My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Dec 22, 2013



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


Steven was right of course. I had gained nearly a hundred boys and young men in just four months. He said my Father had over a hundred, but he gained them over a period of years. I wondered how many more I would gain and what I would do with them all. Then I thought about something else Steven had said. He said a large number of my Fathers boys were now secretaries and officers in his administration. I knew most of the boys I had now would need more Education to be of any use to me that way, but that was something I could and would do.

Danny came out of my bedroom with Timothy.

"Stanley, if it's alright, I have picked Timothy to be my personal servant."

"Stand up." I whispered to Siam.

"That's okay Danny; I have appointed Siam here to be mine."

"Hi Siam. I just knew Stanley would pick you after you showed him what you could do."

"Stanley I told Siam to try and induce you to accept him."

A very good choice Danny. Thank you. Timothy, I am very happy Danny picked you. You are a very hot looking young man."

Timothy blushed all over.

"You need not be embarrassed Son. You are a very good looking young man and if Danny had not wanted you, I would have."

"Thank you Master. I really like Master Danny. I had hoped he would pick me."

"Stanley, Timothy told me that the House Master told him he was going to terminate him in the torture room. The house Master said he was going to fry his balls and then eat them."

Cannibalism, a real no no in the Union. That called for automatic death under Union Laws.

"Steven, contact the Doctor and tell him not to do anything to the house Master. Then order a gallows erected in downtown Banff. The house Master will be publicly hanged tomorrow. Make sure it is announced and why it is happening."

"Yes Sir." Steven was on his wrist communicator instantly.

"Why are you doing that Master? He always says something like that every time I was down there."

"Timothy, he may have only said it, but there is the possibility that he has already done it to other boys. Danny has told me that sometimes boys don't return after they have been tortured by the House Master. By just saying he would eat your balls means that he is guilty of Cannibalism. That is a Capital offence and calls for instant and public execution. He will be executed tomorrow and everyone will see what happens to people who like to eat people."

"I'm glad he will be gone Master."

"Danny you should probably give Steven a list of the boys you want to ad to your stable. For now, Ginger can be their house Master, but eventually you will need to pick your own."

Public Executions don't happen very often, but when they do they are almost always a spectacle. A huge crowd of nearly everyone who worked or was visiting the City of Banff was in the square. The Ex-House Master was dragged out. He was nude, his hands tied behind his back. Even though the garrote was in common use for executions, public executions used a rope. He was also not castrated first.

The warrant was read and the trap opened and he dropped onto the rope. His body shook and trembled for almost ten minutes. In death he ejaculated and emptied his bowels. I hardly watched, executions though necessary were of no real interest to me.

Over everyone just left. The Secret Service disposed of the body and House Master was just another statistic.

The two guards that had been with the House Master I had sent to Uranium City to act as guards for the underground mine. If the convicts didn't kill them the radiation probably would.

We left Banff almost ten days after arriving. The NPF would remain to finish their investigations. First stop was the lodge Steven had talked about.

When we arrived at the lodge, I didn't think it was much of a place to set up a home. You could see that at one time it was probably a very nice place. The Main house was of log construction. Inside had been kept up very well. A big main room with fire place, huge kitchen and dinning room, a fair sized den and a library. The second floor had four big bedrooms all with king sized beds.

The outer buildings consisted of four lodges, each with five bedrooms with two double beds in each. All had their own kitchen, main room and bathroom facilities. There was also a maintenance building and a large storage building. The total space would handle about 100 guests.

Short walk away was a hot spring and several pools. Now overgrown was also a golf course.

"Well what do you think Sir? Steven asked.

"Going to take a lot of time and work to bring it up to snuff. I like it Steven. It's close enough to Banff for skiing and with the hot springs close gives everyone something to do. "

It will need some kind of building put in as a training center and learning center. Also a big pad for a lifter. And it has to be fenced."

"I can order the Army Engineers in to build all the outside stuff and get the Interior department to repair or renew all the insides."

"No Interior department staffing Steven. You can get my staff in from Edmonton and New Washington."

"WE will need to ad a security Center as well which means wiring it in. WE could have ready in six month Sir."

"Go for it. We'll just have to take the boys with us for now. You better commandeer a hotel in SeaTacVancouver for our stay."

"Very well Sir. Where to now?"

"We'll head for the Information and Visitor Center for the Calgary Disaster Zone. Give all the boys a good view into what happens when people are in too big a hurray to get things done."

