My Kinda Guy

Published on Jan 26, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 49 by JT Poole

// New York, NY -- Thursday Noontime -- MTV Studios //

"Could you direct me to Carson Daly's office please?" JT asked, he and Kevin walking up to the receptionist behind the counter.

"Do you have an appointment?" The young lady asked.

"Ahhh, no I don't." JT stated.

"Well I'm sorry sir, but without an appointment, I can't help you." The young lady spoke.

"Look miss, we need to speak with Carson Daly, it's a matter of life and death." Kevin spoke, stepping up to the counter now.

"I'm still sorry. Without an appointment, I can not help you." The young woman stated.

"Are you dense or something? This is a matter of life and death here. We need to see Carson as soon as we can." Kevin stated.

"That's what all the fans say." The young woman stated, as Lance came walking around the corner.

"Lance!" JT stated, walking over to Lance with Kevin following behind. "Where's Carson?"

"He's not here." Lance stated, tears in his eyes. "He's not here, he doesn't work here anymore. He was fired because of the things that Damien did."

"What?" JT asked.

"Damien set him up." Lance stated, grabbing onto JT and crying in his arms. "Damien set him up to take the fall for all of this stuff that has happened lately and now the big wigs up there somehow wanted to pin everything on him and and..."

"Shhhh, it's going to be alright Lance." JT stated. "We need to get you out of here and find him. Do you know where he could possibly?"

"I tried our house, but he wasn't home." Lance stated.

"We went to your place and we were told that the place was vacant." JT stated.

"You did? How?" Lance asked.

"What do you mean how?" JT asked,

"How do you know where our house is?" Lance asked, looking at JT strangely.

"I went to the address that Johnny supplied to me." JT stated to Lance, causing him to laugh.

"Sorry, but that's not our place. That was an address I gave the guys at Jive to keep them out of our business." Lance stated.

"Oh great." Kevin stated, glaring at Lance. "We wasted all that time there for nothing."

"Well I am sorry. I didn't want no one at Jive in me and Carson's business." Lance stated as he pulled out his cell phone as it rang. "Hello?"

"Baby you are here in New York?" Carson spoke.

"Where are you?" Lance asked, smiling now.

"I'm at home." Carson spoke. "I have had a bad morning."

"So have I." Lance stated. "I'm on my way and I am bringing company."

"Company?" Carson asked.

"Yeah company. Seems JT and Kevin are here looking for the two of us I assume." Lance stated, grabbing JT by the sleeve of his shirt and pulling him towards the door with Kevin following.

"Where are we going?" JT asked.

"We are going to my real house." Lance stated as he placed his cell phone into his pocket. "Carson is there."

"What's going on here Lance? I heard what you said happen to Carson, but why?" JT asked.

"That crap on TV." Lance stated as he lead JT and Kevin to his SUV. "Get in."

"Go on." JT stated.

"All I know is that Damien wasn't happy about Nick and Justin being together so he set out to destroy both of them by outing them." Lance spoke.

"That's no reason to cause all of this drama." JT stated.

"True, but it was caused and no Carson is out home, probably pigging out on whatever he can find in the house." Lance stated.

"So I am guessing that he's is really bummed about the whole thing?" Kevin asked.

"Hello? He just lost his job and is being sued." Lance stated. "And to pass the buck along, MTV is suing him."

"So Damien is the reason why Justin and Nick are both suing MTV?" JT asked.

"Yeah and basically the person that was responsible for all of this blamed it all on Carson." Lance stated.

"How do you know this?" JT asked.

"Let's just say a friend told me." Lance stated, pulling out a pager looking device and pressing a button as they approached a gated community on the outskirts of town.

"Where are we Lance?" Kevin asked.

"Welcome to mine and Carson's home." Lance stated as he pulled into the garage area and parked the SUV.

// 20 Minutes Later -- Inside //

"Well Damien, the guy that hosts TRL had a thing for Nick. When Nick made a move on him, Damien rejected him." Carson stated.

"All of this over rejection?" JT asked.

"I guess so." Carson spoke, looking at JT and Kevin strangely. "You two haven't stated what you are doing here."

