By Ript Jock

Published on Aug 23, 2024


Hey guys, here's the fourth chapter in the series about 23-year-old Grady's relationship with Tyler, a 19-year-old hustler. Last time, the guys spent a very romantic Christmas together. Grady gave Tyler a burner phone in case of emergency (or a compelling need to chat), and Tyler began to show signs he's warming up to the idea of a more domesticated life.

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I had to get Tyler off the streets.

I couldn't imagine he'd been out there for two and a half years, sleeping in the open, fucking whoever for money. It was nothing short of a miracle he'd somehow remained such a sweet and unspoiled kid. But I was afraid if it went on much longer he'd turn into one of those homeless guys who convince themselves they just aren't cut out for a regular life in a regular house, and settle for living their whole lives as transients and scavengers instead.

I wasn't sure he'd ever use the phone I'd given him but he took to it surprisingly well. At first I wouldn't hear from him until the day he wanted to come over, but as the weeks ticked by he'd text me more and more often. By the third week of January I was hearing from him nearly every day. Not much of an actual chat per se; he'd only say hi, and maybe add a smiling emoji. I'd message back but usually that was the end of it. Well, at least I knew he was okay.

And he still stopped by to see me once a week, without fail. I looked forward to it more than anything else in my life. He'd always show up wearing that dog collar and as soon as he got inside the door he'd take it off his own neck and hang it around mine. It's kinda stupid but God, nothing had ever made me feel so special or got me so horned. We'd head straight for the shower and then to bed. He was staying overnight regularly now and in the morning, after breakfast, I'd fasten that collar around his neck again and give him a good long kiss, and he'd stray off to the gym or wherever he spent his days.

Our time together was just about perfect. The only awkward moments came when Tyler and Rob were in the same place at the same time. My roomie saw Tyler as a wild animal, a person you could never trust. Tyler saw Rob as a potential threat, just as he did all strangers. It was an issue for only a few seconds here and there when Tyler was coming or going; the rest of the time we were behind closed doors on our own. But it was a situation I wanted to put behind us.

Five weeks after Christmas, in the last week of January, I decided it was time to make a play. It would take a bit of setting up first.

In the shower, we washed each other as usual. I fucking loved the feeling of his hands all over me, lathering me up. When it was my turn I stroked him as gently and lovingly as I could, and paid particular attention to his gorgeous ass. I slid my soapy fingers along his crack, delicately rubbed his hole and pushed just a little ways in. He sighed dreamily, eyes gazing into mine the whole time, clearly enjoying the attention. What he didn't know just yet is that I had a special reason for making sure he was extra clean.

We toweled each other dry, worshipping each other's bodies as always, and I took his hand and led him to the bedroom. I was eager as ever to get him on that mattress but he held me back, pulled me in and wrapped his arms around me. Tyler kissed me long and deep and we eased into bed still holding each other, lips locked and tongues playing, our two stiff cocks pressed together.

We'd spent enough nights tangled up in my bed to know each other's signals. He'd take cock just as eagerly as I would, and any day or night either one of us were more than happy to give it. Usually it came down to whoever showed his desire by making the first move, and the other would gladly follow his lead. On this night all I needed was to apply a little pressure with my palm to his lower back. Tyler grinned and rolled over, face down and ass up, waiting for me to grab a condom and the bottle of lube from my nightstand.

But instead I dove in, jammed my face between his cheeks and attacked his soft pink hole with my tongue.

Tyler jerked and yelped with the sudden, unexpected rush of sensation but I steadied his hips and pushed in even deeper, my unshaven face prickling the soft flesh of his inner cheeks. He whimpered and moaned as I licked and lapped at his hole. It was just as I thought; he hadn't been rimmed much. This may even have been his first time. Most guys who pick up street hustlers aren't looking to lick ass.

I'd been just as guilty as the rest of them, not wanting to stick my tongue where so many skanky dicks had been. But Jesus, his ass was so fucking sweet I felt sorry I'd never eaten it before.

He shuddered with pleasure, eyes shut tight, clutching the bedsheets in his fists as I gave him the full effect of my warm wet tongue. Each time he tensed up or drew back by reflex I'd only go at him all the harder, pushing into that hole, swirling my tongue around the rim. He was making noises I'd never heard from him before, helpless, devastated, urgent. Almost sobbing from the intense stimulation. It made me hard as fuck to know I was lighting him up in a whole new way.

"Fuck me!" he cried out, half croaking and half gurgling. "I need your cock in me so bad! Fuck me now!!!"

I groped for the nightstand but couldn't quite reach. He was so eager for it I surely could have taken him bare without a complaint, and my cock wanted to feel that raw quivering hole wrapped around it more than anything. But I respected him too much to take advantage of him in a moment of weakness. He'd set his boundaries from the start and I had to show him I'd always honor them, until he told me different.

So I exchanged the tongue for two slippery fingers and rubbed and teased him while I stretched my arm all the way over and opened the drawer. I tore the packet open with my teeth and then jammed my face between his cheeks again while I fumbled to roll on the condom and slick it down with lube. Tyler was still begging and whining for cock as I pried his muscular legs open even wider, greased his chute, mounted him, and shoved it in.

