My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Nov 14, 2013


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


After reading alleged crimes against the Director, I knew if he was found guilty of even one of them he would end up on a wire in the basement of the administration building. Weather he lost his balls or not would be up to me.

Having his control number meant I could pull his entire life history from the center. I did just that from my key pad.

I saw a 45 year old man in reasonably good shape. The full frontal nude of him was dated barely a year before. He had been married twice and divorced. Two sons born of those marriages were in the Armed Forces. Three other Sons were born in the breeding center. One the oldest at sixteen was obviously being trained as his successor. He was working in the Procurement Office of his Administration. His loyalty would have to checked. The other two were both still in school and both just fifteen.

Ginger came back and I told him to get the two new boys cleaning and packing all my uniforms that I would need on my deployment. I also told him I would be screwing one of his brothers tonight along with him. That made him very happy.

Ginger would be responsible to cull all the directors' servants and attendants. He might or might not like that roll but as my senior Attendant and house Master, it would be his job always. After dinner I changed my mind. I had planned on taking Gingers youngest brother to bed, but instead took his older one. That was the one my Father made me suck off and that boy also fucked me. Now I would return that favor. Jeremy was happy about that.

I told Ginger he could do his youngest brother. That made him even more happy.

Although Ted screamed his head off when Ginger shoved his monster dick into him, soon after he was moaning as Ginger hammered his chute. Jeremy was moaning from the time I entered him until I blew inside his very talented ass. He also sucked me clean. I flipped around and sucked him off as he sucked me. We all slept well into the morning.

On the day we left, we all dressed in long pants and shirts. Ginger and I carried winter overcoats as well. The two boys were dressed the same but would travel with our baggage. They left almost two hours before us along with all my bags of uniforms and equipment. It was full blown winter in the Edmonton Free City complex. This would be another first for me. I had never seen snow before.

There were a lot of firsts for me that day. I had never even seen a Military Transport except in pictures in History class and had never flown on any aircraft. Now I had one assigned to me. The lifter as it was called I knew was a vertical take off and land aircraft, but how it worked or what powered it I had no idea. It was so huge that the limo that took me to the air base drove directly onto the aircraft. After loading I was escorted up to the VIP section. Here were deep leather seats and couches. Even full meals could be served from an on board galley. This trip would be very short so I sat down with Ginger across from me. There was a large port hole next to us so we could watch the take off and look out as we traveled.

The take off was very fast and smooth. One moment we were on the ground and next I watched the ground drop away very fast. The flight would take about 3 hours, so I ordered drinks for Ginger and myself. We talked about the disposition of the Directors Attendants and Servants.

WE decided that any older ones were sent to for redesignation. WE both knew what that meant. Castration and then sent to a brothel or to a mining or manufacturing facility. The youngest could be accepted into my stable or sent for retraining. I jokingly said to Ginger if he found any as big as him, I'd like to see them first. I think I was becoming a size queen. Well I loved Ginger's massive cock in me so he readily agreed. I think he liked big cocks too.

Once we had landed and within twenty four hours the Secret Service and the NPF had total control of the Administration Center. They also restricted travel in and out of the free city. The Director had obviously got wind of the investigation. He had flown on a private jet to Geneva in Switzerland with four attendants. Switzerland was neutral and the Union had no authority inside its borders.

The investigation started immediately. With over 15,000 employee in the administration center it would take months to interrogate all of them, so the investigators started at the top. Jason the oldest son of the Director had been interrogated with chemicals the second day. I had his file on my desk in front of me. The Secret Service and NPF had designated him innocent. Problem was I didn't know what to do with him. He could no longer work in his ex-Fathers administration.

I had just finished off sucking Ginger off. I handed him the file on Jason and asked him what he thought I should do.

"Master, he is hung the way you like." He said.

"You noticed that too." I laughed.

I punched my intercom and ordered Jason to be brought to my office. Ginger handed back the file.

"Master, Jason prefers Japanese boys and I had two transferred to you. They were both good looking and very well endowed. The others in his string were sent to a brothel."

"So how many have you attached to me so far?"

"Only eight so far Master."

"So how many left to Investigate?"

Master, the Director had over a hundred boys. Some are very young. Even younger than is allowed by Union Law. A lot of them knew what the Director was doing because they were sent to places to be used."

