My Kinda Guy

Published on Sep 30, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 25 by JT Poole

// New York -- MTV Studios //

"Hi this is Gideon Yago here at MTV Studios. Insides sources have revealed that two of the most famous boy band front men are actually gay. This was confirmed at the Grand Hilton Hotel Cafe today, where Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter were having a romantic dinner. MTV VJ Damien Fahey was the first to relay the story to us. Damien was interviewing the two for the upcoming TRL Special." The Gideon Yago stated. "Check out for the full story and stick with MTV for future updates on this story."

"And that's a wrap." The guy stated as Gideon walked away from the news desk.

"How was that?" Gideon asked, walking over to Carson Daly.

"I am so stumped. I had no idea that Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter were gay, hell and seeing each other." Carson stated. "This is just awesome news."

"Yeah, awesome." Gideon stated. "Outing someone on national TV is really awesome."

"What's wrong with you man?" Ian Robinson asked, walking up to Gideon.

"Oh nothing. I am just a creep." Gideon stated.

"How are you a creep?" Ian asked.

"Well Damien and some camera men record Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake having dinner, and I just told the world that they were gay because Damien said so." Gideon stated. "We didn't even wait to let them deny anything, we just went ahead and ran the footage."

"What's wrong with that?" Ian asked. "It's news, we got the scoop before anyone else got it."

"Yeah I know, but it just seems wrong." Gideon stated.

"Why?" Ian asked.

"Because I am gay too, and I wouldn't want anyone outing me on national TV like that." Gideon stated as he pushed past Ian and ran towards the green room.

"He's gay too?" Ian asked out loud, walking down towards the green room. "Is everyone gay?"

// Orlando, FL -- JC's House //

"Oh my god, I don't believe it. Justin and Nick are in trouble. What are we going to do?" JC asked.

"What do you mean Josh, what kind of trouble?" Joey asked, walking into the entertainment room with the mail and a soda.

"Just now on the news, there was footage of Justin and Nick. The reporter stated that it had been confirmed that Nick and Justin are gay and are seeing each other." JC stated, jumping up from the recliner and running over to Joey. "What are we going to do, what are they going to do?"

"Calm down Josh." Joey stated.

"Calm down, I can't calm down. Our best friend and his boyfriend have just been outed." JC stated.

"Josh..." Joey stated as he grabbed JC and kissed him passionately on the lips.

"You kissed me." JC stated.

"Yep, you noticed." Joey stated.

"You kissed me." JC stated.

"We have already established that." Joey stated as he grabbed JC's hand, pulled him into a hug and kissed him on the lips passionately again. "Calm down Josh, I am quite sure everything is going to be okay."

"What's going to be okay?" JC asked.

"Justin and Nick are going to be okay." Joey stated.

"What's wrong with them?' JC asked.

"They were just outed on the news so you say." Joey stated.

"Okay, if you say so." JC stated.

"Josh are you okay?" Joey asked.

"Yeah I am fine." JC stated. "Joe?"

"Yeah?" Joey asked.

"Let's go back upstairs and get back into bed." JC stated as he grabbed Joey's hand and the two of them ran up the stairs like little kids.

// The Grand Hotel -- Justin's Room //

"It's still on the news, there it is again." Justin stated.

"I'm Ian Robinson." Ian stated on the television. "Early today, the TRL Special revealed a startling secret about the lives of Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter. MTV has tried contacting both Mr. Timberlake and Mr. Carter's respected record labels but no comments have been released about this matter. Check out for the story and stick with MTV for future updates on this story."

"I don't know why they keep talking about us like that." Nick stated. "They are lying about all of this. I called my lawyer and told him to contact them to make them stop airing that."

"They are not going to stop Nick." Justin stated as more tears flowed from his eyes. "My whole life is ruined. What am I going to do?"

"You are going to keep on doing what you are doing now." Nick stated. "We are going to beat this."

"No we are not." Justin stated. "I bet the fans are disgusted as we


"Justin are you ashamed of me?" Nick asked.

"No I am not ashamed of you." Justin stated.

"I think you are." Nick stated. "Ever since we have been here it's been one thing after the other."

"What are you talking about?" Justin asked.

"First your friends, then your mother and family, and now." Nick stated. "The way you are carrying on, you are acting as though you are ashamed to be gay, to be my boyfriend, like you are ashamed of the feelings we share for each other."

"I am not ashamed, just scared." Justin stated.

"Justin scared is one thing, but the way you have acted today is

ridiculous." Nick stated.

"Nicky!" Justin screamed.

"Don't Nicky me." Nick stated. "I think you made a mistake, we made a mistake."

"No I didn't make a mistake. I love you Nick." Justin stated.

"If you love me, prove it." Nick stated.

" do you want me to prove it?" Justin asked.

"Simple, just stop worrying about what everyone else says and deal with all of this as it happens. If you are not ashamed of our love for each other then none of this should really matter at all." Nick stated. "If your fans like your music they will continue to like your music regardless if you are gay or straight."

