My Kinda Guy

Published on Sep 9, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know Justin's video for Senorita aired on MTV a couple of weeks back, but still this is just a story. I do keep up with the current events on MTV.

TRL is the copyright of MTV (Music Television) Networks; MTV is copyrighted to MTV Networks.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 17 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL - Regency Hotel -- Main Ballroom //

"Would you like me to get you something to drink?" Joey asked, as he and JC found a table to sit at.

"Yeah get me a Rum and Coke if you can, if not, get me a regular Coke." JC stated

"Alright, I will be back in a few minutes, you sit tight." Joey stated, walking over to the bar.

"Hi." JC heard a voice beside him. "JC Chasez right?"

"Hi." JC stated. "I am JC Chasez. Don't I know you from somewhere?"

"I am Damien Fahey, the host of TRL." The man stated.

"I knew you looked familiar." JC stated. "What's going on man?"

"Nothing much, just here trying to get some coverage on your friend Justin Timberlake." Damien stated.

"Oh yeah, why?" JC asked.

"Well his new video premiered on MTV today and well to put it lightly, it's already a hit." Damien spoke.

"Yeah I like it too." JC stated, as Joey walked back with the drinks.

"Here you go Josh. Who's your friend here?" Joey asked.

"This is Damien from TRL." JC stated. "Damien, this is Joey Fatone of N Sync."

"Hi Damien, nice to meet you." Joey stated, shaking hands with Damien.

"So you are here too to show support for Mr. Timberlake?" Damien asked.

"Yep, here to help our buddy celebrate." Joey stated as he saw Nick and Justin coming over. "There's the man of the hour now with his best friend."

"Hmm...his best friend?" Damien asked.

"Hi guys, who's your friend? He looks kinda familiar." Justin stated, as he and Nick approached their friends.

"That's Damien from TRL." Nick stated, glaring at Damien.

"Have you two had the pleasure of meeting already?" JC asked.

"Yes." Nick stated, as turning away from them.

"Nick, can I speak to you for a moment?" Justin asked, pulling Nick away from the other men. "Nick is this the guy you were telling me about?"

"Yes that's the one and only rejector." Nick stated.

"He is cute, but not as cute as you." Justin stated. "Don't let him being here ruin your mood baby."

"I'm sorry Justin. I will try to not let it ruin my mood." Nick stated, grabbing Justin's hand. "It just pisses me off to see him here."

"Well don't let it piss you off, just ignore him." Justin stated as the two of them walked back over to the men.

"So Justin, how do you feel about your new video being a hit on TRL right now?" Damien asked.

"I think it's very pleasing that the fans are enjoying it right now." Justin stated.

"How do you feel Nick about the competition?" Damien asked.

"I am not threatened by it." Nick stated.

"Oh? It's been a while since we heard anything new from you." Damien stated. "Thought you Backstreet guys tried to stay on top."

"I thought we were talking about just me, not the rest of Backstreet?" Nick stated. "Nick Carter and Backstreet Boys are totally different, tell me Damien, which one of do you want to know about?"

"Just you Nick, why no new releases?" Damien asked.

"Could it be that I am taking a break from the music world?" Nick asked.

"Could it be that you couldn't hack it being solo and now you have fucked up." Damien stated as he and Nick were in each other's faces.

"What's going on here?" JC asked, pushing Nick and Damien away from each other.

"Why don't you ask him?" Nick stated. "He's the one throwing off major tude."

"Nick come with me." Justin stated, grabbing Nick by the hand and pulling him towards a corner in the room. "What are you doing?"

"It wasn't me, it was him." Nick stated.

"You two were clearly arguing, I thought you were not going to let him get to you?" Justin asked.

"Baby he started in on me." Nick stated, "I was being nice to him and he started acting like a bitch."

"Because he's acting that way, doesn't mean you have to act that way too." Justin stated.

"I know I should have stayed behind. You are mad and this wasn't even my fault." Nick stated.

"I am not mad, I am just shocked that you would let him get to you like that." Justin stated.

"Well I am sorry Justin." Nick stated. "I guess I should just go back up to the room. I will be in my room when this ends."

"You are not leaving Nick." Justin stated.

"Yes I am leaving, I am not going to give him another chance to get to me." Nick stated. "I will wait up for you."

"I want you to stay Nick, I want to share this with you." Justin stated.

"I know you do baby, but you don't need drama tonight, and I don't need it either." Nick stated, looking around the room, and then kissing Justin on the cheek quickly. "Congratulations."