"Have them held somewhere comfortable until I can make a decision."

Master, the Secret Service is already holding them in cells in the basement. They admitted guilt so they are awaiting execution."

I knew how the Secret Service worked. To them everything was black and white. They admitted guilt so therefore the rules said they would be treated like all the others.

"Master, some of those boys are only ten. They don't know the difference between right and wrong. It's not fair that the Secret Service wants to execute them." Ginger was crying when he stopped talking.

"You are right Ginger." I picked up my phone and called the Senior Officer of the Secret Service.

"Yes Sir."

"Major, I want all children under the age of fifteen moved from cells and put into quarters in my temporary home."

"Inspector General all persons in cells have been convicted. All are awaiting your order for execution."

"Major, I didn't ask you to move them. I ordered it. Use your next words carefully."

"Sir, under Union Law, once a person has been convicted all that is required is your signature on their warrant. The warrants for those prisoners are on your desk. I suggest Sir you just sign them."

"Thank you Major for your advice. You will be hearing from me shortly."

I hung up. I sat fuming.

Then I laughed and shoved all the warrants in my briefcase.

"Come on Ginger. Lets go home."

"Master it is only 0900. WE just got here."

"No matter. Order my car."

As we were leaving Jason was escorted to my office.

"You come with me." I said to Jason.

He followed us down and into the limo. Soon after we were sitting in my office at my temporary home. It was very similar to my Fathers Office in my Home in New Washington.

A servant brought coffee and I told Jason to sit and relax. I pulled out the Secret Service file on him from my briefcase. "Jason, the Secret Service has cleared you off all charges related to your Fathers charges. However that does not mean that you are clear to do as you please."

First, because of your blood ties with the Director, you can no longer work in any capacity in any administration in the Union. The Laws of the Union only give me three choices as to what I can have done to you."

"The first, I will not even consider. That would be to have you chemically castrated and sent to a brothel." When I said that I saw a hint of tear in Jason's eyes. I was pretty sure he knew all the law.

The seconds is to have all your rights as a free citizen revoked. You would be sent into one of the Enclaves. You would receive a lump some payment to allow you to integrate into that society."

"Last, you could choose death. It would be quick and painless by lethal injection."

Be fore he could speak, I held up my hand.

"Jason, I am going to give you a forth choice. You could willingly accept indenture to me. You become one of my Attendants and servants. The difference is you could never be released from my service."

Although the actual word was never said, he knew he would become a permanent Slave to me. Which meant I could use him for anything I wished and on pain of automatic death could never refuse.

"Get him a drink Ginger and bring one to me." It was a little early but I never cared bout time anymore.

Jason watched as Ginger made him a drink and then delivered it to me. I absently pulled Ginger down and gave him a peck on the cheek. Then he gave Jason the drink. I watched him take a sip as he thought about his life, which by his own choosing could be very short or very long depending on what he choose now.

"M?.Master, I will become your permanent Slave." Jason said quietly.

Inwardly I laughed, but?.

"Jason I am very glad you chose to remain with me. I would find it very hard to allow you to accept the other options. You are a very good looking young man and I would hate to see you punished for something your Father did." I pushed a paper I had already prepared across the desk.

"Jason all you need do is Sign this paper on the bottom. Remember once you sign there is no turning back ever."

Jason didn't hesitate, just walked up and signed his name to the bottom of the sheet.

"Ginger, Make sure Jason has all the clothes he requires and assign him quarters."

"Yes Master."

I wondered how it would work out when those two Japanese boys found out Jason was now equal in stature to them. Well that would sort itself out.

After Ginger returned he asked why we were working here at home and not at the administration building.

I was about to tell Ginger, when my phone rang. I hit the speaker button.


"Sir, have you signed the warrants yet? It is becoming very crowded on the cell black. We are fast running out of space."

I haven't signed any warrants yet Major. Space is your problem. I suggest you solve it." I hung up and laughed.

Ginger had a perplexed look on his face.

"Grab your self a drink, refresh mine and then sit down. I will explain a few things to you."

"Ginger, right this minute the Major is on the phone to his Director in New Washington. He is telling his Director that I am not following the laws as laid down in the Union. He believes that he is in charge after anyone is convicted under Union Law. He is about to get a lesson in power."

