My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 15, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 24

Thanksgiving morning came too quickly. Tryas and Keith felt like they were both running around like chickens with their heads cut off even before they got out of bed. The two had to laugh after their shower because as Tryas held Keith's hips and fucked him hard and fast the two discussed what all had to be done. Lunch was planned for one p.m. and they were in the shower by six a.m. As they began to catch their breath they both laughed. "Sorry about that baby. I did not mean to make you lose your train of thought by cumming inside you." Tryas laughed. Keith had been trying to mention something they needed to do as his orgasm took control. "That's alright baby. I needed to shut up anyway. I had planned to enjoy this more but my mind is racing." Keith said as he kissed Tryas.

Tryas fixed breakfast for the group as Keith prepared a couple of casseroles he planned to cook. The ham and turkey were cooking in the outside kitchen when Mom and Dad came down the steps. "Why didn't you come and wake me ?" Mom said. "For what? The ham and turkey are cooking. Keith has made the cornbread and biscuits for the dressing. You mixed your casseroles last night. As soon as I get through with breakfast Keith and I will put the vegetables on to cook. You should have slept in." Tryas said. "She should have slept, period." Dad said. "Rough night ?" Keith asked. " I just could not get what I witnessed yesterday out of my head." Mom said.

"I was really surprised too." Keith said, as he placed some cut fruit on the table for breakfast. "I had no idea what to expect. The first year that I worked for my uncles they did something similar for a rescue group in Atlanta. That was the last year they did it. I was sort of expecting something similar. Those people came in to get their care boxes. They picked through them. They wanted name brand items instead of store items. They complained that there were not certain items that they needed or used. There was even one arrogant woman that walked up and gave my Uncle Archie a grocery list with name brand items. She told him that she would be expecting a delivery." Keith said. "What did your uncle do ?" Tryas asked. "He told her to get a job and stop having babies if she wanted name brand things." Keith said. "Good for him." Dad said. "The people yesterday though seemed humbled and grateful. I did not hear the first complaint. They all smiled and thanked us and hugged us. I was really surprised at how many of the men I got hugs from. They all knew that we were gay. They did not care." Keith said. "My heart poured out for all of those children. They were all so polite. Even bubba with his bowed out chest was just as sweet as he could be." Tryas said.

Tryas, Keith, and Dad were setting up the tables when Rufus and Doris arrived. Keith went out to the car to help Rufus. " I am so sorry. I did not even think about flowers for the tables." Keith said. " I am glad that you did not. Doris enjoyed every second of making these. She had me sitting in the parking lot of the grocery store this morning waiting on them to open. They are open until noon and she wanted the freshest flowers she could get." Rufus said. " She should not have had to do this along with cooking." Keith said. "You made my wife a happy woman on Thanksgiving so do not fret." Rufus said.

The tables were ready and Mom and Doris decorated them while the dressing cooked. Mom had been a little upset because she had planned to stuff the turkey. "It will be fine. This is the south. Very few people stuff the turkey because we all make dressing." Doris said. They were on the last table when the doorbell rang. Tryas went and opened the door to see Misty and Danny standing there with a small girl and even younger little boy in tow. "Hello cuz. I hope you cooked enough for extras." Misty said, as she hugged Tryas. "I think we can find a leftover turkey bone." Tryas said. Misty walked in holding Audrey's hand. Danny leaned over to hug Tryas also. He was carrying Clayton. Clayton was walking but not as steady or quick on his feet as Audrey. Tryas had to laugh because the quick hug had other changes. A little boy's arm went around his neck and as the hug ended Tryas was now holding Clayton.

Audrey went straight to Keith and wrapped her arms around his leg. "Hey there baby girl. Where is Uncle Keith's kiss ?" Keith said. Keith leaned over and lifted the little girl. She hugged his neck tight and kissed him on the cheek. Misty had put the diaper bag and toy bag in a chair and headed for the kitchen. "Hey Mrs. Doris it is always so good to see you. You must be Tryas' Mom. I am their cousin Misty. That little one whispering in Keith's ear is my daughter Audrey. The one wrapped tight around Tryas' neck is my little boy Clayton. The ass over there grinning from ear to ear because he is not having to chase his kids is my husband Danny." Misty said. "It is a pleasure to meet you. Just call me Mom and that one over by the door talking to Rufus is my husband. Just call him Dad." Mom said.

