My Kinda Guy

Published on Dec 26, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 43 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- The Airport //

"It didn't take us long to get here at all." Kevin stated, walking to the baggage claim. "We need to go find Brian."

"We need to get to the compound." Howie stated. "Johnny said for us to go there."

"When did you talk to Johnny?" Kevin asked.

"I talked to him while you were sleeping." Howie stated. "He has gotten Brian already, we just need to go to the Compound."

"Why do I feel that you are keeping something from me." Kevin stated.

"I am not keeping anything from you. Come on. There should be a car waiting for us." Howie stated as he grabbed his bag and he and Kevin walked towards the exit.

As Kevin and Howie walked out of the airport, the unknown follower grabbed his bag and ran out the door behind them and hailed a cab.

"Where to buddy?" The cabbie asked.

"Follow that car." The man spoke getting into the cab and closing the door.

"Okay buddy." The cabbie spoke as he pulled off, following the car that Kevin and Howie were in.

// 20 Minutes Later -- The Compound //

"You can let me out here. I will walk the rest of the way." The man stated.

"That'll be $45 mister." The cabbie spoke.

"Here you go." The man stated, handing the cabbie a fifty-dollar bill. "Keep the change."

"Oh yeah I am a rich man now." The cabbie spoke, as he pulled away and sped off.

"Damn idiot." The man stated as he threw his bag over the fence and started climbing.

"Wonder where everyone is?" Kevin stated as he and Howie walked up to the door. "I wonder if Brian is okay."

"He probably is." Howie stated as he and Kevin walked through the door to hear shouting voices.

"What the hell is going on in there?" Kevin stated as they walked closer to the voices.

// The Living Room //

"I don't give a damn about any of that!" Brian screamed. "None of that was my fault!"

"It was your fault. If you never forced me and Adam to have sex, he wouldn' t have gotten shot." Joey stated.

"Oh yeah like you are innocent in this, you slept with him just as much as I did. I am not the only one to blame for him being the way he is, you had a hand in there too." Brian stated.

"Not as much as you did. You had that kid scared of you." Joey stated.

"Calm down baby, just calm down, you are getting way too upset." JC stated, rubbing Joey's back.

"You stay out of this JC." Brian stated. "If it wasn't for you, me and Joey will still be together."

"That's not true, I left you way before me and Josh ever got involved." Joey stated. "Regardless if I wasn't with Josh, I wouldn't go back to being with you, you are an evil person Brian."

"I am not evil." Brian stated.

"You too are evil." Howie stated as he walked into the room with Kevin. "All of you are evil."

"What?" Joey spoke turning around to see Kevin and Howie walk into the room.

"I said all of you are evil." Howie stated. "If you are gay you are evil."

"Look Howie I don't need any crap from you about being gay." Brian stated. "I am not gay."

"You are gay if you lay with a man the same way you lay with a woman." Howie stated as he took a seat next to JT.

"So you must be Howie Dourough." JT stated.

"That's Dorough." Howie stated, looking at JT strangely.

"Sorry about that. JT Poole, head of security." JT stated, holding out his hand for Howie to shake it.

"I'm honored." Howie stated, shaking JT's hand. "Johnny what happened to the other guy?"

"What other guy?" Johnny asked.

"The big giant guy that was the head of security?" Howie stated.

"He quit, he got another job elsewhere." Johnny stated.

"Oh great, so now we have to get use to you." Howie stated, motioning at JT.

"Well I am quite sure I am not that much to get use to. All I ask is that you follow proper protocol." JT stated, getting up and walking over to the front of the room. "Now that all the important people are here, we can get the rest of the meeting on the way."

"What did we actually miss?" Kevin asked. "When we walked in here, all I got of the conversation was those two arguing about that punk kid Adam."

"We were talking about you the relationship between the three of us and all the things Brian had me do." Joey stated.

"Stop it Joey, you need to take some responsibility for this matter too." Brian stated.

"The only part of this that I take responsibility for is the fact that I slept with him, I never should have done that." Joey stated as Lance, Carson, Nick and Justin walked into the room.

"About time you guys joined us." Johnny stated. "Where is Chris and has AJ arrived yet?"

"Let's see, Alexander McLean has already arrived here." JT stated, looking at a clipboard.

"He's already here?" Howie stated. "Where is he?"

"I am right here." AJ stated as he and Chris walked into the room.

"Oh great, just the person I wanted to see." Justin stated, eyeing Chris as he walked past.

"Look Justin just stop, give me a chance to speak before you jump off your little pedestal." Chris stated as he and AJ sat down on a nearby couch.

"You don't need a chance to speak, you just need your ass kicked for all the shit you did." Justin stated, leaning forward in the chair that he was sitting in.

"Calm down baby." Nick stated, wrapping his arms around Justin's waist, holding him close. "Just calm down, I am quite sure Chris has a perfect reason for spying on us and sending those pictures to the fucking tabloids."

"Nick just shut up and listen." AJ stated as he sat next to Chris and grabbed his hand, kissing it.