"Nicky I don't know if I can do this. I can't just let this stay out there in the open, people knowing. I have to stop this before this goes too far." Justin stated.

"Okay fine, you do that Justin." Nick stated, kissing Justin passionately on the lips. "I'm going back home. When you can show me that you love me, then you come find me."

"Nick I do love you, honest I do, you can't just expect me to let all of this stay public knowledge." Justin stated. "We have to do something to stop this. This isn't effecting only my career, your career is involved too along with the other Backstreet Boys as well as the guys of my group."

"None of that shouldn't matter Justin." Nick stated.

"But it those Nicky." Justin stated. "Please baby, don't leave me."

"I...I...don't know what to do right now. I don't want to stay here like this, with you being this way, but I don't want to leave you either." Nick stated. "I wish none of this ever happened."

"Nicky baby." Justin stated, wrapping his arms around Nick's waist as there was a flash of light and the two of them turned around to see a guy standing on the balcony with a camera in his hand.

"Damn! Now there's more proof." Justin stated, running over to the balcony doors to see who the guy was.

"That's my point, I can't be with you like this." Nick stated, "You will always worry about stuff like this happening. Now that the story is out there, people are always going to try to get some proof to show that we are together."

"Baby I can't help it." Justin stated.

"Well until you can I am going back home." Nick stated. "You have my numbers."

"Nicky don't go please." Justin stated as Nick went into the bedroom and started packing his bag.

"No Justin, I am going and you can't stop me." Nick stated.

"Please baby don't leave me." Justin stated, crying again now.

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Aaron's Room //

"See I told you that there was news about Justin." Aaron stated.

"Yeah I know, for the fourteenth time. I know." Frankie stated.

"Sorry Frankie." Aaron stated. "I just got carried away."

"Yeah you did, fourteen times." Frankie stated. "Aaron I think I better go."

"Where are you going?" Aaron asked.

"I am going back to my room." Frankie stated. "When you stop obsessing over Justin Timberlake call me, I think we will be great for each other, but that will never happen until you get him out of your heart."

"Frankie..." Aaron stated, as Frankie cut him off.

"Bye Aaron." Frankie stated, kissing Aaron on the lips. "Call me."

"I don't want to call you, you are not leaving." Aaron stated.

"Yes I am, I am going back to my room." Frankie stated.

"No you are not." Aaron stated as he got up out of the chair, grabbed Frankie by the hand and pulled him towards the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Frankie asked.

"This." Aaron stated, pushing Frankie down on the bed, taking his clothes off.

"Stop Aaron, leave my clothes alone." Frankie stated. "Just leave me alone, I am not in the mood."

"Well you better get in the mood. You are not leaving this bed until you realize that I like you and you don't have to worry about Justin. I was just following the story because my brother is dating him." Aaron stated, unbuttoning Frankie's shirt.

"So the story is true then?" Frankie asked.

"Yeah, it's all true." Aaron stated.

"I thought they were just close friends." Frankie stated.

"No they are together like me and you are together and hopefully it stays that way." Aaron stated as he climbed on top of Frankie and straddled his midsection.

"Ummm, don't you dare do that." Frankie stated.

"Do what?" Aaron asked.

"I know what you are thinking about." Frankie stated. "It's my turn to feel you inside of me."

"Why don't you do me this round and I do you next round." Aaron stated.

"No baby, you got it three times already, it's my turn." Frankie stated.

"Well sorry, I thought you were more of the aggressor, I like being the bottom a lot." Aaron stated.

"I like it both ways, but I like to get a good playing now and again." Frankie stated.

"Well do me first and then I'll do you." Aaron stated.

"Oh alright fine, but it's going to be quick." Frankie stated, undressing Aaron and kissing him passionately on the lips. "Give me a condom."

// Los Angeles, CA -- Freelance //

"Mr. Bass you have a call from the MTV studios in New York on line one." Lance's secretary stated over the speaker.

"Thanks." Lance stated. "Lance Bass, may I help you?"

"Lance Bass, Hi, I'm Vanessa Coogan calling from MTV News to verify some information with you. Do you have time for a small interview?" The woman asked.

"What is this pertaining to?" Lance asked. "Does this have anything to do with Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter?"

"Yes sir it does." The woman stated.

"No Comment!" Lance screamed, slamming the phone down on the receiver.

"Mr. Bass are you okay?" Lance's secretary asked walking into the room.

"Yes I am fine." Lance stated. "Book me on the next flight to New York?"

"Sir?" The woman asked.

"Book me on the next flight to New York, I have something to do." Lance stated.

"Yes sir." The woman stated.

"Oh I also need you to request a rental car and cancel the rest of my appointments for this day and the rest of the week." Lance stated.

"Yes sir." The woman stated.

"That will be all." Lance stated as he grabbed some things off his desk, grabbed his briefcase and started placing things into it.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 26

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