My Kinda Guy

Published on Oct 11, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 27 by JT Poole

// New York -- The Grand Hilton Hotel -- Justin's Room //

"You're What!" Justin screamed.

"I'm gay." Lance stated.

"That's not possible Lance, what the hell are you pulling here?" Justin asked.

"I am not pulling anything." Lance stated. "I am gay."

"If you are gay, why you ignored me when I came out to the other guys?" Justin asked. "Why you made me feel so dirty?"

"I'm sorry Justin, I just didn't know what to say to you then." Lance stated.

"How long have you been gay?" Justin asked.

"Long enough to know that I screwed up a lot with my friends." Lance stated.

"So now you realize you screwed up, why didn't you realize that a couple of weeks ago?" Justin asked.

"I don't know Justin, I just don't know." Lance stated. "I just wish you would forgive me for the way I acted."

"You were a real jerk Lance." Justin stated, walking over to him. "Even though you treated me wrong, I still love you anyway."

"Well I am glad you do, I still love you too." Lance stated, hugging Justin. "Come over here Nick."

"What is it that you want Lance?" Nick asked.

"I want you two to stop arguing and make up already. You both know you love each other very much, so stop this squabbling." Lance stated.

"I am not going to make up with him." Nick stated. "He knows how I feel about us hiding."

"I am not hiding." Justin stated.

"You are too hiding." Nick stated.

"Am not." Justin stated.

"Are too." Nick stated. "You are so far in that closet that you can't even see daylight."

"Stop!!!!" Lance screamed. "I told you both to stop and make up."

"Oh butt out." Nick stated.

"I am not going to butt out. I am going to keep on interfering until you two realize that all this arguing is a waste of time." Lance stated, hugging the two of them. "You should be making love not war."

"Now he sounds like a peace commercial." Nick stated. "I should be on a plane back home."

"No you shouldn't," Justin stated, wrapping his arms around Nick's waist. "You should be right here with me."

"Justin I am not going to..." Nick trailed off as Justin kissed him passionately on the lips.

"Nick you are not a dirty secret, you are my boyfriend and I love you very much." Justin stated.

"Yes I am." Nick stated. "As long as I am hiding from your family and your friends, I am just a secret."

"You are not." Justin stated, putting his index finger on Nick's lips. "Everyone knows about you."

"What? How?" Nick asked.

"Well let's just say that everyone saw the MTV footage." Justin stated.

"I kinda figured that, but how does everyone know?" Nick asked.

"While you were gone I got a call from mom and we talked." Justin stated. "She doesn't care if I am gay or not as long as I am happy."

"So your family knows about me and you?" Nick asked.

"Yes they do unless you want me to call them and tell them about someone else." Justin stated, kissing Nick on the cheek. "Baby just calm down and unpack your bags."

"Oh Justin. Are you okay with the way things are turning out?" Nick asked.

"Right now I don't have a choice but to go with the flow." Justin stated. "I am not going to worry about it until after our little vacation."

"Oh yeah, you never told me where we were going." Nick stated.

"And I still won't tell you." Justin stated, as Nick started pouting. "That face isn't going to work with me baby."

"Come on baby tell me." Nick whined.

"Sorry Nicky I am not going to tell you, it's all a surprise." Justin stated.

"Well I am not Nick can you tell me?" Lance asked.

"Not telling you either. I don't want anyone knowing where we are so the two of us can have just some us time." Justin stated.

"Well fine, be that way, now I am hurt." Lance stated, grinning.

"Yeah whatever." Justin stated.

// Orlando, FL -- Regency Hotel -- Aaron's Room //

(Knock Knock Knock)

"Who the hell could that be?" Aaron asked, getting up and grabbing a robe, walking to the door. "Who's there?"

"Open this door right now!" Aaron heard someone scream.

"What the hell?" Aaron stated, opening the door to see Hillary Duff standing there with an angry look on her face.

"Where is he?" Hillary asked.

"Where is who?" Aaron asked.

"You know who I am talking about! Where is he?" Hillary asked again.

"I can't answer you until I know who you are talking about." Aaron stated.

"I am talking about Frankie." Hillary stated. "I know he's here. Frankie get your ass out here!"

"Look here missy, you don't barge into my room shouting, calm the volume down." Aaron stated.

"Frankie get your ass out here now!" Hillary screamed again.

"Alright alright, what do you want?" Frankie asked, walking into the room wearing a robe too.

"I knew you were here with him! Get your stuff, let's go!" Hillary screamed.

"I am not going anywhere with you." Frankie stated.

"Hil calm down, stop all of this before you get us into trouble." Aaron stated.

"I am not going to calm down!" Hillary screamed. "Francisco Muniz IV get your shit and move your short ass out of here!"

// JC's House //

"I don't think I can handle anymore, stop." Joey stated.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." JC stated, as Joey cut him off with a kiss.

"It's okay Josh, just give me a moment to catch my breath." Joey stated, still giggling.

"Well you were the one that started this little tickle match." JC stated. "If you can't take it, don't give it."

"Sounds like something a criminal would say in jail." Joey stated. "Have you ever been to jail?"