"Yes baby girl if that is what you want to call him. He is uncle Tryas." Keith whispered. Audrey wiggled trying to get down from Keith. Keith put her back on the floor and she turned and walked towards her Dad and Tryas. They all saw what was happening and stopped to watch. "That one right there is a tough customer." Misty whispered. Audrey walked up and tugged on Tryas pant leg. Tryas bent his knees to squat. "Well hello beautiful young lady." Tryas said. Clayton had lifted his head and looked around Tryas to see what was going on. "I am Audrey. Are you my Unca Trice ?" Audrey said. "Yes baby doll I am. I am so glad to meet you." Tryas said. Audrey walked closer and wrapped her arms around Tryas' neck. "I love you Unca Trice." she whispered before kissing him on the cheek. Tryas put his arm around Audrey and as he stood he had a little girl on one side and a little boy on the other. "Danny. I have a feeling when we get ready to leave if we want our kids all we will have to do is hunt Tryas down. " Misty said, and laughed.

Tryas and Danny moved into the kitchen to meet Doris and Mom. Tryas was surprised when his Mom came up to speak to Clayton that he held out his arms for her to take him. That lasted only until Tryas went to walk away. "EEEEEHHHH." came a loud grunt from Clayton. When Tryas turned to look he had his arms out for Tryas to take him. "You don't get away that easy cuz." Misty laughed. Audrey made her rounds to everyone including Dad and Rufus but she never got far from Tryas and always ended up right back with him. Keith carried Danny upstairs to show him where everything was needed to make a pallet on the floor. Audrey and Clayton played with their toys as long as Tryas did not get out of sight. Three different times Tryas had to pick the toddler up and carry him back to the pallet on the floor and got down and played with them both. Danny took the opportunity to chat with Dad and Rufus. By the end of the conversation he promised to come up and go fishing with them.

Just after noon everything was ready except the meat being carved. Keith helped get the turkey and ham out of the ovens outside. Tryas and Danny both offered to help carve the meat but the women even sent Keith out of the kitchen. "You go help your man." Misty said. Keith looked in the living room to see Tryas on his back and two children laughing and crawling all over him. At one point Clayton was even sitting on Tryas' neck watching his sister crawl over Tryas' stomach and turn and crawl back to the other side. When Keith arrived they both turned and attacked him for a couple of minutes before turning their attention back to Tryas.

Misty and Danny had brought a high chair for Clayton and a booster seat for Audrey. Danny moved the booster seat from the chair beside Tryas just to find it moved back. Misty tried to move it but Audrey quickly climbed in it so that Misty would have to lift her too. "She is yours Tryas ." Misty said, and laughed. The high chair was even more difficult. Tryas tried every way he could to get Clayton to bend his body to sit in the chair. Clayton was getting aggravated so Tryas just gave up and sat in his chair with Clayton in his lap. After the blessing was said and the food began to make it's way around the table, Misty prepared a plate for Clayton. He would watch as Keith put food on Tryas plate. He then turned and watched as Mom put what Audrey said she wanted on hers. As Tryas would put something on his fork and put it to his mouth, Clayton would reach onto Tryas plate and grab a hand full of the same thing and put it in his mouth. Everything went well until Tryas put a fork full of collard greens in his mouth. Clayton put the collards in his mouth. A look of fear came over his face and he spit the greens all over Tryas' lap. He then turned and pulled Tryas' t-shirt out and wiped his tongue. "Welcome to my world." Danny said and laughed.

Everyone laughed as they watched Clayton eat from Tryas' plate. The items Clayton liked ended up all over him and Tryas. The items he did not like ended up just all over Tryas. Misty was told of what they had seen the prior day. "Gail called me last night. She was crying. She said that we were having a meeting the first day everyone is back in the office and we were going to determine how we could help." Misty said. "It was bad." Mom said. "It is hard for me to believe that with all the benefits we pay out as a country that we still have people right here in Georgia living in these conditions." Misty said.

"The surprising part to me was that they did not complain." Dad said. "They are proud people." Rufus said. "I will talk to my bosses. I work for a major construction firm. I know they do charity things for the tax write off. Maybe I can get them to donate some lumber and supplies that these men can get to fix up their houses some." Danny said. "That would be wonderful." Doris said. "I should have invited Claude and Kyle but was so busy I did not think about it." Keith whispered. "I did. They are going to Kyle's family's house today." Tryas said. The entire table laughed when Keith leaned over to kiss Tryas on the cheek and Clayton took his hand full of mashed potatoes and pushed his face away.

