My Kinda Guy

Published on Jan 31, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 50 -- B by JT Poole

// Molokai, HI -- Kaluakoi Villas (Friday Early Morning) -- JT's Room //

-- JT's POV --

Here we are sitting on my bed, dead silence in the room and it's like we are scared to look at each other. After the little scene on the beach, Kevin has gotten quiet and hasn't spoken a word to me since we got back here. I just don't know what the problem is. One minute he says he thinks he loves me and now he's a cold fish.

"Kevin what's wrong?" I ask him, rubbing his back.

"Nothing's wrong. Why do you ask?" He ask me, for the first time since we been back in the room, looking at me.

"Well since we came into the room you have been quiet, hell you haven't spoken since we got into the room." I tell him. "Do you want to be here Kevin?"

"Yes I want to be here. I am just...I don't know what's going on." He tells me. "I mean, well tonight I thought we were connecting and then on the beach you kinda pulled away from me."

"I'm sorry Kevin, I was scared. I thought you had regrets about what we did." I tell him, reaching out to caress the side of his face.

"No, I told you, I liked that. I liked that very much." He tells me, finally moving closer to me, wrapping his arms around me, attacking my lips with his own. "I told you how I feel about you."

"I know Kevin, I know, but is that your true feelings for me or is that how you feel because I saved your life from Adam?" I ask him, causing him to pull away from me, with a hurt expression on his face.

"How dare you!" He yelled, jumping up from the bed. "Is that how you see me, a guy that you had to save?"

"Well there is a small question there. Do you like me because you like me or is it because I saved your life?" I ask him, getting up and walking over to him where he was standing by the door.

"I like you JT, I told you that. It has nothing to do with you saving me from fucking Adam I like you. I think you are a nice, cute and sweet person, for a security guard." He told me, rubbing my arm. "If that's not too much to say to you."

"No it's not too much, I just don't want to get hurt Kevin when you realize that your feelings were not genuine for me." I tell him, tears running down my face.

"You will not get hurt JT, my feelings are genuine." He tells me, pulling me into his arms, kissing me on the check, while I try to pull away from him. "I finally figure out what you are doing."

"What?" I ask, looking him in the eye.

"You are trying to push me away. You don't want to be with me because of Josh." He tells me.

"Josh? What does he have to do with anything?" I ask, stepping back from him.

"He broke your heart and now you are scared to let someone else into your heart." He tells me, as I turn away and walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

// Joey and JC's Room //

-- Joey's POV --

Walking back to me and Josh's room after dealing with him screaming and cursing me for the last hour about cheating on him, I realized had tired me out. What was I going to do? I hadn't cheated on him; in fact the person I swore I would never be around again in my life had violated me again. I swore to myself that I wouldn't let it happen, but I couldn't stop it. How was I supposed to stop him?

"Please be home, please be home." I say, dialing numbers, praying that Wade was home.

"Hello?" He speaks into the phone.

"Hey, do you have time to talk to me?" I ask, rubbing my fingers through my hair.

"Joe you know what time it is man?" He asks me as I walk over to the bed and sit down.

"I know its late, but I had to talk to someone, " I say, "my life is falling apart right now."

"What's going on Joe?" He asks me.

"Brian is back." I say, as Wade sighs on the other end of the phone.

"What did you do?" He asks me, as I can hear him fumbling around for something in the room he was in.

"I didn't do anything Wade, " I say as tears come to my eyes. "He violated me Wade, he hurt me."

"What? How Joe?" He asks me, the anger in his voice.

"He raped me Wade." I tell him, tears falling down my face. "He raped me twice."

"How did he do it Joe?" He asks me, sounding a bit miffed.

"I don't know how he did it." I tell him, crying a little bit harder now. "All I know is that I woke up last night in he was in bed with me."

"In bed with you?" He asked, almost screaming. "What about Josh, why are you doing this to him?"

"To him! I am not doing anything to him!" I scream, throwing the phone down.

"Joe, Joey!" I can hear him yell on the phone. I can't talk to him anymore, my best friends don't even believe me. What am I going to do?

// Nikki's Room //

"Hello?" Nikki asked, holding the phone in her hand, with one eye closed.

"Mrs. Valente, Johnny Wright here." Johnny spoke.

"Hello Mr. Wright." Nikki stated, rubbing her eyes. "Is there any reason for this call sooooo early in the morning?"

