My Fathers Footsteps

Published on Jan 2, 2014



Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.


As I sat down in the VIP Lifter, I still didn't have any idea how they worked. I knew the lift and forward momentum was supplied by the four massive fans situated fore and aft on both side of the lifter, but had no idea where the power came from. Jeremy's Father I knew built the machines so figured he would know how they worked.

"Jeremy, come up here and sit down."

Jeremy was almost identical to Siam in how he reacted when he was close to me. He got hard. He had about 6.5 inches hard and was fairly thick. Not anywhere as big as I liked, but I was with exception of Siam a size queen. I loved big thick cocks, in my mouth or ass and the longer the better. My Father had started me in this life and had taught me well.

"Siam before I try the process of enhancement on you, I will try it on Jeremy."

"Okay Master." HE smiled. Siam was a size queen too.

"Jeremy, your Father builds these lifters. Can you tell me how they work in layman's terms so I can understand?"

"Yes Master."

Our lifter had been diverted well out over the ocean, due to the traffic in and out of SeaTac International Airport. So instead of a short half hour flight it was extended to almost 90 minutes.

Jeremy's explanation I already knew mostly about from History.

Prior to the arrival of Fusion Power, most countries had used fossil fuels to get there power or Nuclear Plants. Both were expensive in the extreme and became more so after the short Nuclear war in the middle east.

Those countries that had the capability lofted huge solar collectors into space and began beaming power to the ground via Microwave. The sun could supply almost limitless power but there was a disadvantage. When ever clouds or storms obscured the ground receivers the power was sometimes cut to almost zero. So most collectors were built in Desert regions or very dry areas.

That of course meant that some countries still had to rely on fossil fuels. Fossil Fuels imported from the Union. With the price of oil hovering near 200 New Dollars a barrel meant unless those countries complied with Union requests, they were left in the dark. That gave the Union enormous clout on the world stage.

The Union had lofted almost thirty of these solar collectors and after the arrival of Fusion reactors no longer needed the power from them. Stanton Industries had developed another use for the collectors. The Solar powered lifter.

On the outside of every lifter on top was a moveable mirror. This was aligned with a collector in space. When needed power was accepted by the lifter and it powered everything. How exactly it worked even Jeremy didn't know. It was highly classified secret.

The Union was the only Country on earth that had the lifter.

After Jeremy was done I had him suck me off and Siam. Siam sucked him off. He was always happy when I used him so knew I had changed his mind somehow when I raped him. I wondered what his Father was going to think now that he was permanently indentured to me. His name was on my Fathers Guest list that I had Steven get for me. Another man I was not looking forward meeting was the Secretary of the Interior. A man I was sure was a criminal and would love to see hanging on a wire noose.

Our lifter was under escort by units from the Union Navy long before we were even close. My Fathers retreat was a fortress as well as being a comfortable place to unwind from his workload as Chairman.

I also found out a lot more about my Father. When I told Steven about the Invitation, read order, to visit him at his retreat in Oregon, Steven told me things that were not spoken about at anytime. He even said his life might be in Danger if my Father found out Steven had spoken. I assured him that I would protect him.

"If you can Sir, but I will tell you."

Most of what Steven told me to start with, I knew already from History I had taken during my early schooling. Military Dictatorships had been around for thousands of years. All had eventually fallen for one reason or another.

When the First Chairman decided he would be the only Military Dictator of the Union and his seat would be taken by one of his Son's there had been at first lots of dissent. That first chairman had solved that problem by executing all who opposed him. The first ten years of the Union had been full of turmoil and outright rebellion. Having the Armed Forces and Secret Service fully onside meant those who fought the Union died quickly and brutally.

The then Chairman took lesson and parts from every Military Dictatorship that had ever existed and added parts to the new Union. He also tossed out things that brought about their downfall.

In some cases it was religion that brought Dictatorships down, others including sex, free speech, free assembly or outright war. There were many reasons Dictatorships didn't last more than a few hundred years. The Chairman was determined to prevent the downfall of the Union.

