My Kinda Guy

Published on Aug 14, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC, BSB or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

Author's Note: `Spend My Life With You' is by Eric Benet and Tamia. I don' t own the song and I didn't write it. There you have it.

This chapter of Twilight in Paris is dedicated to the memory of Rick James. (Rev James) We will forever miss his music that left a mark on our generation.

"Twilight in Paris...City of lights, its everything I hoped it would be..." by JEM and the Holograms

My Kinda Guy -- Twilight in Paris Chapter -- 7 by JT Poole and Nicole Brown

// Molokai, HI -- Kaluakoi Villas -- JT and Kevin's Room //

"Good morning baby, get up." Kevin spoke, kissing JT on the cheek and poking him playfully in the side. "We have to get up and get ready. Nikki' s wedding rehearsal starts at nine and it's now eight thirty. Come on baby get up."

"I don't wanna get up." JT grumbled, rolling over and pulling the covers up over his head.

"Baby you are acting like a child. Come on, you know this is a special day for Nikki, get up." Kevin spoke in an authoritative tone.

"She's not marrying me. She doesn't need me there." JT grumbled again as Kevin grabbed the covers, yanking them away from him and causing him to grab for a pillow.

"That's it baby!" Kevin exclaimed, going into the bathroom and slamming the door.

"Dang, thought he would never leave." JT spoke softly, grabbing the covers and pulling them back over his body.

"I warned you." Kevin spoke walking back into the room with the ice bucket and dousing JT with cold water.

"ARRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" JT screamed, jumping up out of the bed and then looking at Kevin, anger apparent in his mind. "I'm gonna get you Richardson! You have a few seconds before I attack!"

"You are joking" Kevin spoke, looking at JT with a scared expression on his face.

"When I get my hands on you, you are going to regret doing that Mr. Richardson." JT spoke, trying to calm down.

"But baby..." Kevin whimpered as JT grabbed him, pushing him on the bed and then tickling him. "Baby stop, stop, going to make me pee my pants."

"You should have thought of that when you get me all wet in the worst way!" JT shouted, still tickling Kevin.

"I'm sorry baby, but I had to do something to get you up. Please stop baby." Kevin pleaded with JT.

"Oh alright." JT spoke, lying down on top of Kevin and placing a kiss to his lips. "Beware, I will pay you back."

"I know baby, I know. We need to get to the rehearsal. Get a quick shower and dry off. We can talk revenge later." Kevin spoke, helping JT up and walking into the bathroom.

// Down on the Beach -- The Wedding Rehearsal //

"Okay JT you and Kevin will be over here." Lydia spoke, grabbing JT by the arm and leading him and Kevin to the spot they would be standing in. "See Nikki wants you guys over here."

"Wait wait wait. I don't think that's how she wants it." JT spoke, grabbing the piece of paper from Lydia, looking over the sheet.

"Give me that back you geek." Lydia said as her and JT started playing around.

"No, get away small fry." JT spoke, jokingly with Lydia.

"Small fry, if I remember correctly I was taller than you and use to kick your butt." Lydia spoke, licking her tongue at JT.

"Would you two cut it out, we don't have time for your childish games." Kevin spoke.

"Excuse me?" Lydia spoke, looking at Kevin. "If you want to be my brother-in-law then I suggest you watch what you say Kev."

"What?" Kevin spoke out, looking at Lydia and then to JT. "What do you mean Lydia...are you saying JT won't marry me if you don't approve?"

"I don't know. Would he?" Lydia asked looking at Kevin then to JT.

"Okay you two break it up." JT said, stepping between Lydia and Kevin. "Dang you two, stop this. This is Nikki's day. Don't ruin this for her."

"Didn't mean to, I was only joking with him. Damn, have a cow why don' tcha." Lydia spoke, smacking Kevin on the arm playfully and walking away.

"Your sister is seriously trying to kill me. She needs to not scare me like that." Kevin spoke, wrapping his arms around JT's waist as Nikki and Howie walked over.

"Morning Kev, JT how are you today?" Howie asked, sitting down at the table in front of JT and Kevin.

"I'm good, how about you?" JT asked.

"Hey man I am the best." Howie spoke smiling from ear to ear.

"Cool man. That's good. So are you ready to walk that mile?" Kevin asked.

"You know it man. I have been waiting for this day all my life." Howie answered, his smile fading as Nikki walked towards JC and Joey.

"What's wrong man?" Kevin asked, noticing the expression on Howie's face.