"Yes there is. First, when I got into my office tonight, there was a delivery guy here waiting for you." Johnny stated.

"A delivery guy? Why?" Nikki asked.

"It seems you have been served documents to be petitioned into court again." Johnny spoke. "I also got a call from Phyllis Fatone telling me the story about you and your husband."

"Oh no." Nikki stated. "I'm sorry you have been pulled into this Mr. Wright."

"I don't know what I have been pulled into, but from what my lawyers told me and what Phyllis explained to me, you have gone through a immense and stressing ordeal with Mr. Valente." Johnny stated.

"Yes I have. I wish it was all over with." Nikki spoke, tears flowing from her eyes. "Mr. Wright, what does the new document say, if you don't mind reading it."

"Hold on." Johnny spoke, opening the document package. "It says that Mr. Valente wants a paternity test for your two babies. He is also challenging the first petition that you got denied for him to have custody of the two children."

"What!" Nikki screamed. "He must be out of his fuckin' mind. Oh I'm sorry Mr. Wright, I didn't mean to yell."

"It's okay Mrs. Valente, I have heard a lot of that tonight." Johnny stated.

"You don't have to keep calling me that. After the divorce, I will be plain ole Ms. Thomas again." Nikki stated. "But I would prefer it better if you called me Nikki."

"Alright Nikki. Again I am sorry for waking you up so early, but I thought you would want to know this information." Johnny stated. "You have a good night, and I will see you later on in the morning."

"Thanks Mr. Wright and you have a goodnight." Nikki stated, hanging up the phone and rolling over in bed. "Oh great, now what am I gonna do. That damn Michael is getting on my fucking nerves."

// Aaron and Frankie's Room //

"Baby when are we going to get married?" Frankie spoke, rolling over in bed, kissing Aaron.

"When I am old enough to do that." Aaron stated, wrapping his arms around Frankie and cuddling up to him.

"I can't wait baby, I can't wait." Frankie stated, getting out of bed and walking over to the dresser.

"What are you doing baby?" Aaron asked.

"Checking my phone messages." Frankie stated, turning his phone on.

"Oh baby, you can do that tomorrow. Come back to bed." Aaron whined.

"I am baby, just give me a minute." Frankie stated, flinching when he heard the first message in his voice mail.

"Baby are you okay?" Aaron asked, getting out of bed and walking over to Frankie.

"I'm fine, just another lovely message from Hillary." Frankie stated, pressing a button on his phone. "Wow another one."

"That bitch is starting to get on my fucking nerves." Aaron stated, walking back over to the bed. "It's enough that she almost ruined my career with that stunt she pulled back in Tampa..."

"Shhhh don't talk about it baby." Frankie stated, kissing Aaron on the forehead, placing a finger to Aaron's lips.

"I am sorry baby, I am just mad. That bitch outed both of us. She actually showed that tape of us to everyone she knew." Aaron stated, pounding his fists into the mattress. "How could someone be so heartless?"

"Baby calm down. It's all going to be okay." Frankie stated, hugging Aaron to his chest. "We have each other and your mother and our friends are supporting us one hundred percent. It's all going to work out fine."

"No it isn't. That bitch is trying to ruin me because she believes I took you from her." Aaron stated.

"In a way you did. I never loved her, I love you and she's jealous of that fact." Frankie stated, placing a tender-soft kiss on Aaron's lips. "I love you Aaron Charles Carter."

"I love you Francisco Muniz." Aaron spoke, kissing Frankie again, this time, opening Frankie's shirt, massaging his chest, and eliciting a moan from him.

"Oh baby." Frankie moaned, pulling his shirt completely off. "If you keep this going on, I might want to make love."

"That's the idea baby." Aaron stated.

"Baby we can't do this right now, your mother is right next door to this room, her bed is probably right there." Frankie stated, pointing at the wall.

"I don't care baby. You know she knows we are together and I am quite sure she knows we have sex." Aaron stated, taking off Frankie's pants, tugging on his boxers.

"Come on baby, let's just hold this until later." Frankie stated.

"I want to hold `it' now." Aaron stated, getting Frankie's boxers off and sitting on his pelvic region. "Just one fuck and that should last until tomorrow morning. Come on baby, don't make me beg."

"Oh alright baby." Frankie spoke, pulling Aaron down to kiss him passionately.

// Back in JC and Joey's Room //

"What do you want Brian?" Joey asked.