"Nick please." Justin stated as Nick walked away. "Oh he's going to pay for running Nicky away."

Walking back over to his friends and Damien, Justin walks up to Damien, pushes him up against the bar and punches him in the stomach, as Joey and JC tried to hold him back.

"What the hell is your problem man?" Damien asked, holding his stomach.

"Right now you are my problem!" Justin screamed. "You ruined this night for me!"

"I didn't ruin anything for you!" Damien screamed back.

"Oh you ruined something and you are going to wish you hadn't." Justin stated, struggling to get free from Joey and JC.

"Justin what's going on?" JC asked.

"This jerk upset Nick and ran him away." Justin stated, still struggling to get free.

"I didn't run the creep away, he just couldn't handle the atmosphere." Damien stated.

"I suggest you leave, if you stay here, I can assure you that I will kick your ass!" Justin screamed as he got free from JC and Joey and jumped on top of Damien punching him in the face.

"Justin stop, stop before you hurt him!" JC stated, trying to pull Justin off of the man.

"He needs to hurt!" Justin screamed as Hotel Security jumped into the matter.

"What's the problem here man?" The officer asked.

"He attacked me, that's what the problem is." Damien stated.

"I had a fucking good reason to attack you!" Justin screamed.

"Okay people there's nothing more to see here." The officer stated. "You four come with me."

// 20 Minutes Later -- Security Room //

"Are you calmed down now to talk?" JC asked.

"I guess so." Justin stated.

"What was that all about out there?" JC asked.

"He did something to upset Nicky." Justin stated.

"You got like that because Nick was upset?" JC asked. "Damn, I hate to see what you do if someone actually hurt him."

"In a way he did hurt Nick and from my point of it all, he was trying to do it again." Justin stated.

"Am I missing something?" JC asked.

"A lot, but that's not my business to tell." Justin stated. "All I will say is that, that guy was just being mean to Nick is all, he was doing everything he could to cause problems and he got what he wanted."

"So what did Nick say to you?" JC asked.

"He told me he didn't want to ruin my night and that he was going back up to the room so that guy wouldn't bother him anymore." Justin stated.

"So I take it that Damien and Nick have a past?" JC asked.

"You can say that." Justin stated.

"Ah, that explains a lot then." Joey stated walking over to the two of them. "Are you okay Justin?"

"Yeah I am fine now." Justin stated. "Did you go see if Nick was in his room?"

"Yeah he was there and he's on his way down here now." Joey stated.

"Whew...Glad I didn't ask Damien out on a date or anything, that really would have put a damper on everything." JC stated.

"You can do better than him Josh." Joey stated.

"What is he talking about?" Justin asked. "You can do better than him?"

"Oh yeah, Justin I am gay, or at least I think I am gay." JC stated.

"You're what!" Justin screamed.

"Maybe you should have waited until sometime later to tell him Josh." Joey stated.

"Joey you knew?" Justin asked.

"He kinda told me about this yesterday." Joey stated.

"I thought I was your best friend Josh?" Justin asked.

"You are my best friend, but you were mad with me and I had said those mean things to you about being gay and well..." JC stated as the tears slowly fell from his eyes. "I had hurt you because of the things I couldn't reveal about myself. I am so sorry Justin."

"Josh you could have told me." Justin said. "That's something that matters more than anything else."

"I know it matters, but I didn't know how you were going to react when I told you." JC stated.

"So you told Joey, the main one that turned his back on me." Justin stated as Nick walked into the door.

"What's going on Justin, are you okay?" Nick asked.

"No I am not okay, I am having a bad fucking night." Justin stated, walking away from JC and Joey.

"Justin don't be like that." JC stated. "Just please don't turn your back on me, give us another chance."

"Whatever." Justin stated as he walked past Nick out of the room.

"What just happened here?" Nick asked.

"Well he found out I was gay and took it the wrong way." JC stated.

"Oh, let me go get him." Nick stated. "Hopefully I will be back with him."

// Main Ballroom //

"You are not a wallflower so get out there and mingle." Leslie stated, pushing Aaron away from her.

"I don't want to mingle. I want to find out what happened to Justin." Aaron stated.

"That's none of your concern, security is handling it and don't you put your nose in it." Leslie stated.

"Oh great, here comes Hillary and her man." Aaron stated as he picked up his drink and walked away.

"Where are you going Aaron?" Leslie asked.

