My Kinda Guy

Published on Feb 23, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== My Kinda Guy -- Chapter 50 -- D by JT Poole

// Molokai, HI -- Kaluakoi Villas -- The Main Dinning Room (Early Saturday Morning) //

"What are we going to do baby?" Justin asked, sitting down at the table. "The Wedding is today and we haven't even rehearsed at all."

"I know baby, I know. Maybe we can get everyone together and do a practice run of everything in the morning." Nick stated, sitting down with bottle of water and sandwich.

"That's not going to work baby. We are all tired. There's just too much drama going on right now. Joey just got home from the hospital, still feeling the effects of what Brian did to him and we find out that Damien is here along with Britney." Justin spoke, slamming back his glass of Scotch.

"Justin baby, do you really think you should be drinking that right now?" Nick asked, rubbing Justin's hand.

"I'm fine Nicky." Justin spoke, getting up from the table. "I guess this is all a sign. Maybe we shouldn't be getting married."

"What! No Justin, we should be getting married." Nick spoke, standing up with him. "We have gone through a lot of stuff in the past, but we survived it baby."

"You think so? Let's see. First, Damien is here to probably cause problems for us. JT can't keep him away forever. Second, Britney is here, God knows what she will do. Third, your best friend raped my best friend, and they have little bitty drama to deal with too. Baby, that's just too many omens right there." Justin spoke, crying softly.

"But we are still here baby, we still love each other and regardless of all of that, our love is still strong." Nick stated.

"Nicky is love enough to keep us together?" Justin asked, walking over to the windows above the sink. "Is love all we need to have a happy life together?"

"Yes Justin, love is all we need." Nick spoke, walking over to him, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I don't know baby, I don't know." Justin spoke, lying his head on Nick's shoulder. "I just don't think we should get married now with everything that's going on."

"Maybe you are right." Nick stated as Nikki walked into the kitchen, carrying one of the babies.

"He's not right." Nikki spoke. "You two didn't drag us all the way over to Hawaii and not have a wedding."

"I know you are Joey's friend and all, but this doesn't concern you." Justin spoke.

"It does to concern me, I am here along with everyone else. We are only here to see you guys get married." Nikki spoke as the baby woke up. "Shhhh, mommy's sorry little Joshua."

"Baby she has a point." Nick spoke.

"No she doesn't. This isn't her business. This is between me and you." Justin spoke.

"Oh get over yourself Justin Timberlake." Nikki spoke. "This matter involves everyone here. You can't wait to the last minute and then declare that you don't want to get married."

"I didn't say that. I said maybe it's the wrong time to get married. There 's too much stuff going on right now." Justin spoke, sitting back down at the table now.

"So what. So there's a little drama, big deal. Don't let that stuff affect you two. You are here to marry the man you love." Nikki spoke. "The wedding is less than 15 hours away."

"Yeah that's right and we didn't get to rehearse any of it." Justin spoke. "Remember we were at the hospital with Joe. None of us are ready for any of this."

"Ready for what Justin?" Nikki asked. "All you have to do is stand in front of the guy and let him speak then you two say `I DO'. That's all it takes."

"There's more to the wedding than that Nikki." Justin spoke. "There were so many things that we were going to do in the wedding to make it special and memorable."

"Well make it short and simple then." Nikki stated. "The main thing is that you two get hitched."

"That's not what we had planed..." Justin spoke, slurring his words.

"Are you drunk Justin?" Nikki asked, staring at Justin, as Nick was waving his hands at her, motioning for her to be quiet.

"I am not drunk." Justin spoke.

"You are drunk, I can smell the Scotch over here." Nikki spoke, backing away from Justin.

"Whatever." Justin spoke. "As I said, this doesn't concern you Nikki. Would you please leave us alone so we can talk about what we are going to do please."

"Fine, I will leave. Have a good night." Nikki stated, as she and the baby left the room.

// JT's Room //

"Will I'm sorry you came here under false pretenses, but I am with Kevin now and that's it. You have a place in my heart, but I am not in love with you anymore." JT spoke, trying to push Will out of his room.