"Well Johnny told me to come here and get you two." JT stated.

"Sorry to make you waste your time, but I am not going anywhere." Carson spoke. "This is my home and I am staying here."

"But..." JT stated as Carson raised his hand and spoke again.

"Johnny may have some say in what he wants Lance to do, but when it comes to me, he has no say of what I do." Carson spoke. "I let know one control me."

"Baby be nice." Lance stated.

"I don't believe Johnny is trying to control you or anyone else for that matter. He is just looking out for the well being of your jointed careers." JT stated.

"Our jointed careers?" Lance asked.

"Well yes." JT stated. "You are married to him, and you two are publicly linked now that you have both been outed and your wedding pictures have been splashed over the television and the scag rags."

"Yeah but what does that have to do with Johnny Wright?" Carson asked.

"This lawsuit thing is going to effect both of your future careers and can possibly end negatively for you at MTV." JT stated. "Currently, Jive has a press agent organizing a press conference pertaining to this and from my latest call with Johnny, he's trying to talk the lawyers into dropping the lawsuit against MTV and suing just the parties involved." JT explained.

"So basically what you are saying is that Johnny is working for us to get this settled?" Carson asked.

"Yeah." JT stated.

"Johnny actually sent you here to do this? You could have did this over the phone." Lance stated.

"I could have, but your friends are worried about you and Justin and Nick would like it if you were at their wedding on Saturday." JT stated. "I know you have your differences with each other, but I am quite sure it would nag at you forever if you missed that happy event."

"You have a point." Lance stated. "It bothers me every moment that I have had to argue with Justin because of the things that happened in the past. It hurts me more that I let it destroy my relationship with Carson."

"Baby it didn't destroy our relationship, just dented it a little." Carson stated, wrapping his arms around Lance. "I know you were trying to keep our secret and you didn't want to hurt Justin. But it does hurt me to know that you slept with him."

"I know it does baby, that's why I am hurting so much." Lance stated. "I never meant to hurt you. But I love you, not him."

"I know baby. I know." Carson stated as he and Lance shared a passionate kiss.

"Kevin come on." JT stated, grabbing Kevin by the hand and leaving Lance and Carson in the room.

// Orlando, FL -- The Compound //

"Alright guys, is everyone ready to roll?" Brian asked as he and Joey walked out of the house.

"Tony what were you doing with him?" Nikki asked Joey as he walked over to her and the babies.

"We were just talking." Joey stated.

"Oh really? Why are you lying to me Tony? Why are you hurting Josh like this?" Nikki asked.

"What are you talking about Nikki?" Joey asked.

"Oh stop it Tony." Nikki stated. "You have sex written all over your face."

"What? No I don't." Joey stated.

"Yes you do. You might can use this." Nikki stated, handing Joey a comb for his hair. "Next time check a mirror before you lie. Your hair is a mess and you have a giant hickey on your neck that wasn't there last night."

"That doesn't mean I had sex." Joey stated.

"Well whatever it was, it wasn't with Josh." Nikki stated, slapping Joey across his chest. "You are fucking up a good thing. I must admit that I didn't like him at first, but now that I have gotten to know him better, I know you are screwing up something good."

"I am not screwing up." Joey stated. "I am not going to argue with you about something that didn't happen."

"What the fuck ever." Nikki stated, picking up both of the babies and getting on the van. "I won't say nothing about this again, but if Josh ever finds out, I hope he beats your ass like I should right now."

"He's not going to find out because I didn't do anything." Joey stated, getting on the van behind her.

// In Hawaii -- Justin and Nick's Room //

-- Justin's POV --

"Come on over here and get busy baby." I spoke, rolling over in bed. "You're so fucking beautiful."

I lay down beside him, looking deeply into those incredible eyes, moving my lips towards him. Our tongues once again began that dance I have come to love that only a mouth can do. Coming up for air, I began to kiss every inch of his body. Starting at his neck, I began to lick, tasting a mixture of his sweat and his natural scent.

