My Kinda Guy

Published on Nov 30, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 40 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- The Compound //

"I can't find him, have you seen Josh?" Joey asked, walking up to Nikki.

"No I haven't seen him. I think he's scared to be around me now." Nikki stated.

"Well that's because you have been smacking him so much." Joey stated.

"Are you looking for a smacking?" Nikki asked.

"No and keep your hands to yourself." Joey stated. "I hope he's okay. I just noticed I haven't seen him for a few hours."

// Chicago, IL -- Police Dept. //

"Michael Valente here are your belongings. You are free to go." The police officer stated, handing Michael an envelop with his belongings in it.

"Yeah it was grand." Michael stated.

"You just stay away from your wife and things will be okay, you won't have to see us again." The police officer stated.

"I am going to stay away from her, I don't want nothing more to do with that bitch." Michael stated as the guard opened the gate as he walked out. "See ya."

// The Hospital //

"Where the hell am I?" Kevin asked as he sat up in bed. "I feel like my gut is on fire."

"You are okay." Kevin heard a familiar voice. "You were beaten up and shot. Do you remember that Kev?"

"D I don't remember much of anything." Kevin spoke. "I am seeing flashes of stuff, but I can't make out what it all means."

"Well you are here in Chicago. You and Leighanne were injured due to Brian' s infidelity." Howie stated.

"Oh damn, so that did happen." Kevin stated.

"What did happen?" Howie asked.

"Brian's boy toy shot me." Kevin stated.

"Yep you were shot badly." Howie stated. "The doctors were able to fix the damage but you have been here out cold for two days."

"Two days?" Kevin asked. "Where is Brian?"

"Far as I know he was taken to jail and they were supposed to had sent him back to Orlando for charging." Howie stated.

"This is all wrong. Why is Brian in jail?" Kevin asked. "He didn't do anything."

"Yes he did Kev, he was arrested for making threats against Joey Fatone and beating up Leighanne." Howie stated.

"Threats? What kind of threats?" Kevin asked.

"He was trying to kill Joey for leaving him." Howie stated. "What I am trying to find out is what do you have to do with all of this?"

"I...I...I slept with the kid that did all of this." Kevin stated.

"You did what!" Howie screamed as the nurse and the security guard ran into the room.

"I slept with him a couple of times." Kevin stated.

"You are gay too?" Howie asked.

"No I am not gay." Kevin stated.

"If you are sleeping with men you are gay." Howie stated.

"I am not gay, I might be bisexual, but I am not gay." Kevin stated. "I still like girls too."

"All of this is because you and Brian fucked a little twink. See what this shit has done to you. I told you all that being gay was sinful and look what happened." Howie stated walking out of the room.

// Orlando, FL -- The Compound -- The Living Room //

"Hey guys we have an announcement to make." Justin stated as he and Nick walked into the room.

"What is it Justin?" Carson spoke as he and Lance sat down on the sofa.

"Me and Nick are going to get married." Justin stated.

"We already know that." Lance stated. "You just haven't set a date."

"No doofus as in really soon." Justin stated. "We are going to jump the next plane to Hawaii and get married."

"What?" Lance asked. "You are not going to have enough time to get everyone there to the wedding."

"Like I really want everyone at the wedding." Justin stated glaring at Lance.

"Why do you have so much hostility towards me?" Lance asked.

"I don't know, could it be that you use me and treat me like dirt afterwards." Justin stated.

"What is he talking about baby?" Carson asked.

"I have no idea what's going through Justin's mind." Lance stated, with a scared look on his face.

"Yeah right. You know what I am fucking talking about." Justin stated. "Do you want me to refresh your memory now with your hubby here?"

"Fine Justin, I am sorry." Lance stated. "How many times do I have to say that to you?"

"What are you talking about anyway Justin?" Nick asked.

"Something that happened before we got together." Justin stated.

"It involves Lance?" Carson asked.

"Very much so. Your husband isn't so innocent as he claims to be." Justin stated.

"Justin!" Lance screamed.

"Shut the fuck up Lance, it's my turn now." Justin stated.

"Baby what are you doing?" Nick asked.

"I am going to give Lance what he needs." Justin stated.

"And what is it that Lance needs?" Carson asked.

"He needs an ass whipping, but I am not going to give him that just yet." Justin stated.

