lot."

"If you like him so much, why haven't you sucked him off and let him fuck you?"

My mouth dropped open. I didn't have any words.

"Well Stanley?"

"I guess I never even thought about it Father."

"Well that changes tonight. See that boy in the chair. I want you to get on your knees and suck him off."

I just sat with my mouth open.

"Stanley if you want your Slaves to like or even love you, you need to give them the same service they give you. That doesn't mean at once or even more than once. Your boy sucked you off four times today. You could have at the very least sucked him off once. Now get on your knees and suck that boys cock until he comes. Do it now boy."

I knew I had no choice. Saying no to the defacto dictator of North America could very well see me hanging from a very thin wire in the Basement of the Center. I got down on my knees between his legs.

I really didn't know what to do next.

"Show him boy." My Father said.

I felt a light pressure on my head.

"Open your mouth Master." He said.

When I did as he said, he applied a little pressure to my head and the head of his cock slid into my mouth. It wasn't like I thought it would be. It was smooth and almost silky feeling.

"Grip it with your lips and let slide in deeper. Use your tongue on the head, but watch out you don't bite."

Well it slid further into my mouth and down my throat. I gagged and backed off real quick.

"Only suck what you can take Master. After you get used to it and relax your throat you should be able to take it all. You could try to swallow Master when you start to gag."

When I went down on him again I did try to swallow and his cock was pulled into my throat.

"Oh yes Master. That feels good. Now back out Master."

To be honest I was starting to enjoy sucking his cock. It wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. As I started to really bob on his cock he started to moan.

"Soon Master. You do not need to swallow me Master."

I wasn't sure what he meant. I was already swallowing his cock. Then my throat was filled with a thick liquid. I gagged and chocked at once. I had to swallow to keep what I thought was from drowning. Then I knew what had happened. As I moved up on his cock I tasted the liquid on my tongue. It had a salty/sweet flavor. Actually not bad at all I just swallowed it down. I finally sat back.

When I turned I saw my Father leaning against his desk. He was nude. My Father had a big cock, I figured twice as long as the boy I had just sucked.

"You enjoyed that Stanley. You came in your underwear."

When I looked I had indeed done just that.

"Get undressed Stanley." Not having a choice I did.

"Now come over here and suck my cock until I'm hard. Then you will get your second lesson tonight."

I had a faint premonition what that lesson was, but without a choice in the matter I did as he said.

His cock was different than the black boy I had just sucked. Not as silky smooth but spongy like a limp sausage. It didn't stay that way for long and soon was bigger than my mouth could handle.

"That's enough Stanley." I sat back.

I saw the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life. It had to be near nine inches long and very thick. The head was a deep purple and shinny from my saliva.

"Now turn around Stanley and get on your knees. You boys come over here and hold him."

I knew now what that lesson was going to be and couldn't stop it.

"I should have had one of your Slaves do this a long time ago, but figured you would have it happen yourself. If you relax and let it happen Stanley it will be a lot less painful. Fight and it will just hurt you more. When I tell you I want you to push like you want to shit."

I felt a cool liquid on my ass and then a couple of fingers push inside me. I groaned in pain as those fingers worked my hole. The fingers were removed and I felt the tip of his massive cock on my hole.

"Now push Stanley. Push hard."

I don't think it would have mattered how hard I pushed. The pain as he shoved his cock into my very small and tight hole made me scream in terror. I tried to move away from that painful intrusion, but the two black boys held me in an iron grip. The pain never abated. Just on and on. Finally my Father spoke.

"Damn boy, you are tight. I got near 7 inches inside your very hot ass. I just love to screw virgins."

It felt like I had a fence post in my ass.

Then he started to fuck me and pain increased with every stroke. I felt something warm inside me but he just kept going. HE stopped finally and slowly pulled out.

"Damn, don't you clean yourself boy. Turn around here and clean my cock."

Licking his filthy cock made me very sick to my stomach but I didn't throw up. He walked around his desk and picked up a phone.

"Henry, come to my office."

I knew who Henry was. He was head Slave in my Fathers house.

"Yes Master." Henry said when he walked in.

"Henry go pick out three of the more endowed boys in the house and also bring Stanley's boy."

Henry left.