After almost half a century, the outer ring around the Calgary Disaster Zone was gown back in. Virgin forests covered most of the area. The whole 100 mile radius around the Zone was now a National Park. No one lived anywhere with in a hundred miles. Two highways were rebuilt crossing the Zone. The East West National Highway and the North South Enclave Highway. They crossed in the center of Calgary, next to the Information Center.

Traveling across the barren land of the zone was like looking out onto a moonscape, except this moonscape shone in the Sun. The heat had been so great, everything had melted and fused together into a rough and tumble mirror like finish. In places the sun reflected off these surfaces giving the whole place an unearthly look.

The Information Center was a glass and Stainless Steel structure that covered about 20 acres directly over the epicenter of the explosion that destroyed Calgary and laid waste to a hundred mile radius around the epicenter.

What had caused the disaster? I know what the history tapes revealed.

The first cold fusion reactor was built in Los Alamos in New Mexico desert about a hundred miles from Albuquerque. It had been built as far from any city as they could get because scientists knew that if it failed when it was switched on the failure would be spectacular in every sense of the word. Well it didn't fail and is still operating today. The Cold Fusion reactor was small very small by the standards of today.

Everyone thought you could just enlarge the plans and build bigger plants. That is where the folly was. It took almost 20 years to enlarge the plans and test all the components before construction was started on 15 such plants all spread across the Union. All but one of those plants was built at least a 100 miles from any large city. The Plant built in Calgary was built on the site of an experimental reactor at the University of Calgary in the Heart of the Calgary Economic Zone. Almost 20 million people live in or around Calgary.

Although the construction Standards of all plants was of the very highest order, there was a prestige factor involved. The First plant to come on line would be the most famous. Calgary and the Director of the Center North Enclave wanted to be first.

A fusion Reactor is very simple in operation. The reaction is contained in a magnetic ball about 20 feet in diameter. Out side that ball are coils of wires that keep the reaction inside. These coils carry a strong current of electricity. To keep these coils cool or cold, they are inside another ball that contains liquid nitrogen. As the nitrogen boils off it heats water to steam instantly, which is fed into turbines to produce electricity. A single plant once it is operating can supply more power than all the combined plants in the entire Center North Enclave.

In other words, a Fusion reaction is a miniature sun held inside a magnetic ball cooled by liquid nitrogen. Simple.

If either the magnetic shell fails or the coolant fails to keep the reaction cold, the reactor will fail and release that miniature sun.

It took almost twenty years to figure out what went wrong in Calgary. It was in reality a parts failure. One on the huge valves that supplied liquid nitrogen failed to operate and allowed the reactor to over heat. The result was instantaneous. A fifty mile radius around the plant every living being was vaporized. Another fifty miles out everything burst into flame. The lives of 25 million people were snuffed out in a heart beat. It was like a miniature Sun had touched Calgary. The temperatures were so hot they instantly fused every thing into a glass finish.

The explosion was heard over a thousand miles Away and was felt around the globe.

It was later determined the Explosion took place a half second after the Reactor was turned on.

Fate had saved my Grandfather. He had been slated to be at the Calgary Reactor when it was started. A minor war in Central Africa prevented him from being in Calgary.

The boys were very quiet as they looked at all the displays. One showed what Calgary looked like before the explosion and other after. There were displays showing nothing but a skeleton fused to a girder from a building. Others showing what was left of vehicles and equipment.

There were two bus loads of very quiet boys as we headed north to Edmonton Free City.

You could be sure of one thing, I would never visit a fusion reactor.

The next week in Edmonton I finished up my reports and read everything that had been done. The Director I had appointed was confirmed by the Union Council. That left me free to head for my next assignment in SeaTacVancouver.

Two lifters were ordered to carry all my boys and luggage. The one carrying my boys and luggage was nothing more than a troop transport. The one for me was a VIP lifter.

So on to my Father's next assignment.

The North West Enclave was the second largest Enclave in the Union. It extended from the old Oregon/California border with half of Idaho and part of Montana to British Columbia and north including Yukon and all of Alaska.

The original Capital was Seattle/Tacoma.

In 2092, a magnitude 10 earthquake happened about 100 miles off the coast of Washington and Oregon. The earthquake plus the near four hundred foot tidal wave laid waste to much of Oregon and Washington for almost 20 miles inland. The Tidal surge up the Straights of Juan da Fuca destroyed Victoria and Seattle from the water side. Vancouver, thanks partly to Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands was spared much of the tidal water Damage although did suffer from the Earthquake.

