My Kinda Guy

Published on Dec 13, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Author's Note: Now and Forever sang by JC Chasez, isn't copyrighted by me it belongs to whoever wrote it and sang it originally. I am just using the lyrics in this chapter to express some good qualities about JC and his feelings.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 41 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- The Compound -- 2 Hours Later -- Main Room //

"I am not sure what to do about this matter right now." Johnny Wright stated, talking on his phone. "At this moment I know that Justin and Nick are gay and about to get married, just don't know when, and I also know that Carson Daly and Lance are already married."

"What about Chris Kirkpatrick?" JT asked, over the phone. "Isn't he gay too? Isn't he the reason Nick and Justin were outed again, after they were back in?"

"I don't know what the deal is with Chris right now, I can't keep him in one room long enough to get an answer from him." Johnny spoke. "It's like he's avoiding me."

"Maybe he is, I don't know Johnny, but I do know that if those guys don't get their acts together, there won't be an N Sync or Backstreet Boys by the time they are done." JT spoke.

"You have a point there JT. Why don't you come back here and stay on with these guys?" Johnny asked.

"Sorry Johnny I can't do that. With the history that me and JC share, I don 't think I can take it seeing him with Joey Fatone all the time." JT stated.

"Are they really together?" Johnny asked.

"Well all I know is that when we were in Chicago, they acted as a couple and when Joey found out about me and JC having a prior relationship, he almost hit the roof so to speak." JT stated.

"Well I don't know. I guess I will call a special meeting after I go get Brian out of jail today and sit these guys down. I would really like it if you would come back and work here with these guys." Johnny stated. "Can't you and JC like talk and get over your differences or something?"

"I don't know Johnny." JT stated.

"Well come back, talk with him and see if you two can work out something. You are one of the guys I can trust to get the job done and I would like it if you were here again. You are the best security liaison I have had in a long time." Johnny stated. "Think about it JT and call me back later on tonight."

"Alright I will think about it, but I won't make any promises Johnny." JT stated as they both hung up the phone.

// County Lockup //

"Mr. Littrell you have a phone call." The guard stated, walking to the cell and handing Brian a cordless phone.

"Hello?" Brian spoke into the phone.

"Oh Brian. Are you okay?" Kevin Richardson spoke into the phone.

"I am okay as okay gets in here." Brian stated.

"Why are you still in jail?" Kevin asked.

"They want release me, they claim that I am here for other reasons." Brian spoke.

"What other reasons?" Kevin asked. "They can't hold you in jail without telling you what it is that they are holding you for."

"Well I guess they can since they haven't told me yet." Brian stated. "Forget about me for now, what about you Kev. Are you okay? You were shot, I thought you were dead."

"I am still alive, that punk shot me in the stomach and once in the arm." Kevin stated. "The doctors repaired the damage he did, but I am still in pain."

"Oh god Kevin, thank the lord you are still alive. What about Leighanne, is she okay?" Brian asked.

"I don't know. No one will tell me what's wrong with her. Was she shot or hurt?" Kevin asked.

"Not that I know of." Brian stated. "But he could have done anything to her after he had us outside."

"What happened to him, did the police get him?" Kevin asked, rubbing his eyes now.

"Both Adam and his brother Bruce, were taken into custody for shooting you and then firing on one of the security guys for N Sync." Brian stated. "The security guy shot him and put him down for the count. I thought he was dead, but the EMTs said he was still alive."

"Served him right if that guy would have killed him, he deserved it for all the shit he put us through." Kevin stated.

"No he doesn't Kev, don't say that." Brian stated. "He was just a confused child."

"What?" Kevin stated, getting upset now. "He wasn't a confused child. He' s an adult Brian, he's nineteen years old, he's an adult. He shot me, and tried to kill your wife from what I was able to hear before he tried to do me in. He's not confused. He knew what he was doing."

"Sorry Kev, I didn't mean to say it that way." Brian stated. "I just don't know what to say about Adam."

"Well let's not say anything about him, I don't want to talk about him anymore." Kevin stated, as Howie walked back into the room with him. "Brian take care, I have to go."

"Alright Kev, take it easy man. I love you cousin." Brian stated.

"I love you too Brian." Kevin stated, hanging up the phone.

// Back at the Compound -- Justin and Nick's Room //

"Baby wake up." Nick stated, getting up to go to the door.

"Who in the hell is knocking on the door? I told everyone not to disturb us." Justin stated.

"Well apparently they didn't listen or understanding." Nick stated, opening the door to see Carson standing in the doorway.

"Well what the hell do you want?" Justin asked, walking up behind Nick.

"You slept with him didn't you." Carson stated, more like asking a question.

"What?" Nick asked.

"Justin you slept with Lance didn't you?" Carson spoke this time, again sending like a question.

"Did he tell you that?" Justin asked.

"No he didn't. I just think that's why you are angry with him." Carson spoke.

"Carson go talk to Lance." Justin stated.

"No I don't want to talk to him right now, I want to talk to you." Carson spoke. "You have been treating him like dirt and treating me worst when I haven't even done anything to you. I would at least like to know why I am getting treated this way."

"Because you and your friends are scum." Justin said plainly, turning away to walk back into the bed in the room.

"Can I come in Nick? Please?" Carson asked.

"Baby?" Nick asked, turning to look at Justin.

