My Kinda Guy

Published on Jan 8, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 44 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- The Compound //

"Oh my god!" Joey screamed. "Nikki! Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I hurt all over." Nikki stated, closing her eyes.

"Nikki wake up. Don't go to sleep on me." Joey stated, shaking her lightly.

"This is JT, we need to get an ambulance here as soon as possible." JT stated, speaking into a walkie-talkie. "We have two wounded here that need serious medical attention."

"Baby keep her talking, don't let her go to sleep." JC stated, kneeling next to Joey and Nikki.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Chris asked as he and AJ ran into the room.

"We need to get her some help! She's bleeding!" Joey screamed.

"Calm down Joey, the ambulance is on its way." JT stated.

"That's not her blood, that's Michael's blood." JC stated, pointing at the puddle of blood moving across the floor. "She's only bleeding from her


"She must have some internal injuries then." Joey stated, still shaking Nikki lightly. "Come on Nikki wake up."

"Stop shaking me Tony, that causes me pain." Nikki stated, reaching up and touching Joey on the chest. "I think I am okay just sore."

"This guy doesn't look so good." Chris stated, kneeling down in front of Michael who was now coughing up blood.

"I can't feel my fucking legs! I can't move my arms!" Michael screamed out as he was still coughing up blood.

"Oh my god, you paralyzed him. Johnny he's dangerous." Howie stated, standing in the doorway watching everything.

"Shut up Howie. If it wasn't for him, he probably would have killed her and the babies." JC stated.

"You make me you fucking faggot!" Howie screamed.

"Stop! You need to go for a walk." JT stated, turning around and looking at Howie.

"You must be one to if you are taking up for him!" Howie screamed at JT.

"I am one and I won't tolerate that kind of talk directed at myself or anyone in my area. Again, you need to go for a walk buddy." JT stated as JC turned and looked at the two men.

"Whatever." Howie stated as he pushed passed JT, walking back down the hall, opening the door and walking outside.

"Mr. Poole the ambulance is here." The security officer stated, walking into the room with the paramedics.

"Mrs. Valente do you need to go to the hospital?" JT asked.

"Nikki, and no I don't want to go to the hospital." Nikki stated.

"Are you sure Mrs. Val...ur Nikki?" JT asked.

"I am sure. I just need to rest I guess." Nikki stated as Joey picked her up and walked her to the room she picked to sleep in.

// 2 Hours Later -- Outside at the Pool (no pun intended) //

"Hi Mr. Poole." Kevin stated, walking outside to the pool area where JT sat in a patio chair.

"Hi, call me JT." JT stated.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah I am fine. Why do you ask?" JT asked.

"Well you have been sitting out here for a long while and you haven't

moved." Kevin stated. "Not even an inch."

"What's it to you?" JT asked, taking off his shades. "Sorry, I am just emotional."

"Why are you emotional?" Kevin asked.

"In all of my time being in this career, this was the first time I had to actually draw my weapon and fire it." JT stated, covering his face with his hand.

"Hey hey, you were doing your job. That's what Johnny pays you for. You were keeping us safe." Kevin stated, putting his arm around JT. "You had to do what you did or that guy would have hurt someone."

"Mr. Richardson what are you doing?" JT asked, sliding out of the chair.

"I was comforting a friend in need." Kevin stated.

"Comforting a friend?" JT asked, with raised eyebrows.

"Well do you want more than a hug?" Kevin asked.

"I think not." JT stated, grabbing his belongings and walking back towards the house, leaving Kevin sitting there starring as he watched him disappear into the house.

// Inside -- The Kitchen //

"Hey, why did you leave like that?" Kevin asked, walking into the kitchen behind JT.

"What is it that you want Mr. Richardson?" JT asked.

"Look, I like you, call me Kevin." Kevin stated.

"You like me?" JT asked, walking over to Kevin, starring him in the face. "How can you like me, you don't even know me."

"For a guy to risk his life twice to keep me safe is all I need to know." Kevin stated, reaching out and hugging JT.

"Stop that Kevin." JT stated, pushing Kevin away.

""But why?" Kevin asked. "You are a nice person, and you are very cute."