"His Director is probably tearing him a new ass hole. That Major is going to find out that when I order something, it is like that order came from the Chairman himself. If he had said the same thing to the Chairman he would already be dead with a bullet in the back of his head. He came very close to that when he didn't give me the answer I wanted."

"I would suggest Ginger that you make sure all the attendants quarters are ready for the arrival of about forty young men."

Ginger quickly left and I signed the other 45 odd warrants. I would give them to the Major when he arrived with those young men.

Ginger came back and stood beside me. He told everything would be ready. I turned and slid my hand up under his kilt. I wrapped my fingers around his cock. Ginger took a quick intake of air as his cock slowly hardened in my hand.

"Up on the desk Ginger." He sat up on the edge of my desk. I pushed his kilt out of the way and took the first four inches of that very thick and very smooth cock into my mouth. Even as I tried to take more, he was so thick I could not force it into my throat. Someday I swore to myself. Instead I slowly jacked him as I sucked and tongue that wonderful cock. His movements and moaning told me he was getting close. I just sucked harder. His hand came lightly down on my head as I felt his seed shooting up the channel inside his cock. Three, four and a fifth thick stream of his salty cumm blasted into my mouth and throat. I just swallowed it down. After I jacked his cock to get the last few drops. I sat back.

"Definitely needed that Ginger. Thank you love."

"Oh no, thank you Master."

"Master, the only way you will take all of me is if you start when I am soft. It is how I learned Master."

"Well have to try that next time. Now I suppose I should do some work? Well lunch first and then some exercise."

After a real good lunch and two hour workout in the Gym, I felt much more relaxed. The Secret Service Major was waiting outside my home office when I arrived. I knew the boys had been delivered or he wouldn't be here.

"Come in Major."

I sat behind my desk and just looked at the Major. He was a very well put together man and if I had been into older men might be interested.

"What did your Director tell you Major?"

Although he should not have, he looked surprised that I knew he had called his Director. "He told me to offer my head to you on a platter and not be surprised if you accepted it."

I chuckled.

"Well that Major that was my first thought, but decided I would see if you learned from your obvious error. Apparently you have, so we will speak no more about it. These are the warrants for those now in cells."

"In future anyone picked up under the age of thirteen is to held in comfortable quarters until they can be transported to the training center in New Washington."

"Yes Sir."

"Now what about the men inside the Enclave that were receiving the benefit of these children? I want all arrested and after you have proven their guilt, I want them tried publically and then executed publically."

"Sir there has not been a public trial or execution in over sixty years."

"You disapprove?"

"No sir I was just pointing out the fact."

"Major I want everyone, weather they live in the Enclave, a Free City or are an indentured servant to know that if you pull this type of crime anywhere in the Union this will be their fate."

"Yes Sir." He had a smile on his face.

"Very well Major. You may carry out your duties."

He saluted and left just as Jason and Ginger came in.

"Well Jason, any problems with what you will be expected to do?"

"No Master. I went through the Edmonton training center. I was taught everything that I could expect could or would happen to me as an indentured attendant."

"Jason, you are not exactly an indentured Servant."

"I know Master. I am lower on the scale than an attendant. I am a permanent Slave to you."

"Jason, would you have done anything differently than what I have done?"

"Master, I would have had my two younger brothers executed. They put the idea in my fathers head about using younger boys to sell to rich men in the Enclaves."

"Really." I pulled out the Secret Service report on both.

"Did you say that under interrogation Jason?"

"If the question was asked I would have had no choice but to answer Master."

"Jason, I will check on that. In the mean time. You and Ginger will share my bed tonight."

"Yes Master." Both said.

I dismissed both. Then sat back to read Jason's interrogation report and those of his brothers.

That question was not put to any of them and I wondered why. I knew the Major didn't supervise every interrogation, so I was not worried about him. I wondered if I had collaborators on my own staff. That led to another question. If I did, who had assigned them to my staff and did this crime go farther up the chain to the Chairman. What I needed was the former Director, but he was apparently safe in Switzerland.

Or was he?

I needed to talk to my Father.