"By the time you leave this office you will enjoy getting a cock in your ass Stanley and enjoy sucking boys too." My Father said. Well I already thought I liked to suck, but I doubted I would ever love a cock in my ass.

"While we are waiting, you can suck off one of those boys."

I wasn't sure which I had done, but one boy sat in front of me. I just went down on him as I had done before. My Father told the other boy to fuck me.

Well I got fucked by three of the house boys and Ginger my Slave. Ginger was sorry he said to me before he started. Like getting fucked, not really, but it didn't hurt as much as when my Father did it to me the first time. I liked to suck the boys cocks.

After it was over my Father just dismissed me. Ginger was very sorry for what happened to me. He helped me shower and cleaned out my butt. I was really astounded at what was washed from inside my ass.

Ginger slept with me that night but I didn't do anything.

For the first time in a long time I wasn't horny when I got up in the morning.

Ginger helped me dress and then brought my Breakfast. After Breakfast in the past Ginger had always sucked me off. Today I never asked him to, just headed down to do my morning classes. Sitting was the hardest part. My butt was still sore.

After doing my two hour of morning classes on the computer I headed back to suite. It really was a suite. It had a big sitting room with wide screen TVR, a large Stereo with unlimited music available. I had a huge bedroom and king sized bed. My bathroom had a shower plus a large hot tub. I headed for the hot tub, hoping it would ease the pain in my butt.

Ginger helped me undress and then stood waiting.

"Ginger undress and come in the hot tub." I had changed. I had never invited him before.

"Thank you Master."

I had seen Ginger nude many times before but had never really looked at him. He was very well toned with a visible six pack abs. His cock was about 6 inches soft and I knew now he had almost 8.5 inches hard and it was thick. It was cut like all slaves. The heavy balls hanging loose in his sack had a good load as well. I was surprised I started to get hard looking at that cock. I would have no problem sucking it anytime. My Father had really brought some changes to my life.

Ginger climbed in the tub and sank down to enjoy the steaming water. After a while he sat up, a worried look on his face.

"Master, your Father called me to his office while you were at school. He gave me very specific instructions I am to follow for the next two weeks. I'm sorry Master if I don't what he says I'll be taken away."

I knew what that meant. He would be taken to the center, castrated and sent to either one of the mine centers or to a soldier's brothel. He would become a sex object until he either died or was killed by one of the soldiers or guards.

"What are your instructions Ginger?" I had a fair idea.

"I am to fuck you at least once each day. You must suck me off at least once per day. I can suck you if you want, but you can't fuck me for two weeks. I will be as gentle as I can Master."

So my Father was going to get me used to being fucked one way or the other. Who knows maybe I would come to love a cock in my ass. I would have no problem sucking Ginger.

"Well I guess we will do as my Father wants Ginger." I climbed out of the tub. My cock was at full mast. Ginger quickly got out and dropped to his knees. As he went to suck my cock I stopped him.

"Wait Ginger." I handed him a towel and dried myself.

I ten led him into my bedroom. I lay on the bed.

"Come on Ginger. I'll suck you off as my Father wants. You can suck me, but only if you want to Ginger. I won't ever force you too again."

I couldn't swallow all of Gingers cock. It was just too thick to get into my throat, so I jacked his cock slowly as I sucked him. At first he just lay still enjoying my mouth on his cock. That did not last long and as he started to suck my cock, I wanted more of him and was almost continually gagging on his thick cock.

Ginger stopped and yelled he was going to come. I never stopped sucking and was quickly reward with a very large and thick load of salty come. He really had a big load and I had to swallow several times before he stopped. I lifted off and did as he always had done for me. I jacked his cock a few times and licked off the small beads of come that oozed from his cock head. Then I relaxed with his semi hard cock in my face as he finished me off.

I sat up. Ginger had tears in his eyes.

"Are you okay Ginger? I didn't hurt you did i?"

"Master, I am just worried you won't want me after I do everything your Father wants. I like you very much Master."

"Ginger, I liked to suck you off. I might not like it when you stick that monster in my butt, but Ginger I will do anything to make my Father and happy and proud of me. As far as I am concerned you will be with me forever."