"What the hell!" Howie stated as he witnessed the affection between AJ and Chris. "Don't tell me you two are fruits too."

"What did you say Howie?" AJ asked.

"You two are fruits." Howie stated.

"You can be a little bit nicer about the things you say. The words you use can be hurtful." AJ stated looking at Howie. "For your fucking information, we are gay and together."

"What!" Justin screamed. "You are gay and in a relationship and have the nerve to out me and Nick!"

"Justin just shut up and listen." Chris stated, getting up and walking over to where JT was standing.

"Well what is it that you have to say for all the stuff you have done to them?" JC stated. "You are supposed to be our friend. How could you do that to them?"

"It wasn't my fault." Chris stated. "I had no choice."

"Like fuck you did. You had no right to follow us around and take pictures of us and then send said pictures to the tabloids." Justin stated.

"I didn't send the pictures to the tabloids, Damien Fahey did." Chris stated as Nick turned around.

"What!" Nick screamed, getting up, walking over to Chris. "Damien had something to do with all of this?"

"Yes he did." Chris stated, stepping back from Nick.

"And why was it that you helped him?" Nick asked, stepping closer to Chris, backing him up against a wall.

"He had proof of my and Alex's relationship and he was going to out us." Chris stated.

"So you outed us instead." Nick stated, turning and walking away from Chris.

"It's not like that. He had a whole lot of stuff to ruin us for a long long time." Chris stated.

"So to keep yourself and Alex here safe, you put our lives out there on the line." Nick stated

"I had no choice." Chris stated.

"You did have a choice and you chose wrong!" Nick screamed walking from the room.

// Down the Hall -- The Nursery //

"Oh my precious little babies. With the way things were going on you guys almost didn't make here to be with me." Nikki stated. "By the grace of God and a little help from Tony and his friends you two are here in my life."

"Yeah and they shouldn't be in your life." Michael Valente spoke, walking into the room. "Cute babies, but you don't deserve to have babies like that."

"What the fuck!" Nikki shouted, scaring the babies as they started crying.

"I'm back bitch." Michael stated. "You thought you got away from me didn't you?"

"How the hell did you get in here? How did you find me?" Nikki asked, as she walked over to the cribs and placed the babies down. "Just leave Michael, I won't tell anyone, I promise, just don't do anything, please."

"I am going to finally kill you like I planned." Michael stated.

"Why? Why do you want to kill me? What did I do to you that makes you hate me so much?" Nikki asked.

"You took something I wanted. You got something that I always wanted!" Michael shouted.

"What is that?" Nikki asked as she started inching towards the door.

"You know what you took from me." Michael stated. "You are nothing but a whore, a two bit tramp!"

"If you just tell me what it is and I can give it back to you." Nikki stated. "Just tell me what it is Michael."

As Nikki was getting the last of her words out, Michael lunged at her and grabbed her by her hair, causing her to scream out in pain.

"Owww! Michael please don't hurt me right now, please." Nikki pleaded with him.

"I am going to kill you, I should have done this a long time ago." Michael stated as he pulled a knife out of his pocket and held it under Nikki's throat.

"No Michael don't! What about the babies? If you kill me, you will leave them without a mother." Nikki stated.

"You don't deserve to be their mother!" Michael screamed as JT, Johnny, Joey, JC and one of the security officers appeared.

"What the hell is going on in here?" JT asked drawing his weapon.

"Stay the fuck back!" Michael screamed.

"Who the hell is this guy?" JT asked.

"This is my husband." Nikki stuttered out.

"Michael stop, don't do anything." Joey stated, walking towards Michael slowly.

"No Joey don't." JC stated.

"He's not going to hurt me, I am his brother." Joey stated.

"Your brother?" JT asked.

"Come on Mike, put the knife down." Joey stated, with his hands in the air. "Just let her go and I am quite sure they will let you walk out of here. Just leave her alone."

"Hell no, I want this bitch dead!" Michael shouted.

"Why do you want her dead?" Joey asked.

"I told you why." Michael stated.

"No you didn't." Joey stated.

"Liar!" Michael shouted as he kicked Nikki to the floor, stabbing her in the arm as she fell.

"No stop, don't do anything to him." Joey stated, turning around quickly as he heard a gun cock.

"I told you why I want her dead." Michael stated. "She took you away from me!"

"What?" Joey asked. "How did she take me from you?"

"You don't even remember." Michael stated as he started kicking Nikki in her side, to emphasis his words. "She took you from me when you fell in love with her instead of me."

"What? Why would I fall in love with you? Mike you're my brother." Joey stated.

"I am not your fucking brother!" Michael shouted. "Remember I am adopted!"

"You are still my brother. I love you, but I don't love you in that way Mike. Stop all of this."

"No! I won't stop until she is dead." Michael stated as he held up his hand in a motion to plunge the knife downward towards Nikki.

"No! I won't let you!" JT screamed as he pulled the trigger.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 44

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