After the forced annexation of Canada, Mexico, the Central American States and Caribbean into the Union the population of this new Union exceeded 700 million people. Far more than the Union could sustain with farming or manufacturing. The New Breeding laws could hold this population, but it was still too many.

The first Edict brought out to control and reduce this massive population brought the first of many short lived rebellions. The Edict declared that anyone no longer capable of supporting the Union was to be removed and euthanized. He cleaned out every seniors home or housing, all asylums, the prisons, and anyone else that the Union felt was of no longer a use to the Union. In ten years almost 25 million people simply ceased to exist.

Under Military Law, every crime was considered a Capitol offense. Anyone even suspected of a crime was considered guilty and was executed. There was no trial or appeal. Age at first was not even considered. If caught you were guilty and executed the same day.

When the Union first came into being, the Secret Service had about 5,000 members. Within ten years that had been expanded to almost 2 million men and women. The Armed Forces went from 3.5 million to almost 50 million.

To pay for this expansion the Tax Laws of the Union were changed.

Every worker in the Union was taxed at 10 percent. No matter your position or Station, you paid 10 percent. However if your wife did not work, you also paid 10 percent for her. If you had children, then each child cost you another 5 percent. For families with one child meant then you paid 25 percent, not a hard burden. However with some religious groups, where large families were the norm that could amount to anything up to 90 percent of your income. It brought home to everyone to follow the breeding laws very quickly.

Refusal to pay or register was a capitol offense and was punishable by death.

With the Breeding Laws firmly entrenched and the New Tax regimen in place put a huge burden on some large family groups. This brought on first Slavery Laws.

Any person, male or female could be Indentured by the Union from birth. That meant those with large families who could not sustain the burden could turn their children over to the State. Those Children became wards of the Union and Slaves. At first those Slaves could be bought by anyone who could afford them. Later it was decreed that only those designated to live in a Free City could own or use Indentured Slaves.

Everyone within the inner circle of the Union was for all intents homosexuals. No one disputed that and no one cared outside the inner workings of the Union. With the number of Slaves both male and female available the Chairman could and did use almost a new bed partner every night. Some he kept but the others were simply put down.

He wasn't alone in his wants and needs and sex was a universal thing enjoyed by almost anyone in the Union. So to alleviate the need of the common people State operated brothels were opened in every enclave. All forms of sex were embraced regardless of what it was. If someone wanted to get screwed by a dog the State would supply that dog.

There was no sexual extreme excluded from the new laws. The Age of consent was at first thrown out, later it was decreed to be 14 and strictly enforced.

However there was a fatal flaw in all that the Union had done. Slavery did not work. It had brought down some of the largest Empires and countries in the world in History. Slaves eventually rose up and replaced their Masters or had help in doing it. The Chairman knew this and devised a way to prevent such slave revolts.

The Indenturing Laws were changed.

Although anyone could be still indentured by the union, some things changed. All young men and women, those below the age of consent were schooled in what exactly was expected of them as a slave. Girls and boys were schooled separately. Sex education was taught from a very early age and it was also taught that boys should deflower their peers. That ensured that all knew what was expected of them once they became what became to be known as Servants and Attendant in most households.

Once a Slave reached the age of consent and was accepted into a household he had to be paid by his owner. Also each Slave was given a set amount he had to pay the owner for his eventual freedom. In Most cases that amounted to about 30,000 New Dollars. A specified amount was deducted from each Slave's monthly pay to pay down his indenture.

Of course some slaves still revolted against this idea. It was found that if a Slave was castrated he became very docile and lost that spark of rebellion. So any slave that didn't work out were first castrated and then sent to work in mining and industry. Females were sterilized and sent to brothels. Some were of course sent to the breeding Institutes to bare children for others. Some of the better looking Males were also sterilized and sent to brothels.

There were exceptions. Jeremy had been brought up knowing what was expected of Slaves or Servants and Attendants, but had never had one. I on the other hand had always had a Servant or Attendant after I joined my Fathers Household at fourteen. I had used those Servants and Attendants many times. The first two I had were white boys, the last Ginger was black. He never hesitated to suck me off when ever I wanted or to bend over so I could fuck him, but had never even dreamed of returning the favor.