"Justin ever since we got here you have had nothing but attitude, get the fuck over it." Carson stated.

"Oh really, I will get over it when Lance tells you why I am so angry with him. When he tells you that, then I will get the fuck over it." Justin stated as he and Nick left the room.

"Baby what is it? Why is he being mean to you? What did he mean by that?" Carson asked.

"Baby I don't want to talk about any of that." Lance stated. "Let's just leave him alone and hopefully he will just get over it."

"I don't think he's going to get over it." Carson stated. "What is it that you did to him?"

"Baby I don't want to talk about it right now." Lance stated walking away from Carson.

"Fine, I will go ask Justin then." Carson stated, walking in the direction that Justin and Nick went in.

// Outside at the Security Gate //

"Look I'm AJ McLean let me through." AJ stated, speaking with the guard on duty at the main gate.

"I'm sorry guy you are not on the list." The guard stated.

"What do you mean I am not on the list? I am one of the Backstreet Boys; I am supposed to be on the list. I was told that Johnny wanted us all here." AJ stated.

"Sorry man, you are not on the list to get in here and I am not letting you in." The guard stated, closing the window.

"What the fuck is going on here." AJ stated, picking up his cell phone and pressing a button that speed dialed someone.

// Chris' Room //

"Hello?" Chris asked, answering his phone.

"Baby I am outside at the gate and the asshole here won't let me in." AJ stated, speaking to Chris.

"What the fuck, let me come up there and see what's going on." Chris stated. "Stay on the phone with me baby."

"I am not hanging up. I want to know what this guy's problem is." AJ stated.

"So are you okay otherwise baby?" Chris asked.

"Yeah I am fine. How about you? Have they come down on you yet?" AJ asked.

"Actually Justin is the only one freaking out on me, no one else has spoken to me yet." Chris stated.

"Well why didn't you just tell them the truth?" AJ asked.

"Like they are going to believe what I have to say. Justin and Nick are really pissed about this, but they are getting married so I guess that's a good thing." Chris stated.

"Oh wow, that's great baby. Are they having a wedding ceremony?" AJ asked.

"Why didn't you let him through?" Chris asked, knocking on the window and pointing to AJ's car.

"He's not on the list Mr. Kirkpatrick." The guard stated.

"Let me see that list." Chris stated.

"Here you go sir." The guard stated, handing the clipboard to Chris.

"Are you blind?" Chris asked. "This says that all members of Backstreet Boys and N Sync are allowed access to the Compound."

"Oh sir I'm sorry, I didn't know he was part of your group." The guard stated.

"He's not part of my group. Just open the gate and let him in." Chris stated, slinging the clipboard across the desk. "You better hope you have your job tomorrow."

// Back inside //

"I am glad you are with me baby." Chris stated as he and AJ shared a passionate kiss, walking into the main room.

"Well I am too." AJ stated. "Where is everyone else?"

"Probably in their rooms." Chris stated.

"So is it true about Brian?" AJ asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that he and Joey were having some kind of affair and when Joey broke it off with him, he got mad and made some threats against him." Chris stated.

"Oh my god, poor Leighanne." AJ stated. "Where is she anyway?"

"I don't know really, you would have to ask one of the others." Chris stated, holding AJ's hand as they sat down on the sofa snuggling up to each other.

"Baby I have really missed you, I want to go make love. I need to feel you in me." AJ stated, kissing Chris on his neck while rubbing his crotch.

"Oh baby, if you keep doing that, I won't be able to stop." Chris stated.

"Then let's go somewhere private." AJ stated, pulling Chris up off the sofa. "Where is your room?"

"Come on." Chris stated, pulling AJ down the hall to his room.

// Nick and Justin's Room //

"Oh my Justin what did you do?" Nick asked, walking into the room to see it decorated in rose pedals and soft white candles. "This is so beautiful baby. Why?"

"This if for you Nicky, the man that will soon be my husband." Justin stated. "Since we've been back here, I haven't had a chance to get you alone to myself. Now that I have you, I am not letting you out of my sight until sometime tomorrow."

"Oh baby, what do you have in mind?" Nick asked.

"This." Justin stated, kissing Nick passionately on the lips as he picked him up in his arms and carried him into the bathroom where there were more candles and rose petals around the bathtub.