"I don't know. I am happy, but every time I see them together, something pulls at my heart." Howie spoke, turning away.

"D what do you mean? Are you jealous of the relationship they have?" Kevin asked as JT kissed him on the cheek and walked over to where Justin and Nick were.

"I'm not jealous, I am just...just...I don't know, maybe I am jealous. I love her, but I feel that they are holding on to something." Howie spoke, placing his head in his hands.

"Have you talked to her about this?" Kevin asked.

" I can't talk to her about that." Howie spoke, turning around to see Nikki and Joey sitting at a table talking.

"Wonder what they are talking about." Kevin spoke.

"I don't know and don't care, I just don't like it when he's with her." Howie spoke.

"Why? What has Joey done?" Kevin asked.

"He's the father of her babies." Howie spoke, causing Kevin to spit out his coffee.

"He's the what!?!" Kevin asked, dropping into the nearest chair.

"He's the father of her babies." Howie said again.

"You are joking right?" Kevin asked, staring at Howie wide-eyed.

"No I am not joking, he's the father." Howie answered him, twiddling his thumbs at the table.

"What about her husband, isn't he the father?" Kevin asked.

"He's not the father, Joey is." Howie spoke, as the both of them got quiet.

// Over with Nikki and Joey //

"What do you mean by that Nikki?" Joey asked, looking at some invisible object on the table.

"I mean you have to let me go Tony. You can't live in the past, you have to live in the here and now and you are not doing that." Nikki spoke, holding Joey's hand. "Do you love Josh like you say?"

"Yes I love him. Why would you ask me something like that?" Joey asked, looking at Nikki with tears in his eyes.

"I ask you this because I don't feel like you have truly let me go." Nikki answered him. "I see the way you look at me, I notice the way you act around me. The day we found out the boys were yours, you were happy and I saw something in your eyes that I thought I would never see again, but what' s in your eyes can no longer be. Today is my wedding day and I have moved on and you should too."

"I don't know how to move on. I love him and I love you." Joey said, looking at Nikki with a strange kind of longing in his eyes.

"You do know how to move on Tony. You just need to concentrate the physical love you have for me into the love you have for Josh." Nikki spoke, rubbing Joey's hand.

"I don't know how to do that." Joey spoke, looking away from her.

"Yes you do Tony, you know what you need to do. To start, you can give me away to Howie at our wedding today." Nikki spoke as Joey tears fell freely and Nikki reached out to hug him.

"I guess that's what I need to do so we both can be happy." Joey spoke, sniffling now.

"That's right. Once you have done that, things will fall into place all around." Nikki spoke, rubbing Joey's back.

"I will give you away, but I won't remove you from my heart completely. You were my first true love and you will always be there in my heart." Joey spoke, wiping his eyes.

"Thank you Tony, that's all I ask." Nikki spoke, kissing Joey on the cheek and getting up from the table. "Come on let's get this rehearsal on the road."

"We can do that, but I have to pick up mom, dad and Janine from the airport around lunchtime." Joey spoke.

"Well I am quite sure we will be done by then." Nikki spoke as she and Joey walked back over to where Howie and Kevin were.

// Down the Beach -- After Lunch //

"Come on Justy tell me, why are you scared to tell me things?" Nick asked, holding Justin's hand as the two of them walked along the beach.

"I am not scared to tell you, I just don't want to upset you with things that happen or may happen." Justin answered him, stopping and turning to face him. "Too much shit has happened in our lives. We don't need too much drama."

"That's true baby, but I am your husband now. That means we work through everything and we move on." Nick spoke, placing a kiss on Justin's lips.

"I know that, but I don't like to see you hurt when something goes wrong." Justin spoke, caressing the side of Nick's face.

"I know baby, but there's going to be pain sometimes, we can't always be happy baby." Nick spoke as they started walking again.

"I know, but I want to make every part of our lives happy." Justin spoke, placing a kiss on Nick's lips.

"Well we just have to do everything we can to keep ourselves happy." Nick spoke as the two of them spotted two familiar faces.

"Isn't that Kristin and Will, JT's ex?" Justin asked, pointing at two people walking towards them.

"Yeah it is." Nick confirmed Justin's question.

"Oh great, I hope they are not here to cause problems today. Nikki would be crushed." Justin said, as he grabbed Nick's hands and the two of them walked in the opposite direction.