The thump as a lifter landed on the pad on the roof brought me out of my reverie. I wondered who had arrived by lifter. That was answered when a young man I had noticed outside my Fathers office in New Washington walked in my office. He never spoke, just walked around the office with an instrument in his hand. Apparently satisfied, he keyed and ear piece. A moment later my Father walked into my home office. I jumped to my feet.

"Sit down Stanley and relax. You are not in any trouble yet."

I sank into my chair. No trouble yet. He said.

He walked to my Bar and smiled as he poured himself a drink. He then sat down in one of the comfortable chairs in my office.

"You've been busy Stanley. Getting a little in over your head I see."

"Yes Sir."

"Stanley, this is Steven Chin. I am appointing him your aide, body guard and confident. I trust him 100 percent and now you can too. If you have problems with anyone, he can solve that problem for you."

"Stanley, there is a young Doctor. His name is James Edwards. He is attached to the breeding Center here in Edmonton. I think you should retain him as your personal physician."

I looked at Steven and he nodded.

"When you meet him and talk to him you will understand why I choose him for you."

"Okay Father."

"Now tell me what you think the primary problem is here."

I told my Father everything including my suspicions. While we were talking Ginger came in and served lunch and then left. Jason had assisted him and my Father looked long and hard at the boy all the time he was in my office.

"That boy was one of the Director's sons."

"Yes Father. He is now permanently indentured to me."

"Very good."

"Stanley, My Director of the Secret Service also believes this conspiracy might go higher than here and stated an investigation of his own. He will inform you of all he finds. Now I would like to look at the boys who are being held here. I might transfer a few to my service."

After inspecting all the young men, four were transferred to my father and left with him. Now back in my office with only Steven present I sat and thought about the real reason my Father had come here. Was he watching me? I was pretty sure he was waiting for me to overstep my bounds and then he could stomp me down, but he had appeared pleased.

"Well Steven, tell me why did my Father transfer you to me?"

"Your Father said to me that he had given more power than God and that you would make many enemies very fast. He told me to ensure you were always safe. I have taken the liberty of assigning 15 guards of my own to your household. The Doctor the Chairman mentioned is now being summoned."

"You're very efficient."

"Thank you Sir."

"My Father said you would do anything I wished. Does that include joining me in bed?"

"Yes Sir, although I am not endowed as much as you prefer Sir. Most Asian males are smaller than their western counterparts. There are exceptions and I saw you have two Japanese males that are very good looking. I'm sure they will satisfy all your needs."

"Steven you can pick and choose any you wish for your own enjoyment."

"Thank you Sir."

"Now." Before I could say anything else Ginger stepped into my office.

"Sorry to disturb you Master. There are two boys that wish to speak to you."

"Can't it wait Ginger?"

"I think you should talk to them Master."

"Very well. Show them in." When I looked at Steven he was smiling.

The two boys came into my office. They both bowed very low. Both looked no more than 10 or 12 years old.

"You wished to speak to me Son." "Yes Master. Me and Eddy want to become your permanent slaves."

"Why would you want to become my permanent slaves?"

"Then maybe we wouldn't be killed."

"Why on earth would anyone kill you Son?"

"Coz we're just experiments Master."

What he said made no sense to me.

"What is your control number Son?"

"CN0016EX Master." He said quietly.

Weird number I thought as I punched into my keypad.

"ACCESS RESTRICTED." Came up on my screen.

"I have been denied access." I said.

"WHAT!" Steven said as he punched it into a keypad on his wrist.

He obviously got the same as me, but he continued to punch stuff into his wrist pad.

"They belong to the Center for Human Development. Other than that I can't get any information."

The Center for Human Development. One of the Union's secret research facilities. I knew a lot of people were transferred there almost everyday. None ever returned. Now I guess they were experimenting with very young boys.

"Sir. Your new Doctor is outside waiting. Maybe he can access more information. He was attached to the Center before he was sent here."

"Bring him in."

When he came in I thought at first he might be Asian like Steven, but saw a very prominent nose and high cheek bones. I figured he might be Native American by origin.

"Doctor, you are now my permanent Doctor. I'll discuss your circumstances later. Right now I need you to tell me about these two young men. They tell me they will be killed. I want to know why and why I don't have access to their records in the Data base of the Union."

After accessing his key pad.

"Sir, these are part of an experiment at the center to see if minor enhancements can be started prior to birth. The idea is to improve both quality of life for servants and attendants and improve the boy himself. Normally after these boys reach fourteen they are sent back to the Center."