When the rebuilding was started the new Capital of the North West Enclave was called SeaTacVancouver. Vancouver had been spared most of the damage. The Center for SeaTacVancouver was in a sprawling 20 acre 20 story building built on what had been Vancouver International Airport. The hotel Steven had commandeered was next to the Center.

After arriving and getting settled into my new quarters, I asked for and received an invitation to the Director's office. I was to report the fallowing day at 10:00 hours.

"You don't need his invitation Sir." Steven laughed.

"I know Steven ,but I am here at his request and not ordered because of something he did wrong. For now we are here on friendly terms."

Being fairly late in the afternoon, almost as soon as I sat down Siam handed me a scotch. He then asked Steven and James if they wanted anything and got them a drink too. Then he went back to where he liked to be best, sitting at me feet.

Siam was without a doubt the very best Attendant and servant I had ever encountered. He seemed to know almost before I did what I required at any given time. In bed he was a wild cat, loving to suck, fuck, or both. He didn't mind draining me anytime I needed it and was always by my side. Even when I scolded him on occasion he always smiled. It was usually only about five minutes before I had him on my lap telling him I was sorry for scolding him. Steven and Danny knew I loved the young Thai boy.

I had offered Siam a new and better kilt to wear, but he said he preferred the shift. It made things easier he said. I had ordered him to stop shaving and now his small cock was surrounded by a luscious black bush. It made him look so much better.

After a very good dinner Danny and I always visited one of the suites set aside for my boys. All the suites in this hotel had two queen sized beds. All suites came equipped with a hot tub. We tried to pick a different set of four boys to visit each day. That kept everything equal. In each room were two younger boys and two older boys. The younger boys learned from the older ones. None of the boys I had were virgins, even the youngest. I knew they had been used by the director in the Center North enclave for his schemes. All had been deflowered by one of those under indictment in New Washington.

I still wouldn't take any boy to bed under the age of consent in the Union. That was fourteen.

Siam accompanied me on my visits. After a good soak, I usually screwed one of the older boys and sucked the other off. Siam always took care of the younger boys. That was allowed as long as it was not forced. What I was building was trust and love between my boys and me. I knew some of these boys once they were educated enough would join my staff as freemen.

Danny and I always slept together each night and we could never get enough of each other. If it was possible I would have spent my life in bed with Danny. I loved him so much it hurt sometimes.

With Siam and Timothy taking care of all our needs, it made me more relaxed to handle everything else. Danny I learned was not only a demon in bed, but was also a very smart young man. I put him back on school training whenever I could.

In the morning I dressed to impress. Danny and I both put on our dress uniform. Siam and Timothy accompanied us wherever I went. They wore the simple shift. I liked that shift so much I had ordered it worn by all my attendants and servants. Steven and James were also in dress uniforms.

After breakfast we headed for the Center. It was close enough to the hotel we could walk.

The difference in temperature between Edmonton and SeaTacVancouver meant I was back in kilts. It was much more comfortable than the heavy pants and underwear I had needed in Edmonton.

Accompanied by Danny, Steven, James and our two servants we walked to the Center. The route although a mere two blocks was lined with armed Security Guards. I sometimes thought they over did it? I doubted anyone was near enough to harm me or my party or even want to.

People snapped to attention and doors were opened as I approached them. The Elevator slid open when I walked up to it.

"Directors Office." I said out loud.

Elevators in most buildings now went both vertically and horizontally. You could step into an elevator on the ground floor on the east side of the building and exit on the top floor on the west side. They worked on a priority system controlled by computers. Sensors in the ceilings and walls could recognize passengers and assign them a priority. When I said Directors Office, the elevator checked my ID in its Data banks and assigned the elevator the highest priority. Less than 15 seconds later the door opened less than twenty feet from the Director's office.

Two guards stood like wax figures as we exited. If it had been anyone else on the elevator the reception would have been far different. As I approached the Entrance to the Directors Office the door slid open. Two more wax like guards stood just inside. Everyone in the outer office jumped to their feet as I walked in. I just ignored them.

I walked into the Director's office. It was empty. What he fuck. I returned to the door and stepped into the outer office.

"Where is the Director? I had an appointment with him this morning."

"The director suffered a massive heart attack last night. He is in the Center Hospital Sir."

"Shit." I walked out and across the hall.

When I walked into the Deputy Director's office, he jumped to his feet with a very surprised look on his face.

Yes, Yes Sir. May I be of service to you?"

"I had an appointment with the Director this morning. Can you tell me why he asked me and my team here?"

