My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on Sep 17, 2015


Sorry it has been a while between installments. Caught up to where I was in the story and haven't had much writing time recently. I hope to get back into it more seriously real soon. Still love hearing from you all, so send me a note!

This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves. Enjoy reading! Of course, if reading this is not allowed where you are because of your age or any reason, hit the back button. Also, remember to support Nifty!

When Carter got up to his room, he took his shorts off and shoved a Kleenex down the back of his briefs to clean up a little. He pulled his shirt off, and hopped onto his bed, phone in hand. He texted Burke first.

"Hey bro, was really great to see you again. Was fun. Hope we can hang some more before we leave for school."

Then Tys: "Hey roomie. How are you tonight? Was great to talk earlier. I caught up with an old friend tonight.

Was great to see him."

Tys texted back almost immediately: "Doing well thx. Quiet one. Just watching netflx with Ev. Was this one of your hookup friends?! You get lucky stud? "Haha, yeah actually. Turns out he had a crush on me since middle school. I haven't had sex that awesome in ages. Was really good to see him."

Tys smiled and laid back on the sofa, throwing his long legs up over Ev's thighs. Tys' parents had often seen them watching TV in some position like that, and didn't think anything of it between the two best friends. Phone in hand, Tys thought about what to type. "That's awesome bro. Glad you found your friend. Is he a hottie!? ;) " Tys smiled at Ev as he felt his hand slide further up his inner thigh from below. The short loose running shorts Tys had on were pretty lewd without undies, since his big cock could just fall out at any moment. It had actually happened in front of his mom once, and he was careful to be modest when he wore them around the house, he usually just wore them hanging out in his room, or for jogging, but that was always with a jockstrap on. Tys stuck his tongue out at Ev, who was looking into his eyes, as he felt Ev's hand slip into his shorts and lift his heavy nuts. He texted Carter: "Yeah I'm sure you'll miss your bro. I know I'll miss Everett." Tys felt a tear sneak out of one eye. "Well, there will be plenty of sex at college, but I'll still miss Ev and some other people."

Carter saw Tys' message, but went ahead and sent what he had typed. "Yeah he is a HOTTIE. Haha. But a good dude too. I wish I'd called him sooner, I don't really have any friends in my town." Reading Tys' last message, Carter continued: "Yeah I bet you'll miss Everett. He sounds like kind of your BF. But we'll have eachother, I think we'll be good friends." Carter felt a little guilty for omitting that he had actually reconnected with Burke by accident on Grindr, but didn't feel the need to clarify it! Tys had hot guys and girls apparently throwing themselves at him, Carter felt a little sleazy for using a hookup app, but then didn' else was he gonna get laid in a small town that he barely knew anyone in anymore!?

Carter re-read Tys' message. 'Lots of sex at college'.... Did Tys mean between them? Or just in general? Carter could not wait to meet Tyson. His phone vibrated and Tys' message popped up. "Yeah, I've sort of been thinking the same thing too. We never said it, but I guess he really is my bf. I mean we do everything together, not just sex. I've never dated a girl for very long, and never been nearly as close to a girl as I am with Ev. Hope I'm not depressed when we get to school! But at least I'll have you bro."

Carter read the message several times as his cock, which had already seen heavy use that night, stiffened until it tented out his cum-and ass-filthy briefs. Carter, overcome with lust despite several earlier orgasms, ripped his briefs off and grabbed a hairbrush off his dresser that had a large bulbous plastic handle. As he lay on his stomach, he pushed the handle into his sperm-soaked and loose asshole.

Usually he needed some lube to get the brush handle in his butt, but not tonight. Carter wedged a pillow between his legs and slowly pressed his cock into it while working his ass muscles around the plastic. He pulled up Kik on his phone and opened Tys' profile picture, the one showing Tys' in all his glory in just some skimpy shorts, pubes showing, arm around another hottie he now knew to be Everett.