"Oh stop the innocent, I'm a big boy now façade. I know you are still hurt by what Jacob and Josh did you. I know you haven't gotten over either of them and I know you can't actually love Kevin." Will spoke.

"I may not love him right now Will, but I do like him. I think he's a nice guy." JT stated.

"Oh really, you just met him from what Johnny says. You two are already holding hands and fucking." Will stated.

"So what Will, it's not like I'm married to anyone." JT spoke.

"Who's fault is that? If I remember things correctly, you left me at the alter." Will spoke.

"I wasn't ready to marry you Will." JT spoke, walking to window in the room, looking at the lights below in the city.

"Why didn't you tell me that? Why did you just run away?" Will asked.

"I was scared." JT spoke, turning around now. "I was scared that I would marry you and I wouldn't be able to stay faithful to you."

"Is that the real reason J?" Will asked.

"Yes that's my reason." JT spoke.

"I want you to answer this question and answer it truthfully, do you still have any feelings for me?" Will asked, walking over to JT.

"Will I will always love you, but not the way it used to be." JT spoke just as Kevin walked into the room.

"What's going on here?" Kevin asked, looking back and forth at JT and Will.

"Nothing is going on Kevin." JT spoke, walking over to Kevin and hugging him, kissing him on the cheek.

"It doesn't look that way baby." Kevin spoke, stepping back. "What's he doing here?"

"We are just talking." JT spoke.

"Are you really talking?" Kevin asked. "The guys told me who he is and what he is to you."

"Oh great. This is not what you think Kevin. We are just talking." JT spoke.

"It's 1:30 in the morning and you two are here talking. Yeah right." Kevin spoke. "When you make up your mind on what you want, I will be in my room. Goodbye JT."

"Kevin wait! Stop! Oh fucking great." JT spoke, running out of the room.

// Down at Kevin's Room //

--- JT's POV ---

"Kevin please, let me in!" I scream out, beating on the door. "It's not what you think."

"Hey guy, calm down, people are trying to sleep at this time of morning." Nikki says, coming out of her room with Howie following her out as he rubbed his eyes.

"What's going on Angel?" Howie asked, wrapping his arms around Nikki as she stood next to me as I kept knocking on the door.

"Seems JT is trying to get in to talk to Kevin." Nikki spoke.

"Does this have anything to do with your marriage to that guy that came yesterday?" Howie asked me.

"My marriage? What marriage?" I ask, looking at Howie strange.

"That Will guy, that's your husband." Howie stated.

"Will isn't my husband, I am single. I have never been married." I tell him. "How did you come to the conclusion that I was married to Will?"

"Well not to point any fingers, but Brian told us." Howie said just as Kevin opened the door.

"What do you want JT?" He asked me.

"We need to talk Kevin, there seems to be some untruths here and I am going to clear them up one way or another." I tell him walking into his room.

"Okay so you are here, why aren't you with your husband back there?" He asks me.

"Kevin, I am not married to anyone. I don't have a husband." I tell him.

"Liar!" He yells. "That guy back there is your husband. Why are you playing these games with me?"

"I am not playing a game with you Kevin, I am not married to anyone. I don' t know who told you I was married but I am not." I tell him, walking over to him.

"Why is he here JT? Why was he in your room just now?" He asked me. "What did I walk in on?"

"You walked in on nothing. We were just talking Kevin, that's all it was. I have no feelings for him Kevin, I like you." I tell him.

"This is all some big fucking joke to you. I should have known something was up when I saw you hug him this morning outside on the patio." He told me, crying softly now.

"Kevin please. There is nothing going on with me and Will, I promise you that." I tell him.

"Why is he here, tell me that." He says in between his tears. "Why is he here with you? Why did the guys tell me he was married to you? What's your history with him"

"I dated Will before I met Josh. We were together for a few years until I started working for Johnny. When I took the position as a security guard, our relationship became strained." I explained to him. "After working with the guys of N Sync, I developed a crush on Josh. When their tour was over, Will asked me to marry him. I couldn't marry him because I was falling in love with Josh."