He had an even more surprised look on his face.

"Sir the Director did not inform me of your arrival or why he had called you here."

"If you don't know who does. I want to speak to his private Secretary."

"I'm sorry sir. His private Secretary was killed in an accident yesterday."

"Sounds very convenient, the Director has a heart attack and his secretary gets killed. Steven let loose the investigation teams. Start with the Directors office and work down. You may consider the SeaTacVancouver under my control until I find out what is going on around here."

"Yes Sir. No problem Sir."

I turned and went back into the Director's office and sat down at his desk.

His desk was covered in bits and pieces of paper al with almost gibberish written on them. "James have a look at these and tell me what you think." I handed him a wad of paper.

I opened his desk top reader and key pad. Punched in my access code and brought up the Director's Profile in the Data banks.

The picture of him was taken when he was 65. Now he was 67. He had obviously been in very good shape at some point in his life, but now the picture showed a man who was aging quickly. At 6 foot even and almost 220 lbs, he was overweight. That might have led to his heart attack.

His wife of 35 years had been euthanized when she went totally insane a year ago.

His two Sons, both born in the SeaTacVancouver breeding center had grown into very good citizens. He may have hoped one would take his place, but both had gone a different route. One had gone to the Naval Academy and was now a LT. Commander in the Union Navy. The other had gone into the NPF and was now an inspector in the South East Enclave. I just put both out of my mind.

He had no vices that I could find and only had one Servant/attendant. A man of 45 years who had been with him for almost 20 years.

It looked like he had been grooming his Deputy Director to take over for him when he retired. Well if the man proved to be okay by the Interrogators he would become Director a lot sooner.

"Steven, have the Directors Servant Interrogated. If the Director dies you can terminate him too."

"Yes Sir." Steven knew it was a given that anyone close to the Director would have to removed.

The Director had called my Father and asked him to send an investigative team here, but I could find no reason in any of his files. Someone had to know why I was here. I guess a lot of interrogations were going to take place. I also knew the gallows in the basement would be busy. Anyone admitting to any crime under interrogation could be sentenced to death. The Secret Service went by the book.

With nothing to do now until some information was wrenched from a few minds, I decided to head back to my quarters.

That was just the reverse of my walk over to the center. Steven and James remained at the Center.

In reality Steven had only commandeered the top 10 floors of the hotel with my suite in the penthouse. Access to the penthouse was by a single elevator, so with the main floor being guarded no one could get to the top floor without passing several check points. The view from the balcony of the Penthouse was magnificent.

Being forty stories up with a wrap around balcony meant I had an unobstructed 360 degree view of SeaTacVancouver Free City.

SeaTacVancouver was not only the Capital of the North West Enclave, it was also the northern gateway into the Union. The massive docks and terminals built up in the Straights could unload or load almost 500 ships each day. The Old SeaTac International Airport was now the only port of entry for passengers in the North West.

With the union using Fusion power, it became a net exporter of oil to the rest of the world. The massive Oil Sands Complex, plus the North Slope of Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico and Hibernia in the North East, meant The Union had an over abundance of petroleum.

With Petroleum products only needed by the Union Armed Forces and Heavy farming or construction, exporting the rest was the only option. The question was, how could the Union which up until the Second Civil War could become the world's oil supplier was simple.

In the late 21st Century, Israel and it's arch enemy Iran had a very short and very costly Nuclear War. Israel won and the Gulf States lost. Although Israel did get hit by several weapons, the Israeli weapons were much more accurate. All of Iran was devastated. Because none of the other Gulf States would join Iran, Iran in a fit of Anger nuked the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait.

Without the income from oil, those states soon fell into anarchy. Fundamentalist Moslem factions soon took control. They then tried to export that fundamentalist control over other Arab States. With the help from the Union, they were not very successful.

Without a major source of income, the Gulf States became almost third world countries, shunned by the west and east alike. The Union now controlled almost 65 percent of the world oil supply. Need oil, then cooperate with the Union.

Two other major developments happened with the advent of Fusion power.

The first was the demise of rail and truck transport almost completely. The Nation Commodities pipeline system was built. These pipelines could move any product faster and more efficiently than any rail or truck could. Everything from oil to parcels or bulk items could be moved through the pipelines.

The second was the National Electric road system. Coils under every highway and road in the union supplied power to vehicles on that road. All road transportation was done with electric powered hover vehicles. They only need manual control where the coils didn't exist. Like when we travelled to that lodge near Kananakis.

