My Jc

By Really Bigdreamer

Published on Jul 24, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't read this if you don't like this kinda stuff, are underage, or this is illegal where you are. This is a work of fiction and not meant to imply anything about the sexualities of the people mentioned, we can only hope.

Author's Note: This is my fourth story, but this story seems to be flowing much easier than any of the rest. I'll try to update this about once a week, and though the chapters are short, I'll try to keep them about the same length.

If you came to read a hardcore sex story, sorry, no sex in my story for a while. This is a romantic tale, or at least it's supposed to be, so you won't see sex for a few chapters. If you want romance, read on.

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Enjoy :)

Chapter 1:

"This sucks on so many levels," I said as I lie on the bed in my hotel room, bouncing a tennis ball again the wall parallel to me.

"What does?" asked the hot young blonde to my left. His name was Nick, no not Carter, but Nick Piazza, my best friend since high school.

"What do you think?" I asked sarcastically. Suddenly his hand shot out and grabbed the bouncing ball before it reached my hand again.

"That's annoying," he said solemnly.

"What is?" I asked stupidly trying to imitate his earlier question.

We've always had this type of relationship, but that's besides the point. Let me explain who I am, why I'm trapped in my hotel room, and why it sucks:

My name is Michael Lang, but almost everyone knows me as Michael, except for my friends and family, to them I'm just Mike. Michael is my stage name, the one that I've used for several years. It all began about seven years ago when I was 19 (for you math whizzes that makes me 25 now, I mean 26...) when I was in college. My dormmate prompted me to try out for a part in a movie that auditions were being held for. I've always been a good singer and a great actor so after some prodding I agreed. Miraculously I got the part in what I later found out was a low-budget movie that had spent a large chunk of its change on getting Julia Roberts to play in it. Making a long story short the movie became the highest grossing film of the year, leading to another highly successful film and a record deal. The record deal is what really changed my life.

By the time I was 20 my first CD came out and was met with killer results, but my label had complete control over my image and I was forced into this teenybopper image. My next CD came a year later and I had left that label to join another with more artistic freedom allowing me to create a new image, one that was sexier, edgier and allowed me to break away from my teen craze stuff. Soon enough my name was synonymous with that sexy image. My next CD came out the year after that and controversy was sparked with even more sex, my views on politics, and minorities, especially gays. I sympathized with them on the CD simply because I am gay and my sexy image, a true reflection of me, hides my homosexuality.

I left show business for a short time to start a record label of my own with my business partner Alex LeBlanc. I kept my musical career alive by appearing on soundtracks as I raked four more hit movies. Now, three years after my third album and my following exit from show business I have my fourth album recorded and ready to be released, but my fame has seemingly increased tenfold, not that I'm complaining, but a mob of fans are outside the hotel's front and rear exits waiting for me. The only way out is through the window and I refuse to climb down the fire escape...

"Why are you still here?" I asked Nick, not meaning to be rude, "I mean, you're not famous, they aren't `after' you..."

"I thought that I'd keep you company," he replied with a smile. Nick was one of my inner circle of friends that knows I'm gay. My inner circle is tight and I keep them close to me at all times, especially Nick. Like I said, he was my best friend throughout high school and I had asked him to be a dancer on my first tour so I had a reason to bring him along for the ride of fame. He's still one of my dancers (though I don't plan on touring soon), and now a model too, but most importantly he's still my best friend.

"Remind me why I do this..." I said as stared at the ceiling becoming more annoyed with the chanting of my name outside the hotel.

"First off, you ditched college so if drop this you have no source of income, except your highly successful record company, but you've made enough money to stay very comfortable for the rest of your life," he said playfully, "second, it pays you enough to employ me," he looked at me with a smile. "And love it..."

"Oh yeah," I acted like I had forgotten that, "I forgot how much I love people chanting my name all day long, surrounding my place of residence so I can't leave, and..."

"...and buying millions of your CDs and movie tickets to make you filthy rich," Nick interrupted.

Again, he was right. My worst selling CD was my first and it sold 15 million worldwide, a gigantic feat so I guess I shouldn't complain.

There was a knock at the door and Nick stepped out to talk with whoever was out there, I knew what he was going to ask...

"You ready?" Nick asked as he walked back into my room, "Security is waiting at the doors, the NYPD is at there, and one of your bodyguards is here, the other is in the limo already."

"Yeah, I guess so," I whined. "Where's Rebecca?" I asked about my manager.

"She's in the limo too," my bodyguard answered for Nick, "I just escorted her there a few minutes ago."

"Thank you, Jeff, I guess we can go..." I trailed off as I replied to the 300 pound mass of muscle in front of me.

"Anytime," he said with a smile as I closed the hotel door and put on some sunglasses.

I waited impatiently at the elevator, Jeff's 6'4" tall body towering over me at 5'9" and 140 pounds. I pushed my light brown hair out of my stark blue eyes as the door opened and my slender frame slid in next to Nick's slim form and Jeff's massive body.

We exited the elevator and walked through the lobby heading for the main entrance, I both dreaded and was eager to face what waited for me outside as a smile I tried to hard to suppress crept over my face. We finally reached the doors and made our way out into the mass of people outside.

I smiled and waved to the crowd as the screamed deafeningly loud. I looked to see two hotel security pushing the crowd away from the doors and four NYPD on both sides of me holding my fans at bay. I felt like a general commanding an army and thought that this is what Caesar must have felt like, if I said so they would trample the security, police, and bodyguards to carry me off.

Jeff easily pushed the people the NYPD couldn't hold back out of the way as he helped Nick and me into the limo, closing the door behind us before he joined my other bodyguard, Myron, in the front seat with the driver.

We sped off at I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought that this was because I had to walk to a car...

Hope you liked it!

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Next: Chapter 2

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