Was that an error on my part? I wasn't sure anymore. There is no doubt now that I had loved to be forced to suck off those two Servants in my Father's office. I did hate my Father when he raped me. I only changed my mind when Ginger told me what my Father had ordered him to do. Ginger had no choice it was either fallow my Fathers orders or end up in a mine as a common laborer without his balls.

I came to realize my Father was creating in me an exact copy of himself. He had shown me by raping me in front of his own servants the power he held over me. By making me his Inspector General, he had given me almost as much power over anyone.

Raping Jeremy had been easy and I would not mind raping another virgin if one could be found. So I knew I was changing and as my Father said I was changing to his good.

Steven also told me two other things. All the servants that had been in his office when he raped me were executed by the Secret Service that same night including his house Master. On another occasion my Father had demonstrated how really brutal he could be. A young Servant had bit his cock when my Father had been fucking his face. My Father had strangled the Servant with his bare hands right in his office. Also a young Secret Service officer had been become violently ill when he watched my Father. He had thrown up on Father's office floor. My Father had him stripped and emasculated then and there.

I wasn't sure I could ever go that far. I hated to sign death warrants.

All these thoughts were going through my mind as the lifter came in to land at my Fathers Retreat.

Only one man was on the pad as we landed. That was my Father. As I stepped off I wasn't sure weather I should salute him or not. He took it out of my hands when he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me.

It was kind of a shock to me when my Father hugged me. He had never before shown any kind of affection to me. I returned the hug and it felt real good.

He nodded to Steven and James, then turned and we headed into his house.

We walked along a short hallway and entered what he called the great room. Great room it was. About 50 feet along one side and almost double the other, it was dominated by a massive fireplace. Built of stone it had to be near 10 feet wide topped with a marble top. A fire roared in the fireplace casting a warm red glow over everything in the room. The furniture was deep leather chairs and couches, with tables interspersed around the room. A long one wall a smorg of different foods were laid out. About 30 people stood or sat around talking and sipping drinks.

As we moved into the great room I noticed something else. There were about twenty young black males serving drinks and snacks among the guests. What surprised me was they were all nude. My Father must have noticed me looking at them because he leaned close to me.

"Stanley, all servants while they are inside this home are required to be nude regardless of who they belong to. Also any servant may be used by any guest at anytime."

"Okay Father. I will inform my servants when I see them."

"That won't be necessary. My House Master will be informing them of the rules here. Now let us meet some of my guests."

I met the Chief of the Armed Forces, the Director of the Secret Service, several Secretaries of the Transport, Justice, Finance and the Interior. The Secretary of the Interior was the last man my Father introduced to me. He put out his hand.

He knew my feelings immediately when I didn't attempt to shake his hand.

"I understand there have been some conflicts arising between my office and yours Inspector General. I hope we can discuss those problems and come to an understanding."

Before I could say anything my father intervened.

"We will discuss all the problems at a later time. Now let us enjoy our evening."

As the evening wore on it became one big orgy of black boys sucking and getting fucked. They weren't alone either, I saw one of my aides Steven getting the huge cock of the Chief of the Armed forces sliding into out of him. Both appeared to be enjoying it. I was about to grab a young black boy to service my cock when my Father spoke to me.

"Come along Stanley." He led me out of the Great room and up a short staircase. I figured I was going to get my wish and get screwed again by my Father.

I was surprised when he led me into a large study. He mixed me a drink and told me to sit.

"This will be no surprise to you Stanley. There are several people in your office who report directly to me. I have spies in every department of the Union. I won't tell you who they are and I expect you to just accept it."

"I don't have a problem with that Father."

"I found it rather funny that you deflowered George Stanton's Son and then made him a permanent Attendant. I'm curious as to what his Father will say. He is arriving tomorrow and I have already informed him that his Son will be here."

"From what Jeremy has told me, his Father will be pleased he is now being of service to the Union." "Maybe." My Father Laughed.