Carter stared at the photo and squeezed his pussy rapidly, imagining himself on his narrow dorm bed, Tys on top of him rearranging Carter's guts with his massive prick. Carter eventually belched a huge load into his pillow. A few minutes later he summoned the energy to pull the brush handle from his twitchy horny fuckhole. He wiped the handle off with the nasty briefs, rolled over and pulled the sheet over himself. His face hit the pillow right where his cum load was, but too tired to care, Carter lapped a little bit up with his tongue, pretending it was Tys', and promptly fell asleep.

When Carter woke up, he saw he had a bunch of texts. A really long one from Burke saying how great it was to reconnect and how he wanted to hang out again that night. And a bunch from Tys:

"You there bro?"

"Hope that last message didn't freak you out. I was just being a little emotional about Ev."

"I didn't mean I want to have sex with you to replace Ev. You might not even find me attractive." Carter sort of laughed and coughed when he read that! Tys sure was the modest type, there was no possible way he wouldn't be attracted to him! Carter was worried sick about the opposite.

"Well maybe you fell asleep"

"you there?"

"Hit me back when you get this bro"

Carter felt his guts rumble from the coffee, cum, and rum that were mixing in his intestine and made for the bathroom still naked. His hole was a bit tender when he sat on the toilet and it stretched open. The fast forceful crap that followed didn't help either, and Carter jumped straight into the shower. Back in his room, Carter got dressed to go to his summer job. This was his last week, so he should probably try to show up. He pulled some boxers on, and then feeling a little naughty, pulled on an old jockstrap instead before pulling on his suit trousers. He picked up last night's briefs from the floor, and could smell them as soon as he lifted them. Carter hid them in a box in his closet, reminding himself to do some laundry later before his mom did! He also took a minute to turn his cum-drenched pillowcase inside out. Carter was still tying his tie when he got downstairs and his mom had some orange juice and a couple sausages waiting for him.

Carter took the yogurt cup and travel mug of coffee his mom pressed into his hand and hopped into his car. Down the windy leafy road from the hill they lived on, Carter suddenly realized he hadn't texted Tys back. He turned on the car radio to get the Bluetooth and got his phone dialing. Tys answered on the fourth ring and sounded asleep, but perked right up when he heard it was Carter. They kept interrupting eachother, with Tys apologizing for all the texts, and Carter telling him over and over not to worry about it, and that he hadn't taken any sexual meaning from what Carter said. Tys sounded relieved, and like last night, Carter was amazed that Tys was even worried about it. To Carter's mind, he was the luckiest guy in the world to be having Tys as a roommate and friend, and he would be honored if Tys had romantic feelings for him. Tys kept saying he though Carter was a great guy and didn't want to spoil anything. Carter cut him off, telling Tys he thought he was a great guy, and that there was no way he could spoil anything. Carter didn't realize till he heard himself saying it: "and anyway dude, I think I'm in love with you already!" The phone was silent for a few uncomfortable seconds. Then Tys' sexy clear voice came over the car's surround sound: "Haha awesome dude. Yeah, I feel the same way, like we are having a little bromance here. But more.

I've told you things I've never told anyone. I guess that's what roommates do. But yeah, I feel like you're a special guy. I just can't wait to meet you."

Carter pulled into the parking garage next to the office and left the engine running with the AC. He and Tys talked a little longer. College was coming right up. It was Monday, and registration was the following Thursday. One of the partners walked by Carter's car, and waved at him, so he told Tys he'd been spotted and had to go. As always when communicating with Tyson, Carter was rock hard and leaking the whole time. Especially when hearing Tyson's voice; it was almost hypnotic. The clear loud tenor of it, but with occasional adolescent roughness. Tys like most of his peers could speak perfect unaccented American English with no regional inflection, but when Tys was relaxed, or drinking, or telling a story, Carter had noticed some coastal Southern accent to his speech. Whatever it was, Carter found Tys' voice intensely sexy. Hopefully it would wear off, how could he have a roommate who's voice made him erect? That couldn't last!

Next: Chapter 13

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