Standing on the balcony looking at SeaTacVancouver, showed me parts of everything including the water. I had never seen salt water before or the coast.

From our vantage point the sea looked smooth and inviting. Like a ribbon of blue.

"Is that the ocean Stanley? It looks real inviting. Can we go swimming in it?"

"WE could, but I am told it is very cold. Wouldn't want to freeze your more important assets."

"Could we at least get closer and see it then?"

"That we definitely could. I need to check and make sure the boys are all settled and make sure there are no problems, but then we can take a tour."

We went inside and I ordered lunch. Siam and Timothy served us and then stood waiting. I called Ginger and asked him to come up. He arrived promptly.

"Yes Master." Him and Jason stood waiting.

"I'm sorry I haven't had time for you two, but will make up for it sometime in the near future. How are all my boys?"

"Master, everything is fine and you need not worry about Jason and I, with almost 75 boys of legal age, we hardly have time for ourselves." He smiled.

"Well I'm glad everything is okay, but should still have time for you."

I'd be a liar if I said I didn't miss Gingers big black cock in my ass. Danny was big, but not as big and as experienced as Ginger or Jason for that matter.

I looked at Danny, he had a big smile on his face and wondered if he was thinking the same thing I was. I leaned over to Siam and whispered to him.

He smiled and nodded his head. Stood up and walked to Timothy. Then both boys just left. Neither Ginger or Jason commented on their quick retreat.

"Ginger could you get me a drink and Jason you can get Danny one."

After serving me a drink, he just stood close by. Before I could even suggest anything Danny and Jason just got up and headed for the second bedroom in the suite.

"Well my Consort has the right idea." I stood up.

"Come on Ginger, Time for me to get reacquainted with that monster you have." I led him into my bedroom.

WE were both hard even before we got undressed. I saw that wonderful black cock of Ginger, standing at full mast. I sat on the edge of the bed and pulled him close. I gripped his cock and leaned over letting it into my mouth. I had never been able to deep throat him. Now I wanted to do just that.

I tried several times to do just that, but he was just too thick. He had told me once that I needed to swallow him before he got hard. Well if I could do it that way, I could damn well get him to force it into my throat. I backed off.

"Ginger, I want you to force your cock into my throat."

"Master if I do that I might hurt you very badly. I can not hurt you Master."

"Ginger, do you like being my House Master?"

"Oh Yes Master."

Well if you want to continue to be my house master and not a castrated bull living your life out in a hole in the ground, you will force that cock of yours into my throat the next time I put it in my mouth."

I watched his face. Al kinds of emotions crossed it. With tears in his eyes.

"I will try Master." Be careful what you wish for. They say.

When I leaned over and slid his cock into my mouth, he grabbed my head with both hands. He rammed his cock into my throat. The pain was instantaneous. But not only was he ramming it in, he was moving from side to and up and down. He back off and ram again. Over and over and over again. Each Time the pain just increased. I thought for sure my jaw would dislocate with each thrust of his monster. All of a sudden his pubes were mashed into my face. He didn't stop at that, just pulled back and went in again. I knew now I had all his nine very thick inches filling my throat. Finally he just held me and I had no choice but swallow as my throat was filled with his cumm. AS I swallowed it seemed his cock was pulled deeper. Totally out of air and almost faint, he finally pulled out and sat down on his ass and started to bawl.

After catching my breath, I sat beside and pulled him into my arms.

"Easy Ginger. It's okay. I'm okay."

"But Master, I hurt you."

"Ginger, that is a hurt I want to feel many more times. I loved to swallow your cock. I loved it even better when you came in my throat and not my mouth. Now love fuck me. Fuck me like you did when my father ordered you."

Well so much for taking a tour of SeaTacVancouver. After Ginger fucked me, I fucked him. We also sucked each other off again. Deep throating his cock the second time still hurt but was easier than the first time. We had a nap in each others arms when we were both played out.

When we woke up we face fucked each other. Then after draining him, which almost caused him to have a heart attack, he drained me. We showered and then dressed. WE found we had been at it for almost four hours. A fantastic way to spend an afternoon.

Danny and Jason were in a lip lock when we walked out. "Hmm. Something I should be worried about love?"

"Not a chance Stanley. I was just thanking Jason for a wonderful afternoon. Stanley, could I appoint Jason as my house Master?"

"Absolutely Danny and a good pick too."

I sat down in one of the leather easy chairs.

"I wonder where my little imp is?"