Dessert had Tryas and Clayton in even bigger messes. "I guess I am going to need to find a tarp for you to walk on when you get up." Keith laughed. "Oh Tryas will be alright. That is little boy love all over him." Misty said and laughed. "Yeah it is usually little boy love on his daddy." Danny laughed. "I think they will both need a bath." Dad said. " Make that all three." Rufus said and pointed to Audrey who was now covered with chocolate. "I guess this one will be on you daddy. Clayton is not going to let uncle Tryas out of his sight." Misty laughed. "What does that mean ?" Tryas asked. "It means that one of us has to strip and get in the shower and bath them both. The other one can take the clean one and dry them off." Danny said, and laughed. A look of fear came over Tryas ' face. "Don't worry cuz. If Danny or I thought you had any interest in children in that way we would not be here. Also we both know that you two are gay and we have no issue with it." Misty said. "I see naked men in the gym every day." Danny said. "Just remember all that is mine." Misty said, and laughed.

Tryas swallowed the lump in his throat as he stripped in the bathroom to get in the shower. Danny was undressing both Audrey and Clayton. "Uncle Tryas, Audrey wants to know if she can take a bath in the big tub ?" Danny asked. "Sure you can baby girl." Tryas said. He stepped away from the shower as the water began to warm and started the tub. Once there was about three inches of warm water in the tub he lifted Audrey over and place her in the tub. Tryas put her in the tub. She leaned over and kissed Tryas on the lips. "I love you Unca Trice." she said, and smiled through all the chocolate. "I love you too baby girl." Tryas said. He heard a sound from behind him and felt a hand on his back. "I love you too stinker." Tryas said. Tryas was in the shower holding Clayton and he used his free hand to wash him off. He swallowed hard again when he saw Danny walk by the shower naked also. Apparently Audrey began splashing the water in the tub had gotten Danny wet.

As Danny stepped to the edge of the shower to take Clayton, Tryas had to concentrate on anything but Danny's naked body. Tryas was not interested but he was a warm blooded gay man. Danny was sexy as hell but still was no comparison to Keith in Tryas' mind. Tryas let out a slight moan as he watched Danny. Danny stood Clayton on the sink so he could dry him off. His back muscles flexed and his hard ass wiggled as he dried the little boy. Tryas had to look towards the ceiling and take a deep breath hoping that his cock did not react to a sexy naked man. "My turn." Danny laughed. Tryas looked down to see the wet chest hair on Danny. Danny has a nice size dick and semi low hanging balls. "You need me to wash you too ?" Tryas laughed. "Very funny. I need to rinse off. You have kid duty again." Danny laughed. Tryas stepped out and grabbed a towel. Danny had already put a diaper on Clayton. Tryas wrapped the towel around himself. He had thought about dressing before getting Audrey from the tub but he remembered Danny had to strip from getting wet.

Danny came out of the bedroom and slowly pulled the door shut. Tryas had given him a pair of Keith's jogging pants and a t-shirt. Clayton was getting sleepy and Tryas was only able to put on a pair of jogging pants. "What happened to you ?" Misty asked. "Your daughter." Danny laughed. "Where are they ?" Mom asked. "Let me throw these in the dryer and I will show you." Danny said. The group stood in the doorway and looked in the bedroom. Tryas lay shirtless on the bed. Audrey had her head shoved into one of his armpits with her face towards his chest and one arm over his lower chest. Clayton was nestled on his stomach on top of Tryas's chest with his head shoved under Tryas' chin. Tryas had his free arm across Clayton's back so he could not slide off. Misty pulled out her phone and took a couple of quick pictures. "Text those to me if you don't mind." Keith said. Misty turned and looked at Keith. Keith's voice was labored and she saw a tear in one eye. Keith turned and headed for the kitchen. "Let me handle this." Misty said. "I think I can help too." Mom said.

Misty and Mom found Keith in the outdoor kitchen wiping the counters again. "You know that they love you too Keith. Uncle Tryas is just new." Misty said. "That is not it Misty. Son, Tryas knows. Tryas has always known." Mom said. "But...." Keith started. "Tryas knew when he was twelve that he would never be a father. He loves children and they love him but it is because he can relate to them. My son could never spank a child. He would cry if they cried when they were in trouble. He relates to them because he can act just like them. If you did have children you would be gray haired instead of red in a year. You would have to raise Tryas and fight him every step of the way to discipline them. After a few hours around small children Tryas is stressed out." Mom said.