"From what I have had reported to me Stanley, you have become quite a size queen." He chuckled.

I didn't have an answer to that.

"I guess I could say you are becoming more like me all the time. I too enjoy large or should I say huge cocks. Both to suck and get screwed by, however I have never had one the size I have found you. In the next room is a very secure bedroom. It is also totally sound proofed so anything that happens is for your ears only. I will say cameras cover the whole room so I will see what happens but no one else will. If the man does not please you in anyway, I will have him executed in the morning. So enjoy your evening Stanley. I will see you in the morning for breakfast."

"That Slave is waiting for you Stanley. Good night Son." He walked out of the den.

WOW! This was different. I was expecting to get fucked by my Father and now he had given me a Slave to use. From his own words a hugely endowed Slave.

I mixed myself another drink and wandered around the den. There were some nice pictures on the wall mostly nude black males in every position you could think of. All were photos taken by who I didn't know. From what I could see most were not overly endowed.

I knew my Father like Black boys. I had seen lots when I lived in my Fathers house in New Washington. Ginger was the first black that I had ever had. He wasn't as thick as my Father, but way longer. IT was Ginger that had made me want big cocks.

I didn't care that my Father would watch what happened tonight. I knew there were cameras everywhere in all residences. That was how my Father always knew what I had been doing. IT was also how I knew everything that happened in anyplace I was. Security, Always the need for security.

Fact of life in the Union. Big Brother was always watching.

Well time to find out. I went through the connecting door and closed it behind me. It had a solid thunk as it closed. The room was well lit but not overly bright. The Man my father had picked for me was sprawled on several cushions. When I walked in he stood up.

Well my Father had said he was huge and he was in every way. He stood I'm sure near 6 foot 8 inches tall towering over my five foot eleven. He was also near 240 lbs of pure muscle. Not a once of fat on his frame. His legs were like trees and his arms fence posts. His cock hung down and out over what I figured were large balls. It looked about eight or nine inches soft and cut with a huge heart shaped head. His back when I walked around him was just as muscled and his huge ass was as firm as two very large melons.

How anyone had captured this guy was beyond me. He could snap me in half without trying.

"What are you called?"

"Jubal Master."

"What were my Fathers orders to you Jubal?"

"I am to follow your orders no matter what they are and how I feel about it. I am your Fathers Slave and I like to be his Slave. I will do anything you ask."

"I already presume you have been fucked before Jubal."

"Yes Master. I was used by the soldiers who captured me."

"That must have been a feat. You are bigger than anyone I have ever seen. How many did it take to get you down?"

"Master, I was told the soldiers used a sound weapon to render me unconscious. When I woke up I was in a holding cell. Men came in and held me down and used me."

"How did you feel about that Jubal?"

"Master. It matters not how I felt then or now. I know I am a Slave and I also know the consequences of refusal. I have watched your father execute many men who have refused him or anyone he has ordered. I will never refuse."

He helped me undress and commented that I looked very good. I had him drain me and then suck me off. He was an excellent cocksucker.

I told him to lie back in the same chair he was in when I came in. I got down close to his cock. I buried my nose in his ample bush. He smelled like Ginger, sort of a sweaty musky odor. He wasn't even hard although I had my hand around his cock.

"Don't you get hard Jubal?"

"Master, you should take all you can before I get hard. I will pull it out before I break your jaw."

"Jubal, I will decide when I want your cock out of my mouth."

"Yes Master."

"How big do you get Jubal?"

"AS big as your fist Master and two hands long."

If it was as big as two of his hands then it was well over a foot long, closer to fifteen inches and as thick as my fist. He said, damn maybe I won't be able to suck him off.

The thing I loved about Negro cocks was that they smooth almost silky smooth. Jubal's cock was the same but almost filled my mouth and throat while still soft. AS I played with it I could feel it slowly firming up. Each time I took him right to the base of my throat it became harder and more painful as my jaw was stretched to the limit. One last time I tried but the pain became so acute, I was sure my jaw had been dislocated. I pulled off him. My eyes were bleary from the pain. When I was able to focus I saw why. Jubal's cock was so big I could not get my hand around it and looked more like a post it was so long. Fifteen inches, more like twenty, I thought.