"So you never got married to him?" He asked me.

"Will made all the plans for the wedding. He was so happy that I was going to marry him. We had been having small arguments and he felt that if we got married, that would help solve our problems. A few days before the wedding, I bought an apartment in Albany, New York and started moving my things slowly while he was working on his modeling. On the day of the wedding I was completely moved out of his place and living in Albany. The wedding was slated to start at nine that day and I never showed up." I explained to him.

"So you left him at the alter?" He asked me.

"Yes I left him at the alter, I couldn't marry him. I didn't love him the same way I use to." I tell him, walking over to him, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"So have you two seen each other since then?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I saw him last year when he started taping That 70s Show'." I tell him.

"If I asked you to marry me, would you leave me at the alter?" He asked me.

"No I wouldn't leave you at the alter, but we haven't known each other that long to be at the alter." I tell him, kissing him on his cheek.

"I'm sorry JT, I shouldn't have acted like this. I should have talked to you first." He spoke, kissing me on the lips now.

"Well I can see why you got upset. I would have been upset if I found you in a room in the middle of the night with someone you had a prior relationship with too." I tell him.

"Oh really?" He says. "So you would be jealous too. You do care."

"If I didn't care, I wouldn't be here now with you. Get it in gear mister." I tell him, kissing him again. "I'm I sleeping here with you or are we going back to my room?"

"Let's go back to your room, I would rather not hear Nick and Justin when they get to bed." He says, grabbing my hand. "I think we are going to be okay."

"Maybe we will. Now come on." I say as we walked out of his room, back down to mine.

// Nick and Justin's Room //

"Baby it's almost three, we need to get some sleep." Justin spoke, kissing Nick on the check.

"Yeah we do." Nick says, taking off his shoes and unbuttoning his short. "I love you Justin."

"I love you Nick." Justin stated, lying down next to Nick.

// Later //

"Baby wake up." Nick spoke, shaking Justin. "Come on baby get up, your mother is here."

"What is it baby? What's wrong?" Justin asked.

"We have to go, it's your brother." Nick spoke.

"My brother, what's wrong with Jon?" Justin asked sitting up in bed.

"We don't know, he's at the hospital." Nick spoke, getting up, pulling his clothes back on.

"What's going on baby, is this our room?" Justin asked.

"Yes this is our room silly. Come on, we need to hurry and get downstairs, mom's waiting." Nick spoke.

"I thought you said my mom was here?" Justin asked.

"She is here silly, come on. You know how she gets when she has to wait for us." Nick stated, tying his shoes and heading for the door to the room.

"Something's not right here baby." Justin spoke, putting his shoes on.

// Downstairs //

"What have I told you boys about being slow, come on, let's go." Lynn stated, pushing the guys out of the house. "I have been waiting down here for more than ten minutes."

"Sorry mom." Nick spoke. "It's Just's fault, he wouldn't wake up."

"I told you to get a glass of water and throw it in his face, that would have done the trick." Lynn spoke as they all got into the car.

"What's going on? What happened to Jon?" Justin asked.

"I don't know. I got a call to go to the hospital. So we are on our way." Lynn spoke.

"How long is this going to take?" Justin asked.

"Baby, we are going to the hospital to make sure your brother is okay." Nick spoke. "He's more important than anything else you might want to do today."

"I know that." Justin spoke. "Quiet, I am trying to think."

"Oh God, please don't blow a brain cell." Nick says jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

"We're here. Come on." Lynn stated as they all got out of the car.

"Where is he ma?" Justin asked as they walked through the Emergency Doors.

"Excuse me, miss. Could you tell me where Jonathan Timberlake is?" Lynn asked, speaking with the young woman behind the counter.

"Are you family?" The young woman asked.

"Yes I am his mother." Lynn stated as Justin and Nick stood there at the counter waiting for an answer.

"Mrs. Harless is it?" The young woman asked.

"Yes, Lynn Harless." Lynn spoke.

"Come this way please." The young woman spoke, leading Lynn, Justin and Nick to where Jonathan was.