"Now I need some lunch and then have to finish my afternoon classes." Ginger quickly slipped on his shorts and t=shirt. I had my lunch in front of me shortly after.

The afternoon classes bored me as usual. I was so far ahead of my instructors that I mostly read during my afternoon classes.

The last assignment of the day got me worried.

Write an essay showing why you think Slavery in General is morally wrong and why you think the Enclaves should be abolished. The essay should be at least 25,000 words.

I left the office set aside for my school work in a daze.

I went down to the gym in the basement and did a very hard workout for two hours. Then I headed up to my suite. Ginger was there and helped me shower. My problem was every time Ginger got close to me nude or clothed I got hard thinking about his cock. I had a real tough time not just dropping to my knees and sucking on that wonderful cock.

After dinner that night, I was sitting listening to some very old music. Ginger walked in and up to me. As usual all he wore was shorts and a t-shirt. I could see his cock outlined in his shorts. I got instantly hard.

"Do wish anything Master?"

"Get me a drink of that stuff my Father gave me, but put ice in it."

I still didn't like it, but my Father said I should get used to it.

"Anything else Master?"

"Yes. Sit here beside me. I have some questions for you."

"Ginger do you mind being my Slave?" For the first time Ginger laughed.

"Master, I am not really your Slave. I am your Man Servant and attendant. I am indentured to your Father. I have everything here anyone would want. I have free food, clothing and anything else I want. I get an education and learn all ways to keep you happy."

"Master I get paid by the Union and some of that goes to your Father to pay off my indenture. Someday I hope you will hold my indenture and I can pay you for all you give me."

"How did you become indentured Ginger?"

"Master, my Father is head man to the Director of California Enclave. He has been with him since he was a boy. As a gift to my Father he was allowed to impregnate seven women. I was born from one of those unions. I automatically became part of the California Directors stable of likely slaves. When I was eight, your Father picked me to be one of your Attendants. Your Father charged the Director of California many new dollars to accept me. When I turned fourteen, I started to pay off that indenture because at fourteen I had to paid to be an attendant. At sixteen I became you personal servant and attendant. I hope I am always your attendant Master."

"You will be Ginger. That I can promise you."

Ginger burst into tears. I did what I thought was right. I pulled him close and hugged him. That made him cry even more. The thing was it felt right to hold onto Ginger this way. My Father had really started some changes in how I thought about everything including Ginger.

The other thing that happened was I got even harder holding Ginger.

"Master do you want me to take care of that?"

"Not now Ginger. After I have had that monster cock of yours inside my butt, I might need some pleasure." I laughed.

"Master, I know I am very big and will be as gentle as I can."

Big was an understatement. At sixteen he was almost as big as my Father. I also knew it would grow to be bigger still. When I thought about I was actually looking forward to Ginger fucking me. I just didn't know why.

"Ginger do you think it is wrong that people are kept inside Enclaves?"

"Master, I am sure you know more than I do. You get taught a lot more history than I do." HE giggled.

"But you lived in an Enclave Ginger so you should know more about them than I ever will."

"Master, I never lived in an Enclave. I was born at the breeding center in Los Angeles. My Fathers sperm was used to impregnate the woman who was my mother. I was destined to automatically become an attendant. Now I am your attendant and am very happy. You are a very Special young man Master."

"Why am I so Special?" I already knew the answer.

Ginger laughed even louder than before. I liked his laugh. It made his whole face light up. I was sure something else was happening to me. I think I might even be falling in love with Ginger. I wasn't even sure if it was allowed, but I would find out before I said anything.

"Master, your Father is the most powerful man in the Union. You are his heir apparent. Some day you will be Chairman of the Union. If as you say you will keep me forever, then I will the servant to the most powerful man in the world."

"I told you Ginger. You will always be with me. Now lets go to bed so you can fuck my brains out."

"Master that would be hard to do. Your brains are at the wrong end." HE giggled.

"Well I guess I will have to get you to fuck my face then too."

"Master, I might chock you to death with my cock. Your Father would definitely hang me with wire with my balls in my mouth if anything happened to you."