I gripped that monster with both hands and tried to suck it. Jubal was right, I could get just that huge head inside my mouth. I contented myself by just sucking and licking that bulbous head. Jubal was obviously enjoying my attention on his cock, I could feel his heart beat in my hands as I slowly sucked and jacked him.

"I will warn you Master when I am about to shoot." Jubal said.

I reached down and rolled his balls in his sack. Each was the size of a small orange. I hoped his load matched everything else about him.

Jubal was getting close just by his movements.

"Master! Master." A long stream of thick and slippery sperm shot into my mouth. I gripped the head with both hands. I savored that first shot. Not salty or sweet exactly, more of chalky taste with just a hint of something else. When I released his cock head, I had to swallow quickly as my mouth was filled with each shot. It seemed like a gallon of his sperm shot from that huge head.

When I pulled off my face was covered with another shot. Then just a thick stream slid out of the massive piss slit. Damn he had a load. I licked up what I had missed and sat back. Jubal bent down and licked my face clean.

"Master, you didn't have to swallow my sperms."

"That's okay Jubal. You taste good and I will enjoy it many times again."

"Do you wish to fuck me now Master?"

"Yes I will eventually."

Jubal laid back, lifted those tree trunk legs. It looked like he could almost suck his own cock. For a muscled guy he sure was supple. Although not shaved anywhere else his ass was smooth as a new born child. His hole looked like a large pink fruit surrounded by rich dark chocolate. He was almost double and reached back and spread those huge melons. His hole flexed while I watched.

Not even hesitating I leaned in and ran my tongue over that pink fruit. His body jumped and the hole opened like an iris. I could get part of my tongue right inside him. He moaned very loud and then gagged. I looked up briefly, a full four inches of his own cock was in his mouth. When I dove into that hole again he continued to gag and it occurred to me I could gag him to death on his own cock. I think his problem was to please me he would do anything even if it meant he suffered.

Rather than have him suffer I stood back a moment and leaned forward pushing my cock into that hole.

"Yes Master. Fuck Jubal good." He moaned.

Well fuck him I did and it was no surprise that he felt snug. I figured he was a very experienced recipient of cocks. It was no surprise either when I didn't last long either. I had been horny since I was in the office with my father.

When I pulled out, there was a lot more cumm on my cock than what I had deposited.

"How many times have you been fucked tonight Jubal?"

"Master, as a slave I can't refuse. The House Master and my owner fucked me tonight."

So he had three loads of sperm inside that nice ass. I knew what I wanted.

I had always liked the taste of my own sperm even before my Father had me suck off those two boys. I had enjoyed it too. I had rimmed Siam on multiple occasions after I had screwed him and even had done Ginger after Siam, Jason and myself had all cumm inside him. I wondered what my Father thought of such deviant behavior, although if he was displeased he had never said anything. Now I was going to find out what my Father and the House master tasted like.

"Come over to the bed Jubal. I want to rim that nice ass of yours good."

"Okay Master." He obviously knew what I wanted.

I lie on the bed on my back and Jubal squatted over me. As I spread those big ass cheeks he moved back and slowly lowered his ass onto my face. As soon as my tongue ran over his hole it opened and I almost drowned as the juices and cumm inside him flowed out. I felt him grunt and more flowed out. I was near faint before he gently lifted up. I licked his butt clean.

To be honest I really couldn't distinguish one flavor from another, so knew if I wanted to taste my Father, I would have to suck him off.

"Okay Jubal. Time to see if that cock of yours will fit."

"Master, I am very big and don't want to hurt you. If I fuck you Master I will rip you open and my Master will have me executed." "Well I guess that puts you between a rock and a hard place."

"I'm sorry Master, I don't understand."

"Jubal if you don't try to fuck me, I'll say you refused my orders. What will your Master do then?"

He just looked at me.