// Later On -- The Hotel Lobby //

--- Nikki's POV ---

"Mama Phyllis!" I shouted as I ran over to where she was sitting. She stood up, stopping as she looked down at Josh.

"Is this my new grandson?" she asked, hugging me with one arm as she admired Joshua.

"This is one of your new grandsons," I replied, turning Josh around so she could see him better. "This is Joshua Christian. His brother is Joseph Christopher."

"He's so beautiful!" she exclaimed, touching his cheek as Howie walked up carrying Joseph on his chest. She frowned at him for a split second, then smiled again. "Hello Howie, how are you?"

"I'm good Mrs. Fatone," D replied, smiling sweetly. I know he could feel the tension, but he wasn't going to let it get to him.

"May I hold him?" she asked, holding out her arms for Joey. Howie unsnapped the baby carrier, handing Joey to her. "Oh look at you. You look just like your Daddy!"

"I think they look more like Nikki," Howie said with a grin. Phyllis looked at him sharply, obviously not liking the fact that he`d contradicted her.

"Howie, can I have a moment alone with Nicole?" she asked, not taking her eyes off the baby. Howie looked at me, wanting to make sure I was okay with that. At my nod, he kissed me and Josh, making the baby giggle and babble before he walked away.

"Mama, is there a problem?" I asked, already having a pretty good idea what was wrong.

"Nicole, why are you marrying Howie when you know you still love Joey?" she asked, watching me. I sighed, putting Joshua on my shoulder.

"Mama, what I had with Tony is over and it has been for awhile now," I replied, meeting her gaze steadily. "Anthony chose being in N Sync over me. I got on with my life. Besides, Tony is gay in case you haven't noticed."

"That's beside the point!" she hissed, scaring Joey so that he started crying. She put him on her shoulder, lowering her voice as she bounced him. "He deserves a chance to be a father to his children. This thing with JC is just a phase he's going through. You know as well as I do that he loves you and only you."

"No Mama, he doesn't," I replied with another sigh. "Tony can be a father to his sons without being married to me. He's a father to Bri and he and Kelly aren't together anymore."

"Did he ever tell you the real reason he left Kelly?" she asked, shifting Joey to her other shoulder. "He left her because she wasn't you. No woman has ever measured up to you in his eyes."

"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked, sadness threatening to overwhelm me. "Why wait until the day I'm marrying the man I love to drag this up again?"

"I'm doing this to stop you from making a huge mistake and throwing away real happiness for something that is only making you happy right now," she replied, grabbing my arm when I tried to stand up. "Don't walk away from Tony Nicole. He needs you and you need him."

"That's where you're wrong Mama," I replied, struggling not to break down. "What I need is to marry someone who loves me with his entire heart, holding nothing back. I need someone who can love me completely, without having to hold some little part of himself back. That's what I have with D. He loves me totally, without reservation. Tony could never give me that. He's in love with JC... not me."

"What about the babies?" she pressed. "Don't they deserve to know their father?"

"They will know their father," I replied, standing up again. "They will know that Tony loves them as much as I do. But they'll also know that D loves them too. He'll be there for them just like Tony will, and he'll be there for me too. Now if you'll exuse me, I have a wedding to get ready for."

I took Joey from her and walked away, leaving Phyllis sitting there with an expression I had never seen on her face before directed at me. Anger. I shivered, knowing that I had just hurt the woman who was closer to me than a Mother, but not about to take my words back. It may not have been what she wanted to hear, but it was what I needed to say.

// At Lydia's Hotel Room //

"Craig he's still here lurking, I know he is." Lydia stated, walking over to the bed and sitting down.

"I don't care if he's here or not. He's not going to ruin what we have." Craig spoke, sitting next to Lydia, placing a kiss to her lips.

"What if..." Lydia started, but was cut off by Craig.

"What if nothing. You will be divorced from him soon. You don't have to worry about him anymore." Craig told her, kissing her again.

"I am not divorced yet, I still have to worry about him until the judge says we are no longer married. I don't want to have to live my life like Nikki did running from her husband. I just can't do that Craig, I won't do that." Lydia stated, crying on his shoulder.

"You won't have to baby." Craig said, trying to sooth her just as there was a knock on the door.

"That's probably Nikki bringing me the rest of my outfit." Lydia say, hoping up off the bed and walking to the door.

"Cool, I want to see what you look like, I can't wait." Craig says as Lydia opens the door and Ben, her husband is standing there in the doorway with a baseball bat. "What the hell!"