"Oh my God, what happened to him?" Justin asked, looking through the glass of the room where Jonathan was.

"The story we got was that he was on the playground, he went to get a ball that had rolled onto the sidewalk and a drunk driver ran him over." The young woman spoke, reading the information off the chart.

"Oh God Jon." Justin stated, tears streaming down his face now. "I need to get in there to be with him. Can I get in there?"

"I'm sorry, we are not letting anyone in to see him right now." The young woman spoke.

"Why not? I am not going to do anything to him. Please let me in to see my brother." Justin spoke, crying harder now on Nick's shoulder.

"Oh alright sir, just don't disturb him too much." The young woman stated, opening the door to let Justin in. "Keep it short please."

"I will." Justin stated, walking into the room. "Hey buddy, how ya feeling?"

"Hey Justy, where's Nick?" Jonathan asked.

"He's outside with ma." Justin spoke.

"Okay Justy. I feel sleepy Justy." Jonathan spoke, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"I know you are tired. I just wanted to come in to make sure you were

okay." Justin spoke, leaning down to place a kiss on Jonathan's forehead. "I love ya kid."

"I love you to Justy." Jonathan spoke as the heart monitor in the room started beeping to indicate that he was flat lining.

"No! No! Somebody help!" Justin screamed.

"Step out of the way sir." A man stated, pushing past Justin as he and some other people started working on Jonathan.

"Oh God please don't let him die." Justin stated as Nick came into the room and pulled him out of the way.

// 2 Hours Later //

"Doctor is he okay?" Justin asked as the man came from Jonathan's room

"I'm sorry, but he didn't make it." The man spoke.

"No, no!" Justin started screaming as Nick held him.

"I'm sorry, but we did everything we could for him. There was too much internal bleeding that we couldn't stop." The man spoke. "I am very sorry for your loss."

"My brother is dead, my brother is dead!" Justin screamed as Nick cradled him in his arms, trying to calm him down.

// 7:26 AM //

"Justin, Justin baby wake up." Nick stated, shaking Justin lightly. "Baby wake up you are having a bad dream."

"Oh my God, where are we baby?" Justin asked, jumping out of bed, grabbing his clothes.

"We are at the hotel in Hawaii." Nick spoke, looking at Justin strangely. "Baby are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine. Oh Nicky, I'm so sorry. I promise I won't drink again. Please forgive me for the way I have been acting lately. I love you baby."

"I love you too Justin, I will always love you." Nick stated. "What brought this on?"

"I had a very bad dream. I dreamt that Jon was killed by a drunk driver." Justin spoke, sitting down next to Nick and lying his head on his shoulder.

"Oh my God that was a disturbing dream." Nick spoke, kissing Justin on the cheek and hugging him. "Jon is alright he and Paul just left out of here."

"Oh God I need to see him." Justin spoke, running out of the room.

// Down in Lynn's Room //

"Are you okay Justin?" Lynn asked opening the door for Justin.

"I am fine. Where is Jon?" Justin asked as Nick walked in behind him.

"He's in the bathroom, he should be out in a minute or two." Lynn spoke. "Justin are you sure you are okay?"

"I am fine, I just need to talk to Jon." Justin spoke as Jonathan walked into the room.

"Hi Justy." Jonathan spoke, running over to Justin and hugging him.

"Lil man. I am so glad to see you." Justin spoke, spinning Jonathan around in his arms.

"I glad to see you Justy too." Jonathan spoke, giggling excitedly. "Hi Nick."

"Hi Jon." Nick spoke, giving Jonathan a hug while he was still in Justin's arms.

"Justy I have been practicin how to walk down the hall with ya ring." Jonathan spoke. "I can't wait for ever'one to see me give it to you."

"You have buddy, well I hope you are ready, because we are going to do that later on today." Justin spoke, kissing Jonathan on the forehead again.

"Cool." Jonathan spoke as Justin put him down.

"So we are getting married today?" Nick asked.

"Yes we are getting married today." Justin spoke. "We will just have to wing it."

NOTE: The Wedding Invitation can be found below...

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

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