I don't think I'd ever slid it into him so easily; his hole was gaping open and more than ready. The moan he gave me sounded like one of relief. After many long minutes of being teased and tortured it was a genuine pleasure for him to have it filled with stiff meat. "Fuckk meee," he groaned again, and I began pumping him slow and easy, grinding into him with long deep strokes.

His hole shrinkwrapped around my shaft for a good snug fit. He grunted and moaned along with every thrust, profoundly satisfied. I'd never been with anyone who took cock so well, or who I loved fucking so much. Sure, he was a professional... if the word even makes sense for a street kid like him. But there was a lot more to it than that. I knew there had to be.

It seemed like in no time at all his yelps were becoming more desperate. The rimming had heated him up to the point where a little extra push was all it would take to make him blow his load. As much as I loved a good long fuck, the idea of getting him so excited and making him lose control were incredibly hot to me. I wanted him to cum for me; I wanted him to know he couldn't hold it back from me no matter how hard he tried.

I picked up my rhythm, thrusting in more aggressively as his cries rose higher and louder. Every twitch and jerk of his muscles was a signal to give him an extra push, to drive him even harder. He took in a sharp breath and tensed, and then his whole body jolted and his ass cheeks clamped down on my meat. He shuddered in fitful spasms, blowing his cream onto the sheets -- good boy! -- and I railed his ass and kissed his shoulders and the back of his neck as he poured out his seed for me, moaning pitifully.

When he finally stopped jerking and settled down I pulled out of him and turned him over. I peeled off the condom and tossed it aside, jacked my cock and gushed all over his torso, one spurt after another. I loved seeing my juice slop over his chiseled pecs, his rippled abs, and dribble down his sides. And I knew he loved the feeling of my hot cum splattering onto his skin, and the feeling of my tongue lapping it up and licking him dry.

I hadn't quite finished when he snared me with his arms and pulled me down on top of him, kissing me passionately, sharing the taste of cum and sweat and ass. Minutes later we lay side by side gazing at each other, smiling, stroking each other gently. I couldn't have asked for a better moment to bring it up.

"I decided to find a new apartment," I told him.

"You and Rob?"

"No, just me."

He looked at me funny. "Did you guys have a fight?"

"No, I thought it was time. He's a good friend but he doesn't really understand what it's like to be gay, and I thought I'd be better off with a place of my own."

"Oh. Okay." Tyler frowned. "So you guys never..."

"What? No! Of course not! He's just a friend from college. I told you before, he's straight."

A chuckle. "No such thing, in my world."

Okay, that made me laugh a bit, but I'd brought this up for a reason. I reached over and stroked his head. "I was hoping you'd want to come live with me."

He froze for an endless five seconds.

"There's no way I could afford to pay rent."

"I know. You wouldn't have to. I'm getting a new place, one bedroom. It'll cost me the same whether you come live with me or not. I'd rather have you there. I mean, I'm in love with you and all, so it makes sense."

There it was. I'd tried to slip it in casually without making a big declaration, like it was a simple matter of fact. I didn't want to overwhelm him or scare him off. A few seconds ticked by and he hadn't said a word. I couldn't help prodding him a little.

"I haven't even started looking yet, I won't be moving till the first of March, but I want to live somewhere closer in to the city. Just think about it, okay? Please? You can decide any time you like, this month or next month or whenever."

Tyler only grunted, and put the conversation on hold by pulling me in and cuddling with me. I knew it would take him a while to think it through. For now, I was happy enough just having him here in my bed, and planting the idea in his head that sometime, maybe starting very soon, he could spend every night the way we spent this one.

He left in the morning barely saying a word, and then nothing at all for days.

Each night when I went to bed I wondered if I'd ever hear from him again. I was afraid I'd been ghosted. I wanted so bad to text him but couldn't; I'd promised when I gave him the phone that he'd have complete control over when and how often we'd contact each other. If I reached out to him now it'd only push him away. So I waited and sweated it out. On the sixth day I finally heard my phone chime.

"Tonight?" he texted.

"Yes please" was my reply.

He showed up with a smile just like always. I gazed into his eyes and brushed his hair back as he buckled the collar around my neck. We strolled to the bathroom together -- Rob watching the Rockets game from the living room sofa, and Tyler eyeing him warily -- stripping down for each other and stepping into the shower.

Tyler took me in his arms, held me close with his cheek pressed to mine like we hadn't been together in a long, long time. I closed my eyes and soaked in the feeling of being with him again. We stood there all wrapped up in each other while the streams of hot water washed over us, heating our bodies. And then without a word we began lathering each other up, dutifully running our hands over every inch of each other's flesh.

As he scrubbed and massaged me, he picked up the conversation we'd left hanging almost a week before.

"The problem is, I don't think I could do what I do if I was living with you. It wouldn't be right."

"You don't have to. You've got a phone number now, and once you have a place to live, you're legit. You can get a regular job. You'd never have to go back to the streets if you didn't want to."

"What kind of job could I ever get?"