"Bitch I'm gonna kick yo' azz!" Ben exclaimed, running towards Craig with the bat in the air.

"Stop!" JT screamed, firing his gun in the air.

"JT!" Lydia screamed, covering her ears and falling to her knees.

"I said stop! Put the fucking bat down and move away from Mr. Anderson." JT stated, walking into the room with the gun pointed at Ben.

"What the fuck is this? Yo' punk azz brotha can't stop me!" Ben shouted, raising the bat again and getting ready to swing at Craig.

"I warned you!" JT shouted, firing again, this time shooting Ben in the hand, causing him to drop the bat and grab his hand. "Ben Blair you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law. Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?"

"Fuck you man!" Ben shouted, still holding his hand. "You shot me in my hand!"

"You lucky I didn't shoot you in your chest where I wanted to aim." JT spok e. "Do you understand these rights as I have read them out to you? Answer me Ben!"

"Yeah, yeah I understand them. Get me a fucking doctor man!" Ben shouted, standing up, holding his hand between his legs.

"I will get you a doctor when you have been escorted away from my sister." JT said, grabbing Ben by his bloody arm and slinging him up against the wall, placing handcuffs on him. "Okay Lydia, I will talk to you later, get back to what you were doing."

"Thank you bro." Lydia stated as JT walked out of the room pushing Ben out.

// That Evening -- The Hotel Veranda //

As the last of the guests took their seats, Howie and AJ took their places underneath the arbor with Reverend James. AJ gave Howie a pat on the shoulder, smiling at his best friend's nervousness. His smile slipped a little as he looked at Chris, wishing that could have just one more chance to fix what had gone so wrong between them. Jon B. and Tamia took their places in front of the microphones and began to sing.

I never knew such a day could come And I never knew such a love Could be inside of one I never knew what my life was for Now that you're here I know for sure

I never knew till I looked in your eyes I was incomplete till the day you walked into my life And I never knew that my heart could feel So precious and pure One love so real

"Tony, are you ready?" Nikki asked softly, putting her hand on Joey's arm. "It's time."

"As ready as I'll ever be," Joey replied, taking her hand in his and putting it over his arm. He took in the simple off white dress with it`s smattering of shimmer, "You look beautiful Nikki--- just like I always knew you would."

"Thank you," Nikki replied, wiping her eyes. "Damn it Anthony, don't you make me cry!"

"I'm sorry," Joey replied, barely holding back his own tears. "Come on, let' s get you married."

Lydia walked out into the sunshine, looking sexy in the simple gold layered dress that Nikki had chosen for her. She looked around, smiling when her eyes found Craig's. She whispered "I love you", then went to stand under the arbor with Kevin and Howie to wait for Nikki and Joey.

Joey stepped out of the hotel with Nikki on his arm, his heart still hurting more than he thought possible. He saw the flash of something that he knew was love, but it wasn't the same love that she felt for Howie. As much as he still loved her, he knew that he had to let her go. He smiled down at his best friend one last time before walking her down the aisle to where her new life waited.

Can I just see you every morning when I open my eyes (every morning baby) Can I just feel your heart beating beside me Every night (and everyday) Can we just feel this way together (together) Till the end of all time Can I just spend my life with you (spend my life)

Now baby the days and the weeks And the years will roll by But nothing will change the love inside Of you and I

And baby I'll never find any words That could explain Just how much my heart my life My soul you've changed

Can you run to these open arms When no one else understands (when no one else understands) Can we tell God and the whole world (can we tell God) I'm your woman, and you're my man (that you're my man) Can't you just feel how much I love you (how much I love you) With one touch of my hand (oh baby) Can I just spend my life with you

Nikki's POV

As I'm walking towards D I can't help but think about the myriad of people I saw before me. JT and Kevin look so in love. I'm glad he finally said yes to Kevin. They are both good people who deserve to be happy. I don't know what I'm gonna do about Lydia. My girl is catching hell with these two men fighting over her. I just hope she doesn't get herself hurt. I see Justin and Nick sitting there looking mighty damned tasty in their tuxedoes, and I can't help but think that it's a miracle that the two of them found each other when they did. Love is a beautiful thing.

Then I look into the eyes of the man I love and everything and everyone else ceases to exist. I never thought I could be this happy again, but sometimes love tends to sneak up on you when you least expect it. I am blessed and grateful that I finally found my somebody to love. Today is all about how much I love my own Sweet D, the one who owns my heart and soul.