"Where they would be given a lethal injection and then dissected."

"Yes Sir." Both boys were openly crying.

"Well they are going to be short two boys. Both these boys now belong to me."

The two boys cried even harder after I said that. After they were down to sniffles I talked to them.

"What's your name Son and how old are you?"

I'm Timmy Master. I'm thirteen. This is Eddy. He's fourteen." "Tell me, were you rented out by the Director?"

"Yes Master. He used us lots coz we were better than the other boys."

"What made you better than the others?"

Both boys pushed their shorts down. My mouth dropped open. At thirteen I think I had a hard cock about four inches long. Timmy's cock was four inches soft and he had a full bush of pubic hair. Eddy's cock was I was sure closer to five inches soft and he too had a full bush. I noticed both boys balls had dropped as well. When I looked even Steven was astounded. The Doctor had a big smile on his face.

"As you can see Sir, the enhancements were working at least on these two boys."

"I see indeed Doctor. Pull up your shorts boys. Ginger these two will join my stable."

"Yes Master." He smiled and led the two boys out.

"Now Doctor. Why would my Father pick you to be my personal Doctor?"

I had his file on my screen. He was only twenty two, very young I thought to be a doctor. My Father might very well know everything I liked. The Doctor's full frontal nude told me he was hung like the proverbial horse. I figured hard he might very well have a bigger cock than Ginger. Hoped he like to get fucked too, because he would definitely be in my bed in the future.

"His real reason, I am not sure Sir, but I think that because we are so much alike in many ways he may have thought you might benefit in some way."

"When I was informed I was to be your personal Doctor, I read your file. You like me have a very high IQ, far higher than many in the Union. You are so far ahead in your classes that most now are College level. If you continue, as I am sure you will, you will be qualified to any position in the Union long before you reach Majority."

"I finished my Education and Doctor's Degree before I reached 20. I was immediately assigned to the Center for Heath. When I heard of the experiments on fetuses to enhance before birth, I realized the ultimate goal of the Center was to clone humans. That is against Union Law. I protested and I was sent to Edmonton Breeding Center and attached to the Clinic. The clinic only services Union free Citizens."

"In other words you were sent where you couldn't interfere with the Centers experiments." I said.

"Yes Sir."

"Thank you Doctor. What are you called?"

"My Given name is James Sir."

"Very well James. To start I want every boy in my retinue interrogated again with a specific question. Who first put the idea forward to sell underage boys for profit."

"Yes Sir." He quickly left.

"Steven assign one of your people to assist him."

After I was alone, I sat back to think about how all this had come about. I knew how I had been put in the position I was in, but not really why. Yes I was obviously heir to the seat of the Chairman, but that was a long way off or was it. No chairman had ever been unwillingly unseated from the position. The answer I was looking for I was sure was in the History of the Union.

I wandered if my Father was doing something else as well. He had already given me almost limitless power. Normally, my security would be supplied by the Secret Service, but he had assigned another to me. My Doctor was also and anomaly. Normally again my Doctor would have been one call in the Center or attached the Administration, my Father had given me a special one. He was giving me a lot of very smart and capable people to be me my staff.

Of course there was also something else my Father could be doing. All he had assigned to me so far were bigger or about the same as I preferred in bed. Was he giving me what I wanted to have them close so I could be removed without any fuss or fanfare. I'm sure Steven could kill me instantly and it would be even easier if he had his cock stuffed down my throat or up my ass.

I looked across my office at Steven. He was standing at ease just inside the entrance to my office.

"It is your intention to be with me at all times Steven?"

"Yes Sir. Your safety is my only concern."

"Does that include in my bed Steven?"

"If that is your wish Sir, however I am not passive in bed. I am a top, not a bottom."

I knew what he meant.

"You mean you would refuse if I decided I wanted you to suck me off or stick my cock up your ass?"

"I can not refuse anything you ask Sir, however when the roll is reversed you may not enjoy the result."

"I guess that is something we will have explore further Steven."

He didn't say anything, but did smile.

"Ginger." I said not very loud.

He was in my door in a flash.

"Yes Master."

"Get me a drink and get the Colonel anything he wishes. Then sit down and relax."