"Because of your past." JT stated, walking out of the kitchen.

"Wait! Come back here." Kevin stated, walking behind JT. "Don't walk away from me. Give me a chance."

"Why should I give you a chance?" JT asked.

"Look JT, I know you think I am some jerk that caused a lot of problems already, but believe me, I am not that person you can imagine I am." Kevin stated.

"How do you know what I imagine?" JT asked.

"You were in the room with me, Brian and Joey. You were there at the airport with the whacked out guy that tried to kill us. I know that looks bad on my part because I was involved with the kid, but I thought I was in love with him." Kevin stated. "I was falling in love with him, but he wasn 't interested in me."

"But you were still involved with him. He was under age for god's sake." JT stated.

"He's not under age, Adam is 24." Kevin stated.

"What?" JT asked.

"He lied about his age, he's 24 he's not a kid." Kevin stated. "He only lied about his age to try to get us into trouble. He thought that if he could say he was younger than what he was, then he could sell his story to the tabloids and get paid."

"Is this all true?" JT asked.

"Yes it's all true." Kevin stated. "If you don't believe me, I am quite sure you have some good connections to look him up and check him out."

"I will do that." JT stated, turning around and walking away.

"JT please. I want to get to know you. You are a handsome guy and I believe you have a lot of potential." Kevin stated.

"Oh?" JT stated, walking back down to Kevin. "Tell me more."

"Why don't I show you." Kevin stated, grabbing JT by the hand, motioning for him to go back into the kitchen.

"What are we going to do in the kitchen?" JT asked.

"This." Kevin stated, grabbing JT by the waist, pulling him close and planting a kiss on his lips.

// Justin and Nick's Room //

"Hey baby, are you okay?" Justin asked, rolling over on the bed, caressing Nick's face.

"No I am not okay." Nick stated, getting up out of bed. "It's all my fault. Everything is my fault."

"How is it your fault?" Justin asked.

"If I would have never met up with Damien, none of this would be happening now." Nick stated.

"Well I am glad it did happen." Justin stated.

"What?" Nick asked.

"If you never met him, you would have never gotten upset and went to go stay at the hotel and we would have never met." Justin stated, walking up behind Nick and wrapping his arms around his waist, kissing him on the neck.

"Well you do have a point, but this stuff with Damien is too strained, I can 't handle it all." Nick stated.

"Baby everything is going to be okay. I promise you that." Justin stated. "Don't worry about anything. So far we are together and we are getting married this weekend."

"Yeah we are together and I can't wait for us to be married." Nick stated, turning around to face Justin, kissing him on the check, then maybe to his lips.

"Don't worry about Damien. He is just sorry that he didn't get to you first. He's just jealous." Justin stated, hugging Nick.

"Probably so, but none of this makes sense. What's the use in threatening Chris to get to me and you?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. Hell I didn't even know Chris was gay. Some friend he is." Justin stated.

"Well don't fret it. I think its funny that all of you are gay and all those years you all denied the rumors about your sexuality." Nick stated. "I am glad you are not in denial now."

"Well you opened my eyes and the rest of my heart." Justin stated, kissing Nick again. "Why don't we go find the others and tell them about this weekend."

"Sure why not. Wonder what they think?" Nick stated.

"Well if they don't like it that we are getting married this weekend I don't care." Justin stated. "We have four days to prepare for a wedding, and if I have anything to say about it all, it will be the best day of our lives."

"Every moment I am with you is the best of my life." Nick stated as he and Justin walked out of the room hand-in-hand.

// Lance and Carson's Room //

"Baby I love you with all my heart." Lance stated, caressing Carson's face. "I know I messed up, but I didn't see a way out of things, and one thing lead to another and we ended up in bed."

"Do you still love him James?" Carson asked, tears in his eyes.

"I know you are upset Carson, but why are you calling me James? You don't normally call me by my first name." Lance stated.

"Just answer the question. Do you still love him?" Carson asked.

"Not in the way that I love you." Lance stated, reaching for Carson as he pulled away. "Baby please, I'm sorry."

"Yeah you are sorry." Carson stated, getting up off the bed. "I love you James, but I don't think I can handle all of this right now. I think I am going back to New York for a while."

