My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 9, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 32 by JT Poole

// Cozumel on the Eastern Coast of Mexico //

"Oh baby, that is right there, don't stop, don't stop!" Nick screamed. "I can feel you all over me baby, don't make it stop, don't make it stop!"

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, unnnhhhhh...oh god Nicky I am close, oh god, I don't know how long I can hold out!" Justin screamed.

"Justin give it to me, give it to me, don't stop, push that cock in me like you are trying to step in me. Mmmmm, I...I...I can't...I can't...I can' t...uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I'm coming!" Nick screamed.

"Me too!" Justin screamed as he sped up his thrusts into Nick.

As the two of them made love, the only sound you could hear in the room were the sounds of flesh slapping together and the sound of saliva being transferred. Standing outside the window was an unknown person taking pictures of the whole scene. Happy with the photos that he had taken, he ran away, and found a pay phone.

"Yeah I got the goods. You got the money?" The guy asked.

"Yeah, meet me at our location and we can go from there." The voice on the phone spoke.

"See you then boss. You better not screw me or I will kill you." The guy stated.

"You will get your money when I get the merchandise." The voice on the phone stated.

"I better or you will get yours." The guy stated, hanging up the phone.

// Tampa, FL -- The Carter Household //

"Are you okay honey?" Jane asked, hugging Leighanne.

"Yeah, just a little bit shaken up." Leighanne stated.

"What's got you so upset honey?" Jane asked.

"It's Brian, he's doing something wrong or he's already done it." Leighanne stated.

"What do you mean he's doing something wrong or already done it?" Jane asked.

"I found this a couple of days ago in our mailbox." Leighanne stated, handing a small envelope to Jane.

"What's this?" Jane asked.

"Just open it up." Leighanne stated.

"Oh my god. What is this?" Jane asked.

"I don't know." Leighanne stated. "I think Brian has been having some kind of affair or something."

"Do you know who this guy is?" Jane asked.

"No, but I know who the other guy is, that's Joey Fatone of N Sync." Leighanne stated.

"Looks like he was sleeping with both of them." Jane stated.

"Oh that's not all I got." Leighanne stated, opening a bag and pulling out a folder. "Here."

"Don't tell me there's more pictures." Jane stated.

"Yes and there's a note read it." Leighanne stated.


You know who this is Mr. Littrell; I am going to make this short and sweet. I know about your wife and I know about your child. I am not trying to scare you, but I am saying this: You owe me and you owe me big time. If you don't want me to expose you to the rest of the world, I suggest you open your pockets and start paying for all the shit you put me through. If my memory serves well you fucked me numerous times as well with your friend. Since you were in control of everything, I am directing this to you. I want a quarter of a million dollars and I want it soon, as in I want that money before the end of the week. If I don't get that money, the pictures that are enclosed will go to MTV, the major news channels and some famous tabloids. So get on the ball. Oh by the way, if anything happens to me, this stuff becomes public knowledge, so don't try anything, I have my connections too.


PS. It was fun while it lasted.

"Oh my god Leighanne. This is terrible." Jane stated. "So I guess that means Brian is gay. Did you talk to him about this?"

"Yes I did and he got mad with me and smacked me for it. That's why I am so upset about this." Leighanne stated.

"Oh my god, he hit you?" Jane asked.

"Yes he did, that's why I left and came here. I don't want to be there when he gets back there." Leighanne stated.

"I don't blame you honey. Where's Baylee?" Jane asked.

"He's in Kentucky with Jackie and Harold." Leighanne stated. "I will fly out soon and get him and I will go somewhere else to keep the two of us safe from him."

"You are going to leave him?" Jane asked.

"Yes I am leaving him. He had no right to slap me and the fact that he was cheating on me was too much deal with." Leighanne stated. "I will speak with my lawyer later on in the week and get the divorce process started."

"Well you be sure that you two are protected, from what the letter said, whoever the Adam guy is knows who you are as well, you need to be on the look out for any other trouble too." Jane stated.

" I will, that's why I am going to pick up Baylee and we are leaving the east coast." Leighanne stated as her cell phone stated ringing.