"Steven, Ginger is my number one servant and house Master. He has access to any where he wishes to go at anytime and will be admitted to me any time he wishes. Make sure all your people know."

Yes Sir."

How did all this come about? How did the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth end up in the hands of one man and why was the position now hereditary?"

Near the middle of the 21st Century the population of Earth was close to 12 billion. Scientists and economists and had long ago decided that Earth could not sustain a population of more than 12 billion. There was not enough food or resources produced to sustain any more people.

Even then with the warmer climate world wide, many areas suffered drought or were hit by heavy rains destroying crops and shutting down industry. Something had to be done.

With the neutrality of the old USA in question the UN had moved to Switzerland in 2036. They now convened to discuss and implement a world wide birth control plan put forward by the US.

The plan called for a one child family for 50 years. Each married couple could have one child only. This did not sit well with many groups and countries within the UN. Mostly along religious lines. When the plan was adopted by the UN, these countries simply quit the UN. Much worse was to come.

In North America, The US along with Canada and Mexico had a combined population of 600 million. The US was evenly divided on the birth control measure. Canada had no problems with it and Mexico had long ago adopted a similar plan to that of the New Resolution adopted The United Nations.

The United States at the middle of the 21st Century was the most powerful Nation on Earth and had been for the better part of 10 years the World's Policeman. Using Diplomacy or force of arms to put down many small wars around the globe. Very seldom were actual troops used in these wars, which kept the general population of the US Happy. But now this birth control measure was driving a wedge into the US.

On one side was the President and about 2/3rds of the cabinet and half of both houses. On the other side the Vice President and the rest. If things were allowed to continue the US was on a path toward Civil War.

The Armed Forces were in the middle.

Riots started to take place in several large cities. The population that had been born and raised in the US were on one side, with most ethnic minorities on the other. The Us Armed Forces had in reality two bosses now and that did not sit well.

Late in 2061, the Joint Chiefs of the US Armed forces got together to discuss the problem and try to figure away to slow the march to Civil War.

What is more important than that was that scattered unit of the Armed Forces were onside with the vice President. Some of these units had access to tactical nuclear weapons.

Who started the actual Civil War has never been determined, but everyone knows what happened next. Units loyal to the Vice President fired three tactical nuclear weapons at Washington DC, resulting in the instant death of the President and cabinet along with 15 million people. What was left of the old US government retaliated and the Vice President and balance of the Government were gone as well.

With head cut from the shoulders of the then Government the US was leaderless. The Armed Forces stepped in to fill the void. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs became the chief Executive of the US.

What followed was a short and very brutal Civil War. The US Military declared Marshall Law everywhere and any decent was put down by force by the Armed Forces. Both Canada and Mexico were forcibly annexed.

The old idea of the country divided into States would not work. So the New North American Union was divided into 13 autonomous Regions, now called Enclaves. In each a city was declared its administrative hub and a Director was appointed to run each.

The Enclaves were each given a population limit and that limit was strictly enforced.

The old Governors and Elected people of the States that now ceased to exist screamed bloody murder. They were promptly invited to the New Capitol of the Union now situated at Omaha Nebraska. It was now called New Washington Upon arrival they were arrested, stripped to their underwear and put into the Maximum Security Prison in Fort Leavenworth Kansas.

History says that it was here that the Air Force General Michael Tompkins tried to return control to the civilians. The short very bloody coup attempt was put down by the greatly expanded Secret Service. The then Chairman was killed. The Army Chief of Staff took control. He declared from that point onward the Chairmanship would always rest in his or his descendants hands. This was enforced by his Security, the Secret Service.

Two important things happened after he took office. One, all children of those arrested were enslaved and the second, because the Army Chief of Staff was Gay, he had his sperm implanted in a woman. This started the idea of the breeding Centers and after a while it was the only way allowed by the State to breed.

Having the children of those under arrest meant he could do anything with them. They became the first Servants and Attendants.

When ordered by the new Chairman, all those under arrest were ordered executed. The Secret Service took the entire 600 to an old packing plant outside New Washington and hung them on hooks from wire nooses. The Garrote became the accepted way to execute traitors and criminals.

Now I was heir to the Chairman's seat.

After almost 100 year's peace for the most part reigned in the Union.


Next: Chapter 3

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