"But he looks so happy and I can not give him that no matter how hard I try." Keith said. "Tryas knows that and he does not expect it." Mom said. "You could adopt." Misty said. "I had thought about that but that system is so broken I am afraid that if we were promised a child and it did not work out it would crush him and I may not be able to bring him back from it." Keith said. "Build a bond with the local children. Do work for them. Tryas will be as happy as can be." Mom said. "Plus you can borrow my three anytime you want. No questions." Misty said. "Three ?" Keith said. "Yes three. Found out Tuesday." Misty said. The tears were changed to those of joy as they hugged each other. "Congratulations cuz. Boy or girl ?" Keith said. "WAY too early to tell. " Misty said and laughed. " So I am going to be another grandmother ?" Mom said. "You really mean that ?" Misty said as she turned to face Mom. "If you will allow it. I am too old to be an Aunt so Grandma sounds better." Mom said. This time it was tears in Misty's eyes as she hugged Mom.

Keith walked in to check on Tryas and the kids. Clayton was waking up. He was stretching and rubbing his eyes. Keith had carried a sippy cup with juice in with him. He did not speak but showed the sippy cup to Clayton. Clayton moved around so that he was now beside Tryas and not on his chest. Keith handed the cup to Clayton. He then held his hands out for Keith to take him. Dad was standing in the doorway and Audrey began to wake also. She began to whine so Dad walked over and picked her up and she lay her head on his shoulder. They left Tryas asleep and tip toed out of the room.

Tryas woke about five minutes later. He pulled on a t-shirt and headed for the living room. He stood by the couch and looked down at Keith and Clayton. Clayton sat in Keith's lap with one arm around Keith's back. His head lay against Keith's chest and his other hand held the sippy cup. " So you are a little trader I see." Tryas laughed. He could see Clayton smile around the nipple of the cup. Tryas leaned over to kiss Keith but was met with Clayton's hand pushing him away. "Now you know how it feels." Keith laughed. "I will just get sissy then and see how you like that." Tryas said. "Oh no you will not. She is just fine right here." Dad said. As Tryas turned he saw Audrey sitting in Dad's lap with a cup of her own.

Tryas took Danny, Rufus, Dad and the kids for a tour of the land on the Polaris. Mom, Doris, Keith and Misty began warming food for supper. "Are you sure your Mom is not upset that you did not come to her house for Thanksgiving ?" Mom asked. "We were not invited." Misty said. "You are kidding." Mom said. "Her Mom is one of a kind. The lady is crazy." Keith said. "Keith, that is not nice." Mom said. "He is right." Doris said. "I wondered why you did not invite your Aunt and Uncle here." Mom said. "She would not have come." Misty said. "She can not come legally." Keith said. "My Mom has only been up here twice that I know of." Misty said. "She has not been since this house was built. Her last trip she said that she had no intention of stepping into a cabin. She also said that it was beneath her to associate with hillbillies and ethnics." Doris said. "I am sorry that she called you and Mr. Rufus hillbillies." Misty said. "Sweetie, we are not our parent's keepers." Doris said.

"Wait. Hillbillies, ethnics ? What are you all talking about ?" Mom asked. "My Mom thinks she is better than everyone else. She wanted to try to show her superiority by calling them hillbillies and Uncle Archie an ethnic." Misty said. "What is this ethnic thing ?" Mom said. "Our uncle Archie was a black man." Keith said. "So ?" Mom said. "Anyone that my mother does not consider pure white is ethnic and beneath her." Misty said. "She sounds crazy." Mom said. "That is putting it mildly." Misty said. "I am sure she loves these babies though. How often does she see them." Mom said, as the door opened and the others returned.

"Mrs. Tramell she has only seen Audrey about five times and Clayton twice. I refuse to give her money to see my kids." Danny said. "You are joking. Pay her ? And it's Mom not Mrs. Tramell." Mom said. "My sister has a little boy. He is a handful. My Mom will not allow him in her house. Children are suppose to sit quietly in the corner and only move or make a sound when they are addressed directly." Misty said. About that time Audrey walked up and placed her hand on Mom's leg. "Well Grandma loves you two dearly and you can do anything you want and I dare a soul to argue with me." Mom said, as she leaned over and kissed Audrey.

Next: Chapter 25

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