My Kinda Guy

Published on Jan 23, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 47 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Late Wednesday Night -- Lance's Room //

"Scoop you okay?" Chris asked, sitting down on the bed next to Lance.

"This just isn't my year." Lance stated, rolling over in the bed, facing the opposite direction.

"Everything's going to be okay Scoop." Chris stated, rubbing Lance's hair.

"Look at that Chris, just look." Lance stated, pointing at the television. "He's in trouble and for what, because we got married."

"He's not in trouble because you got married. He got in trouble for what Damien did to Nick and Justin." Chris stated.

"That's not what she's saying." Lance stated, referring to the MTV News report that was currently being replayed. "They are all blaming Carson. No one said anything about Damien or anyone else. She said that Carson orchestrated everything and that he was the one calling the shots."

"Well like I said. It's all going to be okay Scoop. Damien can't hurt any of us now." Chris stated, hugging Lance to his chest, trying to comfort him as he cried. "The truth will soon be revealed. I promise you that."

"I must go to him." Lance stated. "He had nothing to do with what happened to Justin and Nick and he didn't force me to marry him. I love him. How could they tell lies like that?"

"I know you do, but I am quite sure the truth will be told." Chris stated. "Believe me. Damien is going to get his soon enough."

"At the rate things are going, Carson will be the one taking the fall for everything, before the truth will be told. All this because Nick doesn't like him." Lance stated, pulling away from Chris. "I'm going to New York to help him. I am not going to let MTV bury him for something he's not responsible for."

"What?" Chris asked, grabbing Lance's arm.

"Get off me Chris. I'm going to help my husband." Lance stated, grabbing his suitcase and throwing his things into it.

"What about Justin and Nick's wedding?" Chris asked.

"I will try to make it, but my husband comes first now." Lance stated, grabbing his cell phone and running out of the room with his bag.

"Great, just great. This is going to be a drama filled event." Chris stated, walking out of the room, heading down the hall to his own.

// Down in JT's Room -- 45 Minutes Later //

"Yes I understand that Johnny, but what did you want me to do about it?" JT asked, speaking on the phone with Johnny.

"There's nothing you could have done." Johnny stated.

"Johnny hold on." JT stated, answering the door. "Yes, what is it Chris?"

"We have a big problem." Chris stated. "Lance just left for New York."

"What?" JT asked, running towards the main room. "Johnny I will have to call you back."

"What's going on JT?" Johnny asked.

"Lance has flown the coup." JT stated.

"Come again?" Johnny asked.

"Chris said he's gone to New York." JT stated. "How long has he been gone?"

"A good 45 minutes." Chris stated.

"45 Minutes! And you are just now telling someone about this Chris?" JT spoke.

"Well I didn't know what to do about it." Chris stated.

"Oh great." JT stated. "Does this have anything to do with what's going on with Carson?"

"Yes." Chris spoke.

"Great. Just great. Johnny what do you want me to do about this?" JT asked.

"Go to New York and get him and Carson and do what you have to do." Johnny stated. "One of Jive's Press Agents will deal with this matter in the morning and the lawyers are still handling Justin and Nick's suit."

"Well is there some way to get Carson out of that?" JT asked, flipping the television on in the main room. "They are still showing the reports on MTV News and basically saying that Carson is responsible for outing Nick and Justin and that Carson blackmailed Lance to be in the pictures that are being shown on the screen."

"Well we all know that those are actual wedding pictures and that Lance wasn't blackmailed to take those pictures." Johnny stated. "From what Chris told us and what Justin and Nick spoke about, Damien Fahey was behind everything and I guess now he's using Carson as the fall guy for all of his schemes."

"Well I got bits and pieces of the story from Nick and Justin before they left. So I know who he is and what history they have with him." JT stated. "I'm gonna call the airport and see if there is a flight ready to leave out to New York."

"Don't bother with that." Johnny stated, as JT could hear numbers on another phone being dialed. "I will have one of the company planes waiting to take you to New York."

"Oh, okay." JT stated, walking back to his room. "Well I will get one of the guys and leave immediately."

"Alright JT, let me know when you have returned back to the Compound with the guys." Johnny stated.

"Will do." JT stated. "Have fun in Washington."

"You have fun in New York. Oh and JT..." Johnny stated.

"Yeah?" JT spoke.

"I hope things go well with Kevin." Johnny spoke.

"What? How did you know?" JT asked.

"There's not much that happens there that I don't know. Just have fun and don't get yourself hurt this time." Johnny stated. "Take it easy and good night."

"Night Johnny." JT stated, hanging up the phone and thinking to himself about how Johnny knew about him and Kevin.

Walking towards the closet where he kept his bags, JT opens the closet door, as there is a knock on the main room door.

"Come in." JT calls out, pulling some things out of one suitcase and putting them into another.

"What are you doing JT?" Kevin asked, walking into the room.

"I have to go to New York to get Lance and Carson." JT spoke.

"When?" Kevin asked.

"As soon as I can. I am packing now so that I can get to New York and stop anything else from happening." JT stated.

"I will miss you while you're gone." Kevin stated, walking over to JT, wrapping his arms around his waist and placing a gentle kiss on JT's lips.

"I will miss you too Kevin." JT spoke, hugging Kevin, caressing his cheek as they kissed again. "I hope this won't take too long."

"I hope it doesn't either." Kevin stated, laying his head on JT's shoulder. "We are just now getting to started, I don't want to waste time, I want to be with you."