I knew that was true. Slow strangulation was the only method of execution used in the Union. It had been adopted after the second Civil War when the Military had taken total control. I had watched the executions of the Congressmen and Woman as well as all the Senators in the packing plant outside Washington. They were stripped; hands were wired behind their backs. A simple slip noose was slipped over their heads and they were hauled up on hooks. It was a very gruesome way to die. As the noose tightened they usually ejaculated and then as they died their bowels let go. I had watched those executions as part of my History Class in school when I was just thirteen.

"Never happen to you Ginger. That I will promise."

When I had fucked Ginger and my Father and the house boys had fucked me I was always on my knees. As I got into that position again, Ginger told me to get on my back. He lifted my legs to his shoulders and moved forward between my legs. I could see precumm on the big head of his cock as he moved forward. As I felt the tip of his cock on my hole he leaned over me and mashed his lips on my lips. His tongue forced its way into my mouth. AS his tongue played with my tongue I got a real weird feeling. Pleasure shot into my brain. HE stopped and lifted up.

"I am mostly inside you Master. I hope I didn't hurt you." I had not even noticed that he entered me. Wow! That was so different than when the other boys and my Father had done it, I was overwhelmed with the feeling of his thick cock filling my ass.

"Love me Ginger. Make love to me Ginger." I pulled him down and mashed my lips on his.

Ginger fucked me in slow even strokes. Each time his cock hit the end of my canal there was brief shot of pain but everything else felt so good. I was in heaven, I had the boy I loved now for sure inside me and it felt like I was on top of the world.

Ginger lifted up and his back arched. Then I felt his hot seed filling my ass. The feeling was so intense my cock fired, covering my face and chest with my seed. I hadn't even touched myself.

"Oh God Ginger. Again. Fuck me again."

He started again. This time his thrusts were hard and fast. I still felt some pain at the end of my canal as his huge head battered the entrance to my upper bowel. All at one the pain increased ten fold and then nothing. Ginger stopped.

"Master I have all of me inside you."

He then just continued. Now the feeling was all pleasure without any pain. He was overloading me fast. At last he stopped and again I felt his sperm filling me. He collapsed over me as he stopped coming.

Ginger had gone soft and he pulled out of me. I wanted to go down and suck his cock but he stopped me.

"Another time Master."

Before I could respond Henry spoke up. I had not even heard him ring my door bell. "Your Father wants you both in his office immediately." He turned and left.

When my Father wanted someone immediately he meant immediately. WE grabbed shorts to put on and t-shirts. We both slipped on runners and were out the door.

"Sit both of you." He said as soon as we entered his office.

WE sat together on the wide leather couch.

He walked to his bar and mixed three drinks. I saw he put ice in two of them. He handed one to me and one to Ginger and walked back and leaned against his desk.

"What am I going to do with you two?' He said.

When I looked at him he had a slight smile on his face. That smile could mean anything and some of it very bad.

"Ginger, do you love my Son?"

"Yes Master." Ginger answered immediately.

"Stanley, do you love Ginger?"

"Yes Father. He is the only one I want beside me forever."

He just stood and looked at us both. I took a hold of Gingers hand and just held it. What ever happened next would happen to us both.

"Very well. Ginger my orders to you are rescinded immediately. Stanley you will report to my office in the Center tomorrow morning at 0900. You will be in full uniform."

"You both are dismissed. Take your drinks with you and don't let the door hit you on the ass as you leave."

WE quickly left and returned to my suite.

I sat down on the couch and indicated for Ginger to sit beside me. As soon as he sat down I leaned over and gently kissed him.

"I meant what I said Ginger. I really do love with everything. I guess I will find out what my father is going to do tomorrow. You will come with me when I see him."

We showered together and cleaned off the remnants of our love. We cleaned each other out too. Then we cuddled together in bed to sleep. Sleep didn't come easy for me.

After a quick shower and breakfast Ginger helped me dress. The dress uniform of the Union consisted of a white gold trimmed kilt, with a leather skirt over it. Very like old Roman Empire. The top was a standard tunic in Dark Green. A thick leather belt was worn around the waist. It did look good on me.

When I looked at Ginger, he had on a white pair of shorts and t-shirt and white runners. I shook my head.

"Undress Ginger."

"What Master?"

"Undress, you black heathen." I laughed.