I grabbed the big bottle of super lube off the bedside table.

"Jubal lube yourself up good and do my ass too. If it doesn't fit I will tell you when to stop. I don't want to be injured anymore than you want to. Just go real slow and we'll see."

Jubal did as he was told. As he pushed my legs up I noticed the ceiling was covered in mirrors, so I could watch that cock as he pushed it in. The pain started as soon as he pushed that monster head against my hole. As he very slowly pushed, the pain increased until I had to grit my teeth to keep from screaming. I was about to scream stop when he did stop.

"Master, I have the head inside, but if I go more I know you will be very badly hurt. No one has ever taken me."

He was right. We couldn't do it this way. I needed more control on how fast or how far his cock went.

"Take it out Jubal. We will have to try it a different way."

Having me held in place wouldn't work. I wondered if I could sit down on it. Then my body weight would be what pushed it inside. I could also move about to try and stretch my hole.

"Lie on your back Jubal. I'm going to try and sit down on it."

He looked dubious, but did as was told. I straddled his chest. I lifted up on my knees and centered the head of his cock on my hole. I put just a little pressure on it and I yelped as the head popped inside. Fuck that was easy and although it hurt, it didn't hurt as much as I thought. Maybe this would work.

Well I applied a little more pressure as well as moving back and forth and up and down, trying to stretch my hole with the head of his cock. It just didn't want to go in. Maybe more Lube was needed.

"Jubal, I'm going to lift off. You lube your cock more and squirt some in my hole too."

Jubal did as I told him. When I sat on his cock again, the head popped in with almost no pain. AS I started to move the pain started to increase as that barrel sized shaft started to enter my hole. It seemed so utterly ridiculous that something so big could fit in something so small that I forgot almost all about the pain I was feeling. I wiggled my ass around some more and let my weight down. I screamed in abject pain as that massive cock slid all the way in and hit the top of my canal. I dropped flat on Jubal's chest, still impaled.

I just lie still allowing my hole to get used to being filled with so much. It was like I had gone without shitting for month. The pain around my hole was still acute, but the pain deep inside was more a throbbing pain. I didn't move for the longest time. Jubal brought me out of funk.

"Master you took some of me. No one has ever been able to."

When I looked at his face, his eyes were glassy. I leaned down and gave him a peck on those thick lips. That got his attention because his eyes opened real wide.

"Never been kissed before Jubal?"

"Not by a Master."

I smiled and leaned down again, this time pushing my tongue into his mouth. Just like Ginger, he tasted just fine to me. I felt his tongue and it almost filled my mouth. He won the tongue battle and I lifted up. I had forgotten almost all about that huge cock in my ass.

"Okay Jubal. I want you to roll me over on my back. Then you can fuck me."

I was like a kitten in his strong arms as he rolled me over, careful to keep his cock buried inside me.

"Master if I cumm, you will be more slippery inside."

"Can you cumm anytime you want Jubal?"

"Yes Master."

I knew what I wanted to happen although I wasn't sure it was even possible. I wanted all his cock inside me, but almost 6 inches was still out even with him at the top of my canal. If he came inside, some would be pushed into my upper bowel. I wondered if he knew that.

He pulled back about half way and I felt the heat as he unloaded inside my ass. That almost got me off. AS he pushed back in was sure I could feel something even deeper inside me as well as along the membranes inside my hole.

"Start slow Jubal."

"Of course Master. You are not used to me yet."

He started with very slow strokes. All the way out to the head and then back in to top of my bowel. He then started to sort of twist and rotate his cock around inside as he was at the top. He also started to push hard as he reached the end of my canal. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but most of pain disappeared as he slowly fucked me. All at once he hammered into me very hard. When he hit the end of my canal he moved up and down. The pain suddenly increased to the point I opened my mouth to scream. He mashed his lips on mine. There was brief jab, like someone had stabbed me, then nothing. Jubal stopped moving.

He lifted off my mouth.

"Master for a while it will hurt real bad, but soon you used to me."

Before I could answer he again mashed his lips on mine.