My hands were busy massaging his pecs, causing his nipples to rise to eraser size points. My lips soon replaced my fingers. I heard him moan of his approval of what I was doing along with a constant "yes, do it baby" coming from Nick's lips.

He was trying desperately to get his hand to his cock, which was hard as a board now. I kept pushing his hand away as I continued to work my magic on him. I continued moving down his chest, licking and nipping all the way down until I got to his naval. As I darted my tongue in and out of his naval, worshiping it with my tongue, Nick moaned his approval again.

"Oh Justin, don't stop. Baby please don't stop." He moaned again.

Bucking his hips up and down, I now knew he wanted me to move further down and take care of him. With sweat flowing off his body in buckets, he spoke again.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take. You are driving me crazy baby." Nick spoke, grabbing me by my arm and pulling me up to kiss him. "Please baby, I want to fill you in me."

Just as he let go of me, I returned to my spot between his legs and continued teasing him with my tongue. Knowing that he was really hot and bothered, I started my next assault, this time on his ass, his prized possession. As I started my assault on his ass, he started jerking slowly as his dick started spewing cum slowly.

"Baby I told you I didn't know how long I could hold out." Nick spoke out, gasping for air.

"I am quite sure that's not all you have in there." I tell him, leaning up and licking his cum off of his dick as it started to soften.

"Oh Justin, I love you baby." Nick stated, as there was a knock at the door.

"Oh great." I say getting up in a rush to find my robe. "I bet that's ma."

"Oh god baby, she's just next door." Nick stated, jumping up too to get his robe. "I hope she didn't overhear us."

"I hope she didn't either." I say as we both approach the door as the knocking continues.

"Hi you two. Oh, I see you are not ready yet." Lynn, Justin's mother speaks walking into the room with JC following her in.

"No we are not ready yet ma." I say as she sits down in the spot she was in two hours previously.

"If my memory serves me well, you two were dressed like that a few hours ago when I left." Lynn stated. "We have a lot of things to do, come on, get to it. The others will be here later on today."

"I talked with Joe this morning and he assured me that the plane would arrive here around two-ish." JC stated.

"Oh I forgot." I say as I walk over to the dresser and pick up my phone to see that there are twelve messages all from the guys. "Seems I forgot to turn my ringer back on. I will check my messages and see what's up."

"Well while you do that, I think you two need to get ready to go. We still need to get your tux's ready." Lynn spoke.

"I know ma." I say walking back over to the sofa. "The last message is from JT, he states that he, Kevin, Lance and Carson will be arriving later on tonight."

"So Lance and Carson are back together?" JC asked.

"Back together? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well before we left Carson left Lance to go back to New York." JC stated.

"Oh great." I say, getting up and pacing back and forth. "They break up. They break up because of me."

"Well calm down baby." Nick stated, getting up to wrap his arms around Justin. "If they will be arriving later on tonight, then that means they are together again."

"I guess you are right." I say as my phone starts ringing in my hand. "It's Johnny, wonder what he wants. Hello?"

"Well hello Justin. It's about time that you answer your phone." Johnny spoke.

"I've been busy. What's up?" I ask.

"Just calling to let you know that the guys will be arriving there around four your time. They left a little late, so they shall be there shortly. Also, JT, Kevin, Lance and Carson will be there sooner, since they didn't go back to Orlando, they decided to do one trip straight over to Hawaii." Johnny explained.

"Okay. Anything else?" I ask, as JC's phone starts beeping that annoying tune to let him know that Joey is calling him.

"That's it Justin. Oh yeah, I will be arriving in the morning. So don't count me out. I shall be there before you get married."

"Alright. Will be seeing ya." I say, as we say our goodbyes and hang up the phone.

// Somewhere over the Midwestern States //

"Hello baby." JC spoke into his phone, with a totally hilarious grin on his face.

"It's not Joey, it's me Nikki. How are you doing kid?" Nikki asked.

"I'm okay. Where's Joey?" JC asked into the phone.

"He's in the bathroom right now. I was just calling to let you know that we just took off a few minutes ago and we shall be there to see you soon. I am in desperate need of a babysitter." Nikki stated.