// Chicago, IL -- Nikki's House //

"You could have told me it was him!" JC screamed.

"Well I didn't want to tell you." Joey stated.

"But still, I am your best friend, hell I am your boyfriend now and you couldn't tell me that?" JC asked, "It's not like the end of the world saying Brian Littrell."

"Well ha ha, what are we doing now, we are on the run to save our lives." Joey stated. "It wasn't so simple."

"Well we are only running because you didn't want to go to the police about it." JC stated.

"And have our personal life out there for the fans, No." Joey stated. "I would rather run."

"Tony you can't keep running forever." Nikki stated.

"I am not the only one that needs protection. You need some too." Joey stated.

"I don't need anything, I just need to stay here." Nikki stated.

"Stop being stubborn girl and pack a bag so we can get you out of here." JC stated.

"Sorry I just can't leave. I love him, I don't want to leave him." Nikki stated.

"You are not safe here." JC stated.

"Well he's in jail, so I am safe here." Nikki stated.

"He might be in jail now, but you know he's going to get out." JC stated.

"I'm calling Lance to see if he can offer us some assistance." Joey stated.

"Do you think he's going to help us? We are gay, you know how he acted towards Justin, he would probably treat us worse." JC stated.

"Well I am calling him anyway, I just want tell him about us that way." Joey stated.

"Don't I have a say in this?" Nikki asked.

"No." Both JC and Joey spoke at the same time.

"Well excuse the hell out of me." Nikki stated. "If anyone wants me, I am going into the kitchen to make a sandwich."

"Okay Nikki." Joey stated, pulling out his cell phone to call Lance. "Get Lance on the phone and see if we can come stay with him for a bit. Come on Lance pick up the phone."

"Hello you have reached 907-259-???? I am currently unavailable. If you leave your name, a number and a message, I will get back with you shortly." The voice mail message played.

"Damn, he's not there. I guess I better try his cell phone." Joey spoke. "It's kinda late for him to be working."

"Hello?" Carson spoke into the phone.

"Lance?" Joey asked.

"This isn't Lance." Carson spoke.

"Who is this?" Joey asked.

"Hold on please." Carson spoke.

// New York -- MTV Studios -- Carson Daly's Office //

"Lance get over here, I think it's one of your friends." Carson called over to Lance.

"Who is it babe?" Lance asked.

"I don't know." Carson spoke, shrugging his shoulders.

"Hello?" Lance spoke.

"Lance who was that?" Joey asked.

"Just a friend of mine." Lance stated, walking over to a quiet part of the studio. "What's wrong Joe?"

"Well me, Josh and a friend of mine need a place to stay, and I was wondering could we come to your place?" Joey asked.

"Well of course you can go to my place, what's going on?" Lance asked.

"We just need to get away from some stuff and help a friend out is all." Joey stated.

"Okay, you are welcome to go to my place, just let yourself in." Lance stated.

"You are not there?" Joey asked.

"No, I am currently in New York...attending some company business seminars." Lance spoke; glad that he could come up with an excuse quickly.

"Okay thanks Lance." Joey stated. "When are you getting back?"

"I will be back real soon." Lance stated. "I will talk to you guys soon. I can't wait to meet your friend."

"Alright Lance, thanks." Joey stated, hanging up the phone and walking into the kitchen where Nikki was.

"So what did he say?" JC asked as he and Joey were headed to the kitchen.

"He said we could go there." Joey stated. "He's not there, he will be there soon though, so we can jump a plane and get there and be safe for awhile."

"What the hell is going on here?" a familiar voice was heard.

"Michael what are you doing here?" Nikki asked, getting up from the table.

"I fucking live here! What the hell is this? Who are those guys in the front?" Michael asked, walking swiftly over to Nikki and slapping her across the face, knocking her to the floor.

"Stop that buddy!" JC yelled, jumping at the man as he stepped through the door of the kitchen.

"What's going on in here?" Joey asked, walking over to Nikki. "Are you okay Nikki?"

"Tony? What the fuck. What are you doing here man?" Michael asked.

"What the hell is your problem man? I thought I told you to stop hitting on her. You are supposed to treat a lady with respect!" Joey screamed at Michael.

"She gets respect when she deserves it!" Michael screamed back.

"I am tired of this shit Michael." Joey stated, running up to the man and punching him in the stomach, kneeing him in the groin and then elbowing him in the back, knocking him to the ground.

"Joe stop, you are going to kill him." JC stated.

"I am not going to stop, I am tired of this shit. He has hurt her for too long." Joey stated, kicking Michaels body, as the man slid into a corner trying to protect himself as Joey continued to kick him.

"Joey baby stop before you really hurt him. I called the police, they should be here to get him soon enough." JC stated, trying to hold Joey back.

"Get off of me Josh, I am going to teach him a lesson! He will never put his hands on a woman for as long as he lives." Joey stated.

"He might not if you kill him now!" JC stated. "Stop Joe, stop!"

"Oh...ohhhhhhh...ahhhhhhhhhhh...guys shut up!" Nikki screamed, trying to get up off the floor. "Guys! Owwwwwhhhhhh, something's wrong!"

"Oh god Joe look, she's bleeding!" JC stated, as he fell to the floor and fainted.

"Tony! Tony! Help me!" Nikki screamed.

"What's wrong Nikki?" Joey asked, leaning down to her. "Don't try to get up, just stay right here. Let me call for an ambulance to come."

"The baby, I think it's the baby." Nikki stated, crying.

"Nikki calm down, it's going to be alright, the baby is going to be okay." Joey stated, dialing the phone. "I need help, please send an ambulance."

"What seems to be the problem?" The 911 operator asked.

"Nikki is pregnant and she's bleeding badly." Joey stated. "Please send an ambulance, something might be wrong with the baby."

"What the address sir?" The 911 operator asked.

"2410 Pussywillow Lane." Joey stated.

"Just calm down sir, we have dispatched a unit to your location." The 911 operator spoke. "Is the woman conscious?"

"Yeah, she's still with me." Joey stated.

"Well keep her talking to you, don't let her close her eyes or try to go to sleep, keep her talking until the EMS unit gets there." The 911 operator spoke.

"Okay. I think I hear them, they are almost here." Joey stated.

"Stay on the line so we can make sure that everything is okay." The 911 operator spoke.

"Owww Owww Owwww!" Nikki screamed. "Fuck it hurts! I feel like my insides are coming out!"

"The EMTs are on their way." Joey stated. "Just stay calm Nikki."

"Josh, Josh wake up." Joey stated, smacking Josh in the face.

"Whaaa, where am I?" JC asked, sitting up on the floor.

"You fainted." Joey stated.

"I did, why?" JC asked, looking around the room. "Now I remember. Is she okay?"


"Josh go answer the door." Joey stated.

"Alright." JC stated, getting up heading to the front door.

"This is all your fault Michael. You better pray that she and the baby are both alright, if not, you are going to wish I went ahead and killed you." Joey stated.

"It's not my fault, the bitch got what she deserved." Michael stated.

"You are really pushing your luck!" Joey yelled, jumping up off the floor and taking a swing at Michael as the police officers stepped into the kitchen, holding him from hitting Michael again.

"Michael Valente you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do will be held against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you so choose, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?" The police officer asked.

"What about him, he did this to me." Michael spoke. "Aren't you going to arrest him too?"

"Well I wasn't here to see what happened to you, but I do see a woman lying on the floor with him trying to help her. I can only assume that you were the case for her." The police officer stated. "You have broken the domestic violence law and you are going back to jail for it."

"Well I want to press charges against him." Michael stated as the officers were walking him out of the house.

"Say what you want, but we are taking you to jail tonight and right now." The officer stated putting Michael into the back of the car.

"Miss are you okay?" The other officer asked.

"We are waiting on the EMTs to take her to the hospital. She was bleeding, but it has slowed down some I think." Joey stated.

"Well the EMTs just arrived, you come with me and give me a report of what happened while they prep her to leave." The officer stated.

"Okay officer." Joey stated as the EMTs walked into the house to help Nikki.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 33

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