No touch has ever felt so wonderful (You are incredible) And a deeper love I've never known (I'll never let you go) I swear this love is true (Now and forever to you to you) Only for you Can I just see you every morning when I open my eyes (open up my eyes) Can I just feel your heart beating beside me (feel your heart beating next to me) Every night (every day and every night) Can we just feel this way together Till the end of all time Can I just spend my life with you

Can you run to these open arms When no one else understands (no one else understands) Can we tell God and the whole world You're my woman, and you're my man (you're my man) Can't you just feel how much I love you (how much I love you) With one touch of my hand Can I just spend my life with you

Can I just spend my life with you Can I just spend my life with you (Forever here with you) Can I just spend my life with you Can I just see you every morning when I Open my eyes

Reverend James walked up to the microphone, smiling at the group in front of him.

"Howard and Nicole, in presenting yourselves here today to be joined in marriage you perform an act of faith. This faith can grow and develop and last, but only if you both decide to make it so. A lasting and growing love is not guaranteed by any ritual. If you would have the foundation of your marriage be the devotion you have for one another, then treasure the hopes and dreams that you bring here today."

"Now, who gives this woman to be married to this man?" he asked, looking at them.

"I do," Joey replied, kissing Nikki's hand before placing it in Howie's. He returned to his seat next to JC who sat holding Joshua. He took baby Joey from his Mom and kissed him softly before turning back to watch the rest of the wedding.

"Howard, take your bride by her left hand and say unto her the words which will bind your hearts together in the sight of God, your families and friends," the minister stated.

"I, Howard Dewaine Dorough, take you, Nicole Yvonne Thomas, as my friend and love, beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, in conflict and tranquility. I ask that you be no one other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not know yet, in all the ways that life may find us.

"And now place the band of gold upon her finger, and say the words which will bind your lives forever," Reverend James stated. Howie took Nikki's hand, smiling into her eyes as he said:

"Nicole, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of God."

"Nicole, take your groom by his left hand and say unto him the words which will unite your hearts together in the sight of God, your families and friends." Reverend James repeated.

"I, Nicole Yvonne Thomas, take you, Howard Dewaine Dorough, as my friend and love, beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, in conflict and tranquility. I ask that you be no one other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not know yet, in all the ways that life may find us."

"And now place the band of gold upon his finger, and say the words which will bind your lives forever," the minister stated. Nikki took Howie's hand, shaking so badly that she had trouble getting the ring on.

"Howie, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of God."

"I know that the couple has some personal vows that they would like to recite to each other and Howie has something special for Nicole's sons. Howie."

"Nicole, there was darkness for a long time and then there was light, and that light was you. Your generous heart has healed me, and helped my heart and soul to be free to trust again. I don't question your commitment to us and I know there's nothing we can't work through. And I accept you as my partner and as my best friend above all others.

It's a miracle to find the kind of peace and happiness that you've given me and in honor of that miracle, I pledge before our family and friends to love and to cherish you forever. Your love has given me wings, and our journey begins today. I pledge before our family and friends to be your husband from this day forward and to make our two lives one. I want you for today, tomorrow, and forever."

Nikki smiled through her tears, loving him even more than she had before his sweet words.

"Howie, I have dreamed my whole life of having someone as wonderful as you to love me. Even though we started out not really understanding or liking each other, you were willing to look past my mistrust and to accept not only me but my sons into your life and heart. I look at you and I see my best friend, your inner beauty so strong that I no longer fear being myself. I no longer fear at all.

I never thought that I could find someone that I could love that would love me back unconditionally. Without you my soul would be, but I know that it would be incomplete. I thank God everyday for the miracle that brought you into my life, and I thank you for loving me. I give myself to you as your wife, and I promise here to treasure for all of my days the love we celebrate today."

Joey and JC brought the babies to Howie and Nikki, each handing off their small charge before going back to sit down. Howie looked down at baby Joe, smiling when the baby reached up to grab his hair in a tiny fist. Nicole held Joshua, laughing while Howie kissed Joey and took one of Joshua's hand in his.

"I, Howard Dewaine Dorough, choose you, Joshua Christopher, and Joseph Christian Fatone, to be my family. I promise to love & respect you, and to provide for you to the best of my ability. I promise to make our home a haven, where trust, love, and laughter are abundant. I make these promises lovingly, and freely, and I vow to honor them all the days of my life."