"Baby no. Please don't leave like this." Lance stated.

"I need to get away to think about this. I need to be by myself." Carson stated, walking over to the dresser.

"No baby please. We can work through this together. Please don't leave

me." Lance stated, crying now.

"No I can't do this. I need some time to think." Carson stated as he kissed Lance on the cheek and walked out of the room.

"Baby no, please." Lance stated, crying harder now as he slid down to the floor.

// Nikki's Room //

"I don't know anymore." Nikki stated, holding her side. "What's going to happen to me now Tony?"

"I don't know Nikki, I really don't know." Joey stated, sitting across from Nikki.

"All you can do is disassociate yourself from him." Joey stated.

"How am I supposed to do that? The doctor's say that he is my responsibility since I am still married to him." Nikki stated. "I don't care if he is paralyzed, I am not going anywhere near him."

"I don't blame you Nikki. I called mom and she said that she can get him into a institution close to her that will take care of him." Joey stated, holding Nikki's hand. "Everything is going to be okay Nikki, I promise you that."

"I don't know Tony. What's to stop him from trying to continuing to kill me?" Nikki asked.

"He's in a coma Nikki, I don't think he will be bothering you anytime soon." Joey stated, as there was a knock at the door.

"Hi Josh." Nikki stated, motioning for JC to enter the room.

"Hi Nikki, how are you holding up? Are you feeling better?" JC asked.

"As best as I can get, considering the current situation." Nikki stated.

"Well I am sorry, I seemed to be the bearer of bad news." JC stated. "I just talked to Johnny and he was just informed that your husband is being shipped to New York. He has also awakened from his coma."

"What? Already?" Nikki asked.

"Afraid so." JC stated, sitting next to Nikki and hugging her. "I don't think he's going to be able to bother you anymore."

"I don't think so, I really feel that regardless if he's paralyzed or not, he's still going to bother me. He's going to find a way to finally kill

me." Nikki stated, holding on to JC as she cried on his shoulder.

"We are not going to let that happen." Joey stated, sitting next to Nikki and hugging her too. "We have been talking..."

"About what?" Nikki asked, cutting Joey off.

"About our lives and you." Joey stated, turning around to face her. "Nikki listen to me and don't cut me off."

"Okay speak." Nikki stated.

"Well me and Josh talked it over and well, we want you and the babies to come live with the two of us." Joey stated.

"I can't do that. I have caused enough trouble for you guys already." Nikki stated.

"We are not going to take no for an answer." JC stated.

"I...I don't know what to say." Nikki stated.

"Say yes." Joey stated. "We have already started looking at houses already."

"Looking at houses? Why?" Nikki asked.

"Right now I live in a house by myself." Joey stated.

"And I live alone by myself. There's no use in us having two separate houses." JC stated.

"So you two decided to get rid of your houses and move me and the babies into a new home with you guys?" Nikki asked.

"That's right." Joey stated.

"No." Nikki stated.

"Why not?" JC asked. "What are your reasons?"

"One, you two have put up with me too much. Two, I alienated you, by hitting you for whining too much. Three, you two are lovebirds, I will never get any sleep and no one else in the house would either." Nikki stated.

"Oh ha ha." Joey stated. "We might be lovebirds, but who's to say we will be in the same part of the house with you and the babies?"

"What are you saying?" Nikki asked.

"The house we are hoping for is a very big house. It's so big that it has two small apartment-like houses on the property." JC stated.

"I knew you wouldn't want to stay with us, so we thought one of the houses on the property would be great for you and the babies." Joey stated.

"So I won't be living with you guys, but close by?" Nikki asked.

"More like you will be living out back in a giant sized pool house." JC stated. "The main house has six bedrooms in it, a giant living room, two dens, lots of fireplaces and a pool."

"And one of the houses has two bedrooms in it and ..." Joey stated.

"Okay okay, I will do it." Nikki stated as JC and Joey both hugged her.

"Now we are happy." Joey stated, leaning around Nikki and kissing JC passionately.

"See what I mean, you two are lovebirds." Nikki stated, pushing JC and Joey apart and laughing at the looks on their faces.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 45

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