I gave him a long look, trying hard not to seem patronizing. "Tyler, you're nineteen. Nobody expects you to have any real experience. You could deliver packages, wait tables, work in a store... all kinds of things. All you need is something to get you started so you can save up some money, and go from there."

He thought for a while as we let the water rinse us down.

"But how long would it take me to find something and start working? I still need to eat."

"I could cover groceries until you get something lined up and start collecting a paycheck. Food is cheap."

"I don't have any clothes I could wear to a regular job."

"You can borrow anything I have. My shirts might be tighter on you than they are on me but they'll probably fit okay. If you need a couple pairs of slacks or a pair of shoes, we can pick `em up for you."

He stared at me, letting it sink in.

"I don't want you spending money on me."

"I wouldn't be spending it on you. I'd be spending it on us. You already know how I feel."

Tyler choked up a little. He gave me a long, glassy-eyed look. It was hard to tell with the shower pouring over us but I'm pretty sure he leaked a few tears. He tried to say something but it caught in his throat, tried and failed again, and then mumbled weak and low.

"I'm in love with you too. And I wanna come live with you."

Now it was my turn to take him in my arms. I pressed my body against him, mashed my lips to his and gave him my tongue. He responded eagerly, and we grappled each other and made out and let loose all our held back feelings. I unleashed my emotions like I never had before in my life, and I knew he did the same. It felt amazing, like we were bound together body and soul. My cock had been hard from the minute we stripped for each other, but now it was rigid as stone.

We toweled each other off tenderly, as if we were brand new. I felt like for the first time we were truly clean, not just shower clean but like we were beginning a fresh new life.

I wanted his cock inside me more than anything and I let him know it, squeezing and gently pulling on it, my eyes locked on his. We peeked out the door and scurried naked behind Rob's back, across the hall and into my bedroom. Closed the door behind us and piled onto the mattress together.

We wrestled playfully, arms and legs all over each other, giggling the whole time. Tyler pinned my wrists back over my head and held me down, leaned in with his chest pressed to mine. He kissed me deeply, pushing his tongue into my mouth and grinding hard cock on hard cock. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we made out long and slow, taking our time to savor each moment and every last bit of each other.

Gradually we rearranged ourselves. I unwrapped my legs and Tyler slid onto the mattress beside me, turned me on my side and moved in behind to be my big spoon. He leaned over my shoulder to kiss me and I eagerly met his lips and tongue. I reached for the lube on the nightstand as he snagged the condom I'd left alongside. He rolled it on and I greased his shaft, and then plumbed my hole with two fingers.

I lifted my leg and held it, and sighed as I felt his thick arm across my chest and his thick cock spreading my sphincter. He pushed in inch by inch and I thrust my ass back to meet him, wanting all the cock he could give me. He held me firm as he began to pump me, driving in and drawing back out in an easy rhythm, his chin resting on my shoulder, kissing my neck or teasing my ear with his tongue or pressing his hot cheek to mine.

I've always loved a spoon fuck, and nobody did it better than Tyler. It was intensely romantic, insanely hot, incredibly satisfying. The way he held me tight, his beefy chest and rippled abs flush against my back, his cock grinding in and out lighting up my insides... God, it felt so good. I turned my head to meet his lips and make out with him while he fucked me but could only sustain it a few seconds at a time; he had me panting and breathless, and whimpering like a little kid.

Tyler kept shoving his meat into me, over and over, taking his time. He had no need to finish soon. It seemed all he wanted to do was hold me and fuck me all night, forever, or as long as his strength held out, and that was fine by me. His muscular body possessing me, his stiff shaft plunging into me slow and gentle again and again and again were a fucking dream. I never wanted him to stop.

But I could feel his muscles getting tenser little by little, and twitching more strongly. His hot breath on my neck was growing quicker and deeper and his thrusts were becoming more urgent. His whole body seemed to be heating up; his sweat rolled from his pits along my side and across my ribs, trickled over my abs and onto the bedsheets. It aroused me to no end knowing he was getting ready to cum inside me, even if there was a layer of latex between us.

The sound of his deep, husky grunting tugged at my ball sack. The scent of his musk engulfed us both. I couldn't wait to feel him shudder and clench from head to toe as he blew out his load for me.

A hand drifted over my abs and gripped my cock while the other grabbed my jaw and forced my head to the side. He kissed me hungrily, our lips crushed together, his tongue attacking mine. Stroked my cock, jacked it, his beefy arms tightening around me.

Tyler let out a desperate cry and cut loose, bucking and quaking. He jacked me furiously until I erupted in his hand, gushing out cream, my hole clamping down on his rod heightening our pleasure even more. I was wrecked; I could only ride out the waves that surged through me one after another, quivering in his strong arms as he jolted and jerked and pitched out his seed.

Slowly our spasms subsided and we relaxed and untangled ourselves and lay side by side, gazing at each other. His smile lit me up like nothing else. And holy fuck, those blue-gray eyes...

"First of March, right?" he asked.

"Yeah. If you're ready. I'll be moving in first of March, but if you wanna wait..."

"I don't."

Next: Chapter 5

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