I handed him the same silk boxer briefs I wore. Then a gold trimmed skirt and the same type of white shirt I wore. I added collar dogs that denoted him the same as me. I gave him a pair of high roped sandals in brown. Mine were black.

Once he was dressed he looked very good.

"Why Master." Ginger asked.

"Because now you look like the consort to the heir to the Union Chairmanship. What ever happens today, you will always be at my side."

WE walked down and into the waiting limo. WE were whisked quickly and quietly to the Center. Men presented arms as I passed them and doors were always pulled open. I stepped along with Ginger into an elevator.

"Where to Sir?"

"Chairman's Office."

Fifteen seconds later the door opened. Two uniformed Secret Service Officers saluted. I just headed down the hall. I knew where my Father's office was. I had been here many times as I was growing up.

I walked directly into his office and stood in front of his desk. He was signing some papers. When he was done he looked up at me. He looked over my dress uniform and then looked at Ginger. I saw a slight smile on his face.

"Sit down, both of you and relax."

"Ginger and I sat together on the leather couch in his office. He ordered coffee service to be brought in. When it arrived the servant was dressed almost exactly like Ginger was. He set down a large pot of coffee, three cups and saucers, cream and sugar. Then left the office.

Over the next 3 and a half hours I learned more about the Union and how it worked than I had learned in school over the last ten years. I was also told what I would be doing for the next two years. At one point a General came in and dropped two small boxes on the small table.

In essence I was to become my Father's Inspector General. Corruption in the Union was a given, but was never worried about unless it effected the real policies of the Union. Although The Union Police Force (UPF) knew all about the small schemes that most Directors had going they never interfered.

There were 14 Enclaves spread over the North American Union. Each had a fixed population as there was very strict birth control laws. Most people unless they joined either the NPC or the Armed Forces, were born, lived, worked and died in the Enclave where they lived. Travel was not allowed between Enclaves by these citizens.

The Director of the Central North Enclave had broken the laws of the Union by selling travel permits to some of the rich within the Central North Enclave. He was also reported to b e selling the services of both male and female Attendants to some of these rich families. By doing both he had stepped far out of line with Union Polices and Laws. I was being sent to investigate and correct, read prosecute, this director for his crimes.

My Father knew I could not do this on my own, but I would be in charge of these investigative teams. I was now his judge, jury and executioner. A very high level investigator from the UPF and another from the Secret Service along with a large contingent of both police officers and security personal would fly to the Capital of the North Central Enclave.

I was told that aircraft would be ready whenever I required it. My Father dismissed me.

When I got back to my suite and out of the uncomfortable uniform, I sat down with the thick file my Father had given me. One thing I knew was that I would now need two or more attendants. I had been told I could have as many as I wished.

Ginger and I were sitting on the couch cuddling. AS usual I was hard as a rock.

"Ginger, are there any non attached boys here in the house?"

"Yes Master. My two half brothers are here. They belong to your Father, but are available."

"Are they like you Ginger?" I laughed.

"Not as big Master, but both are younger than me. Ted is just fourteen and Jer is fifteen."

"Go get them and bring them here."

During that talk my Father had given me, he had told me it would be up to me what happened to the Directors Servants. That meant I could send them for castration and reassignment or keep them myself. I knew my Father had over forty Servants and attendants. I doubted he had bed them all, but with my Father you never knew.

I knew who Ted was as soon as Ginger showed him into my suite. He had been the boy I had sucked off in my Father's office. When he saw me he got very scared. Jer on the other hand just stood and waited, no discernable expression on his face.

"Relax Ted. You are not in any trouble. Both of you undress."

Both quickly stripped and stood still waiting my inspection. Both were well toned for their age and both fairly well endowed. Both of course were black like Ginger. Ted I knew had a six inch hard cock and from looks of Jer, his was a bit longer and thicker.

Both were still young so I knew would get bigger still. They would do and I knew I was going to fuck Ted tonight. I'd let Ginger do Jer.

"You both are now assigned to me and your indentures will be transferred to me. Go to your quarters and get any personal items. Ginger will assign you both a room here in the wing of the house. Ginger you can tell the House Master I am taking both boys."

"Yes Master." Ginger said and ushered both boys out.

I got a drink and sat down to look at the thick file my Father had given me.


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Next: Chapter 2

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