"Oh that's so sweet. That's the only reason you like me." JC stated, laughing.

"Ha ha, I like you for other reasons too silly." Nikki stated, frowning when she saw Joey and Brian both walking towards her. "Josh I have to go. I will talk with you when we get there."

"Okay Nikki, can't wait to see you and the babies." JC stated, hanging up the phone.

"Who were you talking to?" Joey asked, sitting back down in his seat.

"I was talking to Josh." Nikki stated, causing all the color to leave Joey's face. "You remember him, your boyfriend."

"Shhhh, calm down." Joey stated. "I am not going to get into this with you again."

"Yes you are. I want to know what the fuck is going on?" Nikki asked, turning in her seat to face Joey.

"I already told you, nothing is going on." Joey stated, looking at Nikki strangely. "Why don't you believe me?"

"Tony this is the second time I have seen you in the same area as him." Nikki stated, looking back at Brian. "First earlier today before we left and now. If you are not getting' your freak on with him, what the hell are you doing?"

"I am not doing anything with him, it's just all a big coincidence." Joey stated. "I am going to take a nap now. I will talk to you again after we land. Hopefully by then you would believe what I say."

"Whatever Tony." Nikki stated, turning around to check on the babies.

// Back in Hawaii -- Later That Night -- A Small Restaurant //

"I can't wait to get back to the hotel." Kevin stated, holding JT's hand. "I have been wanting to kiss you for hours now."

"Oh really?" JT asked. "I thought you would have had enough of attention after that stunt you pulled on our way to New York."

"But you enjoyed that stunt as much as I did." Kevin stated, placing a kiss on JT's hand.

"Yeah I enjoyed it." JT stated, getting up out of his chair. "Let's go for a walk."

"Oh? Where are we going?" Kevin asked, getting up.

"We are going to walk along the beach. I feel like a stroll." JT stated, as he and Kevin walked out of the restaurant.

"What about the others?" Kevin asked.

"The other security guys are here. They will be alright." JT stated, walking along with Kevin. "Right now, all you need to worry about is you and I."

"I like the sound of that." Kevin stated, turning JT to face him and placing a kiss on his lips.

-- From JT's POV --

As he kissed me, I felt all the drama of the day fading from me. All I could think about was the feeling of hot passion and lust I so desperately wanted to experience with him again. As we walked along the beachfront, it took every iota of my mental strength to keep from jumping him right then and there, mentally visualizing myself having my way with him, the two of us lying in the sand, making love like we had down hours before on the plane. I can still feel him inside of me, thrusting into me, kissing me, our desire burning in us, causing a fire that neither of us can put out.

"JT are you okay?" He asks me, turning me to face him. "You seem preoccupied."

"I'm okay Kevin, I just have a lot of stuff going through my mind." I tell him, hiding my eyes, hoping he doesn't feel how badly I want to be with him again.

"JT are you sure you are okay with what happened between us earlier?" He asked me, pulling me down to a nearby bench. "I'll understand if you have some regrets about it."

"No no, I have no regrets about that." I tell him, pulling him closer to me. "I enjoyed that very much and hope we do it again."

After I spoke those words to him, I got very scared. Did he enjoy it as much as I did or did he hate it and he was trying to give me a sign that it wasn't going to work out? Great oh great, what a big looooooser I am. I knew this would happen, I open my heart and let someone in again and they turn out to not like me. Great, I better get up and salvage what I can of my dignity.

"Oh I think we better get back to the hotel." I say to him, getting up. "We have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow to get ready for the wedding."

"It's early JT, are you sure you want to go back?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I think it's for the best." I tell him, walking away from him.

"Wait a minute." He speaks, grabbing my arm. "Something's wrong isn't it?"

"Nothing is wrong. I am just tired." I tell him, pulling my arm out of his grasp softly. "Today's events are just catching up to me, I am feeling sleepy."

"JT are you sure you okay?" He asks me again. "I am getting a strange vibe from you. I feel you are pulling away from me."

"Pulling away?" I say, turning away from him. "I am not pulling away. I just need to get back to the hotel and sleep."