"Justin what is this?" Nick asked.

"This is the first part of our little private getaway here." Justin stated as he started to undress Nick.

"Oh baby." Nick stated as he started to undress Justin.

"Are you ready baby?" Justin asked, kissing Nick again as they stepped into the bathtub and sat down. "Here baby."

"What's this?" Nick asked, accepting a flute from Justin.

"Just some champagne to celebrate or engagement and our love and life together." Justin stated, pouring the champagne into the glasses.

"You thought of everything baby." Nick stated as he leaned back in Justin's arms, as they sipped from their glasses. "This is so wonderful baby."

"Only the best for my Nicky." Justin stated as he took Nick's glass and sat it on the back of the tub as he picked up the washcloth and started bathing Nick.

The two of them sat in the tub washing and touching each other all over for what seemed like eternity. Making sure that the other was clean, they both paid extra attention to the sexual erotic areas of the other.

"Oh Justin, this is so wonderful." Nick stated.

"This isn't all baby." Justin stated, standing up and the tub, grabbing a towel to dry off. "Stand up baby so I can dry you off."

As Justin dried Nick off, from head to toe, Justin picked him back up in his arms and carried him back into the bedroom, lying him on the bed.

"Don't go anywhere baby, I need to go get something." Justin stated, walking back into the bathroom, retrieving their glasses and the champagne. "Now where were we?"

"Right about here." Nick stated, pulling Justin on top of him. "This is all so beautiful Justin. How did you manage to get all of this set up without me knowing about it?"

"Let's just say Joey, JC and their friend Nikki helped me." Justin stated.

"Oh, remind me to thank them later on." Nick stated.

"Oh baby, you are so beautiful." Justin stated, attacking Nick's neck.

"Oh Justin, baby, I want you to fuck to me." Nick stated, grabbing Justin's ass.

As the soft music continued to play in the room, that sound of that music was soon drowned out by the moans of Nick and Justin as they began their ritual fuck fest.

"Mmmm..." Nick moaned as his dick slipped out of Justin's mouth.

"Oh baby." Justin spoke, jabbing one of his fingers into Nick's hole, causing him to squirm under Justin's touch.

As Justin massaged Nick's ass with that one finger, a second finger soon joined by a third to help him stretch Nick's hole out for what's to cum (no pun intended). Just as Nick was getting use to the sensation that Justin's fingers were causing, Nick was surprised when he felt something small and wet at his entrance. Looking down, he saw that Justin's was using his tongue.

"Oh Justin, don't stop. That feels so wonderful." Nick moaned out.

"Oh baby, the best is yet to come." Justin stated as he reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube from the bedside table. "We are going to fuck until neither of us can walk straight."

"Oh Justin, don't talk about it, just do it." Nick growled out as he got on his hands and knees and pointed his ass up in the air, wiggling it at Justin. "It's calling you baby, fuck me."

Just as Nick was enjoying the game of teasing Justin, the biggie came when Justin pushed him down flat on the bed, spreading his asscheeks, inserting his entire length into Nick, thrusting hard and fast.

"Owww Justin. Oh yeah, baby don't stop!" Nick screamed.

Both Justin and Nick could do nothing but moan and groan as they both were overcome by the pleasure they were giving each other. As Justin continued to thrust into Nick's ass, Nick decided to put a little twist on things and got up on his knees, raising his ass up to give Justin a different angle to fuck.

"Oh yeah baby fuck me, fuck that ass like you mean it!" Nick screamed as he started jacking his dick.

"Oh baby, you are going to make me cum doing that." Justin stated as Nick was bouncing back and forth meeting his thrusts.

"Do it baby. I want to feel your juice deep within me! I'm cumming baby!" Nick stated as he started cumming in his hand and on the bed sheets. "Oh god Justin I can feel you, you are getting bigger in me."

"Oh shit baby, I can't hold it, I can't hold it back!" Justin screamed as he started cumming.

"That's it baby, let that juice flow into me!" Nick screamed as he collapsed and fell down on the bed with Justin falling on his back.

"Oh baby, shit, that was wonderful." Justin stated.

"Yes it was baby. Thank you for this, it was lovely." Nick stated, kissing Justin passionately on the lips.

"Damn right baby." Justin stated, as he pulled out of Nick an laid down besides him.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 41

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