"Hell I don't care." Justin stated as Carson walked into the room and sat down in a chair across from Justin.

"Come on Justin just tell me what it is that has you so upset with Lance and me." Carson spoke, "You and him slept together, is that it?"

"Yeah we slept together." Justin stated as Carson took in a deep breathe as Nick dropped his head. "Oh baby, I'm sorry."

"No, you have no reason to be sorry. It happened before we got together, so there's no reason for me to be angry or anything." Nick stated.

"So when did this happen?" Carson asked.

"A few months back, back when I came out." Justin stated.

"He told me you came out three months ago." Carson stated.

"I did come out three months ago, I came out right before the MTV VMAs." Justin stated.

"Oh my god, you were the person he was talking about." Carson stated as he got up out of the chair, walked to the door. "Thank you Justin for finally clearing things up."

"Carson wait." Nick stated. "Are you okay?"

"I am fine Nick. I'm okay." Carson stated, tears building in his eyes.

"You don't seem okay, you look as if you're gonna cry." Nick stated as Carson broke down right there at the door crying.

"He doesn't love me, he loves him." Carson stated, crying harder now. "He loves you and you treat him like crap."

"What?" Justin asked.

"He loves you Justin, really loves you and you treat him like crap." Carson spoke.

"What do you mean he loves me?" Justin asked.

"Just that." Carson spoke. "He told me about that night. He told me that he made a mistake and cheated on me. I forgave him for it, but he told me that he had feelings for that person, and he didn't know if he could be faithful to me while he was around that person."

"Oh no." Nick stated.

"Just let me go Nick." Carson stated, pushing out of Nick's arms. "Just let me go. I have to get away from here."

"No Carson don't go." Justin stated. "Don't you go do something you will regret later, you just stay right here and don't go anywhere."

"Baby what are you doing?" Nick asked.

"I am going to find Lance. He's made a very big mistake." Justin stated, walking out of the room.

"What do you think he's going to do?" Carson asked, sitting on the floor next to Nick.

"I don't know, but I hope I don't regret any of this." Nick stated, as a tear fell from his eye.

// JC and Joey's Room //

"I still haven't found him Nikki, he's been gone all afternoon. I hope he's alright." Joey stated, pacing around the room.

"Tony calm down. I am quite sure that whining child hasn't gone far." Nikki stated.

"Stop calling him names Nikki. I think he's gone because of how you have been treating him." Joey stated.

"Tony don't you start that again. I apologized to you for being mean to both of you, I haven't found him yet to apologize to him." Nikki stated. "I can't apologize if he doesn't show his face."

"Well have you even seen him around here at all?" Joey asked.

"The last time I saw him, let's see, I was going to the kitchen and he was walking out, after the argument you two had earlier." Nikki stated. "Looked like he was going towards the pool area or the babies room."

"You go check on the babies, I will go check the pool." Joey stated as he and Nikki walked out of the room.

// The Nursery //

As Nikki walks into the nursery, she spots JC sitting in the rocking chair holding both babies in his arms rocking them back and forth as he sang to them...

"Whenever I'm weary >From the battles that raged in my head You made sense of madness When my sanity hangs by a thread I lose my way, but still you Seem to understand Now and Forever, I will be your man

Sometimes I just hold you Too caught up in me to see I'm holding a fortune That Heaven has given to me I'll try to show you Each and every way I can Now and Forever, I will be your man

Now I can rest my worries And always be sure That I won't be alone, anymore If I'd only known you were there All the time, All this time.....

Until the day the ocean Doesn't touch the sand Now and Forever I will be your man

Now and Forever, I will be your man..."

As JC sang, Nikki stood there staring at JC as Joey walked up to the door behind her, witnessing the same thing she was as JC continued to sing to the two little babies in his arms. Softly crying to himself, Joey moved past Nikki and walked over to JC, wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him passionately on the lips.

"I'm so sorry baby. I shouldn't have gotten mad with you." Joey stated.

"Shhhh, they are sleeping." JC stated, motioning his head at the babies.

"Okay." Joey whispered as Nikki walked over to them and picked up one of the babies.

"That was a beautiful song Josh." Nikki stated, kissing him on the cheek. "I am so sorry about the way I have been treating you, will you please forgive me?"

"Yeah I forgive you." JC stated, hugging her. "If this goof can still like you, I can too."

"Hey, I resent that." Nikki stated turning around looking at both JC and Joey.

"Please don't hit me again." JC stated.

"I am not going to hit you anymore. Someone told me I need to control my hands so I am starting that new rule today." Nikki stated, putting the baby back down in the crib. "I am not my husband, I am not going to be around here hitting people and having them scared of me."

"I had forgotten all about him." Joey stated.

"Well I hope he stays forgotten." Nikki stated.

"Well we are here, he doesn't know where you guys are." Joey stated.

"Well that's a good thing I guess." Nikki stated. "Excuse me, you two need to leave and go have make up sex or something, you are starting to sicken me with the kissing and the lovey dovey faces you keep making at each other, just go have sex and get it over already."

"You heard the woman, let's go baby." Joey stated, wrapping his arms around JC's shoulders as the two of them walked out of the nursery.

"Oh Josh." Nikki called out.

"Yeah?" JC answered.

"You have a job now as a babysitter." Nikki stated, kissing him again on the cheek and walking back into the room.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 42

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