"You know what I want Joe." Brian stated, pushing into the room and grabbing Joey by the arm, injecting something into his arm.

"Stop Brian, leave me alone." Joey stated, rubbing his arm where the needles had been inserted.

"I am not going to leave you nothing. You owe me that ass and I am going to continue taking it until I am tired of it." Brian stated.

"No Brian. Stop this!" Joey screamed out. "I told you that I don't love you anymore, I love Josh, not you, but Josh."

"You might love him romantically, but you like how I fuck you physically." Brian stated, slapping Joey across the face. "I don't want to have to tell you that again. Now get the fuck out of those clothes!"

"No Brian I won't. I am not going to allow you to keep hurting me and Josh." Joey stated.

"I am not hurting you or Josh. I am giving you what you can't get from him." Brian spoke, grinning widely, grabbing Joey's pants, and pulling them down his legs.

"Stop Brian, please don't do this me." Joey pleaded as his eyes closed and Brian pushed him face down on the bed.

// Early morning at the Airport //

"Oh cool I am here. This place looks like a dump." Damien stated, walking past Johnny Wright and a strange man in the Airport.

"Good morning sir, I am here to take you and your party to the destined location." The man spoke, grabbing Johnny Wright's bags.

"Will allow me to get your things." Johnny stated, ushering Wilmer Valderrama down the corridor towards the doors as the three of them walked away from the baggage claim.

"Do you think he will be surprised to see me Johnny?" Will asked.

"I am quite sure he would be, I hear he's not happy being around Josh again." Johnny spoke, pulling out his phone.

"Well I hope he isn't sulking around like the last time I saw him." Will spoke, taking off his shirt and putting on another one. "That guy needs to stop wearing his heart on his sleeve."

"That's true. I have known him for a long time and like clockwork, he let's himself get hurt." Johnny spoke, taking a bite from his Twinkie.

"Yeah well I am going to bring back the JT that I like if I have to beat him over the head with my dick." Will spoke.

"Hey hey, you keep that to yourself, TMI." Johnny spoke, laughing at Will. "Be sure you don't hurt him. I have seen you naked before, so we don't need JT in the hospital with a concussion."

"I will try not to give him one." Will stated, laughing as the door opened.

"We are here sirs." The man spoke, Johnny and Will getting out of the car and walking up to the doors of the hotel.

"Whoa Justin and Nick went all out for this place." Johnny stated.

"So they are the ones getting married." Will stated, grabbing his bag from the driver and walking into the hotel lobby.

"Yeah they are the too." Johnny stated, walking behind Will as Justin, Nick, Lynn and JC walked over to the two of them.

"Good morning Johnny, who is your friend?" JC asked.

"Guys this is Wilmer Valderrama. Will this is JC Chasez, Nick Carter, Justin Timberlake and Lynn Harless, Justin's mother." Johnny stated, pointing each one out.

"Good morning guys." Nikki speaks, walking around the corner, coming into view.

"Good morning Nikki." JC stated, hugging her. "Where are the babies?"

"They are still sleeping with the nanny watching them. Since they looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb them." Nikki stated.

"So you are Mrs. Valente." Johnny spoke, taking a bite from another Twinkie and handing her an envelope.

"This is?" Nikki asked.

"That's the document you were served." Johnny spoke, poking the rest of the Twinkie into his mouth, licking his fingers.

"Damn Johnny eat much." JC stated, laughing at him.

"Yeah, you sure you aren't gay, you took that like a pro." Justin stated, laughing as Lynn smacked him in the back of the head. "Owww ma."

"You two hush. Leave me alone. You are just mad you didn't have some." Johnny stated.

"Yeah whatever Johnny. So how was the flight here?" Justin asked.

"It was uneventful." Johnny stated. "What time is the rehearsal?'

"Around 11 o'clock, so you have time to get some rest." Justin stated.

"Good, I think we both need some sleep." Johnny stated.

"Are you two a..." Nick asked, before Johnny cut him off.

"No we are not a couple." Johnny stated as he and Will walked away. "By the way, Will is JT's guy friend, you guys know I don't get down like that."

"Oh my, did he say JT's guy friend?" Nikki asked

"Yeah that's what he said. What about Kevin?" JC stated.

"Oh hell more fucking drama." Nikki stated, walking away. "I am going back to bed."

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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Next: Chapter 52

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