"No and you know that silly." JC stated. "But I do have a pair of handcuffs that I bought at a sex store."

"Oh?" Joey asked.

"Yeah I do, want to try them out?" JC asked.

"Hmmmm, not right now. I don't think I am ready for that yet." Joey stated.

"Well Mr. Fatone what are you ready for?" JC asked, leaning over, massaging Joey's crotch.

"Mmmmm, Josh that feels so good." Joey moaned out.

"Oh you like that?" JC asked.

"Oh I love that." Joey stated as JC started kissing him on the lips again.

"And how about this?" JC asked, rolling on top of Joey's body to straddle his waist. "Do you like this Joe?"

"Mmmhmmm." Joey moaned out. "Josh I think we better stop this before we go to far."

"What's too far for you Joe?" JC asked, kissing him on the lips, trailing kisses down his neck, going down his chest and stopping at the waistband of his boxers.

"Oh god Josh, you are getting me so hot." Joey moaned out.

"Oh really, what do I need to do to set you on fire?" JC asked, pulling his shirt over his head.

"Josh..." Joey started to speak as JC leaned down and kissed him passionately.

"Joey, if I do something that upsets you just tell me." JC stated.

"Ahhh..." Joey stuttered.

"I want to make you feel good. I want to feel good with you." JC stated.

"I want to feel good with you too Josh." Joey stated. "But are you sure you want to go any further with this?"

"I want to go as far as you will allow me to go. I want you Joseph Anthony Fatone, Jr. and I want you badly." JC stated as he lifted himself off of Joey and removed his shorts.

"You are not wearing any underwear." Joey spoke.

"No I am not." JC stated, grabbing the waistband of Joey's boxers and pulling them down. "You won't be either."

// New York -- MTV Studios -- Carson Daly's Office //

"What's the deal man?" Carson asked, getting out of his chair and walking over to Damien. "Why are you wasting so much of TRL's time following Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter?"

"I am not following them." Damien spoke. "I just happen to run into them at that restaurant."

"You seem to be running into them a lot lately." Carson spoke. "There's a report on my desk that shows that you and Justin Timberlake got into a fist fight in Orlando at that Entertainment Party you went to last week."

"He started it, I was minding my own business when he hit me." Damien stated.

"That isn't what the report says." Carson stated. "That report shows that you were seen giving words to both Justin and Nick."

"I was just having a conversation is all." Damien spoke. "There's nothing wrong with that."

"There is when people over hear your conversation." Carson stated. "You were saying some very naughty things."

"What do you mean? I didn't say anything out of the ordinary that I wouldn' t say to anyone else." Damien spoke.

"When you speak to Nick Carter about his private life with Justin Timberlake and asks him does he feel comfortable about being in the shadows while Justin is in the spotlight, that catches attention." Carson stated. "I am giving you a heads up, this ordinary conversation of yours will be spotlighted in the `Enquirer' tomorrow along with the Justin and Nick scandal that is currently going on."

"What!?!" Damien screamed.

"That's right big man, all that stuff you have done is going to be right out there with Justin and Nick, so if the world didn't know you were gay, they will know soon." Carson stated.

"How?" Damien asked.

"It's very simple, you run your mouth at a party and other people hear it." Carson stated as his cell phone started ringing. "You hold on, don't go anywhere. Hello?"

"Hey hon how are you doing?" Carson heard a familiar voice.

"I am dong fine baby, where are you?" Carson asked.

"I am in New York, I am closer to you than you think." The person spoke.

"How close are you?" Carson asked.

"Open your office door." The person spoke.

"What." Carson spoke, walking over to the door, opening it to reveal Lance Bass.

"Hey baby." Lance spoke, hugging Carson and kissing him on the cheek, shocking the hell out of Damien.

"James! You are here." Carson stated, picking up Lance and twirling him around in his arms.

"Yes I am here." Lance stated.

"Why are you here so early, I thought you were supposed to be here until next month?" Carson asked.

"I wasn't supposed to be here." Lance stated. "I wasn't coming this way until I saw the footage about Justin."

"Hmmm, I am talking about that right now." Carson stated, looking in Damien 's direction.

"What the hell is going on here?" Damien asked. "You and Bass are dating?"

"Correction, me and Bass are married." Carson spoke as he and Lance both held up their hands to display their rings.

"I don't fucking believe this." Damien stated as he got up and stormed out of the room.

// The Grand Hilton Hotel -- Justin's Room //

"I am glad you are back baby." Justin stated, kissing Nick passionately on the lips. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't come back."

"I am glad I came back, I didn't want to loose you and I didn't want to hide." Nick stated. "I just hope you are not in any major trouble."

"We can handle it. As long as we are together, we can get through

anything." Justin stated. "I have you with me Nicky, I have your love, that's all I need out of life."

"I love you too Justin." Nick stated as he moved closer to Justin in bed.

"Baby, make love to me." Justin stated.

"Are you sure Justin?" Nick asked.

"Yes I am sure, just be gentle." Justin stated as he started kissing Nick, opening the drawer on the nightstand table and retrieving a condom and a small bottle of lube.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 28

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