"Well you will don't worry about it Kevin. Things are going to work out just fine." JT stated, kissing Kevin on the cheek quickly and hugging him. "Well I have to finish packing. I will see you when I get back."

"Good, you can count on that." Kevin stated. "Have a safe trip."

"I hope I do." JT stated, as Kevin walked out of the room.

// At the Airport //

"Okay Jim let's get this show on the road. We need to get to New York as soon as we can." JT spoke, speaking to the pilot of the plane.

"We are still in the process of fueling, but will take off once that is complete Mr. Poole." Jim, the pilot spoke.

"Aright Jim, I will just go take my seat." JT stated, as Barry, one of the security agents boarded the plane. "Hey Barry, are you ready to tackle your first assignment?"

"I guess I am. You chose me to come along, so that must mean I am ready." Barry stated.

"Cool, so here's the plan." JT stated, as he pulled out a manila folder, opening it to show Barry the contents.

"So we are basically going to get Lance Bass and Carson Daly?" Barry asked.

"Yep, this should be simple, but I do foresee some obstacles, but we shouldn't have many problems." JT stated as he and Barry saw what looked like a shadow move on the ceiling of the plane. "What the hell was that?"

"So you saw it too?" Barry asked.

"Hell yeah I saw it." JT stated, grabbing his gun and jumping up from his seat.

"Baby don't shoot!" Kevin screamed.

"Kevin? What are you doing here?" JT asked, putting his gun back in his holster.

"Baby what are you doing?" Kevin asked, getting on the floor, ducking away from JT. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"No I am not trying to kill you." JT stated, walking over to Kevin. "How did you get in here?"

"Easy, I told Jim that I was going along for the trip." Kevin stated, as they felt the plane start moving.

"Great we're moving. Now you are stuck on here. I can't kick you off the plane." JT stated. "Sit down. Get your seatbelt on and don't move from this spot."

"Baby why are you being mean?" Kevin asked.

"You are not supposed to be here." JT stated, walking back over to Kevin. "And...and you scared the hell out of me and Barry here."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to. I was only trying to surprise you." Kevin stated.

"Oh you surprised me enough that I could have shot you." JT stated. "Pulling a stunt like this could have gotten you killed. What do you think would be happening right now if I would have turned and started firing like I planned on doing?"

"I probably would be here died, never having the chance to actually get to know you and love you." Kevin stated, putting his head down on his knees, crying. "I'm sorry JT, I shouldn't have done this."

"That's right you shouldn't have." JT stated, glaring at Kevin as Barry walked away towards the front of the plane.

"I said I was sorry. You don't have to be a jerk JT." Kevin stated.

"You could have gotten yourself killed Kevin." JT stated. "I could have shot you and you know I don't miss."

"JT..." Kevin spoke.

"What?' JT asked.

"Shut up." Kevin spoke as he pulled JT closer and started kissing him.

"Kevin..."JT stated, pulling away from Kevin. "We can't do this."

"Why not?" Kevin asked, wrapping his arms around JT, trying to get another kiss as JT kept moving to avoid his lips.

"Barry is up there and he can see and hear us." JT stated.

"Oh it's not like he hasn't seen this sort of thing before." Kevin stated.

"Well I don't think he can since he just got up and went into the cockpit." Kevin stated, grabbing JT's shirt and pulling him closer again. "I want you JT, I want you bad."

"Oh we are so not doing this here." JT stated, as Kevin started undoing the buttons on his shirt. "Kevin stop this."

"I will stop once we have had a little bit of fun." Kevin stated, easing JT back in the seat and kissing him still, removing his shirt.

As JT and Kevin continued to kiss each other, Kevin got bolder and undid the belt to JT's pants. Seeing that JT wasn't objecting to his movements, he slid down his pants, and went back up to place another kiss on JT's lips. Getting no more resistance from JT, Kevin continued to kiss him, trailing kisses on his neck and down his chest, playing with his nipples as he went.

"Mmmmmmm Kevin that feels so good." JT spoke, moaning as Kevin, played with his nipples. "More."

"You want more?" Kevin asked, stopping as he took off his own shirt and undid his pants, stepping out of his shoes and his pants.

"Yes Kevin, stop teasing me. Give me more." JT stated, kicking his shoes off, taking his pants completely off now.

"Oh yeah baby." Kevin stated, as he reached down and grabbed JT's boxer briefs and pulled them down.

"You are going to slow Kevin, hurry up." JT stated, grabbing Kevin by his arm and pulling him back down. "Kevin let's make love and fuck the night away."

"Hot damn." Kevin stated, kissing JT again. "I've been waiting to hear you say that."

// Hawaii -- Early Thursday Morning -- Justin and Nick's Hotel Room //

"Damn it, I can't believe they actually fucked that up." Justin stated as he and Nick walked into their room.

"Justin just calm down. Its all taken care of now." Nick stated, kissing Justin on his cheek. "Let's just get in bed and go to sleep, we have a lot of things to do later on."

"You are right baby." Justin stated, kissing Nick full on the lips, wrapping his arms around Nick's waist. "I love you Nicky Carter-Timberlake."

"I love you too Justin Timberlake-Carter." Nick stated, hugging Justin, as he pulled away and headed over to the spot where the bellboy had placed their luggage.

"I'll be right there baby." Justin stated, walking into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him, pulling out a small flask. Looking in the mirror, Justin stared at himself as tears came to his eyes. Opening the flask, Justin emptied the contents of it and replaced the lid as he washed his face and brushed his teeth.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 48

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