Then he used short hard strokes. Each one was like a stab to my mind. After what I didn't know how long I again felt his load filling me even deeper.

"Now Master you can take all of me."

He started to really fuck my hole, long strokes and short ones. I knew I was taking all his cock. I could feel his big balls slapping my ass cheeks. For a while there was till pain but that soon passed and I wanted him even more.

"Harder Jubal. Harder and faster." I groaned.

He did as I said and I don't think I could have anymore pleasure at what he was doing. He also pulled all the way out before just driving back inside. Each stroke his balls hit my ass. He came again but never slowed his assault on my boy pussy. I didn't want it to stop, but he finally stopped as yet another load from his balls squished inside my over loaded hole.

When he pulled out he flipped me over and rimmed me. I looked at his now flaccid cock. It was covered in cumm and a bit of blood, but no where near what Jeremy had lost. I bent over and licked him clean.

When he was done, he stood up and lifted me off the bed like I was no more than a child. He took me to the bathroom and took me in the shower. He acted like Siam making sure I was lean all over. When he went to step out I stopped him.

"Jubal, I will wash you now."

"Master does need to worry about me." He protested.

"Stand still Jubal." I then made sure he was clean as well inside and out as he had done for me.

After drying I needed sleep. I peeled back the covers. Jubal lay on the floor next to my bed.

"Jubal, you will sleep with me."

"But Master." Was all he got out.

"Don't argue with me Jubal. Get in the bed."

He climbed on the bed and lay on his back. I shut the lights off and climbed in beside him. Usually Siam slept with his head on my chest. Considering Jubal's size I moved over and lay my head on his chest. I felt an arm come over me. Sleep was easy.

After our morning ablutions I dismissed Jubal so he could get his breakfast. I went down to the dinning room to get mine.

When I walked in the dinning room, my Father was in conversation with another man, yes I remembered he was the Secretary of Finance. I sat down and a nude black boy brought me my breakfast.

As I was drinking my coffee, Father sat down beside me.

"A good night Stanley?"

"Very good night Father. So good I want him."

My Father burst out laughing.

"So one night with my premier body guard and you want him. Well you are not alone. Two other of my Secretaries want him too. I think I will let him decide. Boy find Jubal and have him report to the great room."

We took our coffee and walked into the Great Room. The only people in the room were two Secretaries and 3 young servants.

While we were waiting I had a chance to look at the three blacks servicing the two secretaries. The Interior Secretary had a boy sucking his cock, while he jacked another. The Secretary of Finance was sucking another boy. Neither stopped what they were doing when we walked in. My Father sat down to wait.

I watched Jubal walk into the room. He moved like a huge cat, more gliding across the floor than walking. Seeing those bulging muscles he exuded a power of sheer strength. His presence alone would scare the crap out anyone.

He walked to where my Father was sitting and bowed.

"Ah Jubal. You have made another admirer."

"Yes Master."

"Jubal these three have expressed a desire to own you."

I was very sure the other two Secretaries wanted Jubal as a show piece. Something to parade around to show their power in the Union. I wanted him in my bed.

"Jubal, if I gave you a choice which of these would you choose to be your Master."

"Master, I am your slave. It is not my say to who will own me."

"Choose one now Jubal."

He never hesitated.

I choose Master Stanley if he will have me."

"Very well Jubal. You will move your things from my room immediately and move them to Stanley's quarters. He is now your Master."

My Father stood up.

"Come with me Stanley."

He walked out and down a short hall. I followed. WE entered what was obviously his office. A black stuck his head in from a side door.

"Coffee." My Father said.

A few moments later the boy came in set down a carafe of coffee and two cups and disappeared again.

"Help yourself and then sit down Stanley." He mixed himself a coffee and sat behind his desk.

He just sat and looked at me. His Steel blue eyes seemed to look right into my soul. It gave me an eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"You must have really made an impression on Jubal for him to pick you without even thinking."

"He made a very good impression on me as well Father."