"I am going over there and enjoy my drink." Aaron stated as he got to the bar and sat down, ordering another drink. "Can I get a Vodka and Cranberry Juice?"

"Can I see some ID please?" The bartender asked.

"Well...uh..." Aaron stuttered.

"Sorry dude, if you don't have a ID I can't serve you alcohol." The bartender stated.

"Whatever dude, just give me a Sprite with lots of ice." Aaron stated as the bartender fixed his drink and handed it to him. "Thanks for nothing."

"Hey guy, what's going on?" Aaron heard someone say.

"This place is boring as hell and I just want to get away and drown my sorrows." Aaron stated, eyeing the guy strangely.

"I know what you mean man." The guy spoke. "My manager made me come to this thing so I can appear with Ms. Duff over there, but she's being an airhead and hogging all the press people."

"Don't get me started on Ms. Duff." Aaron stated. "I can tell you some stuff about her."

"I bet you could. I am Frankie Muniz, and you are?" Frankie stated, extending his hand to Aaron.

"Aaron Carter." Aaron stated, shaking hands with Frankie.

"I knew you looked familiar, you're Nick Carter's little brother." Frankie stated. "I my sister took me to one of your concerts before."

"Well I hope both of you enjoyed it." Aaron stated.

"It was the first time I had gone to a concert to see a guy." Frankie stated.

"Oh really, so was it worth it?" Aaron asked.

"Was what worth it?" Frankie asked.

"Me being the first guy you saw in concert?" Aaron asked.

"It was okay." Frankie laughed, "It was like my third concert in my lifetime. Britney Spears, Pink and then you."

"Whoa, Pink, you went to go see Pink?" Aaron asked. "You don't look the type to listen to Pink."

"Well you don't look like the innocent guy that sings those songs. You look hotter." Frankie stated, blushing bright red when he realized what he said.

"So you think I am hot?" Aaron asked.

"Could you forget I said that?" Frankie asked.

"Why should I forget it?" Aaron asked.

"Well I don't want to make a fool out of myself." Frankie stated.

"Why would you be making a fool out of yourself?" Aaron asked.

"Trying to come on to you at a party like this, in a place like this." Frankie stated.

"Keep talking, you might get what you want." Aaron stated.

"How do you know what I want?" Frankie asked.

"Maybe I want the same thing you want." Aaron stated.

"Oh?" Frankie stated.

"Yeah maybe." Aaron stated. "Do you have any plans for later?"

"No, how about you?" Frankie asked.

"None what's so ever." Aaron stated. "Would you like, want to go for a walk and talk a bit?"

"Sure, let's go." Frankie stated as he and Aaron returned to the bar, placed their glasses down and walked out.

// 20 Minutes Earlier -- The Hotel Parking Lot //

"Isn't this where we first met?" Nick asked, walking up to Justin sitting in his car.

"Yeah, I guess it was." Justin stated.

"Justin baby, what's wrong?" Nick asked.

"Too much baby, just too much." Justin stated.

"Too much like what?" Nick stated. "Talk to me Justin."

"Well I got upset when that guy upset you, then I got more upset when Josh told me he was gay." Justin stated.

"Why get upset about that?" Nick asked.

"I am supposed to be his best friend, and instead of telling me, he told Joey." Justin stated. "That hurt my feelings because when I told him I was gay, he treated me like crap then Joey treated me like crap. It was like he was being rude to me because he was mad at himself or something."

"I can see your point there, but you didn't have to attack Damien for upsetting me." Nick stated. "In our life together, I am quite sure that there will be plenty of people that will upset me. You can't attack them all."

"I know baby, but he had it coming." Justin stated. "He knew he was upsetting you and he only did it to be spiteful."

"I know baby." Nick stated.

"You know you are missing your party." Nick stated. "You need to go back to security and tell them you will behave yourself then we can go back to the party."

"You are going to come with me?" Justin asked.

"Yes I am going to come with you baby." Nick stated.

"Oh thank you Nicky." Justin stated as he pulled Nick down into the car and the two of them shared a passionate kiss.

"Justin stop that before you get us caught." Nick stated.

"So what." Justin stated. "I am so happy."

"Well I am glad you are happy." Nick stated.

"I am glad you are my boyfriend." Justin stated. "I have a surprise for you later on when we get back to my room."

"What kind of surprise?" Nick asked.

"You will just have to wait until later on tonight when I show it to you." Justin stated. "Come on, let's get back inside before they start to worry about us."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 18

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