My Kinda Guy

Published on Oct 3, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 26 by JT Poole

// New York -- The Grand Hilton Hotel -- Justin's Room //

"I don't want to talk right now mama." Justin stated, speaking to his mother, while still crying.

"Why are you crying Justin, talk to me." Lynn stated.

"I don't feel like talking right now, I just want to die." Justin stated, as he took in a big breath and let out more tears. "Just leave me alone mama."

"Justin I am not going to get off of this phone until you explain to me what is going on." Lynn stated. "Why are you so upset and what is going on with you and Nick Carter?"

"Nothing is going on with me and Nick Carter. He left me because I was afraid to deal with all of this." Justin stated.

"Deal with all of what?" Lynn asked.

"This." Justin stated. "He left because I was too scared to tell all of you that I was gay."

"Why were you too scared Justin? You can tell me anything baby, just talk to me." Lynn stated.

"I was scared that you and everyone else would hate me like the guys do." Justin stated.

"What guys?" Lynn asked.

"Chris, Lance, Joey and JC." Justin stated, still crying. "When I told them I was gay, they all dumped on me and stopped talking to me."

"What!" Lynn shouted. "Why would they do a thing like that Justin?"

"Because they don't like fags like me mama." Justin stated.

"Justin stop that." Lynn stated. "You are not a fag."

"Mama, I'm gay, I am a fag." Justin stated.

"Because you are gay, I will not have you talking like that about yourself." Lynn stated. "I wish you would have told me about you and Nick, I would have loved to had met him."

"Well it's too late for that." Justin stated. "He's gone and I don't think he's coming back."

// The Airport -- 20 Minutes Later //

"I am on my way home." Nick stated, sitting in the VIP section of the Passenger area, talking on his cell phone.

"Nick you love him, stay there, help him through it all." Leslie stated.

"I love him, but I don't feel like running and hiding every second of the day that I am with him." Nick stated.

"Then don't do that, just do what you can to be there for him. You two can sort that out, but don't leave him." Leslie stated. "All the stuff you have gone through with him already I thought you were in it for the long haul Nick?"

"I was, I mean I am, I just don't want to hide my feelings for him. If I want to hold his hand, then I want to hold his hand. If I want to kiss him, then I want to kiss him, I love him and I want him to see that I love him instead of listen to what everyone else says." Nick stated.

"Now calling flight 809 to Tampa Florida." The voice stated over the PA system.

"That's my flight." Nick stated.

"You better not leave Nick, go back to Justin." Leslie stated.

"I will go back to him when I feel that he needs me, it's not like he ran behind me and told me not to leave him." Nick stated, tears falling from his eyes slowly.

"I don't believe that Nick." Leslie stated.

"He didn't, he let me leave." Nick stated, grabbing his bag and walking out the door. "He just let me walk out of the room and pack my stuff."

"Excuse me mister, where do you think you are going?" Nick heard a strange voice from behind him.

"What?" Nick asked, turning around to see Lance Bass. "What do you want?"

"Where do you think you are going?" Lance asked.

"That's none of your business buddy." Nick stated, still holding his phone to his ear.

"Nick what's going on?" Leslie asked. "Nick answer me."

"Where is Justin?" Lance asked.

"I guess he's still at the hotel." Nick stated. "What is it to you?"

"You are leaving him aren't you?" Lance asked. "You two got outed and you couldn't stand it so you are leaving him?"

"No I am not leaving him because we got `outed', I am leaving him because he doesn't know how to deal with reality." Nick stated. "I love him, but I can't deal with him not dealing."

"Don't leave Nick, go back to him." Lance stated. "Come with me."

"No, when Justin is ready to deal with reality then he knows where to find me." Nick stated, walking in the direction of the boarding plane.

"Nick if you leave here today and not go back with me, it means you don't truly love him." Lance stated.

"Don't tell me how I feel about him!" Nick shouted. "I love him, but I can 't deal with him right now."

"Nick this is a tough time and you know it. Come back with me please." Lance stated.

"Why do you care?" Nick asked, stopping to look at Lance. "From what Justin told me you didn't really like it when he came out to you guys."

"That's not exactly true." Lance stated.

"What is the truth?" Nick asked.

"Come back with me to Justin's hotel and we can all sit down and talk." Lance stated.

"Why should I?" Nick asked.

"Do you love Justin?" Lance asked.

"Yes I love Justin." Nick stated. "I will always love him."

"Then come back to the hotel with me please." Lance stated.

"Leslie you still there?" Nick asked into his phone.

"Yeah I am still here. I have been listening to the conversation." Leslie stated.

"Will you call mom and tell her that I am not coming back right now?" Nick asked.

"Yeah I will call her, you just go back to Justin." Leslie stated.