"Can I come with you?" He asks me, pulling me closer to him and kissing me on the lips. "I want to spend every moment I can with you JT."

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I like you JT. I told you, I like you and want to be with you. I think you are amazing." He spoke, kissing me again.

"So you have no regrets about what we did today?" I ask.

"Hell no! Are you kidding me? That was the most wonderful experience I have had the honor of experiencing." He said, pulling me back down to the bench. "In my whole life, only two other guys have made me feel the feelings you made me feel."

"Oh great, so I am like someone else." I say, trying to get up and walk away from him again.

"No no, you are like no other. Hear me out JT. Today being with you, I actually felt love, I haven't felt that feeling in a long time. In my whole entire life, only two other guys have made me feel that I was loved." Kevin spoke.

"So you are saying that you love me?" I ask him, looking into his eyes now.

"I know we haven't known each other long, but I have some deep feelings for you. You may not feel the same way I feel about you, but I am not going to give up. I will pursue you until we are together forever." He spoke, tears falling from his eyes.

"Stop crying. I am not worth crying over." I say, crying too.

"Hush that kind of talk. You are worth crying over. You saved my life. You have such a beautiful personality. I think I love you." He says, reaching over and hugging me now.

Oh god, he thinks he loves me. He thinks he loves me.

// The Hotel Lobby //

"So you guys have one more day left before you will be married. What else do you guys have to do?" JC asked, sitting down next to Justin.

"There's nothing more to do. Everyone has been fitted for their tux and all the other arrangements have been made, thanks to ma." Justin stated, kissing his mother on the cheek.

"Where is everyone now, it's getting pretty late." Ted stated, walking over to the window.

"Well I am quite sure everyone is nearby, we are all adults you know." Nick stated.

"You may be adults, but my job is to see to it that you are protected." Ted stated.

"Well do your job, just make sure you don't cause problems doing it." Nick stated, walking away from the man.

"Fucking brat." Ted stated, walking towards the main lobby doors.

"So how about we all go to a club tomorrow, to celebrate you guys getting married?" Joey asked, sitting down next to Nick.

"Cool we can do that." Nick stated. "Oh wait, what about the babies and Nikki?"

"The nanny can watch the babies." Joey stated.

"I am not leaving my babies with a woman I know nothing about." Nikki stated. "I will stay behind."

"Come on Nikki, we trust her, you should trust her too." JC stated.

"I will trust her once I have gotten to know her better." Nikki stated. "I will be alright here, I will watch some TV."

"I don't think you will be alone, my mom and brother will probably stay in too. Mom is not the partying type and Aaron will probably stay here, he's not old enough to get into any clubs around here.

"Well I will be here." Nikki stated, turning away from Joey.

"Excuse me, is there something I am missing here?" JC asked, speaking to Nikki.

"What do you mean Josh?" Nikki asked.

"Ever since you guys got here, you two haven't said much of anything to the other. Am I missing something?" JC asked.

"Why don't you ask lover boy here." Nikki stated, getting up and walking towards the elevator.

"What's going on Joe?" JC asked.

"She's mad with me because she thinks I have been sleeping with Brian." Joey stated.

"What!" JC screamed, causing everyone nearby in the hotel to turn and look in their direction.

"Maybe you two should go somewhere and talk about that." Justin stated.

"There's nothing to talk about. Just Nikki thinking something happened that didn't happen is all." Joey stated.

"If she thinks something happened, something must have given her some reason to think what she thinks. So what is it Joe, why does she think that you and Brian are sleeping together?" JC asked.

"I don't know. She started this earlier today when we left Orlando because me and Brian were the last two people to leave the house, and then she asked me about it again because I bumped into Brian on the plane here and she thought we did something again. I told her the same things I told you, nothing has happened." Joey explained.

"Joe please don't lie to me. I have been hurt enough and I don't need to be hurt by you. I love you." JC stated.

"I love you too Josh. I am not sleeping with Brian. I will not do something like that to you, I love you too much to screw that up." Joey stated, kissing JC on the cheek.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 50

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