I no sooner said it when Siam came streaking into the living room. He was still nude, but he quickly mixed me a drink and brought it to me. His hand was shaking as he handed it to me.

"I'm sorry Master. I didn't hear you come back." His eyes were huge and filled with tears.

I took the drink with one hand and used the other to pull him onto my lap.

"Relax Siam, I'm not mad. Were you having fun with Timothy?"

"Yes Master." He said quietly.

"Well I'm glad, coz I was having lots of fun with Ginger." He just snuggled closer to me.

"Well so much for seeing the ocean today." I said and everyone giggled.

Ginger and Jason both left. I just leaned back and relaxed. This was how things should be. Siam on my lap and Timothy on Danny's lap. I knew Timothy loved Danny with everything and I loved Siam. Danny and I still loved each other more than words can describe, but having two so devoted boys to keep us each company was the best of everything. I could wish that was all I ever had to do, but knew my problems here in SeaTacVancouver were only just beginning, but had no idea what was wrong here. I hoped my staff was finding out.

All I could do was wait.

If I thought Ginger and I had burned each other out in the afternoon, I was very much mistaken. Having a nude Thai boy on my lap didn't help at all and Siam knew it too.

"If you want it baby, you will have to do all the work. I kind of tuckered out love." I whispered to Siam.

He turned around until he was facing me. Lifted my kilt out of way, grabbed my painfully hard cock, centered it on his hole and sat down. The moan as my cock slid into his superheated chute said it all.

Siam always seemed so tight, no matter how many times he had been screwed. The muscles inside his hot ass squeezed and massaged my cock with each bounce. He not only went in and out, but moved from sides to side and up down on my cock was hitting everything inside him. His moans, plus assorted ohs and ahs as he bounced told me he loved to get fucked. I figured it would take a while for me to get off, but his constant moving brought closer and closer to ejaculation, far quicker than I figured.

Siam was so experienced he seemed to sense when I was about to blow. He sat down and stopped, but the inside kept squeezing my cock. The feeling were so exquisite my whole body shook when I blew inside him. He just slumped against as I came down from the rush.

"I love you Master." He said.

"I love you too Siam."

We were in a bit of a dilemma now. If Siam stood up and off my cock, I knew we would both be covered in cumm from his butt. He looked at me kind of perplexed.

I knew what to do and also knew what I wanted next. Siam had always loved to rim me after he had fucked me, but I had never returned the favor. Today I would. I had sucked him off many times so knew he tasted fantastic.

"When I stand up Siam, wrap your legs around my waist so I stay inside you."

I stood up and headed for the bedroom. I lay on the bed on my back. Siam was now straddling me now.

"When you pull off, swing around so I can lick your butt."

His eyes got big, but he never said anything.

"Let me have everything Siam." I said. He nodded.

He nodded once more and quickly pulled off my cock and swung around, presenting his nice ass right in my face. I spread his cheeks and dove in with my tongue. He sat up and down on my face. AS my tongue entered his hole he grunted and everything inside gushed into my open mouth. Wow! What a mixture. I tasted Siam and I was sure Timothy and one other, plus his ass juices. I never stopped just kept going for more. What ever I had been missing I would never miss again. He leaned forward and I felt his hot lips on my cock as he licked me clean. Then he turned and licked my face clean.

I pulled him down and gave him a deep loving kiss.

"Now we are one Siam. You will always be my number one boy."

He just hugged me closer. Totally worn out I pulled him close and drifted off to sleep. For the first time since I had known Danny he wasn't in my bed that night. I woke up with my usual problem. A very full bladder. Siam was laying across my chest. I rubbed his back and lifted his head. His spike was pushing into my side. He knew instinctively what I need. As I rolled up to a sitting position he was between my legs instantly.

He took my morning load and continued until he emptied my balls too. Then stood to head for the bathroom. I stopped him. I dropped to my knees and took his spike into my mouth. He tied in vain to back off, but I held him by his thighs. His body took control and he drained his load into my mouth all the while protesting. After draining him, I continued to suck him until I tasted his sweet load in my mouth. He was crying and shaking as I stood up.

"Why Master? It is forbidden for a Slave to do that."

"Siam, you are not my Slave. You are my companion and servant and after today you will have a choice in all you do. Come, I need a shower and real food."

Siam was very subdued as he washed me in the shower. He hardy said a word even after drying and helping me dress. WE went out. Everyone was at breakfast, including Steven and James.

"Well Gentlemen. Find out anything?

"Yes Sir, but we are not sure how to proceed."


Next: Chapter 7

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