"I'm sure." He laughed. "Stanley there is something you must learn and learn quickly. This Union of ours only works through power. Power of the Chairman over everyone else. Lose even a very small part of that power and you will be disposed so quick you will hardly have time to breath. I hold that power by sheer ruthlessness. You must too. I have seen your reluctance to sign warrants. Their lives mean nothing as does the lives of anyone else Stanley. Even your life is in my hands to do with as I please."

"Someday you will sit in this chair and you must be just as ruthless as I am to hold it. Death is something that is a fact of life. I don't take pleasure from killing, I use it as a force of intimidation to anyone I want."

"Do you know how many people were executed in the Center North Enclave?"

"Not off hand Father."

"Before we get to that, do you know who else in the Union has a hereditary position?"

"The Director of the Secret Service and the Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces."

"Do you know why?"

"Yes Father. The First Chairman gave them that position to ensure that the Secret Service and the Armed forces would always be loyal to the Union. Not to you, but the Union. The Secret Service mandate is to ensure the survival of the Union from any internal threats. The Armed forces have the same mandate against external threats."

"Very good Stanley, You have obviously learned from your education."

"One last question Stanley."

"You are in fact and name Deputy Chairman of the Union. I have named you my heir. As my Inspector General you now have access to everyone in the Union. Your word as Inspector General is as if I was speaking."

"What would you do if I dropped dead at this very moment?"

"If I was present when it happened, I would call in my Secret Service Advisor to confirm your death. If I wasn't present, I would be informed immediately and after confirmation of your death, would invoke the Law of Succession. The Secret Service would carry the instructions I have set up."

"When you succeeded your Father almost 750,000 people died. I dare say that number could be in the millions by the time I take over from you. Father the death of those criminals never bothered me. What bothered me was the insistence of Secret Service that what happened after they were deemed guilty was out of my hands. I corrected that response, but am not sure if it is still being carried out."

"You can be sure that if you gave an order Stanley they will carry it out regardless of how they feel. The Secret Service protect the Union, but you control them."

Now before I show you a surprise I have for you, I want you to read this interrogation report." He handed me a thick folder and left his Office.

Holy Christ I thought when I looked at the profile from the Data Banks. It was the Director of the Central North Enclave. I wondered how they had got him.

I noted that he had been interrogated over a period of days and the list of people he confessed to be part of the conspiracy was longer than I had thought possible. Including two officers from the Armed Forces and an FPS Inspector.

He had been found guilty of treason and sentenced to death by slow strangulation along with his wife and two younger Sons. They were already dead. Steven had executed both after interrogation. His older Son Jason was never mentioned.

It took a while, but I read the long very extensive report. Most of the names he named had already been executed.

I mixed myself a drink of my Fathers Scotch and sat down to wait for him.

I set down my drink and back looking at the report when my Father walked in. I found out strong my Father really was when he told me to stand up.

He reached out with one hand and ripped my kilt and underwear off in one hard pull. With the other arm, he spun me around and slammed me over the edge of his desk. My cock was trapped along the top of his desk, wqhile my balls were pushed against the edge. That hurt and I groaned.

With out any preliminaries, he brought his cock up and slammed into my ass. I screamed at his entry, which momentarily surprised me. I thought after Jubal's fist sized cock last night, I would have been pretty loose.

He fucked me fast strokes for about ten minutes then pulled out.

"I see you learned Stanley." He said as he grabbed my hair and dragged me around.

He forced me to my knees before shoving his cock into my mouth. His very fast entry caused me gag on his cock and it took several hard strokes before I was used o his cock forcing its way into my throat. He fucked my face for another ten minutes and then just held it. I had to swallow fast to take his load. He then just backed up and straightened his kilt. He had not even removed it.

"Go to your quarters and clean up. When you are ready, have one of y Security Guards show you to the basement. You are dismissed."

That was different. Well I got my wish although there was no love involved. He had, like everyone he dealt with just used me to satisfy his needs.

He had proved once again that even if I was his Heir and Deputy, he still held all the cards and would exercise his power anytime he felt he needed to or even wanted to.


Next: Chapter 9

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