"I speak now to Howie and Nicole of love, in which, the trust and freedom of the other person becomes as significant as the trust and freedom of one's self. I speak to them of generosity, which gathers the beauty of earth for riches and the kindness, which turns away the wrath of foolish men and women. I speak of all our hopes for their continued growth through patience, one for the other.

And now, with this statement made of love and trust, which we have heard here today, I now wish you to greet Howard and Nicole Dorough as husband and wife.

"Hello Mrs. Dorough," Howie said, smiling as he took Nicole in his free arm.

"Hello Mr. Dorough," Nikki replied, kissing Howie for so long that the guys started whistling at them. They broke apart with sheepish grins, laughing when the babies started babbling in their arms.

// Later That Night -- Down on the Beach //

"Hey hey hey! Calm down people." Howie said, tapping his champagne glass with his fork. "Now that I have your attention, me and my lovely wife Nikki would like to thank all of you for coming to witness our magnificent union."

"Oh yeah it was really magnificent darling." Lydia stood up and spoke.

"I am glad you two finally got hitched." JT spoke, turning around to look at Nikki and Howie. "Now that you two are married, maybe now me and Kev here can get married."

"Maybe you can slowpoke." Nikki said, sticking her tongue out at JT. "He asked you a long time ago for your hand and you are just now talking about marriage."

"Well I had to wait to be sure he was my Mr. Right." JT spoke, as Kevin grabbed his hand.

"Enough about us, this is their night." Kevin spoke, wrapping his arms around JT and kissing him passionately.

"Hey cut that shit out." Nikki said, starting to giggle as Lydia pop JT then Kevin in the back of the head.

"Sit down you two." Lydia spoke, laughing. "You may continue Howie."

"Oh hell I forgot the rest." Howie said, grabbing Nikki, placing a kiss on her lips that seemed to go on forever.

"Now that's what you call a fucking kiss." JC spoke, standing up with his glass.

"Oh my God. Please don't let him do something stupid." JT whispered to Justin.

"Oh no, he's drunk." Justin whispered back.

"I would like to propose a toast...a toast...yeah a toast to Howie and Nikki." JC stuttered, leaning up against the veranda railing. "May you two be in love...blurgggggh...may you two be in love forever and forever...yeah forever. You two deserve each other."

"Josh, Josh please." Justin whispered, walking up to JC. "Come on Josh lets get you back to your room."

"Oh look here, it's my best friend Justin. Hey Justin aren't they made for each other?" JC asked, hugging Justin around his neck.

"Yeah Josh they are made for each other. Come on, let's get you back to your room." Justin spoke as JC pulled away from him.

"No! I don't want to go back to my room, I want to stay right here and watch Nikki and Howie celebrate their love, something I don't get to do with the person I love." JC spoke, moving closer to Nikki and Howie. "Isn't that right Nikki, you have it all. You have Howie and you have Joey!"

"She doesn't have me, you have me." Joey spoke, taking JC's hand and placing a kiss to the palm.

"Like hell she doesn't!" JC screamed, tears running down his face. "I don' t have your heart like she does."

"Baby you are the only holder of my heart. Nikki will always have a place in my heart, but it is you that my heart cherishes." Joey said, placing a kiss to JC's lips.

"Your heart cherishes me?" JC asked, looking deep into Joey's eyes.

"Yes baby only you. You are the person that my heart loves." Joey answered him, wrapping him up in his arms, placing a kiss to his lips that pushed all his anger and sadness away.

"I love you Joey." JC spoke.

"I love you Josh." Joey stated as Phyllis came closer to the two men.

"What is the meaning of this?" Phyllis asked, pulling Joey away from JC, causing JC to drop his head down.

"The meaning of this? I love him ma, and I always will." Joey replied to her, wrapping his arms around JC again.

"This is only a phase Joseph!" Phyllis shouted.

"Oh lawd! Why is this happening at my wedding! This is my special day!" Nikki screamed, running off with Howie following behind her.

"Look what you have done ma!" Joey shouted, causing Phyllis to smack him

"Damn damn damn!" JT shouted, getting up from the table and going after Nikki and Howie.

"I didn't know his name was Florida Evans." Kevin spoke, getting up to follow JT as Nick, and Justin had confused looks on their faces.

"I don't get it. Who's Florida Evans?" Nick asked.

"You got me." Justin spoke, looking stumped.


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E-Mail: Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: gayboyjt2001 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 62: Twilight in Paris 7b

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