"I'm going sis. I love you." Nick stated.

"Love you to, now go back to your man." Leslie stated. "Bye Nick."

"Bye Les." Nick stated, hanging up his cell phone.

// Orlando, FL -- JC's House //

"Are you okay now?" Joey asked.

"I am fine." JC stated.

"What happened to you downstairs? Why did you suddenly calm down?" Joey asked.

"I guess your kiss clamed me down." JC stated. "I guess you caught me off guard."

"I think I caught myself off guard." Joey stated. "It just came to me to kiss you."

"I am glad you kissed me." JC stated.

"I am glad I did too." Joey stated. "I think it helped me more than you."

"What are you talking about?" JC asked.

"I was scared to try anything with you, but that kiss felt nice, normal, somewhat like we were meant to kiss each other." Joey stated.

"You don't have to be scared of me Joe." JC stated, leaning over to kiss Joey on the lips passionately.

"Mmmmm, that's nice." Joey stated. "Josh, do you have any feelings for


"Yeah I do." JC stated.

"You know I love you right?" Joey asked.

"Yeah I know." JC stated. "I love you to Joe, but not at the same level that you love me."

"I was figuring you would say that." Joey stated, turning away from JC.

"Wait Joe, it's not like that." JC stated. "I am not saying that we can't get to that level together, I am just saying I am not there yet."

"So there's a chance for us?" Joey asked.

"Oh there's a big chance for us." JC stated, grabbing Joey's hand. "I had the biggest crush on you when we all got together. I wish we had known about each other beforehand."

"I know, we would be together already." Joey stated.

"Yeah we would have and we would have been having some good hot times." JC stated, blushing.

"Oh, what kind of hot times would we have?" Joey asked.

"Something like this." JC stated, leaning over to pull Joey into a long passionate kiss.

// New York -- On the way to Justin //

"So basically you didn't say anything you just left?" Nick asked.

"Well with my religious upbringing, I didn't want to say anything to him to make him mad, so I just left." Lance stated.

"Leaving was just as bad as how the others had treated him." Nick stated.

"I know, I know." Lance stated. "I shouldn't had left like I did, but I didn't want to cause him any more pain."

"Well regardless of how you look at it, It still hurt him." Nick stated.

"I know I hurt him, that's why I am here now to offer any support that I can to him." Lance stated.

"What good is any of this going to do if he isn't dealing with the things around him?" Nick asked.

"Well we are about to find out." Lance stated as he and Nick arrived at the hotel. "Come on, get your stuff."

"I don't know what to say to him." Nick stated.

"Say what comes to your heart." Lance stated, grabbing his things from the trunk as well. "Just tell him what's on your mind and go from there."

"If I tell him what's on my mind, it might hurt his feelings." Nick stated.

"Say what you need to say to convey your feelings." Lance stated as he and Nick walked through the lobby of the Hotel.

// New York -- The Grand Hilton Hotel -- Justin's Room //

"Nicky you came back." Justin stated, as Nick walked through the door and hugged him.

"Actually your friend made me come back." Nick stated.

"Made you come back? Who?" Justin asked as Lance appeared in the doorway. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came here to see how you were holding up." Lance stated.

"To see how I was holding up? I am holding up terribly." Justin stated. "You shouldn't have come here Lance."

"Yes I should have." Lance stated. "If I hadn't come, Nick wouldn't be here right now."

"Well I guess you are right thanks." Justin stated.

"Do I need to leave you two alone?" Lance asked.

"I don't know, I think he was telling the truth, maybe I did make a

mistake." Justin stated.

"What kind of mistake?" Lance asked.

"I fell in love with a guy that wasn't willing to accept me for my shortcomings." Justin stated. "A guy that would just throw away everything we had together."

"I didn't throw anything away, I just wasn't willing to hide any longer. I don't want to be your dirty little secret." Nick stated.

"I never said you were a dirty little secret." Justin stated.

"That's how it felt Justin." Nick stated. "I had enough grief hiding from my family and friends and here I am again hiding from yours."

"You don't have to hide from my family." Justin stated.

"Yes I do, your family doesn't know about you, so in return until they know, I have to hide, be your little dirty secret."

"Will you two stop." Lance stated. "Stop fighting with each other."

"We are not fighting, I am telling the truth about him." Nick stated.

"You are not telling the truth Nicky." Justin stated.

"I am to telling the truth." Nick stated. "As long as you are hiding from your family, I would be your dirty little secret."

"Guys stop it." Lance stated.

"Stay out of this Lance, you don't know how it feels." Nick stated.

"I do to know how it feels." Lance stated.

"No you don't, stay out of this." Justin stated.

"I'm gay." Lance stated.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 27

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