My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 24, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 38 by JT Poole

// Chicago, IL -- The Airport //

"Adam Vanderhall, Bruce Vanderhall you are both under arrest for attempted murder and kidnapping..." The police officer stated as he read Adam and Bruce their rights and put them in the police car.

"Oh my god, I don't believe this. Is he going to be okay?" Brian asked as the paramedics loaded Kevin into the back of the ambulance.

"So far the wounds are not bad, but he has lost a lot of blood." The EMT guy stated.

"I want to go with him." Brian stated as one of the police officers came around and spoke to him.

"Brian Littrell you are under arrest." The police officer stated.

"For what?" Brian asked.

"The charges against you will be read for you when you get to the stations. Right now you have the right to ..." The police officer stated as he read Brian his right and slapped some cuffs on him and put him in a police car.

"Officer Brian is innocent." JT stated.

"Sorry sir, but the warrant we have says otherwise." The police officer stated.

"Well I have orders to get him back to Orlando for his protection." JT stated.

"He's going to be extradited to Orlando for his warrant and you all can go from there." The police officer stated.

"Well he's going to the same place then I guess I will deal with it all there in Orlando." JT stated as the officer walked back to his car.

"Can we leave now?" JC asked as he and the others were just standing around waiting.

// Orlando, FL -- The Compound -- 2 Days Later //

"Good morning JT, who are things going with you?" Nikki asked, walking into the kitchen area to see JT sitting at the table.

"Good Morning Nikki, things are not going good at all." JT stated, reading an article in the newspaper.

"What's wrong?" Nikki asked.

"It seems that some newspapers and tabloids got a hold of the story about the guys." JT stated, motioning for Nikki to join him at the table, showing her the available papers he had gone out to get.

"Oh my god." Nikki stated. "That's not good."

"Surely it isn't. Johnny is going to freak when he sees the pictures of Nick and Justin in this one and then he's going to have a cow about Brian's arrest report being published." JT stated, pointing to each of the things he was referring to.

"Oh my god, there's even pictures of Nick and Justin." Nikki stated.

"Yep, that's the bad part and those pictures are real." JT stated.

"How do you know?" Nikki asked.

"I have my sources and they confirm that the pictures are real and not doctored." JT stated, frowning.

"Well what's going to happen?" Nikki asked.

"I don't know. I guess the boys will issue a statement and have a press conference." JT stated.

"I can honestly say since Tony came back into my life I haven't seen so much drama." Nikki stated.

"Drama? This goes way past drama." JT stated. "From what JC and Joey told me about you, your life has been just as bad the last few days."

"Yeah you can say that, but I am still here dealing." Nikki stated.

"Well that's good. How are your babies?" JT asked.

"JC and JC are alright." Nikki stated.

"JC and JC?" JT questioned. "I know that's not there names is it?"

"Joseph Christian Thomas and Joshua Christopher Thomas." Nikki stated.

"You named them after Josh and Joey?" JT asked.

"Well the first names I did." Nikki stated. "After all the stuff they did for me and what they are doing for me now, I was happy to name my babies after them. If it wasn't for those two, my babies might not have been


"Oh?" JT stated with a strange look on his face.

"If they wouldn't have been there, my husband might have left me there in that house to die." Nikki stated, getting teary-eyed thinking back to what just happened a few days ago.

"I'm so sorry." JT stated, getting up from the table and hugging her. "I am sure things are going to be okay for you now."

"I hope so. I don't think I can take much more drama in my life." Nikki stated as JC and Joey walked into the room having an intense conversation.

"What's going on with you two?" JT asked, trying to stop the arguing between Joey and JC.

"You stay out of this." JC stated, walking past JT and Nikki.

"Excuse me missy, what did you say?" Nikki asked, grabbing JC by the collar of his shirt and pulling him over to where she was.

"Ahhh..." JC trailed off.

"I asked you a question Josh." Nikki stated.

"I didn't say anything." JC stated.

"Boy!" Nikki stated, smacking JC in the face. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to lie to women?"

"You hit me again!" JC stated, whining.

"And I am about to do it again if you don't stop that whining." Nikki stated, drawing back to smack JC again.

"Come on Nikki, stop hitting me. This is between Joey and me. You have been hitting me ever since you got out of the hospital." JC stated.

"I hit you because you act like a bitch." Nikki stated, causing JT to laugh out loud.

"I don't need to be ganged up on by you two." JC stated, pushing Joey and walking out of the room.

"What was all of that about Tony?" Nikki asked.

"Well actually it was about you and you." Joey stated, pointing at me and Nikki.

"What did I do?" Nikki asked.

"Yeah, what did I do?" JT asked.

"Well he's mad that she keeps hitting him and he thinks that we had some kind of relationship." Joey stated.

"Okay what does that have to do with me?" JT asked.

"Well I asked him about you and his relationship and he got pissed and that' s when we came in here." Joey stated, looking in the refrigerator. "I'm hungry."

"Hmmm, okay." JT stated.

"He thinks me and you had a relationship?" Nikki asked, laughing.

"Yeah." Joey stated. "Isn't that the strangest thing?"

"It surely is." Nikki stated. "I am not trying to be rude or anything, but I don't need a gay man, I want a man without any sugar in his tank."

"Hey!" Joey stated, getting offended. "I don't have much sugar in my


"You have enough in your tank to be sleeping with him." JT stated.

"You stay out of this." Joey stated, directing it at JT.

"Oh I know you are just cruising for a bruising Tony." Nikki stated. "I will smack you, you better behave and be nice."

"I am being nice." Joey stated.

"No you are not." Nikki stated. "Apologize to JT."

"No." Joey stated.

"Apologize." Nikki spoke, raising her hand back.

"Ok ok, I am sorry." Joey stated, stepping back away from Nikki.

// Outside //

"Look man, I really don't want to be here, so just get off my case." Justin stated, walking away from Lance and Carson.

"Justin stop. It's not just you and Nick that were outed. We are out to so just stop all of this craziness." Lance stated.

"Get away from me Lance, I am still mad at you." Justin stated.

"I don't care if you are mad at me or not. I am still your friend and I am trying to help you." Lance stated.

"I don't want or need your help. If it wasn't for your `husband's' lackey, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place." Justin stated.

"Baby it's not Carson's fault what Damien did. He told you that he didn't know Damien was going to do that." Nick stated.

"Nicky are you on my side or his?" Justin asked.

"I am on your side baby, but just give them a chance." Nick stated.

"I don't want to give them a chance, I want to kick their asses." Justin stated.

"Well I don't want you doing that. Just calm down baby and lets go back and talk with them. This affects them as much as it affects us. There are pictures of them just like there are pictures of us." Nick stated.

"Well it's his own fault." Justin stated.

"When Damien outed us the first time he decided to go ahead and publish their Wedding Pictures." Justin stated.

"Yeah, but that was after Damien outed us baby. Come on. Please for me?" Nick pleaded.

"I don't know why I let you talk me into things I don't want to do." Justin stated as he and Nick started to walk back over towards Carson and Lance.

"You do them because you love me." Nick stated.

"How do you know that?" Justin stated, wrapping his arms around Nick's waist.

"You must love me if you ask me to marry you." Nick stated as he and Justin shared a passionate kiss.

"I do love you. I love you very much Mr. Carter." Justin stated. "You still haven't given me an answer yet."

"I was thinking more of you changing your name to Carter." Nick stated. "Justin Timberlake-Carter has a good sound to it."

"I asked you to marry me. You should change your name." Justin stated. "Is that a yes Nicky?"

"Yes it is baby." Nick stated.

"Oh baby." Justin stated, picking up Nick and twirling him around in his arms. "I am the happiest man on the planet."

"You know what, let's discuss this another time. Right now we need to discuss the Star', the Enquirer' and `J-14'." Nick stated as he pulled Justin along with him back over to the table where Lance and Carson were sitting.

"Okay guys say your piece. Did Damien and Chris have anything to do with this?" Justin asked.

"What does Chris have to do with this?" Lance asked.

"Those pictures were taken of us in Cozumel." Justin stated. "That's where the two of us were. I caught Chris just the other day taking pictures from the patio window the other day."

"Oh my." Lance stated.

"From the looks of it, he followed us there because these pictures look like our first day there." Justin stated, pointing at the pictures.

"Oh my fucking god. He's been watching us all that time?" Nick asked.

"I guess so baby." Justin stated.

"Well he got an eye full." Nick stated. "I hope he whacked off to that and had a good fucking time."

"Nicky baby calm down." Justin stated, rubbing Nick's back.

"I am sorry baby, I just don't like the fact that he invaded our privacy like that." Nick stated.

"I just don't understand why he did it." Justin stated.

"I don't either. Why would Chris do something like that?" Lance asked.

// Chris Kirkpatrick's Room //

"I don't know what your plan is. I did everything you said and they are still together." Chris stated. "Hell the last thing I heard was that Justin asked him to marry him." Chris stated talking to someone on the phone.

"Say what!" The voice stated on the phone. "That's fucking impossible!"

"No it isn't. They must really love each other." Chris stated.

"Did Nick say yes?" The voice asked.

"I don't know. He never gave Justin an answer before we left to come back here." Chris stated.

"Did they catch you again?" The voice asked.

"No, but still with the pictures in the tabloids, they know I had something to do with it. I wish you would have let me did something else." Chris stated.

"Look you either do what I say or I can just easily tell the world what I know about you." The voice stated.

"That was entrapment and you know it." Chris stated.

"How is it entrapment, you was enjoying everything that happened." The voice stated on the phone. "Just get over it already. You don't have to do this stuff for me, you can just tell your friends that you are gay and everything will be over between the two of us."

"No it wouldn't be. You would find something else to hold over my head." Chris stated.

"I think it's funny that all of you are gay." The voice stated. "If someone would have asked me a year ago if the guys of N Sync were gay I would have said no, but with the information I know now, hell that would be the wrong answer.

"Well I don't think it's funny, this is my fucking life and career we are talking about." Chris stated.

"What career? Your career has been over since Justin decided to go solo." The voice stated. "You might as well pack it up and do what Lance did and be someone's bitch."

"Lance isn't a bitch." Chris stated.

"Oh he's a bitch if he let's Carson Daly fuck him on a regular basis." The voice stated.

"Fuck you Damien!" Chris stated, hanging up the phone. "What have I done? I have screwed up their lives all for nothing. They will never forgive me for any of this."

// The Living Room -- 1 Hour Later //

"So what are we going to do about all of this JT?" JC asked.

"Well first, you guys are going to have a press conference about this situation and go from there. That's what Johnny is going to talk about when he gets here." JT stated.

"Well we are married, what will we say, the world already knows about us, it 's too late to put those worms back into the can." Lance stated.

"Yeah that's true and after they were outed, I decided to just out us, to help support them because of what Damien had did." Carson spoke. "I still am very sorry about that guys."

"It's okay now that we are getting married." Justin spoke.

"You are getting married?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, I am so happy." Justin stated, leaning over to kiss Nick passionately.

"Well I guess congratulations are in order." They all heard as